Chapter 156

Gu Chuxia couldn't help shivering, she swore that from now on, she would never have any interaction with him again.

Taking in all the subtle movements of the woman in front of him, he suddenly smiled at her, and in an instant, Gu Chuxia's heart beat wildly.

If it is said that all the women in the world who fascinate men are called vixen; then, what about the men who fascinate women?
What should they call them?

The evildoer who wrecked the world!
Just when Gu Chuxia was fascinated, suddenly, a man's voice came slowly, with special penetrating power, "I asked my subordinates to give you a Swiss Gold Card before, can Miss Gu return it?" Remember?"

It's okay not to mention it, but when Gu Chuxia was mentioned, he became a little angry, Lima opened the chain of the satchel, took out the wallet, took out the gold-plated card from the inner interlayer, and held it in his hand, "This is what you mean?"

Huang Shaoleng glanced at the card, nodded slightly, "Not bad."

Gu Chuxia glanced at him, got up slightly, and put the card on the tea table in front of him, with an indifferent understatement, "Return it to its original owner."

"If I said, this is all my belongings, tens of billions of assets, would you still pay me back?"

Gu Chuxia was taken aback by Huang Shaoleng's words, not because of anything else, but because she was a little dazed when she heard the three words 'tens of billions'.

After all, a million is a big number to her, let alone tens of billions.

"Since it's all your belongings, why do you still give it to me? You and I have never met before, aren't you afraid that I won't pay it back?"

"will not!"

"Are you confident in yourself or in my character?"

Gu Chuxia sneered.



"Because this card, if it is not in my own hands, is just a useless card."


Gu Chuxia suddenly had the urge to run wild on the spot.

That being the case, what else would he do for her?Now the beggars on the street are all in proper cash. So, in his eyes, is she worse than beggars?

Furious, Gu Chuxia suddenly stood up from the sofa, looked at him coldly, with fire in his eyes, "Last time I saved your life, this time I scratched your car, I You are a poor man, and you can't afford to pay for your luxury car, so you will use your kindness as compensation, and you will never owe me anything from now on, goodbye Stranger Things."

"We don't owe each other, goodbye to Molu?" Huang Shaoleng murmured her words softly with his eyes lowered, and he raised his head after a long time, staring at her with those stunning blue eyes, his sexy lips parted slightly, and his voice was magnetic but with a few hints. Distinguished from the cold, "Since Ms. Gu has said so, then I have no choice but to do so."


Gu Chuxia turned around and left, slandering from the bottom of her heart as she walked: What is "I have to do this", did she force him?

On the contrary, why does Gu Chuxia feel that he has been leading her by the nose?He has always been in control of her, slowly leading her into a deep pit dug by himself.

Gu Chuxia suddenly realized, could it be that what happened today was just a trap?
His purpose is to get back his gold card.

Her heart tightened suddenly, and Gu Chuxia suddenly quickened her pace, rushed to the door in a few steps, and just as she reached out to turn the doorknob, a man's cold voice came from behind again, "Miss Gu, your good friend is called Bai Mo ?”

Gu Chuxia didn't have the heart to worry about how he knew her name and Baimo at the moment. What she wanted to know more was, what was his purpose for asking this?
Stopping in her tracks and turning around abruptly, like an annoyed lioness, she bared her teeth and warned him, "Huang Shaoleng, I don't allow you to think of her."

"As far as I know, she has been single since the divorce, unmarried men and women unmarried, why can't I?"

When Huang Shaoleng said this, his expression was serious and serious, and Gu Chuxia's heart tightened with that seriousness, and he said without thinking, "She has a man she loves deeply, you should get rid of it as soon as possible." your thoughts."

"Is there a man you love deeply? Are you sure?"

Huang Shao raised his eyebrows coldly and asked back.

"Of course I'm sure, he is my brother Haotian..." Gu Chuxia immediately covered her mouth when the words blurted out in a hurry.

The relationship between Bai Mo and Long Haotian has always been hidden in the dark, and has been carefully protected; Gu Chuxia knows that what her Xiaobai is most worried about is that one day, the relationship between her and Long Haotian was discovered, and then...


Gu Chuxia bit her lips with her teeth, regretting deeply in her heart.

What should she do if it gets out?
She raised her eyes and secretly looked at the man sitting on the sofa with a cold and undisturbed expression. She felt a little more at ease. After glancing at him, she turned around and held the doorknob, only to hear a 'pop', and the door opened. Chu Xia's heart relaxed slightly, and just as she was about to lift her foot and leave, that frightening voice sounded again, "Bin, take Miss Gu home."

A man in black appeared from nowhere, and stood respectfully at the door, "Yes, master."

Gu Chuxia quickly waved her hand, "No, I don't need you to send it!"

"This is the master's order."

Gu Chuxia was walking ahead, and the black-clothed bodyguard named Bin followed her all the way to the elevator door.

"Can you stop following me!"

Gu Chuxia was a little crazy.

She must have forgotten to read the almanac when she went out today, and that's why she got into trouble with that plague god.

"This is the master's order, I must carry it out!"

"..." Gu Chuxia had no choice but to let him follow until she got down to the parking lot and walked to her small broken car. Just as she was about to take out the car keys to open the door, a new big Benz drove over slowly. stopped beside her.

Just when Gu Chuxia was about to say, "How can I reverse the car when you park like this", the door of the passenger seat was opened, and Bin walked out, then opened the rear door of the Daben, and said to her respectfully, "Miss Gu, please get in the car .”

"I have a car, I can drive it myself, I..."


"What about my car?"

Gu Chuxia looked at her car, thinking that she would have to drive it to work when she got up early tomorrow, so what's the point of putting it here.

"Someone will personally deliver it back to your residence later."

For the sake of what people say, what else can Gu Chuxia say?Throwing the car keys into Bin's hand, he got into the car.

The car started quickly, and drove towards Gu Chuxia's apartment steadily and quickly.

Sitting in the car, Gu Chuxia's heart was not peaceful at all.

Even the people under him can afford to run fast, so what is Huang Shaoleng's identity?
where is he from?
What are you doing here?
Was it a coincidence or premeditated to find her?
That night, Gu Chuxia lay on the bed in the apartment, tossing and turning unable to fall asleep, what came to mind were all the words of the man with the stunning blue eyes.

"What does he mean? Why did you suddenly ask Xiaobai?"

and also……

Why did he kiss her all of a sudden?
Gu Chuxia involuntarily stroked her upper lip with her fingers, and the strangeness at that moment made her heart throb.

At this moment, on the [-]th floor of Ditian, in the presidential suite, Huang Shaoleng was standing by the bar, mixing fine wine, with a cold and restrained expression on his face.

There was a knock on the door, and Bin's voice sounded outside, "Master."

"Come in."

He spoke with a cold voice.

Bin opened the door and walked in, stopped a meter away from him, bowed slightly and lowered his head, "Miss Gu has arrived home safely, and we have eliminated those people who have been spying on her."

"Who sent it?"

Huang Shao Leng's movement of mixing wine was uninterrupted, his movements were smooth and his posture was elegant.

"The Fifth Emperor's people."

"Uncle Fifth?"

Young Master Huang paused for a while to mix the wine, but the pause lasted only half a second, and then continued the previous action, "He is still so impatient, he doesn't even have half the patience of Third Uncle."


Huang Shaoleng poured the prepared fine wine into the glass beside him, picked it up, then turned around and walked towards the living room, and the voice followed, "Go and investigate carefully, the woman named Baimo next to Gu Chuxia."

"Master, you suspect..."

"Repetitious, go do it!"

Huang Shaohan's voice suddenly became cold and severe, and Bin panicked for a while, "Yes, this subordinate will go right away."

The suite was quiet, Huang Shaoleng sat on the single sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with a wine glass in his hand, his deep blue eyes looked at the night scene outside the window, but what flashed in his mind was the pear blossoms with rain after the woman was kissed by him...

The sister-in-law came and stayed for two days before leaving. Gu Chuxia resumed her free and casual life. Summer nights always come very late. When it's time to get off work, the sky is still bright, and the afterglow of the sun still makes people hot and dry.

"Xiaobai, my dad gave me two free meals at the Hunan Restaurant last night, do you want to go?"

Gu Chuxia held Bai Mo's arm in one hand, took out two meals from the satchel with the other, and asked with a smile.

"I've been getting angry recently, can't I not eat spicy food?"

Bai Mo pointed to a small red bean on his chin, with a bitter expression on his face.

"At the worst, I'll just order two non-spicy dishes for you. Let's go, stay with me." Gu Chuxia didn't give her a chance to object, and pulled her into the car.

The two of them didn't drive today, it was still early, so they took the bus directly; it was already an hour later when they reached the destination, Gu Chuxia pulled Bai Mo out of the car, stood aside and sucked heavily. Breathing out, that suffocated look made Bai Mo chuckle, "What's wrong?"

"Oh my god, how much perfume did that elder sister standing next to me put on her body? It really kills me." Gu Chuxia pinched her nose with her hands while talking, her expression extremely disgusted.

If it is a high-end brand perfume, it can still be accepted, and it can be used as an air freshener if it is used too much; however, if it is a low-quality non-brand perfume, if it is used too much, it is not called fragrance, but poisonous gas.

"Really?" Bai Mo blinked in doubt, "Why didn't I smell it?"

"You're leaning against the window, and the wind is blowing, so you can't smell it."

Gu Chuxia gave her a supercilious look, and then pulled her towards the Hunan Pavilion.

Gu Chuxia loves spicy food, and is a master who likes everything spicy.

This is not the point. The point is that no matter how spicy she eats, her skin is still supple. Those legendary symptoms of getting angry and getting acne when she eats spicy food don't work on her body at all.

He likes spicy food and doesn't get acne, every time he makes Bai Mo envious and jealous to death.

Xiangguan is the only authentic century-old restaurant in G City. All customers who enter this restaurant are members. Without membership, you can't even enter if you want to eat.

It can be said that he is the tallest and proudest restaurant in Hunan cuisine.

As soon as Gu Chuxia walked in with Bai Mo, a handsome-looking male clerk in a clerk uniform came over, with a respectful smile on his face, "Two ladies, please show me your membership card."

(End of this chapter)

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