Gu Pan Sheng Zi

Chapter 7N.9

Chapter 7N.9
When I got home, I looked at my swollen lips in the mirror and thought about what happened just now.It was just a bizarre pantomime.

As a person who did not buy tickets and became a protagonist, I have a feeling of irony.

Even if I had to bring up what happened back then, I felt that I didn't owe him anything to Ye Murong.Why does Ye Murong hate me so much?As a heartless bastard who even has a fake name, why should he put on a stinky face like I owe him hundreds of millions?

So, the world is getting more and more crazy.Whores can solicit business under the chastity archway.

After scolding my mother, I had to take pain medication and wrap ice in a towel to apply to my sausage mouth.

The manager has made three phone calls and sent five text messages, and I haven't figured out how to explain what happened today.The difficulty was that Ye Murong only said one sentence, "Okay, I'll wait." Then there was nothing more to say.There was very little material for me to make up a story.Maybe he will contact the manager one-way again, and I will be completely overwhelmed and walk away.

The manager sent another text message, "If you don't sign the contract, come back quickly, don't worry about it."

I was overjoyed, and was about to call back with the death-free gold medal, when another text message came in, "Did you abscond with the commission and tips?"

When I called back, the manager was visibly relieved, "Come on, I won't talk about you, and I will give you a percentage point for the year-end bonus."

I let out an ooh.

The manager was obviously dissatisfied with my cold reaction, "Can you do the math? Do you know how much a percentage point is? Forget it, I don't understand it. When the contract is done, you can give it to Mr. Ye for signature." Bar."

The meaning of these words is already obvious, but I will not be so stupid as to sigh, Ye Shi really cooperated with us?

Putting down the phone, I feel very tired, and mental exhaustion is more likely to knock people down than physical exhaustion.In front of a long-established swordsman like Ye Murong, I was like a street juggler, unable to pass a single move.

I suddenly wanted to drink, so I called Qiao Ke and asked her to come to my house for dinner at night. The premise is that I bring a bottle of red wine and the year.

Then I washed all the curtains, clothes and tablecloths that could be washed at home, went to the supermarket, and brought back two big bags of food.After cooking the soup, I wiped all the glass and ground in the house that could be wiped.

The first thing Qiao Ke said when he entered the door was, "Sister, are you going to dissect me in this sterile environment?"

I took the red wine in her hand, which clearly stated 2012, and I said dumbfounded: "You can get this red wine?"

"Didn't you say you want to bring the year? My old lady lay on the counter and looked at it for a long time, and the year is clearly printed on this bottle."


"We farmers look down on you green-haired turtles."

I handed Qiao Ke two bags of potato chips, and she took them and put them aside, saying, "Don't eat this, sister is hungry, let's eat first."

I pointed to the potato chips, "That's your dinner."

"Don't stick out your sausage mouth looking for a beating, hey, your kiss is too unorthodox. Why is it so swollen?"

"Let's have dinner first."

Qiao Keteng jumped up from the sofa all of a sudden, clapped his hands and said, "Okay, let's eat first. After the meal, there will be some sweet stories to listen to."

The story is not glamorous. In today's popular words, this is a romantic novel that abuses the heart and body, and it has a tragic ending.

After listening to what happened to me today, Qiao Ke broke an expensive crystal cup of mine, slapped the table and stood up, "Damn, you are too bullying. Hey, do you think you are too bullying?"

I nodded.

"Then why don't you bite his tongue?"

"Ah." Qiao Ke's thinking has always been jumping like this. I thought for a while and said, "Bitting your tongue will kill you. I still have Guan Guan to raise, so I can't kill people."

"But I see this guy's posture, it seems that he doesn't intend to just let you go like this, but wants to beat you to death for a long time. What are your plans?"

"I can't beat it, pretend to be a grandson."

I thought Joe would jump up and yell at me for being worthless, but she just looked at me, with her cat-like eyes, looking at me sadly, her smile was uglier than crying, "It's good that the man can bend and stretch. son."

"I'm not a real man." My smile must have been very ugly, but Qiao Ke suddenly rushed over and hugged me, and I threw myself into her arms and burst into tears.

We are no longer young, no longer reckless, no longer willful.He is not Ye Liulian, he is Ye Murong, the head of the Ye family. We all know that one of his little fingers is thicker than our waist. I can't beat him. I don't even have the need to fight for my dignity, I just hang a white cloth on the top of the city, and that's all.As for my family and my family, I naturally don't have the courage to swing a sword like the overlord Wu Jiang.

Joke and I were both drunk that night, and it was a miracle that a bottle of ordinary red wine could make both of us drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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