Chapter 114;

Qian Renxue shed very sad tears, even when she shed these tears.

Directly, the whole person felt what is called real pain. After all, such a situation happened, it was too embarrassing.If this kind of thing, as long as there is a little bit of trouble, the room for maneuver will not be so embarrassing.

From now on, Qian Renxue already has her own ideas, because she already knows what to do, and even when faced with this situation, she has a clearer understanding of how to solve this kind of thing.

Because if this kind of thing can really be solved well.Then a man like Liu Bei might become her man.

It's not because that man is too good.So how to face this kind of thing, I have explained it seriously.What I did happened, it was too sudden, if it wasn't for this kind of thing, it was too sudden.

Then, when Qian Renxue faced this situation, could she maintain her true calm? It seemed that it was indeed a very hurtful thing.

After all, such a scene actually happened, which is more representative of whether this kind of thing is very depressing.And if it wasn't for this kind of thing, it happened too suddenly.

So if she really doesn't remember such a thing, Qian Renxue still feels what is called real pain.This feeling of losing being liked is really uncomfortable enough.

And if it wasn't because that man took away her body, then how could Qian Renxue still be in a free and passive stage.

After all, once the body is taken away by others, it directly represents the possibility of wanting to become a little fairy in the future.Directly became a very unlimited.How painful and painful this feeling really is, how uncomfortable it is, how uncomfortable it is.

"I don't want this kind of thing to happen to me at all, and this kind of thing is really depressing."

"Do you know? That guy has actually done everything, what should be done, what should not be done, he has done it, and he has done it in a very special way, you know."

"So my mood right now is very complicated and very sad. If you can really understand what I said, maybe you will really sympathize with me."

"So when I actually encountered this kind of thing, did it really make me feel embarrassed? And I don't need to lie about this kind of thing at all. If I really take this kind of thing, I There were five thunders and bangs."

Qian Renxue said these words seriously, even when she said these words, it was as if she didn't want to get sympathy from others at all.And if he really wanted to gain sympathy from others, he probably wouldn't be able to say such a sentence at this time.

After all, there was absolutely no need to say these words.And even when saying these words, it seems that there is no need to get sympathy from others at all.

Qian Daoliu looked in front of him, and as long as he touched it, he could feel the real mood. He was uneasy, because the impression of such a thing was too bad. His granddaughter had already encountered such a thing. As a grandfather, he , how could it be easily accepted.

"That nasty guy actually did this kind of thing. He likes you, even if your mother doesn't care, he still likes you, and he did that kind of thing to both of you."

"You goddamn guy, don't worry, grandpa will definitely solve this kind of problem for you. If grandpa doesn't help you solve this kind of problem, grandpa, I won't be called Qian Daoliu."

Qian Daoliu said these words very seriously, and said these words very anxiously. The more reason is because his granddaughter is not willing to watch it at all when he is in pain!

So how could a grandfather like him really watch his granddaughter suffer such grievances.

If he is a grandfather who can really watch his granddaughter suffer this kind of grievance, he may not be a qualified grandfather.

One can directly judge Qian Daoliu, this guy is really a very righteous man, even when such a man makes such a decision.

It is also really able to gain the respect of others. If it is not because this guy's choice is important, then how can such a person say such a thing when he really encounters this kind of thing?
Maybe this is the personal charm of this guy. If it wasn't for this guy's personal charm, how could this guy attract so many followers when he said these words?
If it weren't for this person being too special.Then when such a person utters such a sentence, it is actually impossible to have so many followers!
Then you can indirectly imagine how gentlemanly such a guy is. If it wasn't because this guy is very good, then how could this guy attract so many people's attention.

"Grandpa, I really didn't think of it. Since you are so good, and you make people feel so safe."

"If it wasn't because you are my grandfather, I would even feel like you are a qualified actor."

"Of course I didn't mean anything else when I said these words. Don't get me wrong."

"If I'm joking, you can definitely trouble me. After all, this kind of thing, of course, I know very well what is right and wrong."

"And a little girl like me, how could it be possible to joke around casually?"

Qian Renxue smiled very happily, and when she showed such a smile, she directly affected the old man in front of her. This old man didn't know what to say when faced with this situation.

After all, this kind of feeling is really too amazing. Maybe this is the reason for the intergenerational relationship, which made the old man feel that this little girl is actually very cute.

"I'll just take you as a joke. After all, if it's not because you're joking, I really don't know what to do."

Qian Daoliu said these words with a serious face, even when he said these words, it seemed that he was not joking at all.

Because there is no need to perfect it, so when this kind of thing is really encountered, a person like him is still very good.

Qian Renxue felt very excited when she heard these words, because her grandfather didn't blame herself, even when she said these words, it seemed as if she really liked her very much.

Of course, this kind of liking must be the simplest kind, liking is such a fundamental, liking without any flaws.So when we really encounter this kind of thing, if such a thing can really be resolved, it is not a very happy thing.

(End of this chapter)

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