Chapter 133;
The appearance of Liu Bei is undoubtedly a contribution to the entire Rose Hotel, because the appearance of such a person is definitely very worthwhile, and such a person appears here.It is definitely able to bring unexpected gains. After all, such a person is definitely very good. At least such a person will never lie.

What kind of hotel is the Rose Hotel? I won’t mention it here, but for the owner of the Rose Hotel, you can imagine it out of the blue. In fact, such a hotel is not as powerful as imagined, but It is equivalent to providing a medium between beauties.

For the existence of beautiful women like Liu Bei, it can be said that he has seen many people. After all, when he was in the Wuhun Temple, there were really all kinds of beauties like this, and now he came to this kind of place.It's not that I haven't seen women before, so there is no need to feel a little bit shy because of these women.

If women are really needed, then Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong, these two women are definitely very good, at least these two women are definitely worth it, if it is not because these two women are very good, then How can I understand what is happening in front of me?

The hotel owner watched the scene in front of him helplessly, and even said that he seemed to be in a very confused state about what happened in front of him, if it wasn't because this kind of thing happened too suddenly.In fact, the hotel owner can still keep silent when facing this kind of thing.

It's just a pity.Although a person like the hotel owner is very good, he can only keep his promise if he is not suitable in the face of this situation, because even if he is a very good person, what can he do?In front of the real rich, he is still a little trash, after all, he just provides a platform.

And such a platform, if no one comes to patronize, then such a hotel owner is really not worthy of the real attention of others.

It probably took a while, if it wasn't for such a scene happening in front of our eyes, maybe few people would really pay attention to such a thing, at least such a thing would not develop into the current situation.

The hotel owner looked at the man in front of him, looked at the man in front of him, and seemed unwilling to speak from the beginning to the end.Then he naturally had his own ideas, after all, it started when the hotel owner made such a choice.

It already represents what an excellent person he is, and even said that there is no need to joke about this kind of thing at all. If you really need to joke about this kind of thing, it is simply a loneliness.

Although those customers said they were keeping silent at this moment, more people are feeling uneasy now. At least such a scene happened too suddenly, and there was no chance for many people to prepare for it. If it wasn't because of such a scene happening , too suddenly.Even those who eat melons will not focus all their eyes here.

"I'd like to see what kind of unexpected life you can bring me, at least if that person arranges for me that kind of very nice beauty, I will actually feel very happy, at least I will definitely feel I'm very gratified. So in the end how to arrange it depends on how you understand it."

Liu Bei said such a sentence directly, and when he said such a sentence, there was no need to joke at all, at least for an excellent person like him, there was no need to joke about such things at all.

The happy expression of the hotel owner even said that when faced with this situation, he just wanted to keep a smile. While maintaining a smile, there was no need to make jokes about such things. It was not because of such a People are good enough.

"Of course I will arrange a lot of beauties for you, at least I will not be lying, because an excellent person like me, there is no need to lie about this kind of thing, so an excellent person like me, It will definitely bring you joy.”

"If you really don't mind, I even said that I can bring you a very good fortune, and like so many beauties, if you really feel that I can bring you unexpected gains, in fact, to be honest, You can also stay with me, which also makes me feel very happy, at least I don't have to joke about this kind of thing at all."

The hotel owner said these words with a serious face, because there is no need to joke about such things, after all, he is a very good person.Since he is a very good person, how could he casually take this kind of thing as a joke, because it is completely unnecessary.

How could such an excellent person casually joke about such a thing, after all, it is completely unnecessary, and even such a thing, there is no need for it to happen in front of his eyes.

And if it wasn't because this kind of thing happened too suddenly, even saying such a thing would be completely beyond the understanding of many people.

Those people all looked wretched, cheerful, and kept smiling, because of everyone.None of them are good people. If these people are all good people, how can they say that they can maintain such an expression when facing this situation?

Probably because this kind of thing happened too suddenly, so after this kind of thing happened, it made people feel very interesting.

Of course, Liu Bei was also very interested in the sudden words of the hotel owner. After all, whether such a person came out of the blue or not, it more or less gave a very unexpected feeling.

"If this is the case, then this matter will really become interesting, but I am still very curious about what kind of beauties can really attract my attention."

Liu Bei spoke cheerfully, because such a person is definitely very good, and such a person, saying such a sentence, makes people feel very interesting.

Of course the hotel owner knows that this kind of thing is really very interesting, and even talking about what the hotel owner will do next is enough to surprise people.

The hotel owner applauded directly, because this kind of thing is really very interesting.So such a thing, of course, must be more confusing.If it wasn't for this kind of thing, it would have happened right in front of my own eyes.Maybe it's really unexpected.

At this moment, many beauties suddenly came, and these beauties were too cute to see.After all, the appearance of these beauties completely exceeded the scope of many people, even those guests who should have had a look of shock.

It was as if it was hard to believe such a picture.After all, what happened in such a picture is too special, and even said, it feels very unexpected.

After all, everyone was shocked, even surprised, when faced with such a situation.

And such a picture is completely beyond the scope of understanding of many people.

If it wasn't for such a picture, and it happened too suddenly, then how could those people really understand, why did this kind of thing happen in front of their own eyes?Not because it's unacceptable anymore.

Everyone was very surprised. After all, how could such beauties appear here, and these beauties even said that they never dreamed that such beauties would appear here, which is completely beyond the scope of understanding.

It was as if they had never seen the appearance of these beauties. If they had seen all these beauties, they probably wouldn't show such expressions.It is more appropriate to at least calm down.

And these beauties are all in good shape, as if these people give people the feeling that they are very dreamy. If these men can really choose before this, I am afraid they will give up their own pregnancy. The beauties in the house turned to these new beauties.

But how can this kind of thing be something that these people can choose when they say they choose. After all, these things are not guaranteed to be obtained by anyone who wants it, and it is not guaranteed to be obtained by anyone who wants to like it. True admirers.

And the whimsy and whimsy that this feeling gives people are also full of true feelings. After all, it is undeniable whether this kind of thing is really beyond the understanding of a normal person.

If this kind of thing can really be understood normally, it won't be that this kind of thing has developed to the current situation, and it is still in a very scalp-numbing feeling.

Of course, this kind of thing has brought a very bad influence on many people.After all, such a feeling often gives people an indescribable feeling, or this kind of feeling also gives people a very embarrassing appearance.

After all, no one is willing to really have this kind of thing happen in front of their eyes. Of course there are beauties, but such a beauties.It's really surprising enough.

"My God, why did such a beautiful woman come out now, and why did she tell us now that she claimed to be like this beauty."

"Could it be that these beauties are because we are not qualified?"

"Or is it that the appearance of these beauties is not something we should enjoy at all?"

Everyone is speaking directly at this moment, and it is even said that everyone is saying such words, which also gives a very serious feeling. If it is not for this feeling, if it is too sudden, how could there be no People really stand out.

The hotel owner of course kept silent in the face of these aggressive guys, because while facing these people, he knew very well that these people would definitely take advantage of the present to cause conflicts.

"When you said these words, I really felt that you people were very naive. After all, how could such things come out of your mouths?"

"And it even said that you people are regular customers. Don't you people know how I treat you?"

The owner of the hotel directly said such a sentence, which shows that the owner of the hotel may be really angry. At least such an excellent person can say such a sentence, it must be very angry.

If it weren't for the fact that the hotel owner couldn't hold back the anger in his heart when faced with this situation.Maybe he won't say it directly at this time, such a sentence that makes others feel angry.

Those people kept silent at this moment, because no one could say a word when faced with this kind of thing.

If it wasn't because everyone was very simple in their hearts, at least when these people said these words, they shouldn't let this kind of thing happen in front of their eyes.

These people can say that no one is a good person in the true sense, or even that no one is a really bad person. This kind of thing has developed to such a situation, which is enough to make others feel headache.

Why are these people still making trouble here?It's just that these people are really arrogant.

Liu Bei watched this scene happen the whole time, and even said that after such a scene happened, he didn't express any opinions. After all, it was similar to him picking up an excellent person, and his heart was also very pure.

How to solve these people, even if they can't be solved, is also a very serious matter.And if this kind of thing doesn't develop too suddenly, it seems that there are really some incomprehensible words.

Even for this kind of thing, there is no need to intervene at all, because how far these people can stir up this kind of thing has nothing to do with such an excellent person like him, a very excellent person, The first thing to consider is not these things, but whether you should continue to be happy or not.

These people are destined not to understand, such an unexpected guest, what kind of happiness is in the mouth, because no one will really understand what kind of happiness can be enjoyed by such an excellent person at the same time .

If such an excellent person didn't appear here suddenly, the glory and wealth that he might enjoy would be beyond his imagination in a lifetime.After all, such things are often very real in the world, and there is no adulteration in the slightest!

At the same time, these people are destined not to understand why such a person can appear here, and these people will not know the identity of such a person.

After all, they are just a group of frogs in a well. Since they are a group of frogs in a well, how could they know too much about what true happiness is.

"I want all these women, and I'm willing to pay ten times the price."

Just when everyone was about to speak, a young man who had been silent all of a sudden said such a sentence directly at this moment.

And after such a sentence is directly spoken, it is more of those people who can't say a word at all.

(End of this chapter)

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