Chapter 182;

The guard had become determined after eating the weight, and he didn't intend to really take this kind of thing seriously.Because of this kind of thing, if you really want to make a big deal out of a molehill.

After that, the impact will be really serious, and there are a few people who are willing to really take this kind of thing to heart, and even say such a thing, if they really want to solve it at that time , if it can't be solved, what should I do.

The old man was not able to maintain a fearless attitude here because he relied entirely on his own suspicions.Well, if this old man is really in trouble when the time comes, there may really be no one to help.

Because it is impossible to say that this kind of thing can be suspected casually, because it is impossible to say that this kind of thing must be done according to what the old man thinks, because this kind of thing is not up to anyone.

Although the old man's mood is very difficult to accept all this, but also when encountering this kind of thing, he can only produce a very scalp tingling feeling.According to the current situation, the reason why the guard is unwilling to admit it is because a person like him really thinks too much.

After all, this kind of thing is not a joke. Who can use this kind of thing to behave in a very calm manner?
If this kind of thing really spread to some people, then the life of a guard like him might really be gone by then.

"I won't just listen to your nonsense here, because what you people say really makes me feel speechless."

"If you don't believe me, I have a portrait here, you can take a look at it directly. You can compare it directly to see how different such a person is from the person with the portrait."

The reason why the guard spoke so seriously was not because he was very smart. If he didn't think he was very smart, there was absolutely no need for such a person to talk about this kind of thing.

Those people all looked puzzled. Of course, for this situation, they must find out the cause and effect of this kind of thing.So when they witnessed such a portrait with their own eyes, many of them had the same embarrassing expressions.

This feeling of embarrassment is really very interesting, this feeling of embarrassment.It's really very intriguing, even Ma Hongjun himself didn't expect that the clown would be himself.

"I can see that this is not Ma Hongjun at all. After all, this person is so handsome and so ugly, how could it be him?"

"Yes, no matter how you look at it, the person in this portrait is not him. After all, no matter how you look at it, the person in this portrait is so handsome."

"Wow, I've never seen such a handsome little brother. Such a little brother looks really handsome, and it would be great if he could really become his wife."

Those who spoke were of course female villagers.The performance of these female villagers must be more positive than those of the male audience.

Because of this situation, I will definitely feel what is called true love in the future.

But when faced with this situation, many people are stunned, because the male audience, their appearance at this moment, is unprecedentedly depressed, unprecedented, and some scalps are numb to a kind of The extreme point.

After all, a man like Young is really very handsome, and even such a man is so handsome that he is scumbag.

How handsome it is, how exaggerated it is, how real it is in the world!Because such a man is really very handsome, and even makes many men feel what it means to be unmatched.

If it weren't for these people, when faced with this situation, they would have had a very big misunderstanding.

In fact, these male audiences are willing to express their admiration when facing such a handsome and unrestrained little brother.

So jealousy makes these guys ugly. Jealousy often makes a person have an explosive mentality. In fact, it will cause many people to be completely unable to accept this situation at this time, resulting in a very arrogant ability. .

Therefore, when these people encounter this kind of thing, they are all confused for a moment, or the reason why these people are in a state of confusion is not because these people have encountered an unfair situation. treat.

Because these villagers don't dress up on purpose at all, and if these villagers really dress up on purpose, they will look a little fancy.

What's more, these people still follow their original heart, because only by following their original heart can they get a very large sublimation of their mood and make their time a very happy day.

And these people, if they really live a very depressive life on weekdays, then these people will often not really experience happiness.

After all, it is undeniable that when these people encounter this kind of thing, there is no one at all.Thought about how to solve this kind of thing.

They only know that what comes is safe, because this kind of thing is the purpose of their life, they only know that it is very good to be able to live, how can they be in the mood to consider so many complicated emotions.

After all, being able to live is already very good, after all, being alive is already a very direct issue.Where are there so many emotions to consider so many complex emotions?
And such a person absolutely understood such a truth directly.

Ma Hongjun, must recognize the status quo.If he can't recognize the status quo, a person like him will not get the magnanimity he deserves wherever he goes.After all, he looked in the mirror and touched his pocket. He was really ugly, and such a person was ugly to the extreme.

Knowing that he is very ugly, but still dare to have such unreasonable thoughts, this kind of person is really terrible.And also dreaming of a toad wanting to eat swan meat.

So such a person is simply ugly to the point of home. If such a person has self-knowledge, at least he shouldn't show how happy he is when encountering such a thing.

Instead, he should directly express a very embarrassing feeling for this kind of thing.

Because only when they show a very embarrassing feeling, can the lives of these people be truly guaranteed.

Because they can only continue to live if they are guaranteed, such a thing as a group of black sheep.It is often so that many people feel scoffed at.

The guard finally felt relieved.Because after this kind of topic is over, a person like him can truly gain magnanimity.

At least for a moment, he directly felt that he was very valuable, because this feeling directly reflected how much energy a person like him possessed.And it directly shows the horror of such a person.

Ma Hongjun knelt directly on the ground from now on, because if he didn't kneel on the ground, this kind of thing would be a very mocking thing to him.

Because of this feeling, it is really a mockery.

He just wanted to kneel on the ground and kowtow continuously, because only by kowtowing continuously can he show his aura.

But it is a pity that such a person has completely lost the joy of being a human being after encountering such a thing.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't show my arrogance in this kind of thing, and I sincerely express my apology for this kind of thing. If it's really because I offended you, you can definitely trouble me, no You need to speak like this."

"I have fully realized my mistake, and I am very willing to pay for it. If you really want to trouble me, then trouble me now, but if you really don't want to trouble me If so, then I still hope that you can stop here, after all, there is absolutely no need to cause yourself trouble for this kind of thing."

Such a person utters such a sentence, although it is just a simple sentence, it is worth a thousand words.

But it is a pity that such a person will not be respected by others. After all, how can such a person really be respected?If what a jumping clown says can be respected, it is simply very funny, and it is simply very intriguing.

It is undeniable that this kind of thing is really easy to solve.There are a few people who are unwilling to choose to compromise at this time.

"Others really misunderstood the wrong person. Since they have already misunderstood the wrong person, then I'm sorry, please go back. After all, we don't welcome outsiders here, and as long as you have one person, you must always know how to retreat in spite of difficulties, and don't worry about it. It’s not that whoever you represent must be very powerful, but because of who we can represent.”

The old man suddenly uttered such a very scary sentence, because the old man simply lost his mind.

Because it’s fine for such a person not to doubt, and he still has to open his mouth to ridicule. If such a person is said to be very smart through experience, it may be simply smart. These two words are simply derogatory terms for this old man.

The old man vomited blood directly, because after encountering such a thing, he simply couldn't bear the pressure brought by it.

He originally thought that this young man Ma Hongjun would be able to achieve some kind of success in the future, but now that he looked at it this way, he still thought of a little fat guy after all, a crow turned into a phoenix, no matter how he changed, he was still a crow.

Therefore, many people are maintaining a very confused behavior at this moment, because these people can't figure out what happened, which can make the village chief feel an unprecedented depression about the matter at this moment.

The reason why he issued the expulsion order at this time is because he has completely thought about it, too much, because he has considered too much, so such a person can maintain a certain amount of time when going through this kind of thing. An invincible attitude.

After all, if one can only maintain an invincible attitude, then from now on, one can be even more arrogant and domineering.

But it is a pity that such a person, after encountering such a thing, will not know how much power he has, because such a person will never put anyone in his eyes inside.

If such a person really puts everyone in his eyes, how could he be called a good guy.

So say what the old guy did.

It is completely emptying others directly, because a person like him really needs power very much.So as long as you are a talent, you can surpass the heavens.But in fact, such a person is nothing more than a complete little trash.

Although he is very old, he said that his behavior as a whole is really intriguing.After all, it is so intriguing to the extreme that many people will pay with their lives for it.

It is absolutely necessary for such a person to leave after the expulsion order is issued, because if he continues to stay here, it is simply giving his own dignity inappropriate dignity, and he simply does not take himself seriously.

So when encountering this kind of thing, do we really need to solve it directly? Thunder means must be needed, because if there is no thunder means, how can we deal with this kind of matter seriously?
He chose to leave directly like this, because only by directly choosing to leave can his own value be reflected to the greatest appreciation, because a person like him has really encountered many accidents, because a person like him has experienced There are too many, so it is really important to make a choice at this time.

But at the moment when this guy directly chose to leave, many people maintained a very puzzled expression at this moment, as if everyone seemed to need to seriously see whether such a behavioral norm displayed by this guy was in line with it. Unqualified, if such a person is really pretending, then it is really intriguing.

And this kind of thing is not such a glorious thing.

"Please wait a moment, why I hope you can plan carefully and carefully, that's why I feel very confused when encountering this kind of thing."

The old man suddenly spoke, because after encountering this kind of thing, he really knew exactly what to do and how to choose.

Such a person speaks directly, because when encountering such a thing, if he does not speak, it may be really depressing.

And this is the only choice at this time. After all, this kind of opportunity is rare. If you miss this kind of opportunity, then if you want to choose again, you may really not know that you have to wait until the year of the monkey.

So when this person utters such words, he will not get the respect he deserves at all.

Such a person is able to maintain a very calm feeling at this moment either because he has encountered a very terrible thing, or because he has encountered a very terrible thing.

In fact, such a person is really very funny, in fact, such a person is very intriguing.

(End of this chapter)

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