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Chapter 7 Public and Public are OK

Chapter 7 Public and Public are OK
Xie Ziyu paused, organized his words,

"Grandma arranged a blind date for my little uncle today."

Jiang Chi was at a loss for a moment, he didn't have a girlfriend anymore, why did he go on a blind date.

Then I heard the child sitting on the sofa continue to say,

"The little uncle didn't want to go, and was afraid that grandma would come here to arrest him, so he hid early in the morning."

Jiang Chi's mind is still in a state of not being sober, and he just thought about it for himself.

Is this an underground affair with his partner?Why not take the subject home to see.

Is his partner very shameful?
She thought about it for a while, but she couldn't figure out why, but it had nothing to do with her. She washed her face and quickly put the matter behind her.

I made egg burritos for breakfast, and by the way, I made some soy milk with a soymilk machine.It was already six o'clock when the things were brought out.

The sun shines in through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the living room, and it will soon be winter, but the sunlight is not too hot, but has a slightly drunken warmth.

Breakfast was settled in the living room, and it was during the meal that Jiang Chi noticed that the leftover oden from yesterday was still on the table.

She put the leftovers from the two people's meals together with the leftover oden from yesterday into the trash can.

Bread arched his head and rubbed against her.

Seeing the bread, Xie Ziyu said in surprise,
"My little uncle also has one, which looks a bit like this one, but it's just a tabby cat."

Jiang Chi smiled and took a tissue to help Xie Ziyu wipe off the soy milk that accidentally stood on the corner of his mouth.

The boy who has always been enthusiastic in the class seldom blushed, and suddenly seemed to turn off the fire, and finally said dryly,
"Thank you, teacher."

Jiang Chi straightened his collar again and said,
"The schoolbag is at the entrance. As soon as I change my shoes, I'll go to school after feeding the bread."

Bread stared at Xie Ziyu vigilantly, even though he had left the living room and headed for the entrance, Bread still did not relax.

It squished against Jiang Chi and barked.

Jiang Chi rubbed Bread's head comfortingly, finished feeding it again, kissed its forehead with a smile,
"Okay, you are the most important thing, stay at home obediently, come back at night to give you a bath."

The bread rubbed against Jiang Chi's face twice before he reluctantly jumped out of her arms.

Jiang Chi took out his mobile phone and called a taxi.

She hasn't driven for a long time. In fact, she doesn't really believe in her driving skills. The main reason is that she has a child with her today. For safety, she decided to call a car.

Jiang Chi changed his clothes, put on his coat, and after confirming that the mobile phone and keys were all in his pockets, he locked the door with confidence.

Xie Ziyu fell asleep while she was on the drip yesterday, so she didn't know anything about what happened afterwards.

I just think Mr. Jiang is very careful in doing things.

When the two went downstairs, the car had already arrived.

In the car, the little boy who was too shy to speak just now came back to life again. He seemed to have forgotten his embarrassment just now, and put his head in front of Jiang Chi in a chattering voice.
"Mr. Jiang, is your cat called Bread?"

Jiang Chi nodded, and then heard the little boy continue,

"It's still more thoughtful of you to choose a name, unlike little uncle, his cat is called Xiaohua."


Jiang Chi smiled, thought for a while, and decided to say something to keep the atmosphere from getting cold.
"There are also bad things, for example,"

Jiang Chi gestured, then continued,
"I never eat bread. Because of a sense of guilt."

Xie Ziyu was amused, and said while laughing,

"Teacher, you are so interesting."

So he asked again,
"Teacher, are your cats male and female?"


The child sighed in disappointment and said,

"Little uncle's cat is also a male, otherwise they can be kept together."

The child thought for a while, and muttered,
"But it's not impossible to be public and public."

Jiang Chi almost choked on his own saliva.

(End of this chapter)

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