Chapter 12 (11)
You trust your teachers very much, they get along with you day and night, they have both the love of parents and the objective rationality of outsiders.Talk to the teacher often, and you will find that, in fact, the teacher is not so rigid, and is not a living reading tool.They have comforted the overwhelmed hearts of so many years, they have opened the chains of shackles for so many teenagers under pressure, and they have sent so many young people with high spirits into the ideal land.Looking at the world through their experience and vision, we will jump out of our paranoid vicious circle and move towards a more reasonable choice.We can be as big or small as they are, and we can call them brothers and sisters, but we must remember to trust them and respect them extremely.

I am extremely grateful to our parents, which is an inevitable emotion for a child.Nothing our parents do has much real benefit to them.Achievements are ours, emotions are ours, and the future is ours.The so-called pressure from parents is just to hope that we can better master the skills of social life. Who is the final beneficiary?It's still us.They pay for everything without complaint. Have you ever seen them smile because of your little progress and achievements?Have you ever seen how much hard work they don't want you to know behind the smile they give you?Really, it is often more uncomfortable to test parents than candidates.They don't understand the situation, they just have a high hanging heart waiting for the final judgment without appeal.So, be considerate, and thanking your parents is not just a slogan, you must be considerate from the bottom of your heart, and it must be reflected in actions.Everyone's road is different. I hope you will carefully pick up every bright spot you find on the road. I hope that the three years in Hengzhong will be your youthful and splendid three years.Tsinghua University is waiting for you.

Along the way

Class 404 Chen Shengbin
Admitted to Peking University in 2012
It has been nearly four months since the college entrance examination, and it has been almost a month since I came to Peking University.Hengzhong is indeed a place that people love and hate, but it is not a mixture of love and hate, but hatred in words and love in their hearts.Hengzhong can be said to be the place where I really grew up. I came to this fertile soil as a seed, sucking the selfless and endless nutrients in this land.Slowly, it takes root, sprouts, blooms, bears fruit, grows from small to large, from short to long, and continues to grow.

I believe that everyone in Hengzhong has learned a lot from Hengzhong, and I am no exception.Every morning's running exercises, loud slogans, daily busyness and tirelessness, every teacher's hard work, gentleness and consideration, every student's unremitting efforts and mutual help, it can be said that Hengzhong has given me a lot The accumulation has brought me a qualitative leap.I am very lucky to have this opportunity to record every bit of my life in Hengzhong.

People in Hengzhong love to quote a sentence from the writer Liu Qing: Although the road of life is long, there are often only a few steps at the critical point, especially when a person is young.The college entrance examination is naturally a more critical step in these critical tasks.

It is right to be tired in front of the college entrance examination, and Hengzhong tells you that it is necessary to do so. Regarding the preparation for the college entrance examination, I admire the statement of the head teacher Yu Hongbin the most.He said: "Many people say that preparing for the exam is tiring, but most people just follow the historical tradition and shout 'I'm so tired', and then develop disgust, become lazy, and finally give up. In fact, in the later stage of college entrance examination preparation, you are going through The first stage in your life where you are working hard for a goal, just for the realization of that goal, and you are working tirelessly. It can be said to be an abbreviated version of tackling key problems and overcoming obstacles when you want to achieve greater achievements in the future. Tired, difficult , It’s not easy, and it will never be a reason for a person who pursues excellence to escape, an excuse to give up, if you are a person who wants to pursue excellence.”

I think this is a key quality of Hengzhong people, and as a graduate of Hengzhong, it is also a point that I should inherit and carry forward.We know that this task will be very tiring, but we must do it, because we know that this task must be done, and we also know that Hengzhong people are pursuing excellence.

Another point I have learned along the way in Hengzhong is the view on dreams. In the past three years, I have heard many reports, and every report will mention dreams-you can only succeed if you have dreams.I feel that I have easily crossed the threshold of "have or not" for dreams.Of course I have dreams, both in the near, mid-term and long-term, but I think it is the teachers and classmates of Hengzhong that let me truly understand the dream.I remember when a very good classmate introduced his learning experience, he said that he had no dreams, but he had motivation.For him, Tsinghua University is not a beautiful and misty dream in front of him, but a dream that guides the direction, but a driving force behind him that drives him forward. "If you follow the method above, you can only get the middle; if you take the method according to the middle, you can only get the bottom." This sentence has a high hit rate in middle schools.But at the same time, it also makes many people fall into a strange circle: their purpose of pursuing lofty goals is not to love, but to "only get it", and as a result, a lofty goal is only for the minimum guarantee in the end.

When I started, even until the college entrance examination was approaching, I rarely had the kind of surging, head-throwing, and bloody passion for the goal in my heart. Apart from my own personality factors, a large part of it was because I didn’t have it. Integrate the highest goal of my college entrance examination into my blood and engrave it in my heart, although I work very hard.I just think I should have a high goal, and then, there is no more.

What dreams, or goals, are really for, it's not only or should not be used as motivation and guidance, your highest dreams are made to come true.I still remember the thrill I felt when I heard the phrase "goals are made to achieve."Liu Yong said: "You can't fail, because you must succeed." Indeed, failure is the mother of success, but if there is no final success, your previous N failures are just failures. Is the mother of success.

After dreaming, we are about to act.After the first exam in our third year of high school, the students had to fill in a full-score answer sheet, but the math teacher took it in, and it exploded after reading it.Because a classmate A wrote this sentence after the "reason for losing points": Why is the result not given full marks if the result is correct? Do you still look at the process?Another classmate B analyzed that his biggest shortcoming in the past period was that he could not listen carefully in class, but his improvement measures were the same as what you and I wrote: from now on, listen carefully in class.

The teacher was very angry at the time and said that we had been studying for more than ten years and could not even listen to the lectures. The most annoying thing was that the improvement measure was to listen carefully in class. I also wrote a lot of test summaries and said some such big and empty words. But when I jumped out of the status of a high school student, I have to say that there is a difference between a good summary and a bad summary. I guess Monkey King can't turn over after somersaulting all his life.When you really think about it and analyze the deeper reasons for your failure, it will be of great help to your actions.

It's like not listening carefully in class, it's only a superficial reason at best.I think as a high school student, especially from Hengzhong, you should analyze it further.I didn't listen carefully to the lecture, what did I do, sleep, think, learn other subjects or other content of this subject and why sleep, what did I think about, what's wrong with other subjects... Of course, we can't be like We don’t dissect ourselves the way Freud did, but at least we have to do something about it.

This is the third point that Hengzhong taught me, learn to think.Hengzhong has taught me a lot. Every teacher, every classmate, every class meeting and even every film are filled with the true temperament of Hengzhong people.Many high school students like to say, "It's okay, I can do well in the exam otherwise", just like I said when I was lazy and didn't want to organize the films to comfort myself.But my teacher told me: "It doesn't take much trouble for you to arrange the films in the first place, and it is absolutely beneficial and harmless. Since you can do well in the exam without doing this, it can only be better if you do it. Why not Do?"

Many high school students also like to say, forget it, they don't take the exam anyway.But the fact that Hengzhong used blood tells me that this sentence is too stupid and naive.We should use the worst to motivate ourselves to make the best preparations.The class teacher's words are classic: When you admit that you don't work hard, if you succeed, you will acquiesce in nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousandths of your failure.

Many high school students think that the age of seventeen or eighteen is the age of flowers, and they should travel far, wander, and take a leisurely walk.I have no objection, but in fact, the age of seventeen or eighteen is also the age of struggle. We are the flowers of the motherland, but the rise of China needs more than flowers.

On the 25th, I knew that the students in Qingbei were going to write something. That day happened to be my first training session at Beida Shanying Club. We ran eight laps in total at the May Fourth training ground.The rule of the Shanying Club is that every time you overtake others or are overtaken, you must shout for cheer. During this cheer, we little eagles ran six laps in a row.

I really felt like I was back in Hengzhong after the run.Back to the passionate, cheering and hard work, and back to the company that has been with me every moment for the past three years.I love this hard work and miss this companionship.

metamorphosis in balance

Class 404 Liu Yufei
Admitted to Peking University in 2012
Perhaps, Hengzhong has given me too much, and the moment I look back, I have tears in my eyes... Thank you Hengzhong, and thank her for helping me grow up.

Getting to know Hengzhong starts from the summer camp.I was graduating from junior high school at the time, and at 13, I thought I was still very young.Later, according to my classmates' memories, my eyes were filled with tears, and I shed tears almost every time I said a word.For the first time, I was away from home for two weeks; for the first time, I met many friends from all over the world; In the eyes is a legend full of contradictions-simple and plain school buildings and bright and dazzling grades.Since then, I have understood that prestigious schools cannot be judged by appearances, and talents cannot be measured by scores.

It is already the second year of high school that I really put my whole body and mind into Hengzhong.My judgment standard is actually very simple. Before the second year of high school, every time I went back to school, I would shed tears, silently dragged my luggage and walked into the school gate, not daring to look back at my parents who were standing outside the gate and waving.After the second year of high school, I will return to school very calmly, and face everything that is waiting for me calmly.To be honest, crying has nothing to do with stress, it's just that being too immature allows you to tolerate and pity yourself too much.Therefore, I would like to thank Hengzhong for helping me mature and giving me the courage to face all the unknowns, including the college entrance examination.

Speaking of the third year of high school, it was really a day that moved me to tears.It's a good day to have a goal and work towards it regardless.I no longer care about holidays or returning to school, and I no longer restrain my emotions. Instead, I have made "abnormal" remarks such as "I haven't finished my senior year in high school" more than once.Maybe I really fell in love with Hengzhong, fell in love with her simplicity, her enthusiasm, her persistence, and her common hatred.

Thank you Hengzhong, thank her for giving me such a sincere teacher-student relationship. Whenever I am most confused, the teachers always pull me out of the fog and point me to the direction.When I was in a bad state at the beginning of the third year of high school, it was teacher Guo Lietong who suddenly woke me up with his comment "Please use excellent standards to demand yourself"; "I can't pass the exam" reprimanded me to face the reality; when I began to doubt myself, it was Teacher Yu Hongbin's interview that made me untie my knot, believe in myself, and give it a go; when I felt the loneliest When I was helpless, it was Teacher Wei Zhenyu’s message on my test paper that made me feel warm... I can’t forget the selfless dedication of the teachers. They are the gods on this campus, guarding us who are transforming.

Thank you Hengzhong, thank her for giving me the experience of mentality
I firmly believe that a good attitude is the most precious wealth Hengzhong gave me.It is often heard that success is not only based on strength, but also luck.And I think that luck needs to be created with mentality.I have a deep understanding of this.In the second semester of the third year of high school, I once doubted my mathematics because of frequent low-level mistakes.

The psychological hint to myself before the math test is that I will definitely make a lot of low-level mistakes, so I must check carefully.Therefore, every time I do a question, I suspect that the result is wrong, and I check the calculation many times. Obviously I don’t have enough time.During that time, my math scores were often after the 50th in the class.Later, the difficulty of the weekly test and mid-week test questions gradually decreased, and my own training was also effective, and the correct rate of homework increased, but the shadow left by the test has not dissipated, and the hints given to myself will not become like weekly. As simple as measuring, there will be difficulties.So in my eyes, all the questions became more difficult. When the average score of the class was almost 140, I actually scored more than 120 points in the test.It can be seen that the influence of mentality is great.In fact, Hengzhong provides everyone with an excellent opportunity to experience mentality.Teacher Yu, my teacher in the third year of high school, talked about mentality and believed that the root of failure lies in "neither taking the exam mentality to do the questions, nor taking the exam with the mentality of doing the questions." Teacher Yu believes that the best way is to make both At the same time, approach a certain state in the middle.The weekly test and mid-week test set up a platform for us to practice.

I am a firm supporter of homework testing. "Examization" must not only be reflected in behavior, but also in thinking. It is not enough just not to turn over the book, not to communicate, and not to lag behind the answer sheet.Because these sometimes show not paying attention, but laziness and indifference.So what is more important is the process of answering the questions.From time allocation to writing, from the order of answering questions to the rhythm of answering questions, you must explore experience for the college entrance examination.What to do if the topic is difficult as a whole, what to do if it is easy, what to do if time is tight, how to check when you have time left, how to deal with difficulties in the middle... These must be understood one by one.Before the exam, make full preparations, make a simple time plan, set a time limit for each part, don't have any worries, and give it a go.

In Hengzhong, everyone will experience the ups and downs of performance, pay attention to it, but don't be too demanding.Sometimes, grades can't reflect the status well, and only you know your status best.I have always believed that grades are lagging, and one month of hard work is likely to see no improvement in grades; similarly, poor performance does not necessarily lead to a decline in grades.Because of this, progress and regression are often continuous.It is very important to carefully write a summary after the exam. One is to summarize experience and methods, and the other is to make goals and plans for the next stage.

The best state to prepare for the exam is to be calm, but that is just an expectation after all, and few people can achieve it. More than 1000 days and nights, it is inevitable that some troubles will be encountered, which cannot be avoided, but can only be faced.At this time, we need a person who listens silently.Make a phone call to your parents and talk slowly, without worrying about tears pouring out wantonly; make an appointment with a trusted teacher, open your heart, and receive sincere teachings while talking; or take out a diary and record the tears in your heart with the tip of a pen , The knot will be untied slowly.However, it is best not to confide in our friends, so as not to spread negative emotions to more people.

There are many outstanding people in Hengzhong, so don't lose yourself because of blind comparison.For example, some students solve the questions very fast, we don't have to feel ashamed, let alone have to compete with him.What we have to do is to defeat ourselves, not to defeat others.Face yourself and others with a calm heart, and try not to be influenced by others.

Thank you Hengzhong for the good habits she gave me
Regarding the learning method, I have a few details that I want to share with you.Early reading is an inexhaustible wealth in my life.In the three years of high school, the most efficient time to learn Chinese and English is early reading.The recitation of early reading is important, but more important is the cultivation of language sense.I really enjoy the process of reciting, especially paragraphs and articles.It was a feeling of being soaked in words and dense.

Composition is the highlight of Chinese, but we often feel that our language is boring, trying to enhance the beauty of language by reciting classic fragments.In my opinion, there is no need to be greedy for reciting passages, only those words that are deeply integrated into memory can be used by me, and I can come at my fingertips.Therefore, we might as well memorize wonderful passages repeatedly to make it truly our own.

English Gestalt I would like to talk about my personal method.Generally, I have to read the article three times: the first time to quickly browse, don’t care about the blank space, just understand the general idea of ​​the article; the second time to fill in the blanks while reading; Decide whether to correct or not.I personally think that the first pass is very critical, and it is very helpful for filling in the blanks related to the structure of the article.And the third time is very important. After reading through the article again after fully grasping the content of the article, it will be easy to find some mistakes.

There are other details that cannot be ignored.Don’t deal with correcting mistakes. Even if time is tight, you can’t just write something you don’t need. It’s better to be asked by the teacher to make up if you don’t have enough.Do not correct mistakes for the purpose of reviewing, because it is very likely that there is no time to review at all.The purpose of correcting mistakes is to understand and understand.So don't copy the teacher's writing on the blackboard, do it carefully by yourself, and don't ignore any details.A more efficient method is to copy or paste the most valuable topics in the notebook at ordinary times, and find a large time every week to complete these topics uniformly.

When reviewing before the exam, take a small notebook to write down your error-prone points, forgotten or unfamiliar knowledge points, and look up the book in time.In this way, you will find that many mistakes are repeating the same knowledge point, and this is your blind spot, which needs to be repaired emphatically.

(End of this chapter)

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