Chapter 18 (17)
Absolute executive power is also called "obedient" by some people to criticize their alma mater: we are obedient, so we abide by the ridiculously strict system; we are obedient, so we have written one test paper after another without Ending; , So he ran neatly into and out of the cafeteria like a storm, ruining his internal organs.

However, we who learn mechanically in the eyes of outsiders do not actually live mechanically.The huge amount of questions that Hengzhong is famous for falling into our hands is not unbearable; the unreasonable rules and regulations in the school rules and disciplines correspond to real life, but there is a little tenderness; the so-called requirements " Obedient", and there is no binding order.In an environment where everyone is strictly regulated and positive, the so-called madness in the eyes of outsiders displayed by a Hengzhong student is nothing more than a spontaneous self-discipline to do everything that falls on him.Teachers have also reminded us to do what is useful to us, even if we have not completed the task or completed the homework.

From the perspective of a Hengzhong student, I can't equate having absolute execution ability with being "obedient". I can guarantee that I will go all out for the things I work hard for and achieve perfection. Everything I have done Article correction should be the result of serious treatment.I am willing to execute "orders", not because I am a dedicated CPU for exams, but because this will be my study, my grades, my university, my dream, so I should handle it with absolute execution power.

In the eyes of the outside world, in addition to the students' absolute hard work, the Hengzhong myth is also inseparable from the absolutely intense study in Hengzhong.

Not to mention that there are major exams and small exams every day, and the survey and unified exams come out every month. The paper exercises that Lunheng Middle School students receive every day are enough to give people a sense of oppression.That's right, when it comes to preparing for the college entrance examination, no one can deny that there are seas of questions and books, and Hengzhong's characteristic is the sea of ​​questions tactics.

To the surprise of my Peking University classmates, Hengzhong students have the most scarce sleep among high school seniors.I get up on time at 5:30 every morning, take a lunch break for one hour, and turn off the lights at 1:10 pm. Compared with the many students who did not sleep until the wee hours in the third year of high school, I feel much happier.After graduation, I saw a scientific work and rest schedule on the Internet, and found that it was very similar to the one I observed when I was in Hengzhong.

A reasonable work and rest time has been maintained for three years, and a large number of topic training has gone through more than 1000 days.Naturally, when the college entrance examination is getting closer and closer, when the college entrance examination is getting closer and closer, and the things that are accustomed to nature will not be changed rashly.In this way, a little increase in the number, a little increase in difficulty, and a little relaxation of the nervous mood, you can go through the third year of high school smoothly.The dark and dark days of the third year of high school in other people's mouths are only a little different from the first and second years of high school we spent, but they passed it peacefully.

Now, I have been in Peking University for a month.Every road in Peking University has been trodden by my feet, and I can also have a small say in every canteen in Yanyuan; I can start to tease the fat cat napping on the lawn, and admire the tall and straight ginkgo trees beside the road.

Autumn in Beijing, the yellow leaves in Yanyuan Garden, and the weeping willows by the Weiming Lake are all very beautiful.It's just that, in a huge school, everyone passing by on the road is in a hurry, and the classmates who pass each other bustlingly in the store can't name them; I have my own class in my classroom, and I can enter all the classrooms in the school, but I obviously feel that every classroom does not belong to me; I have built a deep friendship with my classmates in the same dormitory, but I can no longer find that time to accompany me between classes. Talking and laughing at the same table you.So, I miss high school very much, that tense but very fulfilling period, the group of classmates who have a brotherhood together, that small but extremely warm campus.

balance in eyes

Class 416 Li Shuyu
Admitted to Tsinghua University in 2012
"Hi everyone, I'm Li Shuyu, from Hebei Hengshui High School..." "Wow!"

"Ah? Hengzhong?!" "Congratulations, you have come from one hell to another!" "..."

For Hengzhong students, the most sensational thing in self-introduction is undoubtedly to show their alma mater.In fact, before entering the garden, I did not expect that Hengzhong's "kill range" would be so large.There are often people who come over and cry sadly, how hard it is for us to adopt your Hengzhong model in our school... Oh?Balance mode?But what exactly is the balance mode?But there is no clear answer.

Strict schedule?Is it a neat running team?Regular weekly and monthly exams?Or is it the magical "secret test paper"?

Both, but also neither.In fact, even those of us who have lived in Hengzhong for three years can hardly define what the "Hengzhong Model" is in one or two sentences.If there is such a model, is it possible to achieve so-called success by copying it completely?In fact, this may not only be a model, but also a spirit.

When it comes to work and rest time, if you have spent a full day in Hengzhong, then you must have some experience of the dense ringtones in Hengzhong.Wake-up bells, class preparation bells, class bells, get out of class end bells, school bells, lights-off bells, lights-off bells...and all kinds of bells that can't be named.Every bell rings urging you to do something new.So 24 hours a day is strictly quantified in this way, and every minute and second is reluctant to waste.Sometimes it feels like a lot of impossible tasks suddenly fall from the sky, but it is true that the deadline is the primary productive force, and Hengzhong people can always use the corners of the time to spell out a perfect work.One more thing to add is that when I went to university, I found out that many people stayed up until one or two o'clock in the morning in high school. I was very fortunate that Hengzhong strictly checked the bed, and taking a good rest can improve efficiency. This is also the truth.

Shanghengzhong had visited a running exercise before class, and it happened to stand at the place where every class shouted slogans as they passed by.Dense small teams ran over with the resounding "one two one" of the sports committee. Suddenly, the whole class shouted the slogan loudly.It was really shocking at the time, but I couldn't understand why it was just a simple running exercise, and everyone worked so hard and seriously.Only when I really became a member of the running team, and slowly got in touch with the whole team, did I understand the significance of running exercises to Hengzhong.For the class as a whole, running exercises are an appearance to the whole school, representing the unity, discipline, morale, and military spirit of a class; for individuals, the slogan is a great way to release stress, vent emotions, and stimulate fighting spirit, so you will see Many women's sports committees who are described as petite and very ladylike are extraordinarily heroic when they shout slogans... Regular weekly and monthly exams-in fact, there is nothing to talk about.Because the usual exam requirements are very strict, so the real big exam or even the college entrance examination is approaching, and you can handle it freely.

The so-called "secret test paper" is of course not that magical.If there is a secret, it should be that Mr. Hengzhong has paid extraordinarily.Often the dormitory building has already turned off the lights, but the office building is still brightly lit.The busy work makes the teachers give up a lot of time with their families and dedicate themselves to the students.Every time I walk into the office area, I am very moved when I see the class goals posted on the wall and the layout of each seat. Elements—children, students.The babies of many young teachers are only one or two years old. When they need their mothers most, the teachers always spend more energy on us eccentrically.In fact, in a sense, the relationship between family and teachers and students is interlinked.It is in this kind of dedication that the teacher crossed the sea of ​​questions for us, and carefully selected the most valuable shells.

Therefore, in each mode, the most driving force is actually the spirit of Hengzhong teachers and students.Driven by such a spirit, everyone can have unexpected changes.I used to be a very lazy person. I woke up, ate, and did my homework slowly. Because I was late, I was notified by the whole school at the beginning of the school... At that time, I felt incredible about the wind-like Hengzhong speed. Many things I thought I had to do It's fast, but there's always someone doing it faster and better.Later, I slowly realized that Hengzhong's "fastness" was not because I was afraid of being late, but because I hoped to squeeze out even just a few minutes to read more books and do two more questions.Hengzhong's haste is definitely not a rush, but the immediate implementation of all the plans.High efficiency may be "forced" at first, and then gradually internalized into a habit.This habit is also one of Hengzhong's life-long gifts.

Another gift is that Hengzhong gives every student the courage and platform to pursue their dreams.She encourages everyone to boldly imagine their future and constantly strengthen the power of dreams. "As long as you want, you can get it; as long as you dream, you can achieve it." I still have a deep impression on this sentence printed on the Chinese homework. This kind of pride and domineering, brave and stubborn, probably only in this It can only be experienced in a period of youthful verdant years.

Recalling that period of struggle and rapid growth, I am still moved by the fact that I was so persistent and devoted to sticking to a dream that seemed out of reach, and devoted myself to it devoutly, without complaint or regret. "As long as you work hard, you will gain." That time was such an honest interpretation of this truth.

It is indeed a very happy thing to be a Hengzhong person.

Hengzhong, the place where I harvest and grow

Class 416 Li Danlin
Admitted to Peking University in 2012
Every time I introduce myself to others as a student of Hengzhong, I always get amazed, but there is admiration, curiosity and suspicion.I have seriously thought about my life in Hengzhong.Rationally speaking, the most important thing Hengzhong brings to me is not only knowledge, but also growth.

In Hengzhong, I learned not to be afraid of hardship.Life in Hengzhong is undoubtedly hard. We have to get used to getting up early and running after getting up early, even in the cold winter; we have to get used to being independent and taking care of ourselves; After eating and returning to the classroom in 10 minutes, we have to consider the time when we are used to shopping and washing clothes; we have to get used to snacks that only have biscuits, milk and fruit; we have to get used to the preview-class-review trilogy; song.We have to get used to the grade ranking of each monthly exam, get used to the pressure brought by grades or other.However, after overcoming these so-called hardships, now I am willing to endure hardships, not afraid of hardships, and can do my own things in a down-to-earth manner.

In Hengzhong, I learned to focus.There is always a saying that the main job of a student is to study.Hengzhong gives us the ability to focus on learning.There are always people who are amazed by Hengzhong's achievements. Mark Twain once said, "As long as you focus on a certain career, you will surely make achievements that surprise you." up.Life in high school is a rare wealth. We can not be affected by the environment, we can not think about anything, or we can say that we have no extra time to think about extra things, and devote ourselves to one thing.The biggest benefit of concentration is efficiency. When the heart is pure and free of distracting thoughts, we can do more things with less time.And when we do everything in the future, we can concentrate on it and do it better.

In Hengzhong, I learned unity.During the exercise every day, everyone shouted loud slogans and our ideals. Such a loud voice made each of us full of passion for struggle all day long.Although the eighty-mile hike is difficult and far away, we can stick to it because there are classes.Coming-of-age ceremony, sports meeting, parent meeting, we prepare together, work hard together, and prove ourselves together.I still remember when we were in the trough, with the lights on, we yelled the class song over and over again, "stubborn", and even more our "stubbornness", and silently made a promise to ourselves that we will let our class pride.During the training camp, hundreds of pages of books and countless papers doubled the pressure, but because there are people together, we don’t feel bitter. For the honor of "Biological Olympians" and for the common goal, we worked together, and finally , we harvest together.

In Hengzhong, I learned to pursue excellence.This is what I heard when I first entered the school. This is what I have been with for three years. This is what I said to myself when I was slack. This is our school motto.The pursuit of excellence is an attitude, a positive attitude towards life.From sorting out a wrong question, to preparing for the college entrance examination or even life, hard work will give us different results.The teacher's guidance allowed me to set goals; the competition among classmates made me discover my own shortcomings.I am constantly improving myself, and after three years I am much more mature than I was three years ago.

In Hengzhong, I learned to be a person before doing things, treat people with sincerity, and be a person with sincerity; I learned to make every plan carefully, allocate every resource reasonably, and let every moment of myself not be wasted; I learned The stage is as big as the heart, dare to think and do, and see that your potential is unlimited.The childishness of the past has been washed away by time little by little. The current self may not be mature enough, but he has grown up.

Emotionally speaking, what I gained from Hengzhong is much more than that.I still remember a saying, "Alma mater is a place where you scold three times a day when you are here, but no one else is allowed to scold you once when you leave." When you leave, you really understand this sentence.I remember that every time there was a seminar on the college entrance examination or when someone came to visit, we always complained that we were about to be surrounded by people again, but now that we think about it, we are all proud.Alma mater is an indescribable but eternal complex.

410, this warm group, gave me the feeling of home.Unforgettable, the exquisite slides and blessings from the whole class during the birthday; Unforgettable, the excitement when we first wore the class emblem designed by ourselves; Unforgettable, at the sports meeting, pain can not stop us The determination to win glory; unforgettable, the scene of jumping around when looking for that disturbing cricket together; During the selection of the best squad leader, I encouraged the contestants, but I was moved to tears; I will never forget the scene where we solemnly asked the students to sign their favorite Olympiad books after the Olympiad exam; The joy and pride in my heart; I will never forget those talented people, those great masters of mathematics, those who always say NOIP, those who swear with me, those who call me Sister Danlin affectionately, those who are with me I yelled at "stubborn" people together.

And those lovely teachers.The teachers are actually very busy and tired. Sometimes they go to bed later and wake up earlier than us, but they do their best to help us.I remember that Xin’s mother took me in with a fever during the “A-flu” incident. I remember that Grandma Wang hated iron but still patiently explained analytical geometry problems to me. Teacher Yu said with a smile, "I believe in you"... Recalling these, my eyes are moist for a moment.

Hengzhong complex is friendship and family affection.It has been a month since I came to the university, and I am in the deep stage of understanding and adaptation.This is a brand new world, full of opportunities, challenges and many unknowns.Maybe not as rosy as I imagined, but I am passionate about my future life.At least I won't be troubled by getting up early, I won't feel bored by self-study, and I won't feel sorry for myself because of being behind for a while.I will constantly improve myself, meet a new life with a new self, and meet higher requirements with a better self.In any case, everything that Hengzhong brought to me will be the wealth of my life.

Three years in high school and three years in Hengzhong, I am no longer ignorant and have grown a lot.In the future, I am still growing, and I will grow together with my Hengzhong spirit.

Hengzhong is not only a one-stop scenery
Class 428 Han Donglin
Admitted to Peking University in 2012
It has been more than four months since I graduated from high school. During this period, I have experienced the torment of waiting for grades, the leisurely summer vacation, the freshness of university, and after my life is on the right track, I miss my three years of life in Hengzhong.

When I first came here, I had heard others say that Hengzhong is the second prison in Hengshui, with militarized management, and I was really sweating.Believe it, time is a panacea, and then I slowly got used to it.At that time, I was fighting for the future with my friends in a balanced balance. It is not difficult to get up at 05:30. It is not difficult to get dressed within 5 minutes, wash your face, brush your teeth, go to the toilet and make a quilt. Carrying things on your back, this is the beginning of a busy day.Then there is class, 3 classes a day, not including morning reading, morning preparation and evening news. Everyone is almost excited to attend lectures, do homework, ask the teacher questions, and argue with classmates because of the solution to a problem.I was busy until the end of get out of class at three o'clock in the evening, and the bell rang at 42:43. The people in the classroom stayed until ten o'clock. I ran to the dormitory, arrived at the dormitory at [-]:[-], hurriedly washed my face and feet, and then fell asleep. After tossing, the lights in the dormitory were turned off at [-]:[-], and every second was accurate.What's interesting is that everyone's watch is adjusted to the same time, which is the balance time. It is important to keep the watch consistent with the watch of a series of class committees such as the monitor. You will hear a classmate say angrily and aggrievedly: "I am not late! My watch is only [-]:[-]!" The monitor said seriously: "My watch is [-]! You are late!" Have some fun.

(End of this chapter)

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