Chapter 163;

When Davis encountered this kind of thing, of course he thought about it a lot, because when he encountered this kind of thing, he directly felt a very embarrassing feeling.

Perhaps it was because of the scene in front of me, the picture happened too suddenly, so after experiencing this kind of thing, I understand better what is real anxiety.

After all, if it wasn't because this kind of thing was too sudden, then it wouldn't make Davis feel a real threat because of this kind of thing.

Davis vomited blood directly, or he couldn't say a word at all because of this kind of thing. After all, this kind of thing is too depressing, and this kind of thing is too much to make him feel What is despair.

If a person like him can really accept this kind of thing when he encounters it, then forget it, but if he can't accept it, then no matter what direction this kind of thing will develop in the future .Then it will still be a very painful thing.

Dai Mubai is such a person, if Dai Mubai hadn't met his elder brother before this, he wouldn't have encountered the following things, and this kind of thing is really very painful, or Dai Mubai, Because of this kind of thing, the room will also understand the truth of a thing in the future.

Davis is really going to vomit blood.Because this kind of thing is more or less painful, painful, uncomfortable, and even completely produces a feeling of pain and suffering.

"If it wasn't because this kind of thing happened too suddenly, it would actually be enough to make others feel speechless."

"After all, if you really want to threaten me, there is no need to do so, and if you really do this, it is simply a very embarrassing thing for me."

"It even means that the reason why you did this is more because you didn't consider my feelings?"

Davis knows very well that when this kind of thing develops to this day, the difference is a sad thing.After all, it is undeniable that often such a thing is really uncomfortable, uncomfortable, painful, painful.

So it is not a very happy thing to say that this kind of thing happened now, it was not a very happy thing in the first place.

Liu Bei will definitely not feel serious about this kind of thing, or in other words, he will definitely not think too much about so many complicated emotions because of this kind of thing.

It's not because this kind of thing is very difficult, or because what you do is something that makes Davis feel a little suffocated.

Probably after a while, if this kind of thing didn't happen too suddenly, how many people can feel what is called real happiness because of this kind of thing, and how many people can feel the real happiness because of this kind of thing? What is real peace of mind?

Pain must be very painful, and sadness must be very sad, so after experiencing this kind of thing, it will make people feel even more hopeless, and it will make others feel what is called real ignorance. .

I don't know how to understand this kind of thing at all, and I don't know how to describe this kind of thing at all.

"Don't you need to be so shocked? There is absolutely no need to do this. You don't need to be so nervous. If you are so nervous because of this kind of thing, it is really very interesting, and really It’s very interesting for others.”

After such a sentence is said, whether it is really very interesting or not, it must be very interesting. After all, it is enough for Davis to feel nervous.

After a while, if it wasn't because of the development path of this kind of thing, and the current situation, then there would be a few more people who would maintain a very calm feeling because of this kind of thing, and how many people would be able to maintain a real sense of calm because of this kind of thing. Reason is almost impossible.

As His Royal Highness the prince of this empire, if it wasn't because of the seriousness of the scene in front of him, in fact, there is no need to be so embarrassing when encountering such a thing.

What kind of fate Dai Mubai will end up is no longer important, after all whether a person like Dai Mubai will die or not has nothing to do with his older brother Davis.

It is enough for him to know that he may become His Majesty the Emperor in the future, as long as he becomes His Majesty the Emperor in the future, it is already very worthy of being mentioned by others.

If you can really become His Majesty the Emperor in the future, wouldn't it be a very happy thing, and wouldn't it be a very happy thing.

"It seems that this kind of thing is really very interesting. It seems that this kind of thing really makes people feel imaginative."

"But if we say that this incident didn't happen too much, there is actually no need to feel so depressed and embarrassed because of this kind of thing."

Dai Mubai is very clear, if this is the case, this kind of thing will be understood more carelessly, if this is the case, this kind of thing will also make people feel what is called real sadness.

Probably because this kind of thing develops like the current situation, it will be very difficult to understand normally in the future.

Therefore, when this kind of thing is really encountered, it is possible to really vomit blood, and vomit blood so violently.From this we can see whether it is really very painful.

So this kind of thing often makes people feel very hopeless, and it often makes people feel what is called real pain.

If such a thing is really understandable, it will not be so happy or joyful because of this kind of thing.

"I don't know what kind of relationship you and I have, but the same thing is mutual, so I'm really curious, why do you make me feel that you make me feel very interesting? "

"And don't you say that you don't feel so embarrassed because of this kind of thing? After all, after experiencing this kind of thing, why do you have a very painful and uncomfortable feeling because of this kind of thing?"

Davis's sudden sentence shows what such a person thinks in his heart after experiencing these things?

Because such a person must think very important things in his heart.

If it weren't for the fact that the things such a person thinks about are very important, they wouldn't cause too much embarrassment, too much interference, or too much discomfort because of this kind of thing.

"I didn't, don't feel so embarrassed because of this kind of thing. But that guy Dai Mubai will definitely pay very painful consequences for this kind of thing, I hope you can understand this truth, okay?"

After Liu Bei finished speaking, he only had to say one sentence, and then he chose to leave directly. After all, if he said that he didn't want to leave again, how should he understand it? It was also something very important.

After all, it is very surprising that this kind of thing can develop to the present situation.

And the reason why this kind of thing can happen more is because this kind of thing really makes others feel painful.

So to say such a thing is not such a bright and aboveboard thing.

If this is not a thing that makes others feel happy.So after Davis has experienced so many things, he also feels what is called real pain.

For him, this kind of thing may be difficult to accept at all, but if he can continue to understand when encountering this kind of thing, he will not be so calm because of this kind of thing, and he will not show How peaceful it was to come out.

It's not because this kind of thing has developed to this day, this situation is enough to make others feel sad.So when you really encounter this kind of thing, you can feel what it means to be truly incomprehensible because of this kind of thing.

"From now on, if you can really become His Majesty the Emperor, then this kind of thing must be very worthwhile, but also this kind of thing is mutual, I hope you can understand, understand?"

Liu Bei spoke very seriously, as if he felt very happy because Davis could become His Majesty the Emperor.If Davis can really become His Majesty the Emperor in the future, it would be a very happy thing.

Although Davis can't tell why this kind of thing makes people feel embarrassed?But if it really causes too much interference because of this kind of thing, isn't it a very understanding?
"Whether I succeed or not, what His Majesty does is not important, but I want to feel very confused about a person like you. Why do you make me feel very embarrassed? Could it be that a person like you, why It made me feel very speechless."

"So the current situation where this kind of thing can develop. It's not such a happy thing, okay?"

The reason why Davis is like this is not because this kind of thing is very exciting.It feels indescribable.If Davis can really become His Majesty the Emperor after experiencing this kind of thing.

At least when encountering this kind of thing, you shouldn't show any embarrassment.

Liu Bei didn't continue talking, but chose to leave directly, because if a person like him doesn't choose to leave, then what kind of life will he encounter from now on?This kind of thing will not let others understand how it should be.

After leaving, such a thing is still very important.Often this kind of thing is not such a bright and aboveboard thing, and often this kind of thing is not such a thing worth mentioning.

He is a very powerful person, so such a person is also very clear after going through this kind of thing.

What should be done and what should not be done is not because of this kind of thing, which often makes me feel what is called real pain, and silently knows what is called real discomfort.

Leaving this kind of life scope is even more representative, because this kind of thing must understand the occurrence of some things, and it is necessary to understand the occurrence of some things, what is meant by knowing how to try.

Sister Liu Bei felt that after this trouble in front of her, she would even believe in one truth, that is, Dai Mubai, that guy's consequences would definitely be very serious.

And after Dai Mubai has experienced this kind of thing, his future life, even the days to come, will definitely be very tormented.

After all, if Davis really wants to become His Majesty the Emperor, the first thing to do is to completely resolve the matter in front of him.

After leaving this kind of life, this kind of thing is often really uncomfortable, and often this kind of thing is really hard for people to understand normally.

The reason why Liu Bei was willing to leave this kind of place was not because he had a very big trouble when he encountered this kind of thing, and it was not because he needed to think very seriously when he encountered this kind of thing.

Liu Bei is in this place where nothing shits. He is such an excellent person, he often really needs to think too many things, after all, he is an excellent person.

If it is true that there will be too much interference because of the things in front of you, then you won't feel so uncomfortable because of this kind of things.

And after experiencing this kind of thing, it is necessary to think seriously.So after experiencing what is called a very embarrassing feeling, it is very clear what can be done.

Not for a while.After the scene in front of me happened, but if this kind of thing is not very embarrassing, how could it be possible to have too many emotional changes because of this kind of thing?
It's not because this kind of thing is very painful. When doing things here, I feel what is called real depression, so I can be very speechless.

After he came to this place, he thought about leaving. If he said he would not leave, then there was no need to stay here, because this kind of thing was not worth it at all.

He was a lonely wanderer, and the reason why he left such a place where nothing shits like a bird was more because he was walking around the world with his sword, or because he had a lot of things to do.

So after going through so many things, I also know very well whether I should seriously solve the things I have done before.

Dai Mubai may never be happy again from now on!Because this guy Dai Mubai completely offended a person who shouldn't be offended after encountering this kind of thing.

If you offend such a person, you will suffer even more in the future. If you offend such a person, you will never be happy again.After all, if it wasn't because this kind of thing happened too suddenly, Dai Mubai could actually live on very smoothly.

So after experiencing so many things, it can be said that a guy like Dai Mubaisai will never experience what is called real happiness.

Because this Dai Mubai may no longer know what it means to be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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