Chapter 139

The two went back to Tianyi Lake together. As soon as they entered the door, they heard laughter and laughter inside. Bai Mo raised his head in doubt, only then did he realize that the living room was full of people.

All the members of the Long family came.

Is there any important event today?Why are they so gathered together?

She looked up at the man standing aside, wanting to ask him with her eyes, but he didn't even look at her.

In desperation, I had no choice but to walk over to say hello, "Grandma, parents, elder brother, sister-in-law and second brother, you are all here."

Mrs. Long looked at her and said with a smile, "Xiaobai, did you get your mother a bowl of longevity noodles today?"

Longevity noodles?
Bai Mo was stunned, and then raised her eyes to look at Si Huan; Si Huan looked at her and said with a smile, "Drink it, it's a big bowl, I even drank the soup, it smells so good."

"The longevity noodles made by my daughter are of course delicious."

Yang Jing smiled and agreed.

Hearing the laughter in his ears, Bai Mo hurriedly lowered his head, at this moment, his heart felt as if he had knocked over a bottle of five flavors, filled with all kinds of flavors.

"Mom, I've arranged everything. I'll pick up Dad and Shao Leng at the airport in a while."

Suddenly, Long Haotian's voice sounded, and Bai Mo's heart trembled, and then he looked up at him, eyes full of disbelief.

He even knew?

Did he know that he didn't tell her?
Long Haotian, how could you do this?
"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Haotian."

Si Huan stood up from her seat, stretched out her hand, took Bai Mo's hand, and said with a smile, "Nuan, let's go upstairs with me to see Roubaoer."


Up to the second floor, Si Huan directly took her into the bedroom, and after closing the door, Bai Mo couldn't wait to say, "Mom, I..."

Eyes full of guilt and annoyance.

What has she been doing all day?
At this moment, Bai Mo suddenly realized that apart from making his petty temper awkward, he had never taken the initiative to care about Si Huan.

She took Si Huan's love and concern for her as a matter of course, but she never thought of doing anything for her.

The mother I found with great difficulty...

Seeing the annoyance and apology on Bai Mo's face, Si Huan smiled slightly, pulled her to sit down in front of the sofa, and said softly, "Nuan, Mom doesn't blame you."


At this moment, Bai Mo really couldn't forgive himself.

Ever since Si Huan came to her, Bai Mo has felt the love from her mother like never before. She is like a child who is suddenly spoiled, becoming self-willed and self-willed. She enjoys the love from her as a matter of course, but she never thought about it. to pay.

Even her birthday, such an important day, she never thought of it from the beginning to the end.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt guilty, my heart felt a little sore and aching, my eyes became hot, and a tear fell on the back of Si Huan's hand holding her.

Si Huan was taken aback for a moment, then reached out to pull Bai Mo into her arms, and coaxed softly, "Hey, don't cry, mom really doesn't care."

Bai Mo cried harder and choked up, "It won't happen in the future, never again..."

"Okay, I know I know."

After crying a lot, Bai Mo felt better. She wiped away the remaining tears on her cheeks. She looked at Si Huan, and then she remembered something, and asked, "I just heard Haotian say, is it Are my brothers back too?"

"Yeah, I didn't let it go, but they have to come back."

"I..." Bai Mo's expression suddenly became tense, "Mom..."

How could Si Huan not know what was going on in her heart at the moment, and quickly comforted her, "Nuan, don't be nervous, you know, the person who loves you the most in the world, besides me, is your father."

The white foam slowly drooped down the eyelids, without making a sound.

Do you really love her?
If you really love her, why haven't you come to see her after so long?
She never told anyone that for several nights, a vague figure would appear in her dreams, and that figure kept calling her "Nuan, my Nuan Nuan..."

But when I woke up, there was nothing.

Si Huan looked at her obviously aggrieved appearance, didn't make a sound, smiled helplessly, then pulled her up and walked towards the cloakroom, "Come on, change into the dress that mom bought you a few days ago, and accompany mom beautifully." to celebrate my birthday."

Bai Mo raised her head to look at her, her heart suddenly warmed up, she hugged Si Huan's arm, leaned her head on her shoulder while walking, and said coquettishly, "Mom, you are so kind."

"Little fool."

Si Huan stretched out her hand and patted her cheek lightly, her movements and tone were full of pampering.

Walking into the cloakroom, Bai Mo opened one of the cabinets, and took out the deep purple long dress that Si Huan bought a few days ago. I fell in love with it.

Putting on a long dress, Si Huan held Bai Mo and sat in front of the dressing table again, and used her delicate hands to tie a bun for Bai Mo. It was loose, gentle and generous, yet beautiful and lovely. .

Bai Mo stood in front of the full-length mirror, looked at herself in the mirror, and couldn't help admiring, "Mom, your hands are so clever."

"That's because my daughter is so good-looking." She has a good foundation, and she is so charming after a little tidying up. It really is her and Huang Quan's daughter.

In a word, Bai Mo was very shy, her cheeks were flushed, and immediately made her a little more charming and charming in her graceful and generous manner.

The two went down to the first floor together, and Bai Mo's attire immediately attracted unanimous praise from the whole family. Amidst the laughter and laughter of everyone, Bai Mo became more and more shy.

Suddenly, an arm was tightly wrapped around his waist, and then a man's familiar voice sounded above his head, "Mom, we're going to pick up Dad and Shao Leng."

Si Huan smiled, "Go, drive slowly on the road."


Bai Mo followed Long Haotian out of the house, and when she got into the car, she immediately turned her head to look at the man sitting in the driver's seat who was starting the car, her brows were slightly frowned, and her voice was clearly dissatisfied, "You know what happened today? Is it my mother's birthday?"


The car started and drove slowly towards the outside of the villa.

Upon hearing this, Bai Mo immediately raised her eyebrows, and her almond eyes widened, "Then why didn't you tell me?"

At this moment, the car had already driven onto the road outside the villa, Long Haotian squinted at her, "No one told me that you don't know your own mother's birthday."


When Bai Mo heard this, he immediately stopped the flags and drums.

It's obvious that she, a daughter, is careless and heartless, so how can she have the face to blame others?
Withdrawing his gaze, Bai Mo huddled on the seat and said weakly, "I'm sorry."

Long Haotian glanced at her, didn't speak any more, but parked the car aside, then turned back, stretched out his long arms, and brought a paper bag from the back seat, the low-key and classic-colored packaging made people just look at her. At a glance, one can immediately realize that the things inside must be of great value and exquisite.

"Give it to us."

"Birthday present? What is it?"

The originally gloomy eyes suddenly became radiant, and he stretched out his hand to take it, and a faint orchid-like fragrance came, and Baimo couldn't help taking a deep breath, "Is there a fragrance?"

"You can open it first."

Long Haotian restarted the car.

Bai Mo hesitated for a moment, then gently pulled out an extremely delicately packaged box from inside, and slowly opened the box...

"What a nice view!"

He only glanced at it, only looked at a part of the clothes, but Bai Mo still couldn't help admiring.

This is a cheongsam, which is clearly handmade. Baimo's fingers slid across the fabric, and the smoothness and softness of the touch made her ask, "Is your fabric not ordinary silk?"

"Mulberry silk."

Bai Mo didn't know what 'mulberry silk' was, but he knew that that kind of silk must be very rare and valuable.

Bai Mo doesn't know much about cheongsams. In her impression, the most beautiful cheongsam is just the classic beauty of Maggie Cheung in the movie, especially the stand-up collar design, which wraps around the fair and delicate neck, which instantly makes a woman's temperament shine. .

This cheongsam is also designed with a stand-up collar, but with a classic button of the same color, it is exquisite and elegant, as you can imagine; the skirt is a Ruyi lapel, and a few small diamonds are dotted on the Ruyi lapel, which adds a lot of color;
Bai Mo was thinking, Si Huan has always liked cheongsams and was keen on cheongsams, so she must like this gift very much.

Bai Mo thought of a sentence: Women in cheongsams, they are dressed in cheongsams, like flower branches in porcelain vases. The flowers and incense that are offered have no other reason for existence except beauty.

A woman wearing a cheongsam is born with beauty.

Carefully close the box, then gently put it into the bag and hold it in your arms like a treasure.

She turned her head to look at him, with a warm heart, "Thank you."

Long Haotian glanced at her, and said in a cold voice, "Pretentious."

Master Long learned from Xiaobai that he didn't learn any other advantages, but learned two words: hypocrisy.

Whoever told her to open her mouth at every turn: Master, why are you so hypocritical, just come if you want.


Then apply what someone has learned, and the words are very fast.

However, Bai Mo didn't mean to be unhappy when he put the word 'hypocritical' on him at the moment, instead he smiled cheerfully, his pretty face was full of bright smiles.

It takes one and a half hours to go from the city to the airport. When Long Haotian walked into the reception hall with Bai Mo, it happened to announce that the flight they were picking up had arrived and was ready to pick up the plane.

Bai Mo suddenly became nervous again.

Long Haotian seemed to know that she was nervous, so he glanced at her, then stretched out his hand and wrapped her hand into his big palm, wrapped in the warm breath, which made Bai Mo's beating heart slowly calm down .

She looked up at him, and he happened to be looking at her. Their eyes met, she said softly, "Long Haotian, tell me, will he like me?"


He answered without hesitation.

Bai Mo laughed, "How do you know?"

"Fool!" He smiled charmingly, "What you are worried about now is not whether he likes you or not." "Is there anything else to worry about?"

Bai Mo asked in confusion.

"He likes my question."

Bai Mo was taken aback for a moment, and then burst into laughter, but when he thought that this was a public place at the airport, he immediately covered his mouth with his hand, and bent over laughingly.

(End of this chapter)

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