Chapter 166;

The expression of the old guy in front of him, although it is said that it happened very suddenly, but it is undeniable that such a person in front of him is facing this situation.

If it is really possible to keep silent because of this kind of thing.That is almost an impossible thing.

Bai He remained silent like this, because of the scene in front of him, he felt very embarrassed, because this kind of thing was simply a very embarrassing thing for an old man like him.

Bai He had almost never seen such a person before, so when the guy in front of him said these words, he would definitely not be so excited. If the guy in front of him could get to know himself better.

Or it is very easy to understand, but if the guy in front of him has never seen it before, then it is impossible to be completely attracted by the guy in front of him no matter what.

"Am I kidding, this kind of thing is not such an important thing, so I hope you can figure out one thing, that is, when I say these words, is it really very important?" Worth it, ok?"

Liu Bei's sudden words must be very serious, because often such an excellent person, the reason why he can say such words is more because he is very good, after all, such a person , if it is not very good, then how could it be possible to say these words casually?

Bai He instantly felt what real depression is, and even because of this kind of topic, he directly felt that it was unheard of.

After all, if this kind of thing is really easy to understand, such a person should not show any inappropriate remarks before that.

Such a very good person, of course, very much hopes that this kind of thing can be resolved skillfully, because if this kind of thing is not resolved skillfully, the future life may not be smooth.

"So speaking of this kind of thing, I still hope that you can think carefully about it? After all, if you don't think about it seriously, the possible consequences will be absolutely indescribable."

Liu Bei continued to say such things, so a person like him also knew very well how much trouble this kind of thing could cause these people.

Bai He was directly stunned, or because he encountered such a thing, he directly felt what is called pressure. After all, it is undeniable whether Bai He is really uneasy at this moment.

"Think about it? Are you joking? What do you guys do? What am I asking you? Why are you so quiet?"

Bai He said this kind of joke very angrily, because this guy simply couldn't understand it by himself when faced with this kind of thing.

If he can understand this kind of thing directly, he won't show a completely unreasonable feeling because of this kind of thing.

As for his clansmen, the same is true, because those people's moods are also very uneasy.

Often, there is a very difficult feeling of confidence in this kind of uninvited guest.If the current situation can be resolved skillfully, one of them counts as one. When encountering such a thing, they should not be silent, at least they should stand up bravely to solve the trouble.

Bai He remained silent. After all, when encountering this kind of thing, the speechlessness directly expressed, of course, the agreement is also very real.

None of his clansmen have said a word now.If those tribesmen showed great unity because of this kind of thing, maybe such an uninvited guest would not have a chance to take advantage of it.

"Grandpa, what are you talking about? Why do you seem to be in a good mood? If this is the case, I still hope you can explain clearly."

"By the way, who are you? Why did you suddenly appear here? And I always feel that a person like you seems to carry a very dangerous feeling all over his body."

At this moment, a girl with a very cute appearance came out directly. This girl is really very cute, and even the aura emanating from her body is so incomparable that people can't help but want to pay attention to it.

This girl has given people a very good feeling since she appeared on the stage. After all, she looks really good, and even her figure is very attractive.

"Why did you come out? Didn't I tell you not to come out?"

Bai He said this angrily, it can be seen that his mood must be very uncomfortable, but it can also be directly seen that such a person's emotions are completely attracted by the girl who appeared.

How could that girl see this kind of thing? Her frowning is also full of complications. Maybe it's because she doesn't want to accept this kind of thing. Otherwise, how could she be completely inaccurate because of this kind of thing? .

He was really very angry, even completely angry to the extreme. After all, such a good thing happened suddenly, creating an unreasonable feeling.

"You are Bai Chenxiang, right? I didn't expect you to be so beautiful, do you know? This time I came here specially to find you, because you are very good-looking, and I want you to be my girlfriend."


At this time, a sudden sentence really surprised people, and such a topic is simply very creepy.

When everyone in the whole family heard this kind of topic, it seemed that no one could accept such a thing.

Because if these people can really accept this kind of thing, then they won't feel so embarrassed because of this kind of thing.

Bai He instantly felt incoherent, after all, this feeling is really very surprising.And if we analyze it seriously according to the current situation, if what happened in front of us is so real, in fact, there is no need for a person like him to continue talking about such things.

Bai Chenxiang is the granddaughter of this old guy.It can be seen from this that when such a talent encounters such a thing, what kind of emotion does the whole person feel?
Maybe it was because of the sudden sentence that made him feel scared.Because if you don't feel scared, you shouldn't show it when you encounter this kind of thing.How creepy!

"Aren't you kidding? I don't seem to know you at all. If I know you, at least you shouldn't scare me when you say these words, don't you?"

Bai Chenxiang directly felt afraid, that's why he was able to make such remarks at this moment.Of course, it's because when encountering such a thing, I feel what it means to be truly creepy.

If it weren't for the real creepiness when encountering such a thing.Then it won't be in a very indescribable situation because of this kind of thing.

"Don't scare the children here, can you? What's the matter with the children here? Do you really feel that you are very good? Or do you feel that you seem to be quite strong?"

"It is absolutely impossible for our family to agree to you being with him, and there is no need for you to joke about this kind of thing, okay? After all, this kind of thing is really annoying."

Bai He bears the brunt, because he is the grandfather of this girl, so the strength of such a person must be very clear.So when you encounter this kind of thing, you will be more aware of what it means to be speechless.

The other people are also very puzzled, and the other people are also very confused.After all, if it wasn't because this situation happened too suddenly, how could we fully understand this kind of thing?

"Aren't you joking? Don't you mean that you don't know how strong a person like me is? Could it be that you don't know how terrifying a person like me is?"

"If you really don't know, I can tell you directly that I am from the Hall of Spirits, do you know? So I hope you can seriously distinguish this kind of thing."

"After all, if you don't analyze this kind of thing clearly, maybe you really don't know what to do."

Liu Bei directly chose to expose his identity directly, because if he didn't expose his identity directly, then nothing might be resolved in the future.

Bai Chenxiang also didn't expect that he offended someone, it turned out to be a person from the Wuhun Temple, and if we really look at it according to the current situation, then the things in front of us are really very interesting !

"Are you really from Wuhundian? If you are really from Wuhundian, I can try to associate with you. After all, I really yearn for Wuhundian. And judging from the current situation, I really like you very much, you know?"

"After all, I am really looking forward to the people of Wuhundian, and this feeling really makes people feel what is called real happiness. Your grandfather, you should not refuse it. After all, I like Wuhundian. People, it's not like you don't know, after all, I like strong people, which is a very well-known thing."

Bai Chenxiang snored, and said these words seriously, so one can imagine how serious a person like him is, after all, such a girl must have very clear thinking ability.

How could it be if it wasn't so clear?When encountering such a thing, it is completely possible to continue to remain silent.

But it's a pity.If Bai He disagreed, even if Bai Chenxiang said it out loud, there was still nothing he could do about it. After all, such things often happened too suddenly.No matter who it is, it is necessary to figure out this kind of thing.

"I don't agree with you being together. If I agree with you, it may be very speechless this year. You know, I hope you can be serious about it. After all, if you don't know, it may be true. It is simply a very embarrassing thing for the ancestors."

Of course Bai He would not agree to such a thing, he is the big boss of this family, how could he allow such a thing to happen?If this kind of thing might really make people feel like it happened, then it would be very surprising if Bai Chenxiang really thought that this situation would cause him a very embarrassing feeling.

Of course, after making a decision, it is already worthy of great honor. After all, when it is because of this kind of thing, it needs to be seriously considered.

A person like Liu Bei has a very good appearance. Being able to be with such a person is often very worthwhile. If you like someone in your heart, you must be together. If you are not together, how will your future life be different? guaranteed.

"You have to work hard to like someone. If you don't work hard, then what kind of life you will get in the future, you may be really hard to be confident, so I hope you can understand this kind of thing seriously, is it okay?"

"I believe that your grandpa will definitely feel desperate when faced with such a thing. After all, if he doesn't feel hopeless, he won't feel so sad because of this kind of thing."

Of course, Liu Bei still hopes that this kind of talent can seriously understand when encountering such things. After all, if they don't seriously understand because of this kind of thing, what kind of trouble will it bring in the future?

After Bai Chenxiang heard these words, she was also very clear about whether this kind of thing was really worthy of love, and also very clear about how to do this kind of thing so that she could truly understand it.

After a while, that guy's grandfather came over suddenly, because when he encountered this kind of thing, he already knew very clearly in his heart why this kind of thing would develop into such a very big thing, uncontrollable scope.

"Women's colleges don't stay, women's colleges don't stay, this feeling really makes people feel like playing, it really makes people feel unconfident, my God!"

"I'm sorry for your father, I'm sorry for your father, if I can be worthy of your father, I won't feel how I should understand when encountering such a thing."

The way Bai He cried was miserable, and the way he cried was pitiful, because when such a person encountered such a thing, he really felt what is called real torture.

Bai Chenxiang watched her grandfather cry like this, and she also knew very well that after this kind of thing developed to the current situation, it was completely unnecessary, and she continued to understand for this kind of thing.

Maybe when I really make a choice, I also know very well in my heart that this kind of thing must be very worthwhile. After all, if it is not very worthwhile, then how should I seriously think about things in the future?

"When I made this decision, I had already figured it out, so I still hope that you will not hurt me."

"If you continue to hurt me, I really don't know what it means to be truly overwhelmed and what is truly helpless."

Bai Chenxiang was also very sad, and also very unacceptable to this kind of thing, after all, she was really very sad.

(End of this chapter)

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