Starting the Extreme Sports Car, do I have a choice?

Chapter 113 Spend [-] Yuan to Watch My Goddess Eat with Others

Chapter 113 Spending 10 Yuan to Watch My Goddess Eat with Others
"Really, this guy is really annoying!"

In the eyes of Zhou Pang Zhiyu, a deep disgust flashed.

Thinking of this, Zhou Pang looked at Lin Fan in the driver's seat next to him, and said to Lin Fan: "Lin Fan, what can you do to make this man give up completely? He is really annoying like this."

"Then you want to be called a baby by me?"

The corner of Lin Fan's mouth turned upwards, but he still couldn't help joking Zhou Pang's message in his heart.

Zhou Pang sent a message and felt ashamed and angry in his heart.

But only there is no disgust.

"If you really want to call it that, it's not that I can't agree~"

Standard arrogant answer method.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Pang sent a message and continued: "Must make Liu Dong give up, let him stop insisting! Let him know that I will never like him! Because I really can't stand it, he is chasing after him! It's just going to bother me!"

"It's simple, you don't have to do anything, just leave it to me! It's just that I might wrong you a little bit, baby~"

Hearing Lin Fan calling him a baby again, Zhou Pang felt his heart move a lot!

No one ever called her baby.

In fact, deep down in her heart, she also hopes that someone can care for her.

Under the driving of Lin Fan, the Bugatti Veyron Supreme passed through the sea of ​​cars and finally stopped in front of a private restaurant.

The predecessor of this private kitchen was Chaozhou Cuisine Research Association.

The chef is an experienced state banquet chef.

It was only because of the chef's own thoughts that Lin Fan did not invite him at that time, but this did not affect him from coming to taste the food.

Getting off the car, Lin Fan was still very natural, holding Zhou Pang's slender hand.

This scene was clearly seen by Liu Dong behind.

He couldn't help but clenched his fists tightly.

Looking at the scene in front of him almost made him want to go crazy.

After seeing Lin Fan and Zhou Pang's message, they followed in.

Dong Liu was also ready to go in.

But before he took a few steps, he was stopped by the doorman outside the store.

"Hi sir, do you have an appointment?"

"No appointment, what's wrong?"

When Liu Dong answered the doorman's words, his eyes looked at the place where Lin Fan disappeared from time to time.

There was some anxiety in my heart.

"It's like this sir, our place is by appointment only, so..."

"Then I'll make an appointment now, hurry up, I have something urgent, I have to leave after dinner!"

Liu Dong said hastily.

After the doorman heard this, after making some inquiries, he followed Mr. Liu and said, "Sir, we still have one top-level box left. Except for the top-level box, our other seats are fully reserved."

"Then the top box, tell me how much it costs, and how to make an appointment!"

"For the top-level box, the minimum consumption is 10 yuan, and there is also a 15.00% service fee. May I ask you, sir..."

Before the doorman finished speaking, Director Liu exaggeratedly said: "10 yuan?! Are you robbing?"

However, the anxiety in his heart made Liu Dong feel tormented.

Most importantly, his goddess is now on top!
"Okay, one hundred thousand is one hundred thousand, who doesn't have one hundred thousand?"

Thinking of this, Liu Dong paid the money directly, but his heart is bleeding now.

It's not because he cares about money.

It's because he spent the 10 yuan to watch his goddess eat with other men, which made him not bleed!

Thinking of this, Liu Dong only felt that he was going to die of depression!

But it doesn't matter, he can invite Zhou Pang to send a message and taste delicious food in his top box.

After all, he is a top box!

Thinking of this, Liu Dong felt that he could do it again.

Following behind the doorman, Liu Dong came to the top box.

However, he did not see Lin Fan and Zhou Pang sending words.

"Where's the couple that came in just now?"

When Liu Dong said this sentence again, he felt even more depressed.

"Oh~ You said them, they reserved the top luxury Tianzi box, the minimum cost of that top luxury Tianzi box needs to reach 50 yuan, and the ingredients used are very rare ingredients!"

Hearing the doorman's words, Liu Dong said that he was stupid.

What's the situation, wasting money for nothing?

Just when Liu Dong was feeling worried, he saw Lin Fan walking out of the box.

Liu Dong's eyes lit up instantly.

"Well, you, what is the relationship between you and Zhou Pang's message? You are definitely not a couple, right? I have never heard of it. You must be called by her to act in a play?"

I have to say that Liu Dong's intuition is pretty good.

However, what he met was Lin Fan.

"Acting? What are you talking about? I'm still wondering if you're following us, or why would you appear here, I tell you to stay away from my baby! You don't deserve him at all!"

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he left directly.

Looking at Lin Fan's back, Dong Liu felt ruthless in his heart.

He could only feel what Lin Fan said just now being repeated in his ears.

"What your baby! Zhou Pang's message should be my woman!"

Thinking of this, Dong Liu immediately took out his phone and dialed one of the phone numbers.

"Hello, I want to make a reservation for the No. 17 racecourse at [-] o'clock this afternoon, and I will keep the public No. [-] horse."

He loved riding horses since he was a child, and even dreamed of becoming a horse racer, but because of his family, he finally embarked on this path.

On top of that, keeping a horse is just too expensive.

It's okay to go out for fun at ordinary times, but if he really wants to raise horses, he really can't afford that much money.

But even so, he has cultivated a lot of feelings with the public No. 17 horse.

Even in some small competitions, he won a lot of trophies.

Thinking of this, Liu Dong felt that he could do it again.

It was only during the meal that Dong Liu was still in torment.

Because he had no idea what Lin Fan and Zhou Pang Zhiyu were doing in the top luxury box.

Finally, after about 10 minutes, Lin Fan and Zhou Pang came out of the box.

Seeing this scene, Dong Liu swallowed the last dessert in front of him.

He wiped his mouth casually, and sent a message to Lin Fan and Zhou Pang: "Send a message..."

"Call my name!"

When Zhou Pang Jiyu said these words, he naturally took Lin Fan's arm.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Liu Dong felt even more angry in his heart.

He never thought that his goddess would take Lin Fan's arm so actively.

Immediately, Dong Liu smiled happily: "Zhou Pang sent a message. I remember you said that you like riding horses. I have already booked Tianxing World. This is one of the top five horse farms in the world. It must be very suitable for your appetite."

After saying this, Chairman Liu looked Lin Fan up and down, and said to Lin Fan, "I just don't know if this little brother can ride a horse? If you really can't, I can teach you!"

Hearing Liu Dong's words, Lin Fan thought to himself: "Hehe, you want to pretend to be aggressive in front of me, and see how I can make you doubt life!"

Thinking of this, the corners of Lin Fan's mouth curled up slightly...

(End of this chapter)

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