Chapter 114

So... what is Xia Xia?
The originally delicious dumplings, Bai Mo suddenly lost his appetite.

Suddenly, the hand on his lap was lightly held, Bai Mo raised his eyes, facing Long Haotian's deep black eyes.

With a smile on his lips, he shook his head slightly, picked up his chopsticks and continued to eat.

Long Haotian looked at her with dark eyes, then raised his eyes to look at Si Huan, and said in a deep voice, "I just have a few days off for Chinese New Year, and I want to take her to live in a wetland resort for a few days. go?"

Si Huan was taken aback, "Aren't you going to celebrate the New Year with me?"

"Have tonight's New Year's Eve dinner, and leave early tomorrow morning."

"Oh." Si Huan's expression was slightly disappointed, but she came back to her senses immediately, "It's okay, the weather in the wetland is warm and the air is good, you finally have a vacation, take Nuannuan to play, I can do it too Take advantage of this time to go back to Switzerland and prepare for Nuannuan's return to the royal family."

"Go back by yourself, I still have something to do, let the old man send a special plane to pick you up." Huang Shaoleng got up suddenly, and walked out of the restaurant.

"Ge Yue, I will stay here, you must take good care of her." Si Huan told Huang Shao Leng's figure loudly.

"If you're worried, you can take it away."

The cold voice made Si Huan frowned slightly, "What kind of temper, the older you get, the more you look like that stinky man Huangquan."

Bai Mo looked at Si Huan, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Does he not like Ge Yue?"

"So what if you don't like it?" Si Huan sighed softly, "His marriage cannot be decided by him."

On New Year's Eve, thousands of families are lit up, the whole family is reunited, and the whole family is happy.

Long went to court, and in the kitchen, the chefs were busy preparing a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner, and the servants were also busy preparing for tonight's New Year's Eve. It was supposed to be lively and festive, but the whole house was full of excitement. Facing the depression before the storm, everyone was trembling, and even walked as quietly as possible, for fear that someone who didn't pay attention would make the master unhappy.

In the living room, Long Boren was sitting on the sofa, with a gloomy face, his hands clenched into fists on his knees, his cheeks were cold and hard, his eyes were fixed on a certain place, revealing an obvious displeasure.

Except for the old lady and Yang Jing, everyone stood in front of him, everyone had unspeakable uneasiness on their faces, and their hearts were disturbed: the old man was really pissed off this time, it seems that this year has passed... ...nowhere to go.

Standing beside Long Haobai, Si Qing looked at Long Boren's suppressed anger that might erupt at any time. Although there was nothing abnormal on the surface, she was already happy in her heart.

Very well, everything is moving in a direction that is beneficial to her beyond expectations. Originally, she thought that the war between the old man and Long Haotian would not break out until the next year. Who knows, after the Chinese New Year Yes, he actually went missing, there was no one in the army, and the phone couldn't be reached. This made Long Boren, who was old-fashioned and valued family harmony on New Year's Eve, how could he not be angry?

Get angry, get angry to your heart's content, it's best to have a big explosion, what kind of father-son breakup, severing the relationship between father and son is the best.

Just when she was secretly happy, there was only a 'pop' sound, Long Boren slapped the table and stood up, the mustache on his lips trembled with his anger, his eyes were full of anger, "It's really getting worse and worse!" It's outrageous, he's getting more and more stupid, for a woman, if he doesn't go home during Chinese New Year, in his eyes, does he still have this home?"

Yang Jing was also anxious, secretly anxious in her heart, she never expected that Long Haotian would go missing on New Year's Eve, and it would be fine if he didn't come back, not even a phone call, this...

She wanted to find an excuse for her son, but after racking her brains, she couldn't think of a good excuse.

After all, it was his fault not to go home on New Year's Eve, no amount of excuses would be in vain, it would only make Long Boren more dissatisfied.

"Haotian, this child is really... more and more ignorant."

The old lady who had been silent all this time also opened her mouth at this moment, shaking her head and sighing, with a look of disappointment on her face, "Then Xiaobai, who usually looks like a sensible child, why is he messing around with her? Why don't we abduct my grandson, why doesn't she think about us as a big family?"

Si Qing was overjoyed, and even the old lady who had always been partial to Long Haotian and Bai Mo was angry. It seemed, huh, this incident was really more serious than she imagined.

"Third brother did something wrong this time, but I think he must have some unavoidable reasons." The boss Long Haomo opened his mouth.

"That's right, the third brother has always been prudent in his work. He is not a person who does things impulsively and recklessly." The eldest daughter-in-law also persuaded, "Grandma, don't be angry. It's a New Year's Eve. It's not good for your body to get angry."

"Oh, it's better to be my eldest daughter-in-law." Mrs. Long held the hand of the eldest daughter-in-law, patted it, her eyes filled with relief, "I was obsessed with ghosts before, and I thought that white foam was the most suitable for me. It seems that I am really old."

"Grandma, don't say that." The eldest daughter-in-law was a little shy after being praised by the old lady.

Si Qing, who was standing by the side, saw that her sister-in-law was so loved by the old lady, and her joy suddenly turned into unwillingness. She glanced at Long Boren who was still furious, and said pretending to hesitate, "Dad, I have something to do. I don't know if I should say..." She stopped suddenly when she said this.

"Do you know something? Tell me!" Long Boren stared at him and asked angrily.

"It's like this. I was a little unwell a few days ago and went to the Women's and Children's Hospital..."

"Is it the private women's and children's hospital? I heard it's pretty good, and many rich people give birth there now."

"Sister-in-law is right, it is that hospital." Si Qing nodded and continued, "I remember that it was a weekend and there was only one doctor on duty.

Behind Bai Mo, she doesn't know me, but I have seen her once..."

At this time, everyone was immersed in the stories she made up, and no one asked, 'When did she meet Bai Mo? '.

You know, every time Bai Mo appeared at Long's house, she was either sick or had to go out in a hurry.

At this time, everyone was focused on Bai Mo's problem, and didn't notice the loopholes in her words at all.

"Not long after she entered, I heard the sound of her crying from inside, and vaguely heard her say 'doctor, please save my child'..."

Before Si Qing could finish her sentence, Long Boren abruptly interrupted, "You mean, something is wrong with the baby in her belly?"

Faced with Long Boren's unbelievable questioning, Si Qing was a little emotional. This moment finally arrived.

"It is estimated that it is gone now."

Her words shocked everyone present, especially Yang Jing, who was so excited that she stood up from her seat and asked in a crying voice, "What do you mean by disappearing? What do you mean? Tell me clearly."

"Mom, calm down." Si Qing supported Yang Jing, with a painful expression on her face, "I wanted to tell you guys earlier, but I was afraid I heard it wrong. When I got home, I thought something must have happened to Bai Mo, so that he was tied down."

"My son."

Yang Jing fell down on the sofa all of a sudden, crying and crying, heartbroken.

Everyone also sighed.

"Why are you crying!" Long Boren yelled, "I've said it a long time ago, that bitch is a scourge, it's not enough for her to scourge Yichen, she also came to scourge Haotian, this time, I won't say anything Let her off easily!"

"Yes, I can't forgive you!"

The old lady Long echoed repeatedly, her old face full of resentment.

"Then what should we do now?" Yang Jing didn't dare to cry anymore, and asked worriedly, wiping away her tears.

"What can we do?" Long Boren's face was full of anger, "If he wants to hide, we can still find him? If he doesn't come back today, he will come back one day. We'll talk about it then."

"Then..." Yang Jing still wanted to plead for her son, but who knows, Long Boren glanced over coldly, "Don't say anything, let me have a New Year's Eve dinner, without him, I will not pass the New Year's Eve ?” As he spoke, he got up first and strode towards the restaurant.

Lishan, villa, restaurant on the first floor.

Today's New Year's Eve, Si Huan was kind and gave the servants a day off to reunite with their families; in the villa, apart from the guards hiding in the dark, only Si Huan, Bai Mo, Huang Shao Leng and Long Hao were left. Day four.

After lunch, Si Huan carried Huang Shao downstairs coldly, "Hurry up, go, and bring Ge Yue over."

"It's still early!"

Huang Shao gave her a cold look, then sat straight on the sofa in the living room, picked up the remote control and flipped through various channels casually.

Si Huan was so angry that her heart was shaking, she put her waist in front of the TV, her face was full of displeasure, "Huang Shao Leng, you don't listen to me, do you?"

"Mrs. Si, I just had lunch now, and it's still early before the New Year's Eve dinner, why go so early."

Huang Shao gave his own mother a sideways look, flicked the remote control, got up and walked towards the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Bai Mo was standing in front of Long Haotian, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt for him, when he heard footsteps, he turned his head to look, and saw Huang Shaoleng's stinky face, "What's the matter?"

Just as Huang Shaoleng was about to speak, Si Huan squeezed in with a displeased expression on his face, "What else can I do? Let him pick up Geyue, look at his reluctance."

"Since you know I don't want to, you still let me pick it up?"

Young Master Huang leaned against the doorframe beside him coldly, with the same unhappiness in his laziness.

Si Huan raised her hand and tiptoed and poked him on the forehead, "You child, how many times do I have to say it before you can remember."

"Ge Yue is not only your fiancée, but also the princess of the royal family. She came here with me this time and has attracted much attention from the royal family. Yesterday, her mother just talked to me on the phone and asked me to take good care of her daughter; The second time I came here secretly, so the media didn’t even know that she was a princess. If those media found out, they would make a lot of publicity about how you snubbed the princess. When the time came, the royal family would know about it. I see what you should do Go to end?"

"A small royal family, I didn't pay attention to them at all."

Huang Shao curled his lips coldly, full of disdain.

"Because of this, the royal family is afraid of us; the growth of the royal family has completely exceeded their expectations, and they have already felt the threat of the royal family to their royal family, so the king will make a request for marriage , marrying Geyue to the royal family, in this way, the royal family and the royal family have become in-laws, and with this level of relationship, there is more security for each other."

"So, just sacrifice my marriage?" Young Master Huang's cold blue eyes darkened slightly, his face was gloomy.

"Leng, even if you don't marry Geyue, you will be the princess of another big consortium or the royal family of some country. Your identity and your future status are absolutely not allowed to choose your wife at will."

"Then why was the old man able to marry you back then?" Young Master Huang questioned coldly, "He is also the helm of the royal family, why can he but I can't?"

Si Huan was silent, staring deeply at Huang Shao Leng for a long time, then turned and left the kitchen, and walked towards the living room.

Bai Mo watched Si Huan go out, followed quickly, and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

Si Huan shook her head and smiled wryly, "Don't worry, Mom is fine."

(End of this chapter)

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