Chapter 25 Methods (5)
Gone are the days of excursions in the first year of high school, singing with classmates, and taking pictures with teachers; the days of receiving letters from parents and shedding tears in Hengzhong for the first time on Adult Day in the second year of high school are gone; The top ten singers I have ever had, the sports games I have run together, and the basketball hoop I have leaned on together... In the third year of high school, the vacation became shorter, the number of physical education classes became less, and the activities basically disappeared.The college entrance examination is in front of us, and learning has become the only rhythm.Throughout the third year of high school, my learning process was meticulous planning, resolute execution and serious reflection.Each month has its own big plan, and six courses have their own small plans every day. Prioritize the assignments and weak items, mark the sequence number and completion time of each task, and then work hard to complete one. Just make a check mark, and every night when you reflect on it, you will feel full and proud when you look at the full check mark.The most important thing in this period is mentality. I have always used the words "passion is like fire, and mind is like water" to guide myself.The third year of high school is easy to get tired, so you must learn to cheer yourself up.At that time, I had a goal in my heart. The words "I want to be a Hebei Provincial Certificate, and I want to be admitted to Peking University Guanghua" on the note of the [-]-day swearing-in, reminded myself to be full of passion and never slack.At the same time, I also used opportunities such as running exercises, shouting slogans, and taking oaths before class to yell out the exhaustion and negative emotions in my heart, and reinvigorate myself.It is also very important to be as calm as water. Too much enthusiasm can easily lead to impetuousness and excitement. You must learn to quietly think about where you can improve, take a deep breath, don't think about the future results, and focus all your attention on the tasks and tasks in front of you. go in process.I still remember the strong smell of coffee in the classroom when I got up early in the morning, and I can't forget waking up at night in the dormitory to hear someone sighing for insomnia.It was a depressing time, but we all got through it and it proved worthwhile.Passion is like fire, and there is always confidence in the heart, and the mind is as calm as water, so that this confidence will not become anger, and the heart will be at ease without being irritable.Grade fluctuations are no longer a fetter in the heart. The key is to analyze the reasons through grades and solve problems.

Although I was in a peaceful state of mind, I unexpectedly suffered from insomnia on the first night of the college entrance examination, probably because I was thinking about too many people and things in my mind.The Chinese answer in the morning was not smooth, but he didn't get entangled in it, but devoted himself to the next subject.

Occasionally, children's songs are uncontrollably sung in my mind during the math test, but it should not be a reason to hinder myself.Many things are like this, the more you get entangled with it, the more you are afraid of insomnia, it annoys you every day;Instead of entangled in the matter itself, it is better to go with the flow, focus on the present, and calm your mind.

When the bell rang, I had time to sigh heavily.On the one hand, I feel that the answers to the college entrance examination are not going well, and on the other hand, I also pay tribute to my hard work and the past three years of high school life.Whether it is the number one scholar or Guanghua, it is just a halo.Looking back on the past, I see the fulfillment and hardship of pursuing my dream, and experience the spirit of pursuing excellence step by step; what I see are the teachers who helped me and the classmates who struggled with me.I am forever grateful to these people and these spirits, and will always remember them throughout my life.

From here to Peking University——Writing to the students who are repeating their studies

Class 388 Liu Yixuan

Admitted to Peking University in 2012
I don't know how to start, because I know that every student who is hesitating or has decided to repeat the sad heart can't express it in words. I just remember that on the night of June 2011, 6, I was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, Hearing the helplessness of parents' eager inquiries from relatives and friends, I calculated the sum of my college entrance examination scores and self-enrollment discount scores over and over again, hoping that 23 plus 601 would suddenly equal 20... that was a kind of desire. Cry the sorrow without tears.So, don't cry, don't cry, the college entrance examination doesn't believe in tears.

Here are some lessons learned, I hope to inspire you.Maybe you can't understand some of the words and sentences in it now, but please read it first, maybe some of the words and sentences in the article will inadvertently help you in the next test preparation process.

[-]. Mental preparation

Calm your heart.They come, the security.I don't know how other people do this, but I deleted all my classmates' cell phone numbers, and I don't want anyone to interrupt my year-long retreat.There is a saying: the farthest distance in the world is not the ends of the earth, but that you are in freshman year and I am in senior year.There is no need to have any entanglements in a completely different world, what kind of boyfriend, what kind of girlfriend, in the words of the class teacher: go to hell.The one-year retreat is for one year later, we can be together forever.To put it more bluntly, what face do you have now to face the world you were once familiar with?smooth transition.The students who have just repeated their studies will inevitably have ups and downs in their mentality, and it is inevitable that they want to leave, and I am the same.

The main psychological reasons are as follows: studying alone without friends, the psychological gap between ideal and reality, couples who are separated from each other, and students around me who are of higher level than themselves, resulting in psychological pressure... My solution is: treat the school as a safe haven.

The results of the college entrance examination in 2011 made me feel ashamed to face the elders in Jiangdong. I left the original city and my classmates with a sad heart. I felt that the school was like the "ground seam" in the proverb. To show others, my heart is full of gratitude to him, because he is the place that took me in when I was most difficult.At that time, only studying was the only way to make me less painful, and only doing papers was the only way to make me feel safe. This may be the legendary transfer of pain.

[-]. Preparing for exams at school

During the school period, everyone will encounter various problems and deal with them in different ways, but some things are passed on by word of mouth, as follows:
1. Be close to your teacher, believe in his way, and get his teaching.The teachers of Hengzhong are a team. No matter how young every teacher standing on the podium is, what he conveys to you is the crystallization of the wisdom of the entire Hengzhong lesson preparation team. Moreover, Hengzhong teachers never talk nonsense in their lectures and explain a lot. It is a mistake in the exercises you did the night before, so, pay close attention to the classroom, and regard the teacher as the embodiment of truth.

2. Think independently and ask questions cleverly.A person who asks a lot of questions is often not necessarily a person with good grades, because the more he asks, the less independent thinking he may have.Therefore, it is not advisable to ask too many questions, and it is not advisable to procrastinate (I did not ask the teacher some questions during the round of review... Hengzhong has a lot of papers, and if the questions are not solved that day, it is estimated that there will be few opportunities in the future), we must seize the time, For example: time after meals, time after running, between classes, before class... In short, it is the time that others use to talk, fetch water and go to the bathroom, and you just use it to ask questions.

3. Face it calmly and accept yourself.After listening to two lectures, I feel that a few words are very correct.Facing the college entrance examination with a calm attitude, what is calm?Just what to do.If you have 50 days, work hard for 50 days, if you have 5 days, work hard for 5 days, if you have 5 hours, work hard for 5 hours, if you have 5 seconds, work hard for 5 seconds, do what you should do, and leave the results to God.

Know your own weaknesses and try to fix them, just let the wounds heal before the college entrance examination.

4. Believe in yourself and be strong to the end.The college entrance examination is not only a result, but also a process.Exams one after another exercise your calmness in the face of success and frustration, your confidence not to be denied by others, and your ability to think calmly and calmly when facing different on-the-spot situations.All the failures before the college entrance examination are not the failure of the college entrance examination, and all the successes before the college entrance examination are not the success of the college entrance examination.In this sense, all failures before the college entrance examination are God's pity and temper for you.Don't let rankings and the glory of others overwhelm your confidence.

Be strong to the end, as long as you haven’t entered the examination room, even if it’s only 30 minutes before the papers are handed out, the review is not over; as long as you haven’t rung the closing bell, don’t stop struggling, your destiny is still in your hands; even if you have collected the papers, You also have the following subjects to make up for lost points from the previous subjects.Be strong to the end, don't cry, don't give up.

[-]. Proverbs of Hengzhong
The headers and footers of Hengzhong’s papers and wrong question books are often printed with some instructions from the teachers to the students, and some words and sentences always inadvertently give people a sense of enlightenment.Search for a few sentences from memory to share with readers. Although the words are simple, it is difficult to practice:

A. Life is a continuous process from camel to lion: do complicated things simply, do simple things seriously, and do serious things repeatedly.

B. Don't be proud, others are not stupid than you; don't feel inferior, you are not stupid than others.

C. The road is just under your feet.

D. Tired to forget myself.

E. You are like this now, if the university has feelings, will he like you? (Because the head teacher asked back when the test continued to decline and lacked confidence.)
F. The most obvious sign of impetuousness is talking too much. (I never dared to speak presumptuously in class until the end of the college entrance examination.)
G. Even the steepest mountain will leave a way for the brave to climb. (Students who are not transferring from the old curriculum standard to the new curriculum standard do not need to spend so much precious time re-learning the courses they have not learned, so be sure to spend some time studying difficult problems and revisiting wrong questions. Don’t think that the first grade is better than your IQ Gao, she just stayed in Hengzhong longer than you and learned more difficult problems than you. Even if she is really superior in IQ, you can still take the second grade!)
H. Knowledge is learned, ability is practiced. (When the class teacher asked me to remember it on the second day of school, I was very disdainful at the time, but I admire it now.)
I. static.

J. Poor people must have something to hate. (The brave are fearless, dissect your behavior.)
K. Don't think you've learned it. (To tell you the truth, Hengzhong’s teacher’s teaching level is top-notch, at least my teacher is like this. And listening to it does not mean doing it right, doing it right does not mean getting a full score, and getting a full score now does not mean it will still be a full score in the college entrance examination , in the sense of the exam, only a full score in the college entrance examination can be called learning.)
L. A round of review determines success or failure. (The results of one round will not appear immediately but they will inevitably appear. Only you know how much you have completed according to the teacher's requirements. You must have a clear conscience.)
M. Not a word of complaint.

N. Nothing is foregone.

O. What we want is effect rather than peace of mind. (Hard work is not the goal, scores are the goal. Don’t make things difficult for yourself. If you can get into a good university without risking your life, why bother? Use your sweat wisely, and don’t do useless work that seems to be learning, such as: self-study class writing English calligraphy, math problems only write the first question without thinking about correcting mistakes, just pasting without correcting mistakes...)
[-]. Suggestions for the review process

Few people can fulfill the teacher's requirements with 100% quality and quantity. Based on experience, I propose a minimum standard for reference only.I basically didn't study mathematics for a year, so I skipped it, and I can't think of it overnight if I accumulate Chinese every day.Let’s just talk about a round of review tasks for comprehensive essays and English.

English: Practice good handwriting and shape it.Vocabulary Book Underline unfamiliar phrases and words and recite them over and over.Others listen to the teacher.

Wen Zong: Geography, do a good job of accumulating in class, and only memorize the little knowledge points that you are not familiar with.Accumulate wrong questions and experience methods of doing questions.Go through the textbook and draw out unfamiliar little knowledge points to read before the college entrance examination (including small print!).For history, first and second levels of understanding and memory of key passages are compulsory, and triple memory is compulsory but not rigid.One round of review must read the self-help expansion content, firstly to relax the body and mind, and secondly to improve literacy, the learning cases are solved in class and before class, and important content is cut and pasted.

Politics, homework self-help cannot be discounted.I have memorized all the textbooks (including unit titles, texts and text structure).Organize classic topics. (Keep in mind that this is a national-level exam when answering questions, and it must be high! It must conform to the will of the country! The most typical example is that one year’s new curriculum standard national questionnaire asked why the country should support an industry. The answer was very macroscopic, and Other answers are too stingy and utilitarian in comparison. This is literacy...) Wen Zong: Every Wen Zong practice should be treated like a college entrance examination!Our final intensity is three times a week, and the benefits are endless. You will fall in love with the feeling of splashing ink on the comprehensive essay.The multiple-choice questions of comprehensive essays are very important, and it depends on practice to get the feeling.Big questions need to rely on backing and accumulation, as well as routines.If you want to surpass others on big questions, politics depends on accumulation and reflection, history depends on broad thinking and familiarity with textbooks, geography depends on more questions and multiple angles, and all three subjects rely on terminology, routines, fonts and speed.Finally, I think the most fundamental point is: believe in Hengzhong, believe in the teacher, and believe in yourself.You must learn what the teacher taught you that day, and you don’t have to worry about what the teacher didn’t teach you.If you believe that every class is a high-quality one, you will make yourself a high-quality one.To be honest, I couldn't help crying in the last politics and history class, not because of hard work, but because I thought I would never hear such a wonderful high school class again in my life.You have to believe that the teacher will let you achieve consummation on June 6, and you will walk towards the examination room with a smile on your face with a year of hard work and hard work.

Strive for excellence and strive for glory

Class 389 Duan Ran

Admitted to Tsinghua University in 2012
I remember that there was such a sentence on the blackboard of Hengzhong: I hated Hengzhong a year ago as much as you do now, and you love Hengzhong a year later as I do now.However, for me who once studied there, the school motto of "Pursuit of Excellence" left a deeper impression on me.Because only in an atmosphere of excellence, individuals can better realize their dreams.Only strong opponents like a forest can have more fighting spirit.

Chinese: Learning Chinese is a gradual and gradual process.Only by doing enough ordinary work can the final success come when conditions are ripe and satisfactory results can be achieved.

First of all, you must make full use of your accumulated books. After all, "a good memory is not as good as a bad pen" (basic knowledge, common words, answer terms and composition materials all need to be sorted out from time to time).Only by first implementing the knowledge seen in the notes can they be implemented on the paper.

Second, be willing to spend time.Maybe you won't feel any change if you don't touch it for a day, but after a long time you realize that you want to remedy it, you will have to spend longer, put in more effort, and invisibly increase your workload.

Again, learn to draft.Not only composition, but also questions such as ancient Chinese translation and poetry appreciation also need to be drafted.This can help people clear their minds and correct their own mistakes before writing them on the paper.

Mathematics: Concentration and enthusiasm are necessary for learning mathematics well!Be focused, because mathematics requires a lot of details (details are an important factor restricting performance improvement); be enthusiastic, because mathematics requires you to invest a lot of time and energy.

Learning mathematics well is also inseparable from tidying up.I think there are two main sections for the organization of mathematics, one is knowledge points, and the other is ideas.In my opinion, we must strive to be comprehensive and in-depth in sorting out knowledge points, and accumulate our own understanding on the basis of reading through the textbooks, so that we can read and consolidate them.Organize your thinking to be comprehensive and focused, not only to make the conventional thinking of a question type clear (note that it is not enough to copy the answer once), but also to write down the unique solution of a question, maybe when you will be interested Unexpected harvest.

The object of accumulation and sorting is not wrong questions, but good questions.You can choose to write down the questions that are wrong due to carelessness as a reminder to yourself.And those topics that are done correctly but require a lot of thinking are also very valuable topics, and they are also very worth sorting out.Remember to mark your thoughts with different colors next to them. Over time, you will find that your sense of questions is getting better and better, which is of great benefit to improving your self-confidence (sorting the questions of the same type together can see both the connection and the difference. , although the investment is larger but the harvest will be greater).

English: The knowledge points of English are very trivial, and we should put our efforts in daily life, "Rome was not built in a day".Assigning tasks to each day is a little bit, but it can give people an extraordinary sense of accomplishment.Memorizing a few pages of vocabulary, practicing a piece of Gestalt reading, and writing a few lines of "printed characters" in a neat manner does not require a lot of time, but it has great gains.

Wen Zong: Wen Zong scored [-] points, which can be said to be the most important.The first thing to do is to recite.The teacher has been telling us that it may not be enough to memorize the comprehensive study of Chinese literature, but it will definitely not work if you don't memorize it.Only by memorizing the knowledge points of Wenzong first can you use it freely on the test paper.The second is to write.Improving comprehensive essays is not just about looking at the questions and answers.Even simply writing down ideas can help people better analyze answers and improve ideas.Because it will be confirmed after writing it down, and you can compare it, and you will no longer feel that you can think of it, but you just didn’t write it down.In this way, accept the answer first, and then improve the answer, which can save time and improve efficiency.

The third is to make a draft.Not only to clarify the thinking and arrange the key points of the answers reasonably, but also to ensure that the test paper is clean, give yourself a good mood to answer the questions, and leave a good impression on the marking teacher.

In the college entrance examination, there is no strong subject or strong one, but a balance of six subjects can get a high score.Arranging the limited time reasonably is also a very important ability.Maintain strong subjects and improve weak subjects, persevere and dare to give up, and remember that everything must focus on the overall situation.

The end of one always means the beginning of another.When I came to the university, I saw masters from all over the world, but I saw the same efforts.In the beautiful scenery, there is a more beautiful spirit, which is a heated discussion, an unremitting study, and a sincere cooperation.Here, everyone is practicing "actions speak louder than words".

(End of this chapter)

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