Chapter 164

Gu Chuxia did not refuse, reached out to take it, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Auntie."

"Try it on and see if it fits."

Gu Chuxia reached out and took out an exquisite gift box from the paper bag, opened it, and a ruby ​​bracelet with bright and round color, which was worth a lot of money at first glance, lay quietly on the black brocade, the combination of red and black was really beautiful.

"It's so beautiful." Gu Chuxia admired it from the bottom of her heart, picked up the bracelet and put it on her wrist, and Bai Mo on the side was already amazed, "Why doesn't it have such a stunning effect on my hand?"

Si Huan was also very satisfied. She glanced at Bai Mo and said, "You call it a wrist? You're fat like a pig's trotters. Does it look good?"

"Ms. Si, are you my real mother?"

"Silly girl, do you still want to have a second mother?" Si smiled and blamed, then looked at Gu Chuxia and asked, "Xiaxia, do you like it?"

If it was any moment before that, Gu Chuxia would probably be jumping for joy.

It's not because she hasn't seen good things. As a wealthy daughter, she can't say that every piece of jewelry she owns is better than this bracelet, but at least there are a few pieces that are much more expensive than this.

However, at this moment, she couldn't be happy at all in her heart, she was inexplicably depressed and resisted, but she didn't allow herself to show the slightest flaw on her face.

She smiled happily, raised her wrist to look left and right, and couldn't put it down, "Auntie, I like it very much, thank you Auntie."

"As long as you like it." Si Huan held her hand affectionately, then took Bai Mo's hand over, and folded their hands together with a sincere and serious expression, "You two love sisters, from now on Auntie will When you are your own daughter, you have to come to play if you have nothing to do, and after my family recognizes your ancestors and returns to the clan, I will officially recognize you as a daughter, do you think it is good?"

Si Huan's words not only made Gu Chuxia dumbfounded, but also made Bai Mo a little confused. She said quickly, "Mom, what are you doing with your daughter, Xia Xia..." Bai Mo stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Si Huan's eyes were full of doubts, "What's wrong with Xia Xia?"

Bai Mo's heart was beating 'chug', and she quickly gave a reason, "What if Xia Xia doesn't want to."

Upon hearing this, Si Huan looked at Gu Chuxia with a funny face, as if she didn't see her suddenly pale face, and asked softly, "Xia Xia, are you willing?"

Gu Chuxia thought, if the woman in front of her was not Xiaobai's mother, she would definitely turn around and leave without hesitation.

But no...

At the moment when she forced a grin, Gu Chuxia finally understood what it meant to have a smile on her face but suffer like coptis in her heart.


"Xia Xia..."

"Xiaobai, you will be my sister from now on, so you can't bully me anymore." Gu Chuxia joked as if nothing happened.

Bai Mo didn't reply. At this moment, her heart felt extremely uncomfortable, but she didn't dare to show it on the surface.

"If she dares to bully you, I'll beat her up." Si Huan let go of the hands they had been holding tightly together, looked at the slightly dark sky outside, and said, "Xia Xia, it's getting dark, I'll let you The driver will take you back, it's not safe for you to drive alone."

"I don't need auntie, I can do it myself." Gu Chuxia looked at Bai Mo, "I will come to play with you in a few days."

"I send you."

As Bai Mo said, he wanted to lift his feet to see Gu Chuxia off, but Si Huan grabbed him, "It's dark, what if you fall? You have a big belly now, so be careful, let me see you off."

When Gu Chuxia heard this, she immediately waved her hand and refused, "No need, no need to give it away, I'm leaving, goodbye."

Si Huan no longer insisted, "Goodbye, drive slowly on the road."


Gu Chuxia drove the car, feeling very stable all the way, as if nothing had happened, parked the car downstairs in the apartment, then went upstairs, but at the moment the elevator opened, she saw standing in front of her apartment Huang Shao Leng.

A little surprised, "Didn't you say something happened?"

After receiving a call from him in the afternoon saying that he had something to do at night, Gu Chuxia decided to go see Baimo.

As soon as she stepped out of the elevator, her arm was tightly grasped by a big hand. The merciless strength made her frown slightly, "Let go."

"Where have you been?"

Huang Shao looked at Gu Chuxia coldly, with a pair of blue eyes full of cold prey.

An overwhelming annoyance that she had never experienced before, she gave him a cold look, then shook off his big hand vigorously, took out the key without opening the door and walked in without saying a word.

The moment she shook off his hand vigorously, Huang Shaoleng's sword eyebrows were slightly raised, and his already cold blue eyes became even colder.

He followed with strides, and at the moment when Gu Chuxia changed her shoes and wanted to leave, he held her wrist again, and then, regardless of her resistance, he pushed her directly to the wall beside her, ignoring her painful pain. With a frowning expression, he used his heavy body to press her, and his big hand hit her chin, squeezed tightly, and asked coldly again, "I ask you, where have you been?"

"You are sick!"

There was a burning pain in the back, probably from hitting the wall and scratching the skin.

Her skin has always been delicate and will bleed if touched accidentally.

Huang Shaoleng's force just now hit her so hard that she was almost injured internally.

You don't need to look to know that a large piece of the back must be broken.

"Tell me, where did you go?"

Huang Shaoleng's eyes were still full of hostility, his voice was very low, but it was unusually calm before the storm.

Gu Chuxia had never seen him like this before, the original anger instantly turned into uneasiness, her watery eyes flashed with panic, "You let me go first."

He pinched her chin with such strength that the pain made her shudder.

Young Master Huang looked at her coldly, and after a long time, he let go of her chin, stepped back and stood aside, but his expression was still sullen.

Gu Chuxia glanced at her, reached out and took out the exquisite gift box that Si Huan gave her from the shoulder bag beside her, and handed it to Huang Shaoleng. After seeing him reach out to take it, he went straight to the bedroom without saying a word.

Looking at the gift box that was suddenly handed over in front of him, Huang Shao coldly glanced at Gu Chuxia who was expressionless, then raised his hand to take it, and let her walk towards the bedroom without stopping her, but went to the sofa and sat down. Opened the gift box at the same time as above.

The moment the bracelet appeared in front of his eyes, a pair of gloomy blue eyes suddenly became gloomy. He looked at the bracelet in his hand for a long time before getting up from the sofa and walking towards the bedroom.

As soon as he walked in, he saw the big bed, and Gu Chuxia was still wearing the clothes just now, lying curled up on it...

Her arms are wrapped around her chest and her body is curled up. Such a sleeping position proves the fact that the woman in front of her is deeply insecure at this moment.

Huang Shaoleng's brow subconsciously frowned again, feeling insecure?
Thinking of what he did to her impulsively just now, Huang Shaoleng's brows tightened even more.

He raised his feet and walked over, stood in front of her, then squatted down, just at the right height, just enough to see all the changes in her face.

Putting the bracelet in his hand aside, he stretched out his hand, just about to touch her hand, but the moment he just touched her, those white hands suddenly pulled away.

The blue eyes cooled down again, he stretched out his big hand, grabbed her hands again compulsively, held them tightly, just about to speak, but saw that Gu Chuxia was like a crazy kitten, Suddenly turned over, rushed towards him, scratched and thumped his body, "Why do you treat me like this? What right do you have to treat me like this? I am a human being, I am not your pet, the mood When you are in a good mood, you tease me, and when you are in a bad mood, you kick me hard."

Huang Shaoleng squatted there maintaining the original posture, motionless, letting her fists pound on his body.

Gu Chuxia wanted to go crazy, "All of you are villains, you all know how to bully me, you bully me, your mother bullies me too..."

"Huang Shaoleng, I want to share with you, now immediately!"

"You're talking angry!"

The man who had not spoken all this time suddenly raised his head, met Gu Chuxia's angry gaze, and spoke coldly.

"Angry words?" Gu Chuxia burst out laughing suddenly, "Haha..."

"why are you laughing?"

"Do you know." Gu Chuxia immediately stopped laughing, and the expression on her face slowly filled with sadness, "Your mother, not long ago, told me that she wanted to take me in as a goddaughter."


Huang Shaoleng's expression turned gloomy.

"But, I think she has a good idea." Gu Chuxia raised her hand to straighten out her messy long hair, then squinted at Huang Shaoleng, who had a calm expression, and sneered with her slightly raised lips, "And , I have already agreed."

"You are fucking sick!"

"Yes, I'm sick, I'm sick, and I'm dying."

Gu Chuxia burst into tears suddenly.

The tears seemed to have been stored in the eye sockets for a long time, just waiting for this moment, blinking the eyes lightly, the tears rolled down like broken pearls, crackling, each one was like bombs, in the imperial palace. The apex of Shao Leng's heart exploded.

A burst of inexplicable pain hit her, and when she raised her hand, his fingertips had already slid across her cheeks covered with tears, but just as he slid across, Gu Chuxia's hand swung away vigorously.

"Get out, I don't want your sympathy, let alone your cheap love."

Her movements and her roar made Huang Shao Leng get up suddenly, and the breath in his body also became cold at the same moment, he condensed her condescendingly, his voice was like ice slag, "Gu Chuxia, you are crazy enough! "

"Do you think I'm like a lunatic now? A lunatic who makes trouble for no reason and never dies?"

"I hope you can calm down and we can talk."

"Talk about it?" Gu Chuxia's eyes filled with tears filled with sadness, "What are you talking about? Is it about me being your sister who is about to become your sister or about...your fiancée is about to become your sister?"

When I arrive, do I need to know the current affairs and hide? "

Huang Shaoleng's downcast eyes suddenly lifted up, and the accident that flashed in there made Gu Chuxia's aching heart feel as if it had fallen into an ice cellar.

"It turns out that it is true."

Gu Chuxia raised her hand, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and sneered, "I thought I had heard it wrong."

"Why do you care about these?" Huang Shao said coldly, his voice was very low, but there was a bit of cruelty, "Isn't it good between you and me like before?"

Like before?

Gu Chuxia's heart was hit hard again, and her originally chaotic mind instantly became clear.

Yeah, what the hell is she doing?
What the hell is she trying to do?
She suddenly discovered that what she cared about did not exist in their relationship.

You should care about things that don't exist, what else is it if it's not hypocrisy?
The bottom of my heart was clear, and there were no more tears in my eyes. I raised my eyes to look at him, and suddenly raised my lips and smiled, "I was just kidding with you, did you take it seriously?"

(End of this chapter)

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