Starting the Extreme Sports Car, do I have a choice?

Chapter 109 The Movie Released Director Kong Said He Was Panicked

Chapter 109 The Movie Released Director Kong Said He Was Panicked

The black night, hanging above the sky, blocked the starry sky from shining.

The light of street lamps is reflected under the swaying branches.

The shadow was imprinted on the faces of the three of Lin Fan.

Pulling the catkins of Zi Feng and Kong Xinran, Lin Fan casually walked forward.

It's just that I don't know if it's because the two girls drank a little wine before.

The cheeks of the two of them looked very rosy.

Feeling the warmth in the palm, thinking of the protection and encouragement Lin Fan gave them.

And during this period of time, the emotions that arose during the shooting of the film, under the circumstances of continuous accumulation, finally broke out at this time!

The corners of Zi Feng's mouth rose slightly, and he embraced Lin Fan's arm confidently.

And Kong Xinran also looked good, imitating Zi Feng's movements, and embraced Lin Fan's other arm.

When those drunk people saw this scene, their eyes were a little red.

"This guy is too happy!"

"It just looks fair and clean, and it looks like a little boy at first glance!"

"It's irritating! It's so irritating"

"I didn't expect this person to be able to hug left and right. It's too crazy."

Seeing Lin Fan in such a state, they felt that this was simply too blissful.

Immediately, those people quickly came to Lin Fan.

He looked Lin Fan up and down, and then said directly to Zi Feng and Kong Xinran who were beside him, "I said two girls, one man might not be enough!"

"Yes, and it seems that this man is not very strong."

"Sister, do you want to go have some drinks with our brothers?"

Looking at the men in front of him, Zi Feng looked at them coldly.

"Sorry, you guys are so ugly. Compared with my man, there is really no comparison at all."

At this time, Kong Xinran also agreed beside him: "That's right, it's like this, you guys, let's go to Bangguo, otherwise, I will feel disgusted when I see you!"

When the two women were in front of other men, their aura rose crazily.

Obviously, these men have never seen such a powerful woman.

One of them even sat on the ground in fright.

In an instant, he got up from embarrassment and became angry, "Damn it, I don't want to drink fine wine if I toast, I just want the two of you to accompany me, brothers, surround them for me."

When Zi Feng and Kong Xinran saw this scene, they subconsciously hid in Lin Fan's arms.

If it weren't for these men, it would be like a cute cat, and it would look like a spoiled child.

Lin Fan yawned, looked at the men in front of him coldly, and said, "I said, can you stop being so disgusting."

As he spoke, Lin Fan pulled his arms out of the arms of the two women, and then slowly walked towards the men in front of him.

Just for a moment, under the reflection of the light, it was like a ghost appeared.

Almost instantly, Lin Fan threw the men in front of him to the ground.

"Really, don't come out and run around when you're drunk, just let you sleep here."

As for sleeping here, what will happen is beyond Lin Fan's knowledge.

After shopping for a while.

Lin Fan asked the female security guard to take the two girls home, and then he went back to the Jiangjing villa to sleep.

On the second day, when these men woke up from their dreams.

They only felt that their buttocks were burning hot and painful. Not only that, but their clothes were also stripped off.

I don't even have any money on me!
They would be fools if they didn't know what was going on.

Immediately, they were under the gaze of countless people.

After changing his clothes, he came to the police station.

"Officer, what has been done to us! We want to call the police!"

After understanding what happened, the police began to retrieve surveillance video.

It's just that the monitoring in that place just happened to be broken, so I couldn't see what happened at all.

But in the end, the powerful police finally locked the criminal suspect, a big man with a very ridiculous appearance!

As for Lin Fan, they were so drunk yesterday that they had long forgotten about Lin Fan.

All I know is that they were drunk yesterday, lay down on the side of the road, and then all the money was taken away by a very ridiculous big man.

On top of that, their butts are still sore.

Although that person was imprisoned in the end, he left an indelible memory in their hearts!

Lin Fan didn't know about this episode, and even if he knew, he didn't care.

Because just now, Lin Fan got the news that Director Kong's movie has passed the review and can be screened.

Moreover, he also chose to compete on the same stage with him, and chose to screen on the same day.

The most important thing is that the movie studio's screening rate is exactly the same as that of "Jade Rabbit" shot by Lin Fan.

This made Lin Fan feel very speechless.

However, Lin Fan didn't say anything about it.

Because it's not time yet!
A few more days passed.

The time finally came for the film to be released. The first scene was "Jade Rabbit" filmed by Lin Fan.

Although the two films have the same screening rate, because of the reason of the first review, "Jade Rabbit" was released first.

On this day, Lin Fan brought Mu Bingxue, Mu Yunbing, and Mu Yunxue to the movie city.

As for the other crew members, they went to the premiere.

Because Lin Fan was afraid that those reporters would expose his face, so he didn't go.

"Yun Bing, Yun Xue, this time the movie is about three hours long, do you want to buy more popcorn?"

"No need, eat too much popcorn, easy to gain weight."

As an elder sister, Mu Yunbing is very concerned about managing the bodies of the two sisters.

Because Mu Yunxue likes to eat snacks very much, she will easily gain weight if she is not careful.

So for my own sister.

In terms of snacks, Mu Yunbing took care of them tightly.

Mu Yunxue was never given the slightest chance to gain weight.

"Then let's go in!"

Immediately, the three of them came to the theater.

There are no empty seats in the theater.

The lights are off and the screen is on.

"Jade Rabbit" finally caught everyone's eyes for the first time.

It was a very magnificent world.

As the strongest special effects company under Lin Fan, the special effects produced.

Very perfect, even many people think it.

These views are simply stunning!

In just a moment, everyone's attention was substituted into the movie.

On the other side, Director Kong and Rou'er had already changed their clothes and appeared in the studio at this time.

He also needs to attend the premiere, so he chose this studio to hold it, but now he only feels that he is panicking!
Because only he knows what the film will look like, and at this moment, many reporters have come over...

(End of this chapter)

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