Gu Pan Sheng Zi

Chapter 41N.50

Chapter 41N.50
Tokyo under the night, like the waist of a mature woman, is infinitely enchanting.

The windows of high-rise hotels cannot be opened. Standing at the height of Tokyo with thousands of lights, overlooking half of the city, the grid-like urban traffic meridians are clearly defined. Both high-rise buildings and low-rise buildings are built according to the planned pattern. The planning of the whole city is organic and reasonable.Not far from the Japanese bridge, the white long-span bridge body is dotted with lights, which is particularly eye-catching.

Wearing a hotel bathrobe, I stood leaning against the window for a long time.Tomorrow night is Christmas Eve, the reunion of classmates that Cao Yuxin said will be tomorrow, when we meet again after years of separation, what kind of posture and mood should I face these former classmates and friends.

The early morning sky is blue with grays, and it looks transparent in the faint light of the rising sun.A few white clouds shyly embellish the sky, like stick figures in the hands of children, with strange postures and strange shapes.

The Nihonbashi Bridge in the morning light is not as gorgeous as it is in the evening. With a simple posture and simple colors, the long-span structure stands above the river and stands quietly as a landmark building.

The doorbell of the room rang, I went to open the door, and Ye Murong stood outside the door facing the morning sun.She was still wearing the same outfit as yesterday, except that there was a thick beige scarf around her neck and two fur balls at the ends, giving her a simple and honest look.

He said, "Can I go?"


"Wear more!"


Ye Murong looked at me with some amusement, "It's not good to imitate anyone, but I want to imitate the guy in Fengcheng."

I was about to refute, when I suddenly remembered Feng Cheng's teeth-itching look, so I said, "Oh, um."


After leaving the hotel, Ye Murong actually took me to take the JR line and waited until Maihama Station. I couldn't believe that his destination was Disney sea.

Tokyo Disney is divided into land and sea, which are equivalent to the basic version and the enhanced version. Sea has more exciting game items than Land. Some of them sell alcoholic drinks, and they even play couple cards, so most of the people who come here are adults.

After getting on the special train leading to Disney Sea, I asked unnecessarily: "Are we going to Sea?"


Ye Murong, who has always been worried about his young age, refuses any activities that have anything to do with childishness, and Disney is undoubtedly the ultimate boss, probably the top three on the list of things he will never do.He actually took the initiative to come here. This unreal feeling is like Fengcheng happily reciting a list of teachers. It is the eighth wonder of the world.

Because of Christmas, the whole park has a strong Christmas atmosphere.All the trees are decorated with lights and gift boxes to look like Christmas trees.The ubiquitous staff also dressed as Santa Claus and handed out candy to the children.The staff dressed as Winnie the Pooh, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and other Disney characters enthusiastically invite visitors to take photos.

Being here, I feel young, and seem to have returned to my unscrupulous youth.

Going to ride the roller coaster with a 180° rotation, there are a lot of people in line, and the cold wind wanders around in the valley, blowing back and forth to make people feel cool.

Ye Murong pulled me to his side, untied the scarf around my neck and wrapped me carefully, he held my hand but did not loosen it, and stuffed them into the pocket of his cotton coat together.

The wind tousled his hair, exposing a large forehead, and his eyes were like a deep lake, calm and unwavering, but firm and true.Time, the carving knife, ruthlessly carves all living beings in the bustling world, and carves the handsome young man with unrestrained eyes and indifferent smile into the man who is still outstanding in appearance but calm and introverted.

The whole day, the two of us were like any ordinary couple, holding hands in line, working on projects, yelling in panic, laughing in joy, sharing a bucket of popcorn and a bottle of water.In the evening, when I walked out of the sea, I was wearing red and black Mickey Mouse ears on my head, holding a medium-sized Winnie the Pooh in my arms, and Ye Murong was wearing a red glittering little monster's horns, and was holding a big bag of chocolates and small decorations .

We spent nearly a day like a couple, but we didn't have much verbal communication, and most of the time we were silent with each other.

And my mood gradually became depressed with the night, and I couldn't help but ask on the tram on the way back: "It's almost time for dinner, isn't it?"

"What do you want to eat?"

"Ah?" I was stunned, can I decide what to eat?

Ye Murong lowered his head, the corners of his mouth were sharp, "You've been hiding things in your heart all this way, so is it so difficult to come out with me?"

"No... not."

"What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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