Chapter 16 (15)
I remember that when I first entered the university, there were many questions about Hengshui High School. When the head teacher mentioned that I was from Hengzhong when introducing the students at the class meeting, "How many people are admitted to your school this year?" "Your Tsinghua University accounted for Hebei How much?" "It is said that you are very strict? Can you bear it?" I patiently answered similar questions one by one.I know that 96 of us came to Qingbei this year, and I know that they accounted for a large part of the quota in Hebei, but we are just ordinary ones among the students; I also know that we are indeed very strict, but we are not People can't bear it, and everyone is used to it, because it has become a part of our life and an inseparable part.

We can wake up from sleep at 05:30 every morning, wash up, make quilts, stand neatly on the playground within 5 minutes, and start memorizing knowledge points; we can form a square in each class and run neatly. The footsteps are uniform, and the slogans are shouted deafeningly; we can keep absolute silence in the self-study class, and we can hear the sound of the pen tip scribbling on the paper and the sound of the paper turning; magazines, to achieve pure learning, to truly enter the spiritual world and roam freely; even though we are in a boarding school that seems to be isolated from the outside world, we can still learn about current affairs from news and leaflets every day; we can strictly abide by school rules and disciplines, Not only for ourselves, but also for others to create a good environment; we can help our classmates when they need help, even at the cost of sacrificing our own time and money, because we are not machines that only care about ourselves and can only learn, we also have profound knowledge. Deep brotherhood, even deeper...Indeed, we are grateful for Hengzhong, for its executive power, and for the pure and positive learning environment it created for us.The particularity of Hengzhong does not lie in its stricter school rules and disciplines than other schools.As far as I know, the school rules and disciplines of all high schools are pretty much the same, but the only difference is that although they set the rules, they are more or less unable to do it, but Hengzhong did it.This alone creates a gap.

Every day without dancing is a disappointment to life.This sentence is vividly reflected in Hengzhong.Each of us is working hard, struggling, for a common goal, with a common belief, and going all out towards the same goal.What we have experienced, what we have undertaken, and what we have overcome are hard for people who are not Hengzhong to imagine.Maybe when the students in some schools are still asleep, we have already started to read in the morning energetically; maybe when their minds are wandering around, we are concentrating on listening to the class and thinking; maybe when they are listening to music and chatting on mobile phones, We are trying to do a few more questions...but it is in this bit by bit that we are moving forward with difficulty but firmly.Therefore, we are not high-achieving students who easily come out of the so-called Hengzhong safe, we are also very ordinary students, we have our own goals, our own beliefs, our own dreams, and we have the courage to fight for all these heart of.Everyone here is like this, there is no distinction between superior and inferior, and it is not limited to Qingbei. This scope is a bit narrow, because many Qingbei people, if they come to Hebei to take the exam, they will not be able to enter Qingbei!In Hebei, a province with a large college entrance examination, facing such a high score line, it is a miracle that Hengzhong can maintain such a high enrollment rate, and this miracle is created by all Hengzhong people.

I am an Olympiad student. After missing the provincial team due to a mistake in the rematch, I went back to school to continue preparing for the college entrance examination and preparing for the recommended exam. In this change of mentality, I did not give myself even one day to adjust my state and feel depressed. , because I know the result has been determined, so it is meaningless, there are not many people who are more miserable than me, what I have to do is to firmly grasp the next opportunity that follows.Still studying non-stop every day, dealing with daily chores with another class leader, silently bearing what should be endured, and positively infecting those around me, before going to bed every day with a heavy head, looking forward to the next day. better.This effort paid off, and I passed the recommended test with a score higher than the cut-off score, and I left school early.But I have never stopped paying attention to everyone, we are a collective.After each survey and exam at school, I will check the report card repeatedly, and try the student number again and again in the score query system to find those familiar people; I will occasionally bring some to my class when I return to school for something Encouragement, bring some different breath.Because I want everyone to know that I am not trying to escape from this place, I am watching them, I am fighting with them, we are in this together.During the college entrance examination, I also saw the success of many dark horses and the desolation of many masters. The result is not guaranteed by everyone.We are just ordinary people, we are under pressure, we will be nervous, we need encouragement, we need comfort, we will sincerely congratulate those dark horses who have made their debut, and we will also miss those lonely people who have created brilliance. We have also experienced great hardships during our journey Big and small setbacks, ups and downs, ups and downs; but we are not ordinary, the days of dancing and dancing that all of us have experienced are worthy of a prestigious university, Tsinghua University and Peking University!
After the college entrance examination, the students struggled with estimating scores, equating scores, applying for volunteers, and waiting for volunteers, and I didn't feel so relaxed, because we were together.I try my best to share a little anxiety with my relatives, to silently recite the university they want to go to for them, and to bless them.Now, we have all gone to different provinces and cities, and started another stage of life, which we call - university.

The value of Hengzhong is that he not only allows us to learn knowledge, but more importantly, she either cultivates our study habits or forges our will quality.One of the biggest changes in college is that everything needs self-awareness.No one asks you what time to get up in the morning, no one checks whether you have missed classes, no one cares about your class, sleeping, chatting, and playing with your mobile phone, no one urges you when to study by yourself, when not to play, and when to sleep. Everything is arranged by oneself.During this transformation, many people have been slack, lazy, and relaxed (of course it does not rule out some people who are super talented and don’t need to work so hard), but this will never be us, we will be a small part of that hard work.I remember seeing a message from a classmate on Renren a few days ago: "I don't know what Hengzhong people look like in your eyes, but I know what I should look like." A simple sentence expresses our voice of the heart.I just get up an hour earlier than my roommates in the morning, but I may insist on taking a little time to memorize vocabulary every day, but I try my best to complete the homework of the day every day, and I just try to think by myself when there are problems that I don’t understand To investigate, to solve it with one's own ability... Upward, to achieve a posture.It's just that, we haven't done well enough, we don't deserve the title of "Student Master", please don't use this word to call us every day.When we are indeed worthy of the title, we will gladly accept it. I believe that at that time, we will have a frank smile from the heart.Indeed, people in Hengzhong are lonely, because few people can understand it, but we are all able to endure loneliness. We can stick to the path we choose, stick to our habits, and rely on tenacious willpower to meet head-on challenges. Every difficulty comes, because there is a lamp that will always be lit in the heart, it is faith.We have a common spirit of Hengzhong - the pursuit of excellence!
There is a kind of excellence called indisputable, and there is a kind of first called unmatched.What we want is excellence, what we want is the first.I remembered the oath of our class again, I remembered our oath, and suddenly it seemed to be back in that classroom, simple, clean, and clear, standing on the podium, and after standing up, all the students standing up straight in front of me Dear relatives, this heroic cry echoed for a long time, and the few rays of sunlight shining in obliquely illuminated half of their cheeks, outlining that confident smile...

From the point of Hengzhong, we went to the university and scattered all over the country, but I believe that this geographical distance can be ignored, because we will always be a whole.When hearts are connected, distance does not matter—a dandelion blows out countless wandering happiness.

From Hengzhong to Qingbei, we, with everyone's expectations, are on the road.In the days of dancing, fly my youth!

Those words gave me strength

Class 413 Gao Jiamin
Admitted to Tsinghua University in 2012
In Yiheng, the first thing I remember is those words, those words that give me strength when I am frustrated, and words that give me hope when I am depressed, they promote my growth little by little, and go deep into my heart.In three years, from the ignorance and fragility of leaving home for the first time to the strong optimism of daring to face setbacks, what Hengzhong has brought me is far more than that one notice. Here, I have the most unforgettable growth process, and those who used to The words that accompany me to grow up, carry the memory of growth, accompany me, and continue to move forward in Tsinghua University - "There is a kind of excellence called indisputable, and there is a kind of first called unmatched. What we want is excellence, what we want It's number one."

The reason why I put this sentence first is because it hides the most precious memory.This extremely domineering class slogan is the oath of all 04 people. I can still remember the excitement and pride when we shouted it at the challenge meeting for the first time; When the class called it out for the last time, a little bit of heartbreak and helplessness made us cherish the memories of the past and continue to write the glory of 04 in different classes.The original 04 was not the strongest. I clearly remember that we lost to our opponent in the first exam. Although the brothers and sisters in 04 were frustrated, they never gave up.We worked together side by side and pushed 04 to the extreme. Running exercises, quantification, and achievements, under our joint maintenance, are getting better and better.For me, the beauty of Hengzhong is not only that I have a struggle here, but more importantly, I have a group of classmates who struggle with me here. We create new achievements time after time, and prove the trump card time and time again. Strength, shouting slogans resounding through the sky again and again.Now, even if we bid farewell to Hengzhong and 04, when we think of this oath again, we can still recall the days soaked in sweat and our common pride, and we can still keep the original oath and display Hengzhong in the Tsinghua Garden. The style of people! "Everyone has their own way of life. You can't change it, so you should learn to adapt." When you leave home for the first time, there will always be a lot of discomfort. People have a special habit of being uncomfortable with someone's sharp tone. When I called my mother to complain, my mother told me this sentence.After listening to it, my mind has been opened up a lot. Yes, before we came to Hengzhong, we had different trajectories, and we would naturally get used to different lifestyles. Living in a group, what we see in our eyes is not only ourselves, but only ourselves. narrows itself.I learned to look at different ways of life with the eyes of recognition and acceptance, and respect their habits. Gradually, I found that the days with my classmates are very beautiful.After going to university, with classmates from all over the world, I no longer have the confusion of leaving home for the first time, and get along well with everyone. I have learned this compulsory course for growth in Hengzhong, and it will be my life. A proverb to benefit from.

"People are not born for failure. A person can be destroyed, but he just can't be defeated." In October of the third year of high school, it was the mathematics league. I lost this battle, completely.No one really knows what I have done for the Olympiad. I can ignore the rapid decline in my college entrance examination results and my parents' opposition, but I can't face the result of failure.This was the first setback I experienced in my life. I used to magnify the pain over and over again, and then forced myself to collapse.Every time, when I think of the failure of the league, I will want to escape, I will be disappointed or even desperate, thinking that I will still fail if I work hard. Every time I feel uncomfortable and cannot restrain it, I will always read this sentence silently, over and over again, I can’t listen to it Read it silently during class, when you can't solve the problem, when you are impetuous, and when you are flustered.I clearly remember that when I come back from the league, there are 235 days left before the college entrance examination. This sentence is the only belief that supports me. I don’t want to lose my dream because of the failure of the league. Meditation again and again is a rise again and again. No one will live for failure, keep going, and one day you will reach your dream.

"When you have gone through all the paths of failure, the only thing left is success." The days after the loss of the Olympiad were very difficult, and I would always be inexplicably lonely in my heart. I returned to the college entrance examination. Although I was working hard, I was always timid and afraid. Failed, and the result was three consecutive regressions. After a heavy blow, disappointment and confusion hit me, and I couldn't find myself at all.At the most difficult time, Lao Ban told me this sentence. Although I have heard it many times before, only that time did I really understand its meaning. Now that I have experienced the most terrible failure, what is there to be afraid of?I have gone through all the roads of failure, and I think I am qualified to get the success I want. From that time on, I no longer worry about gains and losses, and I am no longer afraid of failure. I work hard calmly, make progress little by little, and achieve myself little by little. desired height.

"Live the simplest life." In the late third year of high school, many people began to be impetuous, but I began to try to make myself more peaceful, struggle and think by myself, and gradually, I had my own rhythm in the busiest high school life.The true meaning of achieving the goal is to make yourself simple and single-minded, not to care about other people's opinions, not to follow the rhythm of others, as long as you are sure that you are moving towards the goal, you must seize every opportunity to move forward.Living the simplest life will make people pure and persistent, and they will have the most concentrated power to chase their purest dreams.I don't think about how I made mistakes in the past, and I don't think about what the result will be after the college entrance examination. I only know what kind of goal I want to pursue, and I only know how hard I should put in for this goal.Quiet and calm, simple and focused, I think it is the most powerful force to help me conquer the college entrance examination.

"I am worthy of my future." I always ask myself, in the future, what kind of person I want to be, I will be deeply hesitant after thinking about it thousands of times, because I am not sure, everything I do now is Not worthy of their own future.Therefore, when you relax, you will ask yourself; when you want to give up, you will remind yourself that I have no right to destroy future happiness.Many times, the current efforts are not rewarded, but the future is the best explanation. Whenever I read this sentence in my previous diary, I always pause intentionally or unintentionally, and then clarify my direction.No one can never relax, as long as they can clearly realize their direction when necessary, and then continue to move towards the goal, every effort now is the best promise for the future.

The three years in Hengzhong cannot be fully summed up in these six sentences, but these words have given me enough strength to achieve my dream during the three years of growth, and they will accompany me with the memory of Hengzhong Continue to move forward in Tsinghua Garden.

Simply make your dreams come true

Class 414 Li Yichao
Admitted to Tsinghua University in 2012
In the summer of 2009, I came to Hengshui from a small county in the Taihang Mountains in western Hebei Province.I came to Hengzhong with a humble mind, because at that time I had heard that Hengzhong was a place where talents from all walks of life gathered.In the first semester, I felt that I was very ordinary, very ordinary, without any outstanding features, the kind that no one would care if I got lost in the crowd, and I always thought so in the first six months.I feel like a very ordinary grass in the vast grassland.

But I have always believed that a truly outstanding person, no matter what happens now, will always shine in a certain scene in the future, so there is no need to worry.

about start

I was divided into classes in the winter of the year I entered school, and I was assigned to class 410——Mathematics and Bioinformatics Olympiad.Since then, I have become a mathematics Olympiad student, embarked on the road of mathematics Olympiad, and have been to the end.Before I was placed in a class, I had never been exposed to a math Olympiad.This thing is completely new to me.At that time, I saw a classmate in the class holding a thick copy of "Geometry Olympiad Classic", and suddenly felt that I was really too weak.Just like when I first entered Hengzhong, when I first started learning competitions, I also felt that I was very ordinary, and I never thought about how far I could go.Very confused, really confused, but it's okay to be confused, it just allows me to focus on my feet.

Borrowing a classmate's QQ signature: "The past is white, the future is black, only the road under our feet is colorful." This is really the case, and the only thing we can grasp is the present moment.Always entangled, you will really become a weak person.It's better to let go of everything and concentrate on doing the things in front of you.

After that I became obsessed with doing geometry problems.I found that when I focus on those graphics, my mind will be very clean, throwing away all complicated things.You don't have to worry about others, and you don't have to think too much about it.I started to realize that I could actually do a little bit better than I thought, and I think that's when I got into my rhythm.I started to be someone else's master and give lectures to other people. For me, that gave me a great sense of accomplishment!
About the training camp
I think this is the stage that any Olympian must go through: a training camp full of blood and passion.With more than 40 days before the National High School Mathematics League, we entered the real training camp.

(End of this chapter)

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