Chapter 135;

So many beauties belong to such a man. To be honest, this kind of thing is really enough to surprise others. After all, such a thing is really incredible.

It even directly makes people feel that they have started, doubting their own life, why others can get so many beauties, but they can't get any of them.If it wasn't because this kind of thing happened too suddenly, how could it have developed into the current situation?
More than 100 million gold soul coins can get so many beauties, this kind of thing is very worthwhile.

After all, being able to spend more than 100 million gold coins to get the company of so many beauties can even be directly understood as the fact that all the guests in the Rose Hotel are willing to pay such a price for this kind of thing.

Liu Bei is definitely not the first, but he is definitely not the last, because he is such an excellent person, and being able to give such a bargaining chip is really enough to make others feel surprised.

Faced with such a situation, everyone was stunned, and even most people were puzzled when they heard this kind of thing.Because if there are more than 100 million gold coins, if you really think about it seriously, it may not be worth it.

But that doesn't mean it's never worth it, and this kind of thing really makes it worth thinking about for a lot of people.If it wasn't for this kind of thing, it happened in front of my own eyes, maybe this thing really needs more people to understand.

"A person who can spend more than 100 million gold coins is definitely a very good person, and such a person is absolutely terrifying. After all, a person who can spend so much money at once is often a very powerful person!"

"That is to say, a person who can take out more than 100 million gold coins at one time must not be easily offended, and such a person can take out so much money, it must be very scary, isn't it? "

These melon-eating people in the Rose Hotel, if often faced with such a situation, everyone said that he knew whether the money was worth it or not.

Even talking about whether such money has been spent at all, does it feel like a blood loss?If this kind of money is really a blood loss, some people will definitely feel reluctant.

At least this kind of emotion must have a very big impact, and this kind of thing has developed to the current situation.It also makes many people feel that it is worthwhile, but it is no longer such an important thing.

Faced with such a situation, the owner of the Rose Hotel must be very clear that this kind of thing is nothing more than some people are unwilling, but if these people are unwilling, so what can they do.

Have these people been able to spend more than 100 million at one time?Although it is true that some people's family background is quite rich, it does not mean that everyone can carry so much money with them.

Such a terrifying price of more than 100 million gold soul coins will definitely make many people feel puzzled, and even such a terrifying price will definitely make more people feel why such a person is so good.

"You can take out more than 100 million gold soul coins. To be honest, it is quite surprising, and more than 100 million gold soul coins will even make me directly feel suspicious and start my own life."

"Do you know? There are more than 100 million gold soul coins. I have never seen them in my life. After all, such a high price really makes me feel very scared. How about it, how about I give you a discount? At least in this way, I can earn money with peace of mind."

The hotel owner is a clown, because it is very funny to say such a sentence, if it is not because such a person is saying such a sentence, it is very funny, then such a person is completely unnecessary at this time Say this sentence.

Most people must be very aware that this kind of thing is actually very tingling when faced with this situation.

After all, no one can really maintain a very calm mind when facing this kind of situation, or no one can really maintain a calm mind when facing this kind of thing.

This train delivery made so much money, and it can be pretended to be very large. It looks like a fortune. In fact, this kind of person is a serious businessman. It is even said that such a person has completely experienced this kind of thing. When he was young, he didn't think about the consequences at all, because such a person was already extremely shameless, so such a person was not worthy of anyone's sympathy at all.

Probably because this kind of thing happened too suddenly, so how to understand this kind of thing, it seems that it is really a very important thing before. If everyone is facing this kind of thing, they can If you keep calm, you won't let the situation develop to what it is today.

At least you can get a certain amount of control before you can truly understand it.And this kind of thing is really enough to make people feel headache.After all, it is undeniable that how such a thing should be understood is also a very important thing.

When Liu Bei faced this kind of thing, he was also very clear, in fact, this kind of thing is really very interesting.

If this kind of thing didn't happen too suddenly, then how to understand it is also a matter worthy of more people's consideration.

If you spend more than 100 million gold soul coins, you will spend them. After all, these things are usually belongings. If you are too attached to this kind of money, then you will be the one who is sad. If you can open it, it will come naturally.

As the saying goes, a thousand dollars is hard to buy, I laughed, so when an excellent person like him made such a price, he knew very well what kind of enjoyment such a bargaining chip could bring, and enjoyment is the most important thing, after all, life is short, Of course, you still have to think about your own life.

Although these people are all talkative kings, these people do not mean that they have no money. It is just that these people made very wrong choices when facing this kind of thing, and it can be directly understood that these people are making a lot of money. When choosing, it is also a very wrong choice.

If this kind of person is really worthwhile when making this kind of choice, then there is absolutely no need to feel any sentimentality because of this kind of thing.

So this kind of thing is really enough to make others feel troubled, after all, this kind of thing is really very funny.

When the hotel owner said these words, he might be joking, but if he can really earn more than 100 million, he would never joke about this kind of thing, because it is unnecessary after all.So making money is definitely a very worthwhile thing.

And when everyone makes such a decision, they are a group of very simple-minded people.If these people's minds are really turned around, then these people should not show it when faced with this situation, it is very embarrassing, at least there is no need to show it, it is very embarrassing.

These people just didn't bring too much money and didn't bring enough money for the time being, which led to this kind of thing happening. If all these people are purchasing agents, who can buy so many women at the same time, it seems that there is something to say do not understand.

After all, if you want these people to compare who has money, everyone must be good at pretending, because money, after all, is something outside of the body.So everyone knows very well what the price of this kind of thing is.

"Actually, when someone like you said these words, I really found it very interesting. After all, it is impossible for a normal person to say these words, and even if you are saying these words , if it’s really easy to understand, it’s completely unnecessary.”

Liu Bei said these words very seriously, and when he said these words, he was not joking at all, because he is such an excellent person, he would definitely not joke about such things.

So this kind of thing is really enough to make more people feel confused. If everyone is facing this situation, they can really think of what is called a solution.

Then maybe it will not lead to this kind of thing, such a very bad direction of development.At least there is no need for this kind of thing to develop into a range that is simply incomprehensible.

The hotel owner must have been taken aback when he heard such a sentence, because a person like him is not a very good person in the first place, and a person like him, when he is really facing this kind of topic when.

Of course, I will also feel what is called real panic, after all, this kind of topic is really ironic enough.And even went so far as to ridicule directly, it completely made a person like him feel his eyes go black, after all, it was really very sad.

If it weren't for the development of this topic to the current situation, in fact, most people would not feel what it means to be speechless for this kind of thing when faced with this kind of thing.

And this kind of thing is really very interesting. Everyone wants to get a large number of beauties to become their own harem, but everyone does not mean that they can spend more than 100 million at one time.

Although more than 100 million may not seem like a lot, for ordinary people, they may not be able to earn so much money in their lifetime, but for rich people like them, a mere 100 million is really like a drop in the bucket. It's as easy as spending a dollar for a person without money.

So these people are really hateful. These rich people will never understand the pain of the poor, and they will never understand the pain of the poor.

"I can spend more than 100 million to buy this kind of happiness, so there is no need for you people to feel any records. If you people can spend so much money at the same time, I am of course very willing to put this kind of thing Give it to you directly, if you can't get it out, you guys better shut up, you know?"

When Liu Bei directly said such a sentence, it will be more representative of whether such a person is really excellent in the future, and it will become clearer if such a person utters such a sentence. Is a person very hateful?
This kind of people directly use money to act as their own strength, and more than 100 million is really terrifying. Like this time, more than 100 million really makes more people feel uneasy, so when someone When faced with this situation, it is also very clear whether such a thing is understandable.

"But a mere 100 million yuan makes you spend the same as more than 1000 million yuan. People like you are really annoying, you know? And even a person like you seems to feel that you are very Like arrogance."

"That's right. It's really ridiculous for such a person to go out with such a small amount of money and spend more than 1000 million. And there's no need to pretend for this kind of thing at all?"

"But with such a little money, you make yourself look very rich. It's just very funny, you know."

These people finally stood up, because when these people stood up, they didn't forget to open their mouths to mock these people. At the same time, they didn't forget to continue to pretend fiercely, maybe these people have money, maybe these people don't have money, It's not such an important thing anymore.

The hotel owner also kept a silent face when facing this kind of thing, because such an excellent person would certainly not really take this kind of thing to heart, at least it was not necessary at all.

And because of such things, it had a very bad influence, otherwise, most people would not make a fuss about such things at all. They are all here to find happiness. Are you unhappy?
Those beauties are all standing by Liu Bei's side now. These beauties can be said to be all over the country, as beautiful as flowers, and all of them have graceful figures, and even each of them has a unique charm.

Rather than saying that those people are unwilling at all, it is better to say that those people are not willing at all. If these people are facing this kind of thing, they can really tolerate it.

In fact, when these people face such things, there is no need to show a kindness at all.A very ugly face, at least there is no need to show it at all, what is jealousy.

Looking at those guys, the hotel owner is of course very clear that these guys are definitely not his core customers, because if these guys are his core customers.

I wouldn't make a fuss about this kind of thing at all, and this kind of feeling is really embarrassing and embarrassing, and even makes many people feel what it means to be speechless.

If it wasn't because this kind of thing happened too suddenly, in fact, how this kind of thing should develop has nothing to do with the hotel owner.At least the hotel owner has done so.It is a very appropriate thing for others to spend money and he contributes.

The hotel owner knows very well what kind of people are potential customers and what kind of people are stable customers, so if these people can really stay by their side, it is definitely worth it, and there will never be any trace of guilt .

"My lord, if you really don't mind, you can actually go to the VIP self-esteem high-level box with me now, after all, I have already opened the high-level box for you."

When the hotel owner said such a sentence, those customers had already lost completely, because those customers seemed to have only come to choose silence when facing this kind of thing. After all, such things are often extremely true. It even made many people have to choose to shut up!

(End of this chapter)

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