Chapter 145

However, thinking of Long Haotian's awkwardness, he couldn't laugh anymore.

He himself doesn't like taking pictures, every time he wants to take a photo with him or take a photo for him, the resistance and awkwardness make him more uncomfortable than poking his heart.

For a man who doesn’t like the camera, suddenly one day, it’s time to take a wedding photo, and for the next few days, he has to face the camera, posing various expressions and poses at the request of the photography assistant...

Thinking about it carefully, Bai Mo felt pity for Long Haotian.

If it was her, she would definitely have locked herself in the room and stopped taking pictures.

It was terribly awkward, and the shooting process was simply a pain and suffering.

Wedding photos are just a form, it doesn't matter whether you have or not.

At this moment, Bai Mo suddenly felt that it doesn't matter whether he shoots or not.

So, when Long Haotian came out of the bathroom, Bai Mo immediately greeted him, the resentful expression on his face was gone, replaced by a understanding smile, "Long Haotian, I have decided not to take wedding photos."

Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished speaking, Long narrowed his eagle eyes slightly, and a trace of displeasure flashed across his stern face, "Bai Xiaomo, say it again."

Bai Mo was taken aback for a moment, and then he explained, "It's not that you don't want to take pictures, I think of you and you still attack me..."

"Who I don't want to shoot?"

Master Long is always a dead duck with a hard mouth.

Bai Mo saw it in her eyes and didn't know how to speak. The two looked at each other for a long time before she slowly said, "It doesn't matter whether you take wedding photos or not, as long as you are comfortable and happy, it's better than anything else."

Master Long heard this, and retorted in a cold voice unwillingly again, "Why am I uncomfortable or unhappy? What are you thinking?" He glanced at her, and then strode into the cloakroom. It's kind of cold, which makes Baimo feel very comfortable.

Stepping forward, he took the initiative to stuff his hand into his big one, raised his head and smiled sweetly, "In that case, let's go downstairs."


The servants had already prepared the breakfast, and they ate something casually. Bai Mo and Long Haotian went out. There was a car waiting outside the villa. When they saw them coming out, the studio assistant who had been waiting beside the car came welcome up.

"Mister, madam, good morning, please get in the car."

LOVE wedding photography is a world-renowned brand photography store. It only opened six branches in mainland China. G City was very lucky to be selected. Three years ago, LOV; settled in, surpassed all others, and won the championship in one fell swoop, becoming the first choice of G city wedding photography. leader.

They only shoot the most real you, especially when you move your hands and feet, frown and smile, and lovers look at each other, which is the most affectionate occasion. The photographer with superb photography can accurately capture that moment with the lens, and then freeze it into a perfect picture. eternal.

There is no exaggerated affectation, you just need to be your truest self, and everything is done by the photographer.

A photographer with superb skills and a unique vision is an important factor, and another important factor is their location, the ecological gardens built with huge sums of money, and the absolutely beautiful scenery.

The costumes are impeccable. Huang Quan and Si Huan ordered the highest level of LOVE packages for Bai Mo. Every set of costumes photographed is from the hands of famous masters. Moreover, after the filming, they will keep it forever for Bai Mo , as long as you want Baimo, you can come and get it at any time.

Such a high-quality team and service made Baimo look forward to it.

In a woman's life, there is only one chance to be charming, and that is in the wedding photos, and then it will be preserved forever.

The car was a long Lincoln, and it was quite comfortable to sit on. At least Baimo didn't feel the bumps. An hour later, the car stopped.

Standing in the sea of ​​flowers, Bai Mo felt relaxed and happy, in an extremely good mood.

"It's beautiful here."

"Every year at the end of May, this sea of ​​flowers blooms the most, and it's also the time to take the most beautiful photos. Sir, madam, let's go to make up and change clothes first, and there will be a few shots here later."

"it is good."

Bai Mo left with an assistant, and Long Haotian also left with another assistant to another makeup studio.

The make-up artist's hand was very clever, and when he appeared in front of Long Haotian again, Bai Mo obviously saw a touch of surprise in his eyes, "Does it look good?"

Long Haotian hooked his lips, "Not bad."

Don't think that "not bad" is just a perfunctory compliment. To Long Ye, a sentence that is not bad definitely means that Bai Mo's dress suits his liking. It must not be described as good-looking, it should be described as beautiful and incomparable. It's an understatement.

Seeing the clothes he changed into, Bai Mo smiled slightly, "You're handsome too!"


"... not humble."

From eight o'clock to ten o'clock, two hours, only took two scenes, but changed six clothes, and finally, Bai Mo tired and slumped on the chair, he didn't even have the strength to hum.

"Madam, drink some water." The assistant handed warm water to Bai Mo, and said with a smile while fanning her, "This morning's filming is over, sir and madam go back to have a good rest for a few hours, we will meet again at four o'clock in the afternoon Pick you up, let's go to the next attraction."

Long Haotian changed his clothes and strode over, took the bottled water handed over by the assistant at the side, unscrewed it and took a sip, with a stern expression, "Tell your managers to reduce the number of our clothes."

"This one……"

"Tell me the result this afternoon."


As soon as he entered the house, Bai Mo didn't have time to answer everyone's curious inquiries, so he went directly to the bedroom on the second floor. After taking a simple shower, he straightened up on the bed like a dead body, and didn't even bother to take a look at the meat bun.

The door was pushed open, and Long Haotian walked in immediately, holding a fruit plate in his hand, glanced at Bai Mo, and said in a deep voice, "Get up, eat some fruit."

"Don't eat, I'm tired."

"Then I'll feed you." Long Haotian sat on the edge of the bed, picked up a piece of watermelon with a small fork, and put it next to Baimo's mouth.

Opening his eyes and taking a look, Bai Mo opened his mouth and bit the watermelon directly, it was immediately cool and sweet, and he felt better.

"are not you tired?"

She looked at him, her eyes swept over his face, she didn't notice a trace of fatigue, she was full of energy.

Long Haotian glanced at her, then put the fruit plate aside, got up, took off his clothes, and walked towards the bathroom while taking off, "After the wedding is over, run with me every morning!"

When Bai Mo heard this, he immediately protested, "No!"

"Protesting is useless, you must exercise!"

"Long Haotian, you are a strong man!"

"Well, you're right!"

"...I just won't run, let's see what you can do to me!"

Playing a rogue, who wouldn't.

Master Long suddenly stopped in his tracks, turned around and looked back, Ru Mo's eyes swept her aside from head to toe, and suddenly smiled, "Yes, morning exercises on the bed will have the same effect."

"...Go to hell!"

At the request of Long Haotian, the original four-day wedding dress shooting was shortened by half, and the entire shooting was completed in two days.

Si Huan looked at her tanned skin with distress and regret, and immediately took her to the beauty salon. After various hydrating, moisturizing and whitening treatments, the tanned part finally returned to its previous fairness on the day before the wedding. Soft and tender, while Si Huan was satisfied, Bai Mo was also full of joy.

You know, there is no girl in the world who doesn't care about the quality of her skin, let alone Bai Mo, a little girl who is about to become a bride.

On the first day of June, the day before the wedding, Bai Mo returned to Lishan Villa with her meat buns. Si Huan and Huang Quan had returned there half a month ago. This villa, as her natal family, was the place where Bai Mo got married. .

In the evening, Gu Chuxia arrived. When she entered, Bai Mo was sitting in the living room with Si Huan and teasing Roubaoer. When the servant said she was coming, Bai Mo immediately got up to greet her.

Because of the wedding, the two haven't seen each other for many days. The last time they saw each other was the second day after their engagement.

Huang Shaoleng flew back to Sweden by special plane early the next morning after Si Huan's birthday, and Bai Mo was always worried about Gu Chuxia, so she went directly to Gu's house early the next morning, when Gu's mother and Gu's father were eating It was a surprise to see her come over for breakfast.

After Bai Mo briefly explained, he went up to the second floor, the door was ajar, and Bai Mo directly pushed the door and walked in.

The room was in a mess, clothes were thrown everywhere, the most obvious thing was the cell phone, lying on the floor, torn apart, as if sadly telling what happened last night.

Bai Mo sighed heavily in his heart, walked gently to the bedside, looked at Gu Chuxia who was on the bed, did not make a sound, but quietly sat down beside the bed.

Gu Chuxia, who has always been unable to sleep without taking a shower or changing her pajamas before going to bed, is lying on the bed wearing yesterday's underwear at this moment, with her hair still tied up in a ponytail...

Last night, it must have been a whole night of torment. If it wasn't for the extreme physical and mental exhaustion, Bai Mo thought, maybe at this moment, Gu Chuxia is still sitting by the window or sitting on the sofa with her knees folded, in the heartache that cannot be suppressed. Weep silently.

My heart throbbed suddenly, I got up, picked up the messy clothes on the ground, put them into the woven basket for dirty clothes, then squatted next to the torn mobile phone, picked up one of them, only to find that the screen had been cracked, and there was nothing wrong with it. It can no longer be used.

Still picked them up, put them on the table aside, turned around and wanted to do something, inadvertently shifted his gaze, and met a pair of eyes that had just woken up.

"Wake you up?"

"Have you been here for a long time?" Gu Chuxia raised her hand and rubbed her forehead, with a painful expression on her face.

Bai Mo reached out and took a glass of warm water and handed it over, "I just came, I'll call you when I see you are sinking in sleep."

Gu Chuxia turned over and sat up, took the water glass, maybe she was really thirsty, drank it all in one gulp, then handed the water glass to Bai Mo, "Have another glass."

Reaching out to take it, she took the glass again and handed it over to her. This time, Gu Chuxia didn't drink it all in one go like the last one. Instead, after taking a sip, she held the glass in her hand, lowered her eyes, Watching silently, not making a sound.

Bai Mo would never get used to Gu Chuxia being like this now, she didn't speak, she was as dumb as a piece of wood, as if a person had lost his soul, leaving only a shell.

With sore eyes, she sat on the edge of the bed, hesitated for a while, and finally said, "My wedding date has been set."

Gu Chuxia looked up at her, her eyes were confused, and it took a long time before they gradually became clear, "What day?"

"The second day of next month."

"Is there enough time? Will it be too rushed."

Finally pulling out the depression she was immersed in her own world, Bai Mo's heart relaxed slightly, "Fortunately, we don't have to worry about other things except taking wedding photos."


Seeing that Gu Chuxia lowered her head again, Baimo's heart tightened, and she immediately stretched out her left hand, "Look, isn't my wedding ring pretty?"

Looking back again, Gu Chuxia looked at the shining wedding ring on Baimo's ring finger, without any warning, tears poured down like a bead with a broken string 'crackling'.

(End of this chapter)

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