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Chapter 2 Confidence Chapter Confidence makes you like learning

Chapter 2 Confidence Confidence makes you like learning

§01 The best person is you

There is no difficulty in this world that cannot be overcome, and there is no problem that cannot be solved.Have a strong heart, believe that you are the best, and believe that all difficulties will be solved.

Socrates told us: The best person is yourself——

Children, everyone is the best, the difference lies in how to know yourself and how to tap your potential.We must have confidence in ourselves, because self-confidence will give us a strong motivation to learn and make us like to learn. Coupled with our own efforts, we will gradually become better and better.

The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates had a regret before he died—his right-hand man for many years failed to find him the best closed disciple in more than half a year.

The thing is like this: Socrates, in his dying years, knew that he was running out of time, so he wanted to test and enlighten the assistant who usually looked good.He called his assistant to the bed and said, "I don't have many candles left. I have to find another one to light it. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood." The assistant said hastily, "but," Socrates said slowly, "I need the best successor, he must not only have a high degree of wisdom, but also must have full confidence and extraordinary strength." Courage...can you help me find one?" "I will do my best." Socrates smiled.

The loyal and hardworking assistant worked tirelessly to search for him through various channels.He brought one after another, but Socrates always politely declined them one by one.

"I must redouble my efforts to search," the assistant said earnestly, "Even if I search all over the world, I will find the best inheritor." Socrates smiled and stopped talking.

Half a year later, seeing that Socrates was about to leave the world, the best inheritor was still not found.The assistant was ashamed and said, "I'm so sorry for disappointing you!"

"I am the one who is disappointed, but you are the one who is sorry." Socrates closed his eyes in disappointment, paused for a long time, and then said sadly, "Originally, the best is yourself, but you can't believe yourself. Only then did I ignore myself... In fact, everyone is the best, the difference lies in how to know themselves, how to discover and reuse themselves..." A generation of philosophers has left forever the world he once paid close attention to.The assistant regretted it very much, and even blamed himself for the rest of his life.

In order not to repeat the mistakes of that assistant, everyone who yearns for success and is unwilling to sink should keep in mind the wise words of the sage: "The best is yourself!"

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Reading Tip: Why Didn't That Assistant Become Socrates' Closed Disciple?

Classic sentence: Everyone who yearns for success and is unwilling to perish should keep in mind this wise saying of the sage: "The best is yourself!"

Learning to speak: Confident people are good at discovering their own strengths, and always do their best in learning.

Liu Xiang told us: Confidence is a powerful driving force for continuous progress——

Children, the difficulties in learning are like mountains. How can we overcome them?A strong desire to win is the prerequisite for all endeavors, and it is also the condition for successfully climbing the mountain.Therefore, we must have full confidence, and through continuous efforts and tenacious struggle, we will win the final victory.

§02 Success is overcoming mountains far away

Liu Xiang is a well-deserved "Chinese Flying Man".How did he grow step by step into a "hurdle king" that the Chinese are proud of?The following self-report by Liu Xiang will tell us the real answer.

In 2002, I (Liu Xiang) participated in the International Indoor Athletics Championships held in Athens, Greece.It was the first time I stood shoulder to shoulder with Johnson on the track, the first time I competed with him.But it's really a pity that in that race, I fell over the second hurdle and didn't finish the race at all, and all I could see was Johnson's back.

Throughout 2003, I competed with Johnson nearly 10 times, and I was wiped out without a single victory.But it can be seen that my grades hovered around the fourth and fifth place before, and slowly ranked among the top three. More often, I always took No.2, while Johnson was always No.1.Undoubtedly, at that time, Johnson was still in front of me like a mountain, but I faintly felt that this mountain was not as far away as it used to be, and I even felt that I was standing at the foot of the mountain. The next thing to do is to climb over it!

May 2004, 5 was the day of the IAAF Grand Prix in Osaka, Japan.The day I was waiting for finally came, I ran 8 seconds 13, and Johnson's score was 06 seconds 13, I beat Johnson for the first time.But amidst the shouts of tens of thousands of spectators, I was still a little confused: Did I beat Johnson?is that true?It was Johnson who made me realize that this is true.After the game, he walked towards me first, still smiling so friendly, he patted my shoulder, and said: "Good job, congratulations!" Really, I beat the world "hurdle king"!
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Reading tips: Why did Liu Xiang finally defeat Johnson and become a new generation of "hurdle king"?
Classic sentence: I even feel that I have stood at the foot of the mountain, and the next thing I have to do is to climb over it!
Learn Proverbs: Self-confident people are not afraid of difficulties, they can learn from difficulties and make continuous progress.

Einstein told us: learn with confidence, but also with patience——

Children, we must be resilient people.Even if we are dull children in the eyes of others, don't feel inferior. As long as we have confidence and patience, we will become talents.Remember: a slow-growing tree grows slowly because it has enough patience and confidence to grow into a towering tree.

§03 Trees that grow slowly are more productive

Einstein couldn't speak when he was more than three years old. His parents worried that he was dumb and took him to the hospital for an examination.Later, Einstein finally spoke, but he spoke very fluently, and every word he said seemed to be spoken after strenuous thinking.

Later, Einstein went to school.The classmates were unwilling to associate with him, and the teacher even said to his father unceremoniously: "Your son is mentally retarded and does not obey discipline. He will not have much success in the future!" Einstein therefore had extremely low self-esteem. Li is even less talkative, and only thinks about playing truant all day long.

One day, his father took him to the countryside for a walk.Father pointed to the two trees and said, "Do you know what kind of trees they are?" Einstein shook his head dully and said, "I don't know." His father said, "The tall one is called Sabah, and the short one is called fir. What do you think?" Which tree is more precious?" Einstein thought for a while and said: "It should be the Sabah tree, look, how tall it grows!" "Wrong!" said the father, "It grows fast, and the wood must be loose; Slow, the wood is hard, so it is precious. Moreover, it is difficult for trees that are greedy for growth to become useful. Don’t look at Sabah trees that grow fast now, and they will stop growing after three years. Few Sabah trees can grow more than ten meters. Fir It is different, although it grows slowly, but it keeps growing consistently. Moreover, its lifespan is extremely long, and it is not a problem to live for tens of thousands of years."

Saying that, his father led him to Fir Shan.Einstein raised his head and said thoughtfully: "Dad, you want me to be a fir tree that grows slowly but never gives up, right?" Father nodded in satisfaction.

Since then, Einstein no longer plays truant.One day, in the handicraft class, Einstein made a lot of effort to make an ugly little bench, but was laughed at by the whole class.However, the father did not laugh at him, because through this rough little bench, the father saw that his son already possessed a rare toughness.

good way to learn
Reading tips: Why is fir a more precious wood than Sabah?
Learning Proverbs: Only with confidence and patience can we learn better and make the foundation more solid.

Classic sentence: Dad, you want me to be a fir tree that grows slowly but never gives up, right?

Seiji Ozawa told us: After you find out your mistakes, you must dare to insist that you are right——

Children, we must always have a skeptical attitude in learning.If an error is found, it is necessary to get to the bottom of it and verify it repeatedly until the correct answer is found.Finally, we have to say loudly and confidently: "I am right!"

§04 Believe that you are right

Seiji Ozawa is a commanding genius in the history of conducting in the 20th century. He is a conductor who is very good at using his skills and style to make the band realize its potential and form gorgeous sound effects. At the same time, he is also a conductor who is very good at using his own A great master of revealing the content of a composer's work through emotion.As a world-renowned symphony conductor, he is full of serious attitude and hard-working spirit towards art.

In the final of a world outstanding conductor competition, he conducted a performance according to the score given by the jury, and keenly discovered dissonant sounds.At first, he thought the band had made a mistake, so he stopped and played again, but it was still wrong.He thought it was a problem with the score.

At this time, the present composer and the authority of the jury insisted that there was absolutely no problem with the score, and that he was wrong.In the face of a large number of music masters and authorities, he thought twice, and finally said firmly and loudly: "No! There must be a mistake in the music score!" As soon as the words fell, the judges on the jury table immediately stood up and gave warm applause. Congratulations to him for winning the championship.

It turned out that this was a "trap" carefully designed by the judges to test whether the conductor could stick to his correct proposition when he found an error in the score and was "denied" by an authority.Although the first two conductors who participated in the finals also found mistakes, they failed to win the championship because they echoed the opinions of the authorities.However, Seiji Ozawa won the crown of the World Conductor Competition because of his confidence.

good way to learn
Reading Tip: Why did Seiji Ozawa win the World Conductor Competition?

Classic sentence: Although the first two conductors who participated in the finals also found mistakes, they failed to win the championship because they echoed the opinions of the authorities.

Learn Proverbs: Believe that you are right, which is based on strong confidence and a solid foundation.

The "genius" mouse tells us: If you want to be a genius, you must first believe that you are a genius——

Children, no matter what kind of environment we are in, we should never lose confidence.The so-called geniuses in the world are just those who work harder and work harder.As long as we maintain confidence and make unremitting efforts, we will also become geniuses in the eyes of everyone.

§05 The magic of self-confidence

Self-confidence has a wonderful magic power, it will produce magical power.An experiment at Harvard University in the United States confirmed the magic of self-confidence.

Several years ago, Dr. Robert presided over a six-week experiment at Harvard University in which mice ate cheese through a maze. The subjects were three groups of students and three groups of mice.

He said to the first group of students: "You are very lucky, because you will be with a group of 'genius' mice. These clever mice will quickly go through the maze to the end, and then eat a lot of cheese, so you have to be more prepared. Cheese at the end."

He said to the second group of students: "You're going to be with a bunch of normal rats. The mediocre rats will end up going through the maze to the finish line and eat some cheese. Don't expect too much from them because they're not very intelligent."

He said to the third group of students: "I'm sorry, but you will be with a group of 'stupid' mice. The group of 'stupid' mice will perform poorly and are unlikely to make it to the end of the maze, so you don't need to prepare cheese at all .”

Six weeks later, the results of the experiment came in. The "genius" mice quickly passed through the maze and reached the finish line very quickly; the "normal" mice also reached the finish line, but at a very slow speed; as for the "stupid" mice, only one reached the finish line through the maze.

Interestingly, there were no "genius" and "stupid" mice at all, they were all ordinary mice from the same litter.The reason why these mice showed such a big difference is that the students in the experiment were guided by Dr. Robert's language, which affected their attitudes, and then affected their confidence in eagerness to win.

good way to learn
Reading tip: Is there really a difference between a genius and an idiot in Jamaica?
Classical sentence: "Genius" mice quickly passed through the maze and reached the end point very quickly; "Ordinary" mice could also reach the end point, but at a very slow speed; as for the "stupid" mice, only one reached the end point through the maze.

Learning Proverbs: Only those with strong self-confidence can become "geniuses" in learning.

Brazilian players tell us: Don't lose heart even if you fail -

Children, we have to experience many successes and failures in our studies.You may be uplifted, you may be down, but no matter what, you have to keep smiling, don't be arrogant in victory, not discouraged in defeat, and deal with it with a positive attitude, because "this too will pass".

§06 This too shall pass

In 1954, Brazilian men, women and children almost unanimously believed that the Brazilian football team would definitely win the World Cup.However, there were unexpected events. In the semi-finals, the Brazilian team unexpectedly lost to the French team, and failed to bring the golden trophy back to Brazil.

The players understand better than anyone that football is the national soul of Brazil, so they feel extremely remorseful and feel ashamed to see their hometown elders.They expected to be greeted with insults, jeers and soda bottle throws from fans.

When the plane entered Brazil's airspace, the players became even more uneasy and felt like they were sitting on pins and needles.But when the plane landed at Rio de Janeiro International Airport, what caught their eyes was another scene: the Brazilian president and more than 2 fans stood silently on the airport, and two banners stood out among the crowd:

"If you fail, hold your head high!"

"This too shall pass!"

The players immediately burst into tears.

Neither the president nor the fans spoke, silently watching the players leave the airport.

Four years later, the Brazilian soccer team lived up to expectations and won the World Cup.

When returning home, as soon as the special plane of the Brazilian football team entered the border, 16 fighter jets immediately escorted it.When the plane landed at Rio de Janeiro International Airport, as many as 3 people gathered at the airport to welcome them.On both sides of the nearly 20-kilometer road from the airport to the Plaza de Signia, more than 100 million people gathered automatically.What an exciting scene!

There are also two particularly eye-catching banners in the crowd:
"If you win, you must go forward!"

"This too shall pass!"

good way to learn
Reading tips: Why can the Brazilian football team regain the World Cup title?

Classic sentence: Even if you fail, hold your head high!If you win, you must go forward!

Learn Proverbs: Failure is not terrible, what is afraid is losing confidence, and success is possible if you have confidence.

Zhang Yue and Bai Yansong tell us: A successful life starts with establishing self-confidence——

Children, when we face our inherent disadvantages, we will feel inferior.In fact, we don't need to feel inferior because of this, because inferiority will make us depressed and lose confidence in learning and getting along with classmates.Everyone has advantages and disadvantages. We need to see more of our own advantages and appreciate ourselves, so that we can get closer to success.

§07 Say goodbye to the past of inferiority complex

More than ten years ago, he was admitted to a university in Beijing from a small northern county with a population of just over 20.On the first day of school, the female classmate at the next table asked him, "Where are you from?" and this question was the most taboo for him, because in his logic, being born in a small county, It means that if you are petty and have never seen the world, you will definitely be looked down upon by your classmates from big cities.

Because of what this female classmate asked him, he didn't dare to talk to the female students in the same class for a whole semester, so that at the end of the semester, many female students in the same class did not know him.For a long time, the shadow of inferiority occupied his heart.The most obvious manifestation is: every time he takes a photo, he subconsciously wears big sunglasses to cover up his inner inferiority complex and panic.

Twenty years ago, she also attended a university in Beijing.She spent most of her days in doubt and low self-esteem.She suspected that her classmates would laugh at her secretly, thinking that she was too fat and ugly.

She didn't dare to wear skirts, and she didn't dare to go to gym class.At the end of college, she almost failed to graduate, not because her homework was too bad, but because she was afraid to take the long-distance sports test.The teacher said: "As long as you run, no matter how slow you are, you will pass." But she just didn't run, because she was afraid that her fat body would be ridiculed by her classmates if she started running.

However, she didn't even have the courage to explain to the teacher. She just followed the teacher foolishly. Finally, the teacher got annoyed and barely counted her as a pass.

At a TV party, she said to him: "If we were classmates at that time, we might have been a couple who would never talk. You would think: He is a girl in Beijing, how could he look down on me? And I Then you will think: How can someone look up to me because he is so handsome?"

He is now a well-known host of CCTV, his name is Bai Yansong; she is also a well-known host of CCTV, her name is Zhang Yue.

good way to learn
Reading tips: Why can Bai Yansong and Zhang Yue become excellent hosts?

Classic sentence: Every time he takes a photo, he subconsciously wears big sunglasses to cover up his inner inferiority complex and panic.

Learn the proverbs: A ruler is long and an inch is short. Look at your own strengths, and you will regain your confidence.

Alexandre Dumas told us that only by amplifying one's own strengths can one establish indestructible self-confidence——

Children, do you sometimes feel that you are mediocre, that your grades are not the best, and that you don't have any outstanding talents?But have you found that you are particularly good at a certain aspect?Remember, you must have advantages over other students, play a lot, and you will eventually achieve academic success.

§08 Magnify your strengths
A poor young man wanders to Paris, hoping that his father's friends can help him find a job to make a living.

"Are you proficient in math?" his father's friend asked him.

The young man shyly shook his head.

"How about history and geography?" The young man still shook his head shyly. "What about the law?"

The young man lowered his head in embarrassment.

"How about accounting?"

Father's friends asked questions one after another, and the young man could only tell each other by shaking his head that he seemed to have nothing good, and he couldn't even find the slightest advantage.

"Then you write down your address first, and I have to find a job for you."

The young man wrote down his address in shame, and hurriedly turned to leave, but was stopped by his father's friend: "Young man, your name is written beautifully. This is your advantage. You shouldn't just Satisfied with finding a subsistence job."

Is it an advantage to write your name well?The young man saw a positive answer in the eyes of the other party.

Encouraged young people magnify their advantages little by little, and walk forward with confidence.

A few years later, the young man really wrote a world-renowned classic.He is the well-known 18th-century French writer Alexandre Dumas.

Many ordinary people in the world have some small advantages such as "being able to write their names well", but they are often ignored due to inferiority complex and other reasons, and thus they are farther and farther away from success.

good way to learn
Reading tips: Why did Alexandre Dumas become a world-famous writer?

Classic sentence: The young people who have been opened to run schools, magnify their own advantages little by little, and move forward with confidence.

Learn Proverbs: People who understand the advantages of the ruling party can always get out of failure and build self-confidence from inferiority.

Establish a positive belief: imply to yourself that I am the best——

Children, we have to say to ourselves after waking up every morning: "I am the best! I will do better than yesterday!" Only by giving ourselves some positive hints can we make progress every day and finally achieve the goal in our hearts. Target.

§09 Suggestion is also a force

The United States is a paradise for immigrants, but there are also countless frustrated people in paradise, and Henry, who is already 30 years old, is one of them.He lives on unemployment benefits, lying idly on a park bench all day long, helplessly watching the leaves fall and the clouds fly away, lamenting how unfair his fate is to him.

One day, his childhood friend Cheney excitedly came to him with news that surprised him.Cheney couldn't wait to tell him: "I saw a magazine, and there was an article in it saying that Napoleon had an illegitimate son who fled to the United States, and this illegitimate son gave birth to several sons, and all their characteristics were similar to yours: short in stature, Speak English with a French accent."

"Really?" Henry was dubious, but he still wanted all this to be true.

"I am the grandson of Napoleon." For a long time, Henry always murmured in his heart, and gradually, this lingering idea finally convinced him that this was a fact.

As a result, Henry's life was completely changed. He used to feel inferior and discouraged because of his short stature, but now he is proud of it—my grandfather commanded thousands of troops with such an image.I used to feel that my English pronunciation was not standard, like an annoying country bumpkin, but now I am very proud of myself with a little French accent.When he made up his mind to start a business, because he started from scratch, he encountered countless unimaginable difficulties. He often said to himself: the word "difficult" cannot be found in Napoleon's dictionary.In this way, relying on the belief that he is the grandson of Napoleon, he overcame various difficulties to become the chairman of a large company, and he built a 30-story office building opposite the park where he often strolled when he was poor.

On the 10th anniversary of the company's establishment, he asked someone to investigate his own life experience and concluded that he was not Napoleon's grandson.But Henry was not frustrated by this. He said: "It doesn't matter whether I am Napoleon's grandson or not. The important thing is that I understand a truth: when you believe it, it is true."

Suggestion is also a kind of power. When the upward belief guides your actions throughout your life, all the heights you yearn for can be reached.

good way to learn
Reading tip: Did Henry succeed because he was Napoleon's grandson?
Classic sentence: It doesn't matter whether I am Napoleon's grandson or not, what is important is that I understand a truth: when you believe it, it is true.

Learn Proverbs: We must also learn to hint ourselves and cheer ourselves up, so that all learning difficulties will not stop us.

Napoleon told us: Everyone is the best --

Children, God has endowed each person with a unique personality and value, so we don't have to worry about our own shortcomings and feel inferior; on the contrary, you should feel very lucky-you are unique, and you are better than you imagined. I am better and better.Eliminate inferiority complex, believe in yourself, and success will wave to you.

§10 You are better than you think
Once, a soldier was riding a horse to deliver a letter to Napoleon. Because the horse ran too fast, he fell suddenly when he reached the destination, and the horse died.After receiving the letter, Napoleon immediately wrote a reply letter, handed it to the soldier, and ordered the soldier to ride his horse and send the reply letter quickly.

The soldier saw the strong steed, which was extremely ornately decorated, and said to Napoleon: "No, general, I am just an ordinary soldier, and I really don't deserve to ride this strong horse."

Napoleon replied: "There is nothing in the world that a French soldier does not deserve."

Everywhere in the world there are people like this French soldier who think that their position is too low, that the happiness of others does not belong to them, that they do not deserve it, that they cannot be compared with the great men.This concept of inferiority often becomes the main reason for not seeking to make progress and being willing to degenerate.

Success comes from self-confidence. As long as you have full confidence in yourself, you will be energetic, optimistic, and full of pride, and you will naturally go forward and strive to achieve your goals.If we all feel that we have no ambitions, that we are superfluous people, or even break the cans and give up on ourselves, how can we achieve anything.

good way to learn
Reading tip: Why were Napoleon's soldiers so heroic?
Classic sentence: There is nothing in the world that French soldiers do not deserve.

Learn Proverbs: Each of us is the best, and those who have this belief will go forward bravely.

Only by going to the bottom of the boat to meet the worst result can we win the round——

Children, those who are cowardly, impetuous and lack self-confidence generally rarely succeed, so we should use the courage and confidence of a strong man to go to righteousness to meet every "fatal goal" in learning. Can improve our study skills, only in this way, we can win more chances of success!

§11 Meet the deadly ball

There was a little boy who loved playing badminton since he was a child, and developed extraordinary skills. Therefore, he was selected to be sent to the city's youth badminton team.

In some regional competitions, he often achieved excellent results.

Later, he was photographed by a famous coach who brought him into the national youth badminton team for more professional training.

During training, the coach always arranges a player who is half a head taller than him to fight against him.Because of that player's height advantage, coupled with his ferocious and tricky serve, almost every sparring match ended in his failure.

In the next three months of training, he only won a few games against the opponent, and his mood was extremely depressed.One day, the coach watched them play seriously. At the critical moment, the opponent made several heavy dunks in a row, and he failed to catch the ball several times.

Finally, he couldn't bear the disappointment and anger in his heart, and he threw the racket to the ground, and then lay down on the training ground, covering his face and sobbing.

Seeing this, the coach stepped forward and asked, "Why did you throw the racket?"

He was intimidated by the serious expression of the coach, and said in a low voice: "I hate that my skills have not improved, and I have always lost for such a long time..."

The coach continued to ask: "Can you win the game if you drop the racket?"

He was speechless.

So the coach took him for a walk outside the field.At this time, the coach's tone softened: "When you face a strong opponent, what will you choose?"

He thought for a while, but didn't think of a suitable answer.

The coach explained: "You have only three choices: the first is to close your eyes and let the opponent abuse you; the second is to drop the racket in your hand to vent your inner anger like you just did; the third is to raise the racket , face this fatal goal with the mentality of a strong man going to righteousness, but you have to remember that only the last choice can give you a chance to win back."

It dawned on him.

In the subsequent training, he neither chose to be conservative and cowardly, nor chose to be angry and impetuous, but chose to face every dead ball dunked by the opponent with courage and perseverance, and carefully analyzed his technical mistakes and correct.

Later, his skills took a qualitative leap, and he repeatedly achieved excellent results in some national and world-level badminton competitions.

good way to learn
Reading Tips: How do badminton players meet a fatal shot?

Classic sentence: Raise the racket and face this fatal shot with the mentality of a strong man going to righteousness.

Learn Proverbs: Only courage and perseverance can make us stand up from failure and turn defeat into victory.

(End of this chapter)

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