Chapter 180

Gu Chuxia pursed her lips happily, could she take it as a compliment?
Young Master Huang gave her a cold look, taking in all of her little pride, "If I'm not hot, I'll fall into your trap?"

Gu Chuxia suddenly realized and was disappointed, "Ah, so I didn't confuse you with my looks."

The corners of Huang Shaoleng's lips twitched wildly, and he pulled her away, "You are so naive."

Gu Chuxia, "..."

Gu Chuxia was depressed, and her self-confidence was knocked down by half again.

Back then, she sat firmly as the chief school belle for four full years on the Z University Billboard, and she was still the number one goddess in the hearts of boys from all departments of Z University, irreplaceable despite the high-intensity onslaught of the later elementary school girls.

Not to mention that they were popular with the opposite sex at school, but in the society and in the years when they joined the bank, they would not receive a few bouquets of roses from their admirers every week, and what's more, what kind of rich second generation, tall, rich and handsome? He brought a luxury sports car to ask her to show her face and give her a meal or something, but she refused all of them.

After the rejection, people still miss her kindly, and 90.00% of the men who have pursued her have become friends with her.

Bai Mo once said with emotion, "Gu Chuxia, do you know why you have been on the top Z list for four years, and I have always been in second place and have never been able to surpass you?"

Every time at this time, Gu Chuxia would give her a particularly arrogant look, "Isn't it true that my sister is prettier than you?"

"I'm not afraid of flashing my tongue when I talk big." Bai Mo sneered at her.

To be honest, Gu Chuxia has always known that in terms of appearance, Bai Mo definitely surpasses her by more than a star and a half, but she also wonders why she became the first and Bai Mo fell to the second place.

You know, when she saw the results of the selection on the school forum, she almost thought she was hallucinating.

Proper No.1, for four years, no one has ever surpassed it.

that kind of glory...

I remember the evening when she and Xiaobai were recruited into the bank after graduating that year, the two rode to the night market and ordered beer crayfish and grilled skewers.

The two chatted and talked about "school belle" again, Gu Chuxia became arrogant again, boasting in high spirits, "Sister has enjoyed the treatment of school belle for four years, and now she is leaving like this, I really feel a little bit sad .”

"Ah bah, for four whole years, those boys who chased you were delusional at first to be your man, but in the end, you turned them into your friends, Gu Chuxia, that's why you are number one , character, well-proportioned, bold and loyal but also know how to measure."

"Really?" Gu Chuxia suddenly realized, "Isn't it because I'm beautiful?"

"Am I beautiful?"

" are beautiful, you are beautiful, and your whole family is beautiful!"

Until later, when she found out who Bai Mo's biological parents were, Gu Chuxia laughed a little bit, and it became a prophecy, Xiao Bai's family is really beautiful.

As soon as I walked in, the originally lively restaurant suddenly became quiet. Gu Chuxia could understand the shocking scene everyone saw at the moment. If she were a bystander, she would be shocked to death, maybe because she was too shocked. Unexpectedly, the jaw will be dislocated.

After all, we have to face it!
After taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly, he raised his head, with a slight smile on his delicate face, met the strange gazes of his colleagues, and said without waiting for the man beside him to speak, "Young Master Huang , Crown Prince of the Royal Family, President of the Huang Group, my fiancé, my little Tangdou's father, well, the introduction is over, let's continue, what to eat and what to drink, leave us alone, thank you."

Not only all the colleagues at the scene were stunned, but even the expression on Huang Shaoleng's face who was holding her hand tightly was also slightly stunned. He turned his head to look at her, his blue eyes were full of smiles, and then looked up. , His voice also rang.

The magnetism and melodiousness enough to make the hearts of women all over the world beat, immediately set off a violent atmosphere on the scene.

"Thank you to the colleagues at the scene for taking care of my family Xiaxia before. All the expenses in the villa for the next three days will be paid by me, and everyone present tonight will have a mysterious gift."

"Thank you prince!"

After a few seconds of silence, this excited roar suddenly broke out. After the roar, everyone asked questions in a hurry.

"Sister Xia Xia, what gift did the crown prince prepare for us? Is it big? If it's not big enough, we don't want it."

Xia Duo, who is not afraid of death, is infatuated and happy for the gift she is about to get.

"Secretary Gu, the secrecy work is strict enough," Cui Hao strode over and yelled, "I knew you had a special relationship with the crown prince, so why should I worry about it? Why don't I just hand over the crown prince to you?" of."

Gu Chuxia glared at him, gritted her teeth and asked in a low voice, "Didn't you hand him over to me?"

"This this..."

"You two..." Gu Chuxia glanced at the two men beside him, "Accomplice!"

Cui Hao immediately said with a smile, "You know, the king wants the minister to do it according to his will, if the minister doesn't do it, the consequences will be disastrous."


"Otherwise, when you and the prince get married, I will definitely pack a big red envelope."



"It's almost there!"

Huang Shao coldly glanced at the two people who were chatting endlessly, and suddenly his blue eyes froze, and he said to Cui Hao, "Mr. Cui, why don't you go and see if the gift has arrived?"

When Cui Hao heard it, the prince's voice was very strange, could it be...

Immediately covered in cold sweat, "Yes, I'll go right away." After speaking, he lifted his feet and slid faster than a rabbit.

"Prince, Madam, come and sit here."

Under the warm invitation of everyone, Huang Shaoleng took Gu Chuxia's hand and sat on the table in the middle, then ignored everyone's enthusiastic eyes, and stroked Gu Chuxia's small hand with his big hand, with a calm and composed expression on his handsome and unparalleled face, Luo Luo's show of affection.

Compared to his calmness, Gu Chuxia was a little shy, her delicate face was slowly blushing, very attractive.

Under the intense stares of everyone, Gu Chuxia tried to use the excuse of urination to leave for a while to catch his breath, but at this moment, a tall and straight man in a black suit walked in, carrying a box in his hand, The ruthlessness swept across every married and unmarried woman in the entire restaurant.

I saw him walking in front of Huang Shaoleng with strides, and said in a thick voice, "Prince."

"Well, give it to everyone present."


Bess put the suitcase on the table and opened it with his hand. Gu Chuxia, who was sitting beside him, felt a flash of light in front of his eyes. When he saw the contents clearly, he was shocked.


Glittering gold bars!

Gu Chuxia, who had worked in a bank before, knew at a glance that the gold bar was at least fifty grams.

She made a rough calculation in her mind, and based on the current gold price of [-] grams, fifty grams would be... twenty thousand.

She looked up at the colleagues who were also surprised around her. There were a total of 50 people who came this time.

50 people, one piece per person, that is 50 yuan, the market value of each piece is 50, and then [-] people...

Gu Chuxia's heart was bleeding.

100! ! ! !

How many princess dresses can I buy for her Tangdou, enough to wear for a lifetime.

He secretly reached out his hand and tugged at the man who looked calm and seemed not even interested in glancing at the gold bars. When he looked over, he immediately leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Will you?" Wouldn't it be too expensive? I'm afraid they won't dare to accept it."

"will not!"

The man took advantage of the opportunity to wrap his arms around her small waist, raised his eyes to look around, and then clung to her ears, "Didn't you see that the eyes around you have started to glow green?"

green light?

Gu Chuxia raised her eyes and felt a sudden burst of cold sweat. Sure enough, those eyes staring at the gold bars in the box were like wolves seeing delicious prey, emitting a faint green light.

Gu Chuxia suddenly felt that it was so embarrassing.

Cui Hao strode over, and when he saw the gold bars in the box, he immediately became excited, "Prince, do you have my share?"

Huang Shao coldly raised his eyelids and glanced at him, "Are you poor?"

When Cui Hao heard this, he immediately broke out in cold sweat. He dared to say that he was not poor, but did he really want the radiant gold?

Gold, who doesn't love gold?

At this moment, Bei Si had already picked up the gold bars and was about to send them out, but suddenly a person rushed out from the crowd, and his natural vigilance made him reach out to block them. In the next second, he heard a scream of "ah", followed by a heavy object falling down. The 'plop' sound of the ground.

Everyone saw it, it was terrible, Xia Duo slammed into the table beside him, and after falling to the ground, he rolled under the table next to him, not even moving.


There was a terrified scream from the crowd. When Gu Chuxia heard it, he immediately broke away from Huang Shaoleng's big hand and ran over. Because he was too far away before, he couldn't see clearly. At this moment, when he got closer, he saw a pool of blood flowing from Xia from the back of Dodo's head,

She yelled in horror, and she had no time to think about it. Because the dining table was too short, she had to bend down, then knelt on the ground, and slowly moved closer to the table.
"Xia Duo..."

Gu Chuxia looked at Xia Duo who was lying there quietly, her heart almost stopped beating, she slowly put her trembling fingers on the tip of her nose, when she felt the sound of rapid breathing, a holding heart It just fell down.

"Xia Duo, Duo Duo..." She gently patted her cheek with her hand while calling her name, but Xia Duo still didn't respond.

Gu Chuxia was frightened, and immediately yelled at Beth, "What are you still doing standing there? Hurry up and get him out to the hospital."

Bess didn't move, he still stood there expressionless, without even turning his eyes here.

At this moment, all the colleagues around gathered around, but no one dared to go up and move Xia Duo, for fear of any unexpected situation.

Gu Chuxia couldn't help being furious with Beth's cold-blooded and inhuman appearance, she turned her head and yelled at the man who was sitting there with the same indifferent expression, "Young Master Huang!"

The man sitting on the chair seemed to be aware of the seriousness, and immediately got up from the chair and strode forward. When he saw Xia Duo's situation, he immediately looked at Beth and ordered, "Take someone to the hospital."


As soon as the cold-blooded and ruthless Beth received Huang Shaoleng's order, he immediately strode over, moved the dining table aside with one hand, and then walked in front of Xia Duo, ignoring Gu Chuxia's furious brows at him, and stretched out his hand to hold Xia Duo He picked it up and strode out the door.

Gu Chuxia grabbed Huang Shaoleng's hand and ran after him.

Cui Hao, who was suffering from bloodsickness, finally came out from the corner, looked at the box full of gold bars on the table, clasped the box and held it in his hand, looked around, and said, "Go ahead, I'll go and see Look."

(End of this chapter)

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