Chapter 184

Gu Chuxia clasped the door frame with both hands, complaining to Gu's mother, "You are definitely not my real mother!"

"You really guessed it right." Gu's mother glanced at her, "How can the one picked up in the trash can be your own?"

Gu Chuxia, "I guess that's what you'll say. It's been 18 years, and you're not tired of it."

In Gu Chuxia's memories, every time she made Gu's mother angry, she would yell at her, "Gu Chuxia, if you dare to make trouble again, I will put you back in the trash can!"

Well, this sentence really made Gu Chuxia be honest for many years, until she was in junior high school, after she accidentally learned that the children around her were all picked up from the trash can, she began to fantasize about a scene with the children. Dumpster tour.

In the ten years since then, Gu's mother clearly knew that this threat was becoming less and less effective and had even been ignored by Gu Chuxia, but she still yelled it, and she was used to it. The essence of a stepmother as a real mother.

"In 18 years, I won't get tired of it." Mama Gu said, taking out a box of instant noodles from the kitchen cabinet beside her, and threw it at her, "Let's put it on first."

Gu Chuxia was holding instant noodles, which were not her favorite pickled cabbage fish flavor, so she protested, "I want pickled cabbage fish flavor."

"Hey, I'll cook fish for you at noon." The man who had been chopping meat suddenly turned his head, and smiled dotingly at a certain little woman who was holding instant noodles with a displeased face, "Sauerkraut fish or spicy fish?"

When Gu Chuxia heard this, he immediately grinned, "Spicy fish."

"Then can you go to the restaurant obediently now?"


Gu Chuxia left, contentedly.

She enjoyed his pampering very much, and she also ate the braised noodles that she didn't like at first, and even drank the noodle soup.

Gu Chuxia sat down on the sofa in the living room after eating and drinking, and called Baimo while gnawing on an apple, "Your brother is back, do you want to come over?"

"He's back?" Bai Mo was a little surprised, "He's at your house now?"

"Well, is there a problem?"

"Didn't our parents kick him out with a stick?"

Tsk tsk tsk, if Huang Shaohan heard this, how sad it would be.

As for my sister, why is my heart so bad.

Gu Chuxia was also very depressed, "I am also very depressed. According to normal people's thinking, a bastard like this must not even let in the door, but what shocked me is that he not only came in , and coaxed my parents to be happy."


Bai Mo obviously couldn't believe it.

"Don't believe me?" Gu Chuxia glanced at the very harmonious scene in the kitchen, "Now, my mother is teaching him how to cook. Didn't you see the smile on my mother's face, and you just burst into laughter."

"Cooking?" A foodie can always catch the most sensitive point about eating, "What kind of cooking? Is there anything I like?"

"……You are dismissed!"

At the entrance of the 'Zhixi' Kindergarten, it was time for lunch. Si Huan was standing by a window of the small class. Beside her, the principal was carefully accompanying her. Suggestion, "Madam, why don't we go in."

The wife of the chairman of the dignified Huangshi Group stood outside the kindergarten classroom and looked at the children. The headmaster was very disturbed. If the chairman knew about this, the result would be disastrous.

The entire kindergarten belongs to the Huang's Group. As the first lady of the Huang's Group, she wanted to see a certain child but couldn't enter the door and could only peek at the window.

Si Huan shook her head, "No, I'll take a look and leave."

The principal was very conflicted. He really wanted to remind Si Huan that she had said this three or four times, but nearly an hour had passed, and she still hadn't left.

When Long Zhixi came from a distance, the head of the garden seemed to see a savior, and immediately rushed over, ignoring Long Zhixi's disgusted expression, and begged, "Master Long Zhixi, your grandma is here. "

He originally thought that Long Zhixi would show great enthusiasm, even if there was no great enthusiasm, there should be a little excitement, who knows...

Long Zhixi squinted at him, and threw a sentence, "What does it have to do with me!"

The head of the garden was stunned for a long time, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time. When he saw Long Zhixi raised his foot and wanted to leave, he hurriedly said, "Your grandma came to see you, why don't you go and say hello?"

Long Zhixi stopped in his tracks, looked at him, his eyes were like looking at an idiot, he opened his mouth, and the words he said were so poisonous that the head of the garden wanted to bite his tongue and kill himself.

"Which eye of yours saw that she came to see me?"


The director was sweating profusely, he did not see with either eye.

However, who else would Madam look for when she came to kindergarten besides him?
Long Zhixi looked at him with a very pitiful look, which made the director sweat coldly, and he muttered to himself, "What kind of look is this? Is he an idiot? Idiot enough for a five-year-old child to look at him with this look. he?
But in order to clarify the doubts in his heart, an idiot is an idiot. Anyway, the kindergarten is his, and as the principal, he is just working for him.

Thinking of this cruel fact, the principal felt very depressed: he was working for a five-year-old kid in his old age, God, what is the world now?
"Then tell me, who is she here to see?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Which eye of yours saw that she came to see me?"


The head of the kindergarten was sweating profusely. He did not see it with either eye, but, if the wife came to the kindergarten to look for the little grandson, who else would she look for?

Long Zhixi stood where he was, suddenly turned his gaze, looked at a certain woman who was lying on the window of the small class and went to peek inside, and suddenly sighed deeply, "Oh, it's terrible, I'm still so childish at such a young age." At the same time, he has already lifted his foot and walked towards Si Huan.

The principal, "..."

Here, Si Huan is lying by the window and looking at it vigorously. That little person who is as cute as an angel is seriously drawing a picture at the moment. Her serious energy, Si Huan thinks, looks very similar. When the son was young.

She looked at Tangdou, as if she saw Huang Shaoleng when she was a child, and the strange feeling in her heart could not be described in words.

At this moment, how much she wanted to go in, hold her in her arms, and tell her, "Tang Dou, I'm grandma."

However, she dared not do that.

She is afraid of scaring the child!

Just when she was fascinated by watching, she was poked on the back suddenly, she stood up straight suddenly, turned around, and when she saw Long Zhixi standing behind her, her slightly frowning brows immediately relaxed, A big smile appeared on his face.

"Meat buns, grandma's little meat buns, grandma misses you so much, come and let grandma hug you." Si Huan said and rushed towards Long Zhixi. When she was about to reach out to hug him, a small hand stretched out and directly covered her face. Then, Long Zhixi's disgusting voice sounded, "I laugh like a sunflower every time!" Like, I said Ms. Sihuan, can we change the lines when we meet next time?"

Si Huan immediately pouted her mouth in sadness, and immediately expressed her strong dissatisfaction with her little grandson's hurtful attitude and disrespectful words, "Long Zhixi, your unfilial grandson, grandma flew back from across the ocean for thousands of miles. Look at you, are you treating me like this?"

Facing her resentful accusation, Long Zhixi put his hands in the pockets of his school uniform, looked at Si Huan's seemingly aggrieved expression with his big eyes, and said to her coldly, "Ms. Si, are you sure you are Flying back to see me?"

Si Huan was obviously taken aback when she heard that, and then, under Long Zhixi's sharp eyes, she said with a guilty conscience, "Ahem, it's mainly to see you."


Long Zhixi frowned and asked back.

Si Huan started to break out in a cold sweat, "Well, um, it's also to see you."


As soon as Long Zhixi's little friend heard this, he immediately raised his head to the sky at a 45-degree angle and sighed deeply, before uttering a faint voice amidst the black lines all over Si Huan's head, "I knew it, you hurt my heart too much. "


Si Huan's heart ached with the little Roubao's appearance that seemed to be deeply hurt in front of her. She ignored the Roubao's resistance and hugged the little man in her arms, "Bajibaji" After countless mouths, Long Zhixi finally stopped in the speechless protest, and analyzed himself with guilt, "Don't be angry, okay?

It's not like you don't know that when grandma is excited, she is prone to bad things. "

Long Zhixi nodded seriously, "Well, quite self-aware."

Si Huan sweated wildly, "...Long Zhixi, I am your grandma after all, respect the old and love the young, understand?"

"Do you think my Boss Long taught me this?"

On a hot day, Long Zhixi was very uncomfortable being held by Si Huan in her arms, so a cat waist slipped out from between her arms, and then stood beside her and said these words coolly.

You can imagine the strong sense of disobedience when a five-year-old kid says something that only adults would say... Really, it can only be said to be too joyful.

Obviously naive and cute and cute, but likes to pretend to be mature and deep.

Si Huan couldn't help but nodded, "You are so right. The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. It's okay if you don't say it. As soon as you said it, I remembered it. Your Boss Long hasn't taken the initiative to come to greet you for almost half a year. His mother-in-law and old father-in-law are married, really, after marrying a daughter-in-law, he forgets his mother-in-law, as expected, big things and small things are nothing."

"Don't drag me into it, I won't go with him."

After Long Zhixi finished speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave, but was grabbed by Si Huan, "Roubao, how about grandma treating you to dinner tonight?"

Long Zhixi glanced at her, and said coldly, "Bring your own granddaughter?"

When Si Huan heard this, she immediately smiled into a sunflower again, "Oh, there is no one in the world who is smarter than my little Roubao, grandma loves you so much."

"Please call me Long Zhixi from now on, thank you!"

Meat buns...

Long Zhixi once again raised his head to look up at the sky at a 45-degree angle. This extremely vulgar title is something he can't get rid of in his entire life... flawed!
When Bai Mo heard that Huang Shaoleng was at Gu's house, he immediately drove over. As soon as he entered the door, he went straight to the kitchen, but when he saw the man wearing an apron cooking quickly, he immediately exclaimed, "Oh, hey, I said the prince , Are you having a convulsion or a convulsion, and you actually cook by yourself, am I not mistaken?"

Huang Shaoleng looked back at her, the corners of his lips slightly raised, "Here you come? Today I will let you see my brother's craftsmanship, he is definitely no worse than your boss Long."

When Bai Mo heard this, he couldn't help curling his lips, as if he lost interest in eating, "Better than him? Forget it, 90.00% of the men in the world are better at cooking than him. I thought it was better than him today. It’s delicious for lunch.”

"Don't look at people through the cracks of the door and make people look down!"

(End of this chapter)

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