Chapter 10 (9)
It is already the second year in Tsinghua Garden, and I have adapted to the plants and trees here, and the rhythm of life here.When I was in a hurry, the life in Hengzhong would still appear in my mind, and I would try to find the original state of mind and calm down slowly.What Hengzhong gave me is not only a ladder, but also an opportunity to re-understand the meaning of struggle.

If there is a will, things will come true

Class 401 Hu Yanlei
Admitted to Peking University in 2011
There are always some pains that people don't want to mention, and there are always some things that people want to forget.Years will heal the wound, but more or less will leave the scar of memory.Have you ever tried, after a certain part of the body is injured, the scab has not yet formed, and you have been injured in the same position over and over again?
I always feel that what I write is not as literary and touching as other students, but I can't help but spit it out.It should be said that no one in school dared to say that he had not experienced bitterness and ups and downs.There are always some methods, some experiences, and some stories behind every Hengzhong person.

At a class meeting in high school, the teacher showed us such an article called "I am a poor student".It tells the inspirational story of a student who was the bottom one, who started to work hard, became the first in his grade step by step, and then was admitted to Tsinghua University.Regardless of whether the story is true or false, it is very suitable to put it in the balance.There are millions of students in Hengzhong, and being in it is like a star in the vast galaxy.So it is normal for teachers not to pay attention to them.Of course, it does not mean that everyone automatically defines themselves as poor students, but no matter whether their grades are good or bad, every student has weaknesses.The purpose of telling this story is to illustrate that you might as well lower your stance and face your shortcomings and shortcomings bravely.In the past, I always thought that people around me lamented the passing of time, and lamented that I was already old, which was too incomprehensible.Only now do I gradually understand that it was more than two years ago, when we entered the university, there were really many things that we were confused at the time, and now there are some regrets, some rejoicing, and some have a clear conscience.Back then, I couldn't face my shortcomings correctly many times, and sometimes I even thought that I could get away with it by luck.I was really naive when I think about it now.Sometimes I want to escape the teacher's inspection, but in fact, I and my life are the ones who deceive me in the end.At that time, there was a period of time, anyway, it was Qingbei's material not to be regarded by the teacher, so I regarded myself as a poor student, and learned step by step, one problem after another. It doesn't matter if you do it slowly, as long as you do everything you have done. It is OK if you understand and do it.I don’t know, the old man from back then was admitted to Tsinghua University, and I walked into the school opposite him in a daze.Is there any method here? I haven't figured out the mystery yet, so I can only tell you, let's enjoy tea together.

Everyone has a dream of going to Qingbei, but dreams are dreams after all. We always have to face reality. Although reality is cruel, we can only grow by relying on it.It is very important to have an accurate positioning of one's own level. The old saying goes: "If you take the law from the top, you will get the middle; if you take the law from the middle, you will get the bottom." We can set ourselves a higher goal, "Aspiration should be high "Well, but it must be higher than the actual level, so that we will be satisfied with our results.Because we will find that we often fail to achieve the set goals, but reach some levels that are slightly lower than the goals.If you set a high goal, it may not be good for you, because the pressure is very high. If you fail to achieve it, you will form a serious psychological shadow again and again, and you will start to doubt your ability and even intelligence. This is a vicious circle. Do avoid it.There was a period of time when I was in the third year of high school. I set too high goals for myself, and because I failed to achieve them again and again, I had a strong sense of inferiority.After realizing that this is not good, I set my goals very low in the last semester: I asked myself to improve every time I took the exam, even if I only improved by one grade. Still have to reach the last progress.Facts have proved that I am indeed under less pressure, and my learning is also relaxed and practical, so I don’t need to talk about the results, everyone knows it.Give yourself a loose space, give yourself a chance, and give your soul a world, so that your heart can gallop freely, sway at will, and express another kind of difference.

In Hengzhong, you only need to remember one sentence: If you are not valued by others, then you should value yourself; if you are not trusted by others, you should believe in yourself.Our success is not what others think, but what we want to do. When your actions are consistent with your thoughts, then your life will become wonderful, and even miracles will appear.Believe it or not, I believe it anyway, and my experience has convinced me.

Finally, I would like to give you a word of encouragement: If you have aspirations, things will come true. If you are overwhelmed, the hundred and twenty Qin Pass will eventually belong to Chu;

Grass can also be wonderful

Class 401 Xue Liwei
Admitted to Peking University in 2011
At this time in 2011, I was as busy, as busy, as tired as those students who took the college entrance examination, but my eyes were more confused than theirs.That year, I was in my third year of high school.It was the inferiority complex of a child who was said to be overconfident if he shouted that he wanted to take the Tsinghua North Conference, and it was the helplessness of a child who would not be looked at more often by the teacher.Like a seed blown to a dark corner by the wind, even without the blessing of sunshine and rain, it still strives to complete every link of growth, take root, germinate, grow, and bloom until it blooms beautiful flowers.When passers-by marveled at the fact that the spring did not even give up the life in the cracks of the rocks, only the seeds understood that they did not forget the spring.This is the motto that accompanied me through the three years of high school.

In Hengzhong, a place where masters gather and scores kill everything, I was undoubtedly a grass that was forgotten in the corner.So standing here today, I don't want to use the title of outstanding student to position myself, because I was so not outstanding in high school, and I don't want to show my glorious struggle history like other champions. I prefer to share my history with my classmates. A history of bitterness and blood and tears.So, don't look up to me, because your today is my yesterday, and I hope that my today will be your tomorrow.

From elementary school to junior high school, I was almost a myth and legend in that small county. I could write good characters, play the guzheng, and most importantly, the girl named Xue Liwei maintained an advantage that others could not match. , I am used to being surrounded by applause and surrounded by flowers, that is the pride of a child who will always be No.1.But even if I can firmly occupy the first position, even if I can drop No.2 by dozens or even hundreds of points every time, I know that Peking University is still too far away from me, so far away that I can even see it in my dreams Not real.You can't imagine how bad the only junior high school in the county is. The place jokingly called a marriage agency is the end of their school days for most people, but I stick to my own. battlefield.Maybe you will ask, don’t you feel tired and not afraid of loneliness?It’s not without emotions, but when roses and chocolates flooded the campus, I told myself that I still have more important missions to accomplish. All the teachers firmly believed that I would be the best student in the school’s history. In their eyes, getting the best test means that you can go to Hebei University. If you are lucky, you may be able to reach out to a "985" or "211", but for me, I only want Peking University.I am almost paranoid about the pursuit of my dream. Yes, I just want to be the first person in this county to be admitted to Peking University.

Perhaps it was this almost foolish persistence that moved God. In that year, Hengzhong entered that remote small county for the first time to recruit students, and I became the first person in that county to enter Hengzhong.The place with a book pass rate of more than 90.00%, the place where sixty or seventy Tsinghua University and Peking University are admitted every year, the place known as the West Point Military Academy in the education world, and the place that has both the names of heaven and hell.I naively thought that the brilliance would continue and that dreams would blossom there, but when faced with a student number of 75 out of 49 people, when faced with a three-digit ranking, when faced with a big gap in homework When writing, I finally lost all pride and pride.

I fell again and again, as if I heard the sound of the wings of the dream being broken, smelled the thick blood, watched the dream drift away, but I seemed so powerless, I could only take out that distant dream in the dead of night Wipe the wound.Like many students today, I am not sure whether my persistent persistence will eventually turn me into a mirror in the water. Looking at my eyes, I am not sure whether that distant dream will always become something I can only think about in my dreams.It is also a scene similar to today, and an atmosphere similar to now. That year, the school invited an inspirational teacher to hold a mobilization meeting for the brothers and sisters who were about to take the college entrance examination.We, who had just entered the first year of high school, were used to fill the number of people and brought to the venue.I still remember very clearly that the venue is open-air, but the layout is the same as our venue today. There is also a long aisle in the middle. At that time, the teacher asked, can you do whatever it takes to make your dreams come true? ?Then he asked those junior high school seniors to do something beyond everyone's expectations.He said, I not only want to hear your determination, but also see your determination.Who of you wants to climb from the other end of the aisle to this end, and then come to the stage and shout your dreams loudly.I thought that no one would cooperate with his absurd interaction, but one person went up, two people went up, and then a group of people passed by, and after a while the aisle was already full of people.Then I saw an extremely moving scene that I will never forget in my life: the people crawling through the aisle were disheveled, and one after another they shouted their dreams almost heartbreakingly, and I saw their eyes— — full of tears is indeed extremely firm!I want to go to Tsinghua University, I want to go to Peking University. On that day, such shouts made my blood boil for a long time. It was also the first time I really felt the power of my dreams.

And the most profound and painful transformation may have begun on that day.

On March 2011, 3 - my birthday, on that day, the teacher "hate iron but not steel" criticized me in front of the whole class.I asked myself then, Xue Liwei, can you make yourself more embarrassed?Are you still the legendary Xue Liwei?You have suffered three years more in Hengzhong than others. Do you want to change from a myth in the county to a joke in the whole county?Then make a show for those who look down on you, and give your dreams a chance.After making up my mind and calming my mind, I have to think about the method of learning; instead of finding a thousand reasons to say that I am not an idiot, I should study hard to prove that I am a smart person.During the self-study that night, my mood was never so peaceful. I quietly sorted out the loopholes in my knowledge and the content that had not been reviewed, and allocated the remaining time every day, clearing away all distracting thoughts in my mind.At that time, I didn't dare to promise anything to myself, and I really couldn't afford it.It's just that I don't want to rush to sentence myself to death, and live a vulgar life amidst the vast crowd.My voice may be a little weak, and my steps may be a little faltering, but since I have chosen, I want to give my dream a chance and take a gamble once in 21 days.I wrote in my diary: go to the farthest road, even if the road ahead is confused; hold the greatest hope, even if the mountains and rivers are at an end; persist in the strongest will, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire; prepare for the worst, even if you start all over again.I never knew that when the pressure reaches a certain level, people's potential can be stimulated to that extent.I am an extremely restless person, but during that time I was extremely patient and steady, as steady as an old scalper.In fact I've been on the verge of breaking down countless times; I've memorized five high school history books a full six times -- you know what it's like when you've memorized a book six times -- side memorization While crying, I really almost couldn't carry it on.But, when you can't bear it, bear it a little longer.Panicked and at a loss, I welcomed and sent away the first, second and N models in awe and anticipation. During the 80 days, my test scores fluctuated slightly, but I still did not enter the top ten in the class or the top hundred in the grade. , and then I ushered in the most important exam in my life, and I still remember the feeling after the exam. The moment I put down my pen, I looked at the people passing by in the exam room, my heart was empty and I was reluctant to leave. For this battle, I have overdrawn too much.As a result, everyone must have guessed that in this last exam, he was No.80 in our class.Yes, when the results of the college entrance examination came out on the evening of June 1, when I looked at my score of 6, I hugged my parents and cried loudly. I really waited for too long and suppressed for too long. .That night, the whole family did not sleep. Yes, I finally became the first Peking University student to leave that county since the founding of New China.

Everyone is a stone with edges and corners, but the years have polished away the ambition and vigor of the past.I have never been a top student in the eyes of my teachers, I have never been on the honor list of Tsinghua University and Peking University, and I have never been in an elite class.In the third year of senior high school, 900 of the 450 liberal arts students passed the exam at worst, and 51 in the class. Even when they entered the college entrance examination room, they were number 24, so everything is possible, and everything is not a foregone conclusion until the college entrance examination is over.What many people lack is never the ability to float on the water, but the endurance to sink underwater. As a student whose student number has never changed to a single digit, he must always maintain an upward heart.No matter how the outside world suppresses us, as a so-called mediocre student, we have lost our hearts in so many times of questioning and self-denial, and how much ambition has been worn away by the dismal ranking and scores on the report card.We have to admit that there will be inexplicable fear when thinking about the unknown future, because the college entrance examination is destined to be a cruel gamble. While the college entrance examination has achieved many people, it has also destroyed the dreams of countless people at the same time, just because the bet in our hands is 12 years The most beautiful years of life.But even though I am studying Marxist materialism as a liberal arts student, I still believe that people are doing things and God is watching.As long as you have a clear conscience and change what you can change, leave the rest to fate.Even if you are a middle-level student now, even if your grades fluctuate and there is no improvement, even if everyone does not believe in yourself, give yourself a hope.Maybe you will ask, don't you feel tired and not afraid of loneliness?It's just that the longing for the blue sky makes all the suffering worthwhile, and this is the meaning of hard work.There is no achievement in this world without hard work, no matter whether it is No.1 or the last place, whether it is hard work or hard work, it is hard work.The reason why some people don't do some things is just because they think it is impossible. In fact, many impossibilities exist only in people's imagination.

I like a passage by Yu Minhong: Every river has its own different life curve, but every river has its own dream, which is to run to the sea.Our life can be silt sometimes, you can slowly settle down like silt possibly, once you settle down, maybe you don't have to work hard for advancement, but you can't see the sunshine forever.When you settle down, the silt and sand above will keep pressing you down, and in the end you will be in darkness.Therefore, no matter what your current life is like, you must have the spirit of water.Even if you are polluted, you can cleanse yourself.Like water, keep accumulating your own strength and break through obstacles. When you find that the time is not enough, accumulate your own thickness. When the time comes one day, you will be able to gallop into the sea and achieve your own goals. life.The most touching days in our lives are always those days when we are dedicated to a goal, even if it is a humble goal, it is worthy of our pride, because the accumulation of countless humble goals may be a great achievement.

youth never fades

Class 402 Guo Rui

Admitted to Peking University in 2012
July 23, [-].

After a lapse of 45 days, taking advantage of the opportunity of the Qingbei students returning to school to take pictures, I reunited with this campus where I had been together day and night for three years.The same teaching building, the same tree-lined road, the same small pond with ripples but not very clear, and the same sunny lawn playground as before.

It's just that the mood is different.Especially seeing the students who are still struggling for the final exam, seeing their envious, surprised, or indifferent eyes and the hurried footsteps we once had.Yes, it's this moment.When we are on campus, what we feel is not the ambition and anxiety about the future, but the happiness of dreams come true and the remembrance and nostalgia of high school life.After leaving the school in the afternoon, standing at the school gate, I couldn’t help but look back again, expressing my deep gratitude to this school that gave me depression, tension, monotony, but more wisdom, sincerity and happiness.We are like this, staying, growing up, and then saying goodbye and nostalgia.June 24, [-].

(End of this chapter)

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