Douluo's personal pendant

Chapter 84 The Story of 1

Chapter 84 One's Story
In the huge ancient palace, the old man sighed, his eyes suddenly narrowed, sometimes a smile flashed across his face as if he had eaten candied fruit, sometimes he felt depressed like swallowing snake gall, and sometimes flashed the resentment like his whole family being killed. Looking back at his face, he looked warily at this old man who claimed to be the ancestor of mankind.

Although he tells wonderful stories, he still needs to be a little vigilant towards strangers, not to mention that the old man's mood is very unstable now, which really makes people feel a little flustered.

He closed his eyes and meditated for a while, and when he opened his eyes again, there was no emotion on his face, and the language without any emotion but deeply rooted in his heart was spoken from his mouth again.

"After our group became human, for some reason, the soul rings in our bodies began to dissipate, and some strange marks began to appear on our bodies. The marks can make us look like other beasts, or turn us into other strange tools. The difference is that some people have no soul power in their bodies, and some people still have soul power in their bodies, just like it was destined to be so."

"Everything is changing. Since we called ourselves human beings, my body began to degenerate, our brains began to function rapidly, and the number of people in the family began to increase. We have enough living conditions to ensure our survival, and The clansman asked me fewer and fewer questions, and after just over 300 days, the assembly every seven days was changed to every 30 days, and finally changed to every 360 to five days.”

"Later, they stopped asking me questions. I knew they had learned to think. I was very relieved. I thought my mission was complete. I locked myself in the house, stored a lot of food and water, and told the tribe If there is no problem, please don’t bother me. I think if there is no problem, I have no meaning of existence. I only eat a little food every day, and I plan to gradually meet my destination. I have no problems for my brain to think about. .”

"After more than 300 days like this, the food was finished five days ago, and the water was three days ago. I haven't eaten a drop of water or a fruit for five or six days. My constantly running brain has also become dizzy. Yes, I thought I was about to leave, but luckily for me, my long-closed door was pushed open."

"I stared at the tall figure who broke into the room, that was my clansman, I knew him, his face was flustered, as if he was attacked by a fierce beast, the fear from the heart covered his face, no, it seemed to happen Only by doing something more terrifying than the attack of the beast can the people who have mastered the method of fighting the beast feel fear, I am very curious about what happened."

"He says."

"It's not good, patriarch, the clansmen are fighting."

"I'm very confused, what kind of problem is it when the clansman fights? Some people have asked how to solve the fight between two clansmen before. I told them to lock up the clansmen who are fighting for a period of time. This is what I gave after thinking about it. The answer I gave was very effective. Since then, everyone in the tribe has known that those who fight will be locked up, and there will be no one. Now, there are still tribesmen fighting, which makes me very puzzled."

"I asked."

"Aren't they afraid of being locked up?"

"That clansman was in a hurry, so he came forward, picked me up, ran out the door, and took me to the open space in the center of the tribe. I didn't know until I got there that it wasn't two clansmen fighting. It's two groups of people fighting."

"When they saw me coming, they hesitated for a while, and took back the martial spirit in their hands. I looked at it a little bit, and the people who fought were all clansmen with soul power, and the clansmen without soul power included the clansman who was carrying me on my back. They all watched with fear on their faces.”

"I got off the backs of my clansmen and stepped forward to look at the two groups of people fighting. They all fought with the posture of fighting fierce beasts. Everyone's length was injured. What I saw was the most serious whole One arm is gone, there is a wound on the chest that spreads to the abdomen, internal organs flow out from the wound, and the person beside him is helping him to stuff his internal organs into the wound."

"I asked them."

"Why are you fighting?"

"Both groups looked at their companions, but no one answered my question. After a while, two strong men walked out of each of the two groups. The big man on the left said."

"Patriarch, we are a hunting team. We are very dissatisfied. Why should we go to the mountains and forests to hunt food for the tribe, pick the fruits and bring them back to the tribe, to feed this group of guys who have nothing to do in the tribe, and to give them food? It’s fine to eat, they still don’t listen to us.”

"The big man on the right listened and said angrily, patriarch, we are guards. You stipulated that our job is to protect the tribe, and their job is to hunt food. This is all work. Why do they ask us to listen to them?" Yes, it's not fair."

"You eat free rice all day, idle around on weekdays, and guard the tribe. My mother-in-law told me that you sit under the big tree at the gate of the tribe every day, and go back to eat when you sit down. What do you participate in? Are you fighting? Are you in danger of our hunting team? Why don’t you listen to us.”

"You are also ashamed to say that your hunting food is dangerous. Look at what you have brought back these days, pheasants, hares, antelopes, and some wild fruits. These things are not enough to fill the stomachs of the people. You tell us that you are dangerous , a fierce tiger attacked our tribe more than [-] days ago, and it wasn't our guards who surrounded it, how can you still talk here?"

"The two sides quarreled in front of me. I didn't stop them. I didn't know how to stop them, because they knew how to think. They began to think about what they didn't have, how could others have what they didn't have, and how to let others have it. become your own."

"I left the tribe and embarked on a journey again. This time, I was alone. I want to find the meaning of human beings' thinking on the road."

"At the beginning, I hoped that other people in my group could think like me, because that would make our group stronger and live better. I succeeded, but when most people in my group knew how to think, After they figured out a way to get enough to eat, got rid of the threat of ferocious beasts, and started to live a comfortable life, their thinking made them hurt each other. I understand. When I was self-closing, they were not without problems , but their thinking told them to hide the problem, which created the bigger problem today."

"I crossed mountains, rivers and glaciers again. This time my footsteps did not stop because of the water, but even after walking for nearly a hundred years like this, I still haven't figured out how to make other people not think about their own safety like me. Like me, I think about the reproduction of the population, but I failed. I can't make people who already have the ability to think fully obey my words. I began to envy those ignorant leaders of the monkey group, because his people don't know how to think. You can rely on his strength to make his people listen to him."

"I can't, even if I can use my strength to suppress my people, they will think about how to get out of my suppression. One person may have no way, but a group of people will always find a way to resist me, and a group of people Thinking together is what I taught them.”

"The earth is so big that I can't go on. My foot was broken because of the beast's attack, my arm was left with a naked scar because of falling from a height, and my head was crushed because of the flash flood. The rocks rolled by the flood made a big hole, and I was lying on a rock by the river, panting heavily, and I could hardly keep my eyes open."

"Maybe I died because of it, but that problem has been bothering me all the time. How can I make people give up thinking for themselves and think about the reproduction of the species together? When I was about to die, I still couldn't think of a way."

"I'm going to die, that's what I thought at the time, my eyes began to blur, and everything in time kept turning white, turning white. When I was about to close my eyes, I heard a nice voice coming from my ear. I have never heard such a beautiful voice, and what is attached to that voice is not a roar like a beast, but words, he is speaking, words I created."

"I tried hard to open my eyes and wanted to see the person I named for the last time, but I failed. My eyes were white and I couldn't see anything at all, but I was glad that the voice didn't disappear. Continue to say this , he said."

"Hey, this kind of creature is very unusual. It's obviously exhausted, and there is no trace of life energy in its body, but it can still breathe. Although it is about to die, it is not ordinary."

"I don't know where the voice came from. I don't know if the owner of the voice is a man or a woman, young or old. I don't have the strength to think about this question anymore. I asked with all my strength."

"Are you human? Maybe it's my fear of death that makes me want to die in a place where there are people."

"The owner of that voice seemed to be very surprised. I felt the gaze, and he said in surprise."

"Hey, the language of a creature like you has some meaning, and you can express yourself so clearly. The world is so big, it's really no surprise. For the sake of this, I will answer the question of an inferior creature like you. I am not a human being, I am a god, the demon god who controls jealousy, the omnipotent demon god."

"At that time, I thought to myself, the omnipotent God, can He give me the answer to my problem, I spoke out my question, and I begged Him to answer it for me."

"I didn't expect him to laugh for a while after listening to the question, and said in a more surprised tone."

"I didn't expect you people to be able to feel jealous. It's great, it's great. I decided to use your models to cast my body. In exchange, I decided to pass on my inheritance to you. Make good use of my inheritance." ,Hahaha."

"I couldn't see at that time, and there was darkness in front of my eyes. When I heard him ask me if I was human, I nodded, and then my body seemed to be reshaped. I recovered my strength and the injuries on my body. I was able to stand up, and I was able to open my eyes, and when I quickly opened my eyes, I saw a circle of light floating in the air, and a figure whose whole body was wrapped in light and couldn't see clearly was stepping on the air and walking towards the circle of light."

"I hastened to call."

"God, you haven't answered my question yet?"

"The figure stopped in the air, I could feel him looking back at me, he said suspiciously."

"Why should I answer your questions for you, but forget it, I am in a good mood, forgive your unreasonableness, just answer your questions for you, you ask me how to make other people give up their selfish desires like you, and think wholeheartedly for the species, I I can only tell you that it is impossible, because as long as a creature has thinking, it will definitely think for itself to obtain more living conditions. This is desire, and desire cannot be removed. You also have desire. You are the same, you want other people to be you, so let other people be you, take away other people's thinking, instill your thoughts in them, let them be another you, this is to make other people and The method of giving up selfish desires is the same as yours, oh yes, I put the method of depriving others in my inheritance, let’s study it carefully, hahaha, maybe we may meet in the God Realm.”

The voice of Yi came from a distance, and Tang Fei felt the scenery in front of him change. In the blink of an eye, he seemed to follow Yi's thoughts back to a long time ago. The blurred language and voice were like a pair of arms crawling out of the abyss, grabbing him firmly and trying to drag him into the abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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