Chapter 186;
Liu Bei's ability is still very outstanding. After all, he can directly threaten the entire family with his own power. Such a person is definitely very powerful. After all, we must know that Wen Wen, a person who can threaten the family, is definitely fighting power Superb, and even achievable, the ability to control everything is even more outstanding.

Perhaps it was because such a scene happened too quickly, which led to such a thing happening, so after the incident happened in front of me, it is easier to understand why such things often bring people a feeling of anxiety. A very big misunderstanding.

It may be because all of this happened too suddenly, which led to such things, often operating in an incomprehensible range of development.

So in any case, how to deal with these things requires a lot of people to seriously analyze, so that they can achieve their most desired goals, and only then can they truly achieve the ideas in the ideas that all of them want.

If it wasn't because everything happened too suddenly, this kind of thing would often not be taken into mind by others at will.After all, this kind of thing is really very intriguing. People like them are unwilling to admit that Ma Hongjun is Ma Hongjun.

Ma Hongjun, this guy is simply a fat guy, and this guy Ma Hongjun almost doesn't even have any rights. Who cares about it alone?

After the guard guy expressed such an expression, he felt as if he could really do whatever he wanted, and even felt that he had the ability to destroy heaven and earth.

In fact, this guy does have such abilities. After all, such a guy has outstanding personal abilities. If it wasn't because of this guy's outstanding personal abilities, he wouldn't express how great he is because of this kind of thing. If you are dissatisfied, you will not express how cowardly and incompetent you are because of this kind of thing.

The village chief's mood immediately became very frightened. After all, the things that happened in front of him were so frightening for a Dao like him that he couldn't say a word at all.

No matter how insensitive the village head is, at this moment, facing such a situation, he must figure out how useless he is!After all, if the guy in front of him really wants to make a big fuss, or even attack him, it seems that he really doesn't even have the slightest ability to resist.

The behavior expressed by that guy may be too incomprehensible, after all, such a person expresses such a behavior.It's really something wrong, and such a person often really doesn't think about the consequences of things.If you really consider the consequences of things, you won't be so calm because of this kind of thing.

The guard didn't say anything, as if he didn't intend to continue talking nonsense, because if such a person continued to talk nonsense, he would be making pain for himself.A person like him roared directly, and let out a roar angrily.

Immediately after such a person, everything that happened in front of him was completely reversed in an instant.

Maybe it's because a person like him is really too strong, too strong. If it wasn't for the fact that a person like him is so outstanding, whenever he encounters such a thing, he would not be able to express it, how embarrassing and angry .

In the end, the village chief couldn't live on the premise of this matter.After all, after experiencing this kind of thing, the whole person has already felt what despair is.And after he has experienced this kind of thing, it is even more representative of whether such a person can be promoted in his life from now on.It's definitely not a real thing.

Ma Hongjun's behavior at this moment is really intriguing.At the very least, the way this guy said he showed it is really very interesting.

Because a clown like him is silently watching.Everything that happened in front of my eyes let the way go.It's as if such a person didn't really take it to heart when facing all of this.

If it wasn't because all of this happened too suddenly, in fact, such a person would have had the chance to be arrogant.

After all, such a person does not need to bear any consequences at all. After all, such a person does not need to think too much at all.

So after the guard helped Ma Hongjun solve all the things that happened in front of him, it was even more representative, why these things are really intriguing.

It is undeniable that this kind of thing happened too suddenly.So speaking of this kind of thing, what Ma Hongjun did was completely wrong.

Ma Hongjun, this guy is really a waste, really makes people feel very angry.

If it wasn't for this, that guy Ma Hongjun wouldn't have shown how powerful he was because of this situation.So there is no need to think about this kind of thing at all, and there is no need to hesitate too much about this kind of thing.

Maybe it was because all of this happened too suddenly, which caused everything to happen to me.So this kind of thing, no matter how you understand it, is no longer important, no matter how you think about it, it is no longer realistic.

As long as this kind of thing can really be resolved, there are a few who can show how scared they are after experiencing this kind of thing.

Ma Hongjun looked at the village and saw that guy fell directly to the ground. To be honest, Ma Hongjun was very happy at this very moment.

After all, this kind of feeling is really very beautiful, and this kind of mood simply makes a person like him have a feeling of ascension to heaven.

If it wasn't because all of this happened so suddenly, and this kind of thing was developing in a very bad direction, Ma Hongjun wouldn't feel how sad he was because of such a thing.

"The matter has been solved for you, then you will help me solve the matter next, and I hope you can help me solve the following matters. After all, if you don't solve me, when the time comes There will definitely be a very big turmoil in my family, so you are the key person to solve this matter."

When the outdoors came and said these words seriously, in fact, when Ma Hongjun heard these words, he immediately felt as if he was really good again.After all, such a topic is really intriguing, and it is really very interesting.

When Ma Hongjun faced such a situation, he directly felt how powerless he was, at least when facing this kind of situation, he directly felt how rubbish he was.

Although this kind of thing has an atmosphere that is more or less unacceptable to a clown like him, when such a clown really encounters this kind of thing, he must first consider whether he can be accepted by such a clown. Things really affect the mood.

If it could really affect the emotions, a guy like Ma Hongjun would not be able to accept this kind of thing no matter what.After all, death is too painful.

Because when doing all this, it has been directly treated as waste by others.So say something like this.For a man like him, that's the real irony.

He just wanted to solve everything he could, but no matter how he looked at it, it seemed that nothing could be solved.

"Of course I am willing to promise you. If I don't promise you, then what can be solved, so I know very well that only after I can truly promise you can I get everything I want."

Ma Hongjun said these words very seriously, and even said that this guy didn't mean to be joking at all.If this guy really meant to be joking, that's not the case.

After all, this kind of thing really makes people feel a little funny. After all, when this kind of thing happens, Ma Hongjun still realizes whether he is really very rubbish.

Moreover, Ma Hongjun has already felt how powerless he is. After all, if a person like Ma Hongjun is really good in strength, at least when encountering such a thing, he should think clearly about himself. Do you really need to find out.If there is no shelter from others, is he really powerless?
The reason why each other did not continue to embarrass each other is entirely because after experiencing these things, they have already figured out a truth, that is, there is no need to continue to make this kind of thing a big deal.Because if this matter continues to make a big fuss, it may still be me who will be sad at that time.

Therefore, a person like him often needs to think more after experiencing this kind of thing. After all, if he doesn't think too much, then when the time comes to be rubbed directly on the ground by others, the real pain will be the sadness.

If this kind of thing didn't develop like this, who would be able to feel what it means to be speechless when facing this kind of thing.And or in other words, such a person may have really thought too much, too much.

The guard didn't continue talking, because the guard had already felt the real embarrassment when he encountered such a thing, and after experiencing this kind of thing, he also knew how to resolve it.

Without continuing to talk nonsense, I took this guy and chose to leave, because if I didn't choose to leave, it might be really tricky if I wanted to solve it later.

If these people can really maintain a certain level of calm when facing this situation, at least when encountering such a thing, they should know whether they can really understand such a thing.

The hasty choice to leave is entirely because of avoiding danger.Because only by choosing to avoid danger can one truly reflect one's own strength, so such a person is still very scheming.

After all, such a person often really knows whether he really needs such a guy named Ma Hongjun, because only Ma Hongjun can bring him a real life experience.

After a while, judging from the current situation, it is actually easier to imagine what is happening in front of you.After all, the two of them ran over to a place like Xiangze in a hurry.So it can be seen from this, whether such a person is really very powerful.

The strength is strong, to the point where people can feel what is called real trembling.After all, such a person is really worth mentioning.

Liu Bei is now in such a place, silently watching what is happening in front of him, such an excellent person.I really don't think too much about it.

And judging from the current situation, even if this kind of thing is in front of me, it really can't be solved by then.He can directly use the method of thunder to dissolve all these things in front of him. After all, when a person is really angry, he will no longer think about it.Anything is called embarrassment.

Such a person's fighting ability must be very outstanding, if not very outstanding, at least Ma Hongjun would not show such a depressed feeling because of such a thing.

Bai He was watching these things in front of him silently, and he really understood the things in front of him very well.Why all of this is very intriguing.

Maybe it's because a person like him is really amazing.After all, if such a person is not really very powerful, at least when encountering such a thing, he will not say anything, willingly resolve these things seriously, and seriously think about how to think about it.

"I know what you all want to tell me, but when you encounter this kind of thing, I still hope that you can think about it from my standpoint."

Bai He said this with a helpless face. After all, when such a person encounters such a thing, he must know very well whether it is really easy to imagine that he encountered such a thing.

After all, often this kind of thing really needs the magnanimity of these people.Because of the magnanimity of these people, it can directly lead to people like him.Can the future life be truly happy?
If it is said that after encountering such a thing, life will no longer be truly happy in the future, that is the greatest sorrow of a person like him.

"You don't have to force Lai Lai here, so have you thought about this kind of thing? If you really haven't thought about it, then there is absolutely no need for you to continue talking here."

"And in other words, what kind of meaning do you want to express when you say these words here?"

Bai He faced everything that happened in front of him with a puzzled expression.Maybe it's because I feel what these people said, which really makes people feel speechless.So we are such an excellent person, of course, it is impossible to really think too much about this kind of thing.

(End of this chapter)

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