Chapter 182

"of course."

Tangdou suddenly became happy, put his two small arms around his neck and shouted excitedly, "I want to let those bad kids know that I have a father, my father is not only tall, but also very handsome , they will definitely envy me!"

The heart was stabbed suddenly.

Huang Shao coldly hugged Tangdou into his arms, and closed his deep eyes vigorously. After a long time, until Little Tangdou's uncomfortable protest came, "Oh, I'm so strangled that I can't breathe!" .”

Only then did Huang Shaoleng open his eyes suddenly, and after a touch of panic, he quickly let go of the little man he was holding tightly in his arms, and asked nervously, "Is there anything wrong?"

Seeing his flustered expression, Little Tangdou grinned "hee hee", "It's okay, you hugged me too tightly just now; but, I like the feeling of you hugging me."

Huang Shao Leng has always known that the word sensuality has nothing to do with him; he never thought that one day, he would become sensual to another little woman.

What's more, he didn't even feel that it was 'numb' after he became numb.

He let Little Jelly Bean sit on his lap, and then held her fleshy little face in his big hands, eyes full of true love and kindness, at that moment, a thing called 'father's love' radiated from him Gu Chuxia who was on the side was stunned.

I only heard him say, "Tang Dou, Dad swears, every day from today onwards, you will be the happiest little princess in the world, and Dad will always protect you forever."

"How far is forever?"

Little Tang Dou blinked her big eyes and asked suspiciously.

"It's far, far away, Dad will do his best to accompany you all the way!"

Gu Chuxia suddenly burst into tears.

But at this moment, the door was pushed open, and Papa Gu walked in with a paper bag. When he saw Huang Shaoleng sitting on the sofa holding jelly beans, his expression was also taken aback.

No one thought that he would suddenly appear here!
Seeing Papa Gu coming in, Young Master Huang stood up with Tangdou in his arms, smiling modestly and politely, and he did the courtesy that a future son-in-law should have. You know, he has never offered to anyone other than his parents. People have said hello.

"Dad, you're back."

The direct call of 'Dad' made Gu's father even more dumbfounded.

Standing at the door for a long time, it wasn't until Gu Chuxia walked over to hold his arm that he came back to his senses. He looked at his daughter with eyes. Although he didn't ask directly, the meaning of the eyes was obvious, "Quickly explain, What's going on? How come I haven't seen you for three years, and I called you Dad when I saw you again?"

Gu Chuxia didn't know how to explain it, so she just said, "If you're told, you should, anyway, you won't suffer."

The corner of Gu's father's mouth twitched, "This child..."

At this time, the crunchy voice of Little Jelly Bean came, "Grandpa, this is Dad, look quickly, our eyes are the same color."

Seeing Xiao Tangdou's happy appearance, even if Gu's father had a lot of dissatisfaction, he couldn't take it out on the spot. He gave Huang Shao a cold look and said, "When did you come here?"



Papa Gu walked over and handed Tangdou the paper bag in his hand, "Here, the hamburger that grandpa bought is still warm, do you want to eat it now?"

Little Tangdou immediately reached out to take it, "Yes, I want to eat with Dad."

Gu's father didn't say anything, but walked towards the kitchen. Seeing his father's disappearing figure, Gu Chuxia secretly thought in his heart: The old man doesn't seem very happy?Is it because Huang Shao is cold?
The father and daughter sat happily on the sofa and shared the hamburger. From time to time, they heard the voice of the little jelly bean in pain, "Oh papa, why don't you take such a big bite, you've eaten all the meat .”

"Junk food, children should not eat more."

A man's very shameless voice came.

"But, I only took a small bite, ouch, ouch, don't eat any more... woo woo woo... Mom, he snatched my burger..."

Gu Chuxia turned her head and glanced at the little jelly bean with only a leaf of lettuce in her hand. Her pitiful appearance made her heart twitch slightly, and she glanced at someone who was eating right Huan Huan's man roared, "Huang Shao Leng, is there such a father as you? You are really thick-skinned for stealing food from your own daughter!"

Unexpectedly, the man gave her a look of "Are you an idiot?" and said, "This thing is not nutritious, it's fried, and the source of the chicken is not sure, so you can rest assured that she will eat it?"

Gu Chuxia couldn't utter a single word, and it took a long time before he said, "I like jelly beans!"

"That doesn't work either. Children who eat too much of this stuff will affect their development."

Gu Chuxia was silent.

"Papa, what is development?"

When Little Tangdou threw this question to Huang Shaoleng, Gu Chuxia immediately became excited.

Seeing Tangdou grow up day by day, the enlightenment education involves various aspects, Tangdou's curiosity about the various organs of the human body is getting stronger and stronger, and the questions he asks always catch Gu Chuxia a little unprepared, and don't know how to answer them.

I remember once again, not long ago, when she was taking a bath with Tangdou, Tangdou suddenly pointed to her breasts and asked, "Mom, why is yours so big and mine is flat?"

Gu Chuxia was dumbfounded on the spot.

It took a long time to make up a reason, "When you grow up, you will have it."

Little Tangdou asked again, "Why?"

"When you arrive, you will be just like your mother. You will have your favorite long skirt and lipstick, and a pair of high heels that suit you. You will no longer have to secretly wear your mother's shoes."


The little girl's eyes were full of longing.


Little Tangdou looked at his father expectantly, while Gu Chuxia gloated.

Hmph, Xiao Mian, isn't he usually awesome?

If you have the ability, you can explain to a two and a half year old what 'development' is.

Huang Shaoleng didn't expect Tangdou to ask such a question. Immediately, the expression on his face was also stunned, but he is also a diamond that has been honed through thousands of years.

The small problem was defeated, and if it spread, wouldn't it be laughed to death by outsiders.

After a little thought, he looked at Tangdou and explained solemnly, "What is development? Development is that you are a cute little doll now, and as time goes by, you will grow up slowly, and you will From a little doll to a big girl, more beautiful and charming like your mother."

Little Tangdou immediately became happy when he heard that, "Okay, okay, I want to grow up to be as charming as my mother, and I want to fascinate Dongdong and make him like me."

Upon hearing this, Gu Chuxia immediately asked, "Who is Dongdong?"

"Mom can't ask more about the person I like." Little Tangdou immediately pouted and protested.

Gu Chuxia, "..."

A two-and-a-half-year-old kid actually has someone he likes?

What else do you say to fascinate people?
God, this character is definitely not like her, she is not so unrestrained.

Papa Gu came out of the kitchen with bowls and chopsticks in his hands, "Come here and prepare to eat."

"Eat, eat." Little Tangdou's fever subsided completely, and now he regained his usual vivacity, wrapped his small arms around Huang Shaoleng's neck, and then the three of them walked towards the restaurant.

Four hot dishes, one cold dish, and one soup filled the table. At the end, Gu's father brought out a bottle of good wine from his collection, and put a wine glass in front of Huang Shaoleng.

"Come have a drink with me tonight."

"it is good."

After eating, Gu Chuxia went upstairs with jelly beans in her arms. After taking a bath, it was time to put her to bed. Gu Chuxia picked up the little bedtime story on the bedside and told it vividly, "Mom, let's start. You have to close your eyes and be obedient, okay?"

"it is good."

"Let's tell the story of the twelve zodiac signs today." Gu Chuxia began to tell the storybook, her voice was very soft and soft, like a lullaby.

"Tang Dou, do you know what you belong to?" Gu Chuxia asked softly.

"Mom, I belong to the dragon, and I am the descendant of the dragon." Little Tangdou blinked her big crystal grape-like eyes with pride.

"Well, in addition to the dragon being the zodiac sign, there are also those who belong to the little white rabbit, and some who belong to the big tiger... but there is no one who belongs to the cat."


Little Tangdou was fascinated by it.

"Here is a story, can you listen to your mother tell it to you slowly?"

"it is good."

"A long time ago, one day, people said: "We want to choose twelve animals as people's zodiac signs, one animal for each year.However, with so many animals in the world, how to choose one?How about this, set a date, on this day, the animals come to sign up, and the top twelve animals will be selected as the Chinese zodiac..."

In the quiet room, only Gu Chuxia's voice could be heard softly. At some point, Little Tangdou closed her eyes, breathed evenly, and fell asleep.

Gu Chuxia covered her with a small quilt, then gently rolled over and got out of bed, and opened it.The door went out.

She has been worried that the two drinking downstairs will have a dispute for some reason.

When I went downstairs, I saw Gu's mother sitting on the sofa in the living room, saw her come down, and asked softly, "Asleep?"

"Yeah." Gu Chuxia raised her chin in the direction of the restaurant, "How's it going? Still drinking?"

"Drinking." Gu's mother pursed her lips and laughed, "Your father took another bottle. He hasn't been as happy as he is today for a long time."

Gu Chuxia was taken aback, "My dad is really happy?"

Gu's mother waved to her, and Gu Chuxia leaned over immediately, only to hear her mother whispering, "I was not very happy at first, and I don't know what's wrong; but after drinking, I became happy. Listen, everyone is calling you brothers and sisters." , it’s really fatal.”


Gu Chuxia silently approached the dining room, and stood quietly in the shadow, listening to the sometimes passionate and sometimes low-pitched voices coming from inside, all of which were said by his father and echoed by Huang Shaoleng She listened for a while, and it was all irrelevant nonsense, and her father said over and over again, for example, "The braised pork cooked by your mother today tastes really good. You must eat more if you eat more."

(End of this chapter)

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