Chapter 118

"Of course it's true, the facts are right in front of you, don't you believe it?"

The incident of hunting and killing 22 years ago was forcibly suppressed by the imperial power, and no news was revealed, so Silver Snake naturally didn't know about it.

All this is just a story he made up!

It's just a coincidence that even he himself would not have thought that the story he made up indiscriminately to make Si Qing hate Si Huan turned out to be what happened back then.

God's will?
Whether it is fate or injustice, there will always be a day when it will end!
Looking at the two photos in her hand, the facts speak louder than words, Si Qing stared at Si Huan's photo, suddenly tearing apart frantically, like a lioness whose territory has been usurped, full of anger and hatred.

"She should be damned for using my own daughter to save her daughter's life. Even after more than 20 years, I must avenge this revenge."

Si Qing's resentful voice drew Yin Snake's sneer, "Oh, how do you plan to repay it?"

"I killed her!"

Si Qing gritted her teeth to express her hatred, but Yin Snake couldn't stop laughing, "It's just you? It's hard for you to kill someone, but if they want to kill you, it's easier than crushing an ant."

"so what should I do?"

At this moment, Si Qing was completely blindfolded by hatred. If she could calm down a little, maybe her fate would not be so terrible in the future.

Silver Snake stood up from the sofa, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked slowly to the large French window in the living room, his evil eyes looked at the darkness outside the window, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly, "Didn't you already drop the window?" Does she kiss the child in her daughter's womb?"

The silver snake's words made Si Qing, who was still aggrieved just a moment ago, suddenly calm down. After thinking about it in her heart, the trace of guilt she had felt towards Bai Mo disappeared in an instant, and she smiled coldly, "No wonder I didn't Why do you like her, even if there is no blood relationship, how can you get close?"

"However, if I tell you that the child in her belly is still healthy and safe, what will you do?" Silver Snake turned around suddenly and said.


Si Qing immediately denied it, "I saw the soup she drank with my own eyes, and Bai Yan also told me that the baby in her sister's stomach is gone..."

"That's why you trust Bai Yan?"

Si Qing was taken aback by Yin Snake's words, "You mean...Yanyan lied to me?"

"You have no way out now." Silver Snake walked to the sofa again and sat down, then poured a glass of wine, this time did not drink it in one gulp like the last few times, but drank it slowly, with a calm expression attitude.

"What do you mean?"

Hearing Yin Snake's words, Si Qing's heart skipped a beat in an instant, as if she had expected something.

"Long Haotian is such a smart person. In his eyes, your little tricks are like children playing tricks. He already knew everything you wanted to do to Baimo; do you think that soup is really poisonous?" Silver Snake Taking a sip of the foreign wine, he narrowed his evil eyes in satisfaction, "He has already had someone replace the package of medicine secretly, and the medicine is just a little white flour."

"That idiot Bai Yan." Si Qing frowned, berating dissatisfiedly.

Silver Snake didn't speak any more, but leaned back on the sofa, continued to drink the mellow liquid, feeling the beauty of the moment when the sweet taste slid down his throat.

Si Qing was secretly annoyed for a while, and suddenly realized a serious problem, "According to what you mean, since Long Haotian already knew what I did, why hasn't he touched me yet?"

"Put a long line to catch a big fish."

"Big fish?" Si Qing's thinking with a low IQ obviously couldn't keep up with the changes in the thinking of Silver Snake with a high IQ. From the beginning to now, she was full of doubts about what he said countless times.


"You?" Si Qing was even more confused, "I didn't know you before, and I didn't even know you existed. How did he know that you would come to me when he put a long line on me?"

"You're forgetting a fact."


"He is Long Haotian, the leader of the shadow, and his high IQ of [-] is not just for fun; although I don't want to admit that his intelligence, wisdom and strategy are extraordinary, but the fact is that, in several During the fight, if it wasn't for the protection of the people around me, I wouldn't know how many times I was killed by him."

Silver Snake's eyes opened slightly, revealing strong hatred.

And his purpose of not moving Si Qing this time was just to lure him out so that he could catch him all at once.

Long Haotian was simply his nemesis, he ruined everything about him, and made his life fall into a bad situation ever since.

His wealth, his power, and even... even his woman has always missed him!
Damn Long Haotian, as long as he is alive, he will definitely be entangled with him to the end.

He didn't have a good life, and he didn't want to have a good life.

Isn't he the woman he loves the most?

Then what if he robbed his woman of the child in her womb?

Thinking of this, Silver Snake seemed to see rare sadness and despair on Long Haotian's face that was always arrogant, unruly, conceited and cold.

"Haha... Enjoyable!"

The silver snake suddenly laughed out loud, which startled Si Qing, "What are you laughing at? Don't be so loud, okay? If someone else hears it, how should I explain it?"

Silver Snake gave her a cold look, with a sneer on his face, "Si Qing, you still don't understand your situation?"


"If I'm not wrong, after this year, if I don't show up again, Long Haotian will attack you; even if it is a useful chess piece, if it is not used on the chessboard for a long time, it is just a useless chess piece."

"Then what should I do?" Si Qing panicked all of a sudden. Could it be that all the wealth and splendor she had obtained with great difficulty were just lost like this?


She is not reconciled!

She loves Long Haobai, and loves their son even more. She has a happy family, and she will never allow Long Haotian to destroy all the happiness that belongs to her.

"Cooperate with me."

"How to cooperate?"

At this moment, Si Qing has nowhere to go, even if Silver Snake asked her to go out with a knife and chop people up, she would do it without hesitation.

She cares too much about everything now, and cares too much about the pride and halo brought by being Mrs. Long Haobai.

She is used to living the life of a high-class lady, if you beat her back to the original, back to 12 years ago...

It would be better to let her die.

Such a life of poverty and toil, she even thought it was a kind of torture.

Silver Snake put down the empty wine glass in his hand, and his expression instantly turned cold, "Bai Mo is so well protected by Long Haotian, we can't get close at all; but besides Bai Mo, we can also get close to other people, such as , besides Bai Mo who is the person he cares most about, who else do you think will be his weakness?"


Si Qing frowned, lowered her head to think for a moment, then raised her head suddenly, her eyes glowed with excitement, "His grandma."

"Old lady Long?"

"That's right." Si Qing said hastily, "Long Haotian was brought up by his grandma, and the old lady loved him the most. The relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is very good. Long Haotian treats Yang Jing...even his own mother. No better than the old lady."

What Si Qing said aroused Silver Snake's great interest, "Oh, so that's how it is."

The evil reappeared in the eyes, and the face covered by the mask showed an excited expression, "Since this is the case, it will be much easier to handle."

"What are you going to do?"

"I want to rob the old lady directly, what do you think?" Silver Snake looked at Si Qing, his evil eyes became more and more excited.

He seemed to have seen Long Haotian's panic when he learned that Mrs. Long had been taken away by him.

Haha, what he wants to see the most is that kind of expression; but what disappoints him is that even though Bai Mo almost died from the poison in his body, he is still calm, as if, he has always been in control of him. In the palm of my hand, neither panic nor panic.

However, the means are even more ruthless and perverted.

Si Qing's eyes widened in disbelief at Silver Snake's words, and she immediately denied it, "Impossible, you will never do it."

"Oh, is that so?" Silver Snake raised an eyebrow and asked back.

"Long's security measures in court have always been very good. The gatekeepers are all elites transferred from the army. Not to mention the hidden surveillance cameras and cameras in every corner, not to mention abducting a big living person, or taking away a whole family. Even an ant can be monitored, I advise you to give up this terrible idea."

"Did I say I was the robber?"

Si Qing was slightly taken aback by Yin Snake's words, "Who else could it be if it wasn't you?"


"Me?" After being shocked, Si Qing firmly refused without thinking, "No! Absolutely not, I can't do this."

"You can do it." Silver Snake looked at her, "A person who dares to poison Baimo, what else would he not dare to do? It's just taking the old lady out of the house, you just need to do this, and the rest will be left to you." Just give it to me."

"It's okay to take the old lady out, but if you take me away after I take it out, the Long family will definitely suspect me, and then I will die." Si Qing panicked, she She made up her mind that no matter what, she would not do that.

Isn't this throwing oneself into a pit of fire?

She's not that stupid.

"Do you think you can live now?"

For the first time, Yin Snake felt that the woman in front of him, who he thought was pretty smart, was unexpectedly so stupid and dull.

He really wanted to pry her brain open with a stick, and write in her mind, "Long Haotian knows everything you have done, do you think you still have a way out?" 'Such a sentence reminds her every moment that she has no other choice but to give it a go.

Silver Snake's words woke Si Qing up again, and the panic from the previous moment subsided a little. She sat on the sofa in silence for a long time, then suddenly raised her head and said to Silver Snake, "If that's the case, do it thoroughly."

"Oh, tell me what you think."

Silver Snake suddenly became interested.

"It's not enough to capture Mrs. Long alone. If we can also capture Bai Mo's grandma, wouldn't we be able to restrain Long Haotian even more?"

"Baimo's grandma?"

"I sent her to her grandma when she was one year old. Her grandma has always raised her. If Long Haotian is his favorite man, then her grandma is her dearest relative in this world. She is reluctant to let her go. Her grandma was a little hurt."

"Where is she? Can you find her?"

"Zhuyuan, it's easy, it's a piece of cake." Si Qing smiled confidently, this was the first smile since tonight.

Since there is no way to retreat, it is better to think of a way to make another big sum before leaving.

Her favorite, but still money.

"Very well, I did not find the wrong you!"

The eyes of the silver snake hidden under the mask burst out an evil light that was a little distorted with excitement.

This New Year's Eve, this Spring Festival, is destined not to be peaceful and peaceful.

(End of this chapter)

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