Chapter 153

It's not just that I like girls because I think boys are difficult to discipline.

Rather, he really wanted a quiet and lovely little princess like her.

Compared with the strong pregnancy reaction when she was pregnant with meat buns, Bai Mo felt quite comfortable this time. Except for the first strong vomiting, she never vomited like that again, but nausea and acid water would still occur.

Once, she was halfway through eating when she suddenly felt nauseated. She quickly dropped her chopsticks and rushed into the bathroom on the first floor. If you want to ask.

"what happened?"

"Mom, is there another baby in your belly?"

As soon as Long Zhixi's words came out, Bai Mo was shocked, how could he know so much at such a young age?
Quickly asked, "How do you know?"

"Last week, Teacher Wang was playing the piano, and suddenly she rushed out covering her mouth like a mother, and then she came back and told us that she had a baby in her belly."

After hearing this, Bai Mo suddenly realized, it turned out to be like this.

At first, she was still worried, but as her belly got bigger and bigger, she couldn't hug him as she wanted, and she was still afraid. One day, Roubaoer pointed to her big belly and asked her, "Mom, what's wrong with your belly? Why? So big? Are you sick?"

At that moment, how should she explain it?

At this moment, hearing what he said, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, as if he was relieved from a heavy burden.

She stretched out her hand, stroked his little head, and said softly, "Mom has a baby in her womb, does Roubaoer hope to have a younger brother or younger sister?"

Long Zhixi tilted his head and thought seriously for a while, "Sister, when I grow up, I can protect her."

When Bai Mo heard this, her heart warmed up, "Okay, mom will give you a little sister."

"Mom, what's your sister's name?"

"I haven't figured it out yet."

"Then I'll think about it."


In the last second, Roubaoer knew that he was about to have a little sister, and in the next second, he called Si Huan who was far away in Sweden to tell the good news. Si Huan listened and immediately booked a ticket to fly Come here; the Long family also immediately received a call from Roubaoer. Long Boren and Yang Jing were even more exaggerated. They directly brought a cart full of various supplements and fruits, and brought his cook, saying that they wanted three meals a day. In addition, serve Baimo for supper.

When Bai Mo heard this, he was shocked, and hurriedly persuaded him in various ways to ensure that he was really fine and didn't need someone to wait on him, then he sent Long Boren and Yang Jing away, and took his cook along with him.

Fortunately, Si Huan didn't bring much this time, only Aunt Wang.

Roubaoer was brought up by Aunt Wang and has rich experience in raising children, so Bai Mo felt relieved to entrust Roubaoer's food and daily life to her.

As the month got older and his body got heavier, Bai Mo became more and more lazy.

She never sat when she could lie down.

Si Huan has recently become obsessed with making soup, and after cooking, all of it went into Bai Mo's stomach, so, looking at her increasingly thick arms and thighs, Bai Mo became depressed.

This afternoon, when Si Huan brought the soup in front of her again, Bai Mo jumped a long way with her big belly, "Mom, this time, I won't drink it."

"I won't let you drink it, just take a sip and see how it tastes?"


Bai Mo sternly protested, and every time Si Huan used the pretense of letting her try the taste, but she couldn't stop after tasting it, okay? Every time the result was, "Mom, it's delicious, let's have another bowl."

I really can't blame her, it's really that the soup is so delicious, she can't control it at all, okay?
So, after repeated trials and failures, Bai Mo finally made up his mind that even if he was starved to death, he would not have a bite.

At this moment, seeing how determined her attitude was, Si Huan poured her love into the water, so she couldn't help but sighed deeply, "Oh, I spent five full hours pouring out all the love a mother has for her daughter..."


Bai Mo had goose bumps all over his body, he shook vigorously a few times, and finally reached out to take the bowl of soup helplessly, and drank it all.

So, Si Huan smiled contentedly, and continued to make soup with her love tomorrow.

In the past few days, Bai Mo couldn't eat well, couldn't sleep, and was even a little restless.

A full week had passed since the due date, and her stomach hadn't moved at all. If Dr. Li hadn't said that the baby was fine, she really suspected that something was wrong.

At dinner that day, Bai Mo finally couldn't bear it anymore and announced a major decision, "If I don't come out tomorrow, I'll just ask Dr. Li to operate on me."

"I agree." Si Huan immediately continued, "Now that the medical condition is so advanced, if we can reduce the suffering, we will suffer less. One experience of natural delivery is enough, and we will not suffer from that."

Long Haotian looked at Bai Mo, "I support you."

"Okay, I'll call Dr. Li right now." Bai Mo said, put down the bowl and chopsticks, stood up from his seat, and walked towards the living room phone.

"This impatient..." Before Si Huan could finish her sentence, she heard a loud cry from the living room, full of excitement, "Husband, my water broke..."

Long Haotian suddenly stood up from the chair, and rushed into the living room like a shadow; Si Huan, Aunt Wang and the unknown meat bun followed closely behind.

"Mom, call Dr. Li."


"Aunt Wang, go get the waiting bag and put it in the car, and then you stay at home and take care of Roubao..."

"No, I'm going."

After Long Zhixi finished speaking, he ran out on his chubby legs.

At this moment, all Long Haotian's thoughts were on Bai Mo, and he couldn't control that much for the time being, so he laid Bai Mo flat on the back seat of the car, and after everything was done, he quickly started the car and headed towards the hospital.

Half an hour's journey, Bai Mo felt that it had been a long journey, as if half a century had passed.

This time, it was completely different from the first raw meat bun.

When the raw meat was wrapped, the water also broke first, but after the water broke, she didn't feel any pain at all, and she looked like a normal person.

But this time, after a surge of heat gushed out, waves of severe pain immediately began.

"Mom, it hurts..."

Another wave of labor pains hit, Bai Mo curled up vigorously, his face was a little pale from the pain.

She finally yelled uncontrollably. Si Huan had nothing to do, so she could only coax her softly while stroking her back, "Hey, I'm going to the hospital soon. When we get to the hospital, we'll go under the knife. We won't be hurt." It's a sin."

Sitting aside, Little Roubao looked at Bai Mo's painful appearance, his small face was troubled, and there was obvious distress between his small brows, "Be good, mom, be good..."

Apart from saying 'Mom, be good' over and over again, the only three and a half-year-old Xiaoroubao didn't know how to express the distress and worry in his heart for Baimo at this moment.

The so-called pain is on Bai Mo's body, on the tip of Long Haotian's heart.

At this moment, listening to the painful sound coming from behind, Long Haotian tightly pursed his thin lips, and sweat was already oozing from his smooth forehead.

I was so anxious that I wished I could bear all the pain for her.

The car finally arrived at the hospital. Dr. Li had already brought someone to wait in the emergency passage. When he got out of the car, Bai Mo was directly pushed into the delivery room for a series of examinations.

During her examination, Yang Jing and Long Boren came over, and Mrs. Long went on a trip again and was not at home for the time being.

As soon as he saw his grandparents, Little Roubao'er's small mouth began to work hard, "Grandma, do you know? My mother is in so much pain, she's covered in sweat."

"Mom has worked hard."

"Grandma, was my mother in such pain when she gave birth to me?"

"Yeah, it's also painful." Yang Jing held Roubao'er in her arms, "So, from now on, Little Roubao must listen to her mother and love her."

"Well, I will!"

From the beginning to the end, Long Haotian has been standing at the place closest to the door of the delivery room, his sharp eagle-like eyes have been staring at the door of the delivery room, and his whole body is full of tension.

No one expected that the froth would grow so quickly.

Less than 15 minutes after entering, the door of the delivery room was opened, and Dr. Li's assistant came out with a smile on his face, "Congratulations, Mr. Long, you have a daughter."

"What? Born?"

Si Huan exclaimed, "Don't move the knife?"

Yang Jing was even more delighted, "Little girl, what did you just say? A daughter?"

"Well, it's a little girl, she's six pounds and two pounds, mother and daughter are safe."

"Oh my god, Roubaoer, you have a younger sister."

"It's my younger sister. My mother promised me that she will give me a younger sister."

Compared to all the other people who were 12 excited, Xiao Roubao was extremely calm.

Moreover, he had already decided on a name for his younger sister, and her baby name was Xiao Mantou... Well, he hasn't told his mother about this baby name yet, and he doesn't know if her mother will like it?
Small meat buns...

small bun……

The thunder rolls ah ah ah

Finally got the little princess as he wished, but the expression on Long Haotian's face didn't change much, he was still nervous, "Is she okay?"

"Are you asking Mrs. Bai?"

The little nurse smiled knowingly, "This time was much smoother than the last time. The cervix had already dilated to six centimeters when we got on the delivery bed, which shocked us. If this happened later, I'm afraid the baby would be born on the way. "

"When is she coming out?"

"Come out immediately."

The little nurse turned around and entered the delivery room. After a while, she heard the sound of wheels rolling over the ground. The moment she saw the car, Long Haotian rushed in and replaced another nurse. position, pushed it out of the delivery room steadily.

Some weak Bai Mo seemed to know that Long Haotian was by his side, although his eyes were too tired to open, he still struggled to make a sound, and asked softly, "Husband, your little princess, do you like it? "


The low voice, for the first time, reveals a strange emotion that cannot be concealed.

"Husband, as you wish, do you want to reward me well?"

"it is good."

"Then what reward do you give?"

"All the love in Long Haotian's life."

20 years later
Spring is warm and flowers are blooming. In Tianmo's small residence, in the kitchen, Baimo is making all kinds of small snacks with great interest.

In the yard, there was the sound of a car slowly driving in, and the familiar voice made Bai Mo hurried out of the kitchen to meet him.

Looking at the man striding towards her, Bai Mo suddenly sighed that time really loves a person, and 20 years has not left this man with many traces of time, not only that, but also made him look like a middle-aged man Sophisticated charm.

"I came back early today."

She walked over, took the coat he took off, hung it on the hanger beside him, and turned around to look, only to realize that something was wrong with him.

(End of this chapter)

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