Starting the Extreme Sports Car, do I have a choice?

Chapter 126 The real body of the wolf king is actually 2 ha!

Chapter 126 The real body of the wolf king is Erha!


Ye Han's exclamation seemed to cut through the space, echoing in the air continuously.

Seeing those wolves, they rushed towards her quickly.

Ye Han directly slumped on the ground.

The glasses also fell directly from Qiong's straight nose.

In an instant, the lens broke in two.

Just at this juncture.

A monster-like roar appeared.

In a flick of the tail, Lin Fan rushed over directly from the co-pilot.

At the same time, a system notification sounded in Lin Fan's mind.

[1: Leave directly and watch the three of them being eaten.Reward: [-] soft sister coins. 】

[2: Escape with the three of them and leave the restricted area.Reward: [-] soft sister coins. 】

[3: Destroy all wolves.Reward: Proficiency in animal languages. 】

[Please host to choose. 】

Regarding this, Lin Fan said that he had already rushed out, did he still have a choice?

With both legs slamming on the ground, Lin Fan rushed out like a cannonball relying on his MAX physique.

The arm exerts force.

The gray wolf who rushed to the front was directly punched away by Lin Fan.

The Gray Wolf, which had been zooming in Ye Han's eyes, suddenly reflected Lin Fan's figure.

Ye Han's beautiful eyes were shining brightly.

But immediately, Ye Han reacted, and quickly said to Lin Fan: "Run, there are too many of them!"

Ye Han sat on the ground, looking at Lin Fan who was standing in front of them, his heart suddenly sank.

At this moment, Mu Yunbing and Mu Yunxue's pretty faces also turned very pale.

At this moment, Zou Xiaxuan shouted to the three girls from the car: "What are you doing standing there, come up quickly! Don't let the boss hold you back!"

Zou Xiaxuan was very worried about Lin Fan, but right now it's better to let the three girls get in the car as soon as possible!
Hearing Zou Xiaxuan's words, Mu Yunbing and Mu Yunxue made a decisive decision.

He drove Ye Han directly towards the car.

Lin Fan was left alone, facing the pack of wolves.

The big bad wolves in front of us are the most common species.

It's not a cherished animal at all.

So, don't blame him for being cruel!

After all, in this world, the strong prey on the weak!

Just when Lin Fan thought of this.

The pack of wolves suddenly dispersed and rushed towards Lin Fan.

The hearts of the four girls in the car were all tense like never before.

Everyone was sweating for Lin Fan.

I was afraid that Lin Fan would be injured, or it would be more serious.

But when Lin Fan faced the wolves, instead of showing the slightest timidity, there was only unprecedented excitement.

The power of the God of Jeet Kune Do!

At this time, they were all released by Lin Fan.

Once again, the first come first.

When a wolf rushed towards him.

Lin Fan stretched out his arm, grabbed the wolf's mouth, and threw it in the direction of the other wolf.

With Lin Fan's physique maxed out, his strength is simply beyond what this group of wolves can resist!
The women who saw this scene.

There is light in the eyes.

They really did not expect that Lin Fan's power would be so terrifying.

The most important thing is that Lin Fan's battle is too smooth and easy!
"Lin Fan, you are really strong!"

Ye Han looked at Lin Fan in front of him.

Thinking of when Lin Fan was standing in front of him just now.

That unprecedented sense of protection made Ye Han feel very at ease.

Thinking of Lin Fan being such a careful person, Ye Han's heart seemed to melt under the name Lin Fan.

Soon, the pack of wolves was dealt with by Lin Fan alone. As Lin Fan walked towards the last "wolf".

In Lin Fan's mind, the electronic sound of the system sounded.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the reward: proficiency in animal language!Able to communicate and speak with beasts!What the host said would be automatically translated into the language of beasts in his mind! 】

Hearing the words of the system, Lin Fan only felt a little puzzled.

Immediately in my heart, I said to the system: "System, did you make a mistake, there is still a wolf that has not been resolved!"

The system did not answer.

On the contrary, the wolf in front of Lin Fan fell directly on the ground.

The fierce eyes disappeared completely, and he looked at Lin Fan in front of him pitifully.

Mouth the sound, then with the help of the bestial language proficiency.

Lin Fan heard the words of the wolf in front of him, no, the husky.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I have a master, and then I accidentally lost it, and another accidentally became a wolf king, my master is very rich, if you send me back, I will definitely give you Thank you very much. As for the attack just now, it was purely because they were too hungry, I was afraid they would eat me after discovering my identity, I am really sorry!"

Hearing the words of the husky in front of him, Lin Fan's face was full of weirdness.

The "wolf" in front of him is not the wolf king.

It was a husky.

Looking carefully at the husky in front of him, Lin Fan found that the husky was gray.

In fact, it is not gray, but some dust!
And carefully observe the husky's neck, there is actually a very small collar.

This collar seems to be of good quality.

There was no damage. Judging from the texture, it should be a precious composite material.

Lin Fan looked at the husky in front of him speechlessly.

He still couldn't accept that the so-called wolf king in front of him was actually a husky.

Thinking about why, after I solved the other wolves by myself.

The reason why the system issued rewards directly to itself.

At this time, the system rang again.

[1: Kill the husky in front of you.Reward: Ordinary clubhouse upgrade card. 】

[2: Ignore the husky in front of me and leave directly.Reward: Intermediate clubhouse upgrade card. 】

[3: Help the husky to find the owner.Reward: God-level clubhouse upgrade card. 】

[Please host to choose. 】

Seeing this, Lin Fan sighed, "I have to say, you are really strong! Are you worthy of being Erha!"

Lin Fan said again: "Follow me, I'll take you to take a shower, and see if I can send you back!"

Hearing Lin Fan's words, the husky barked twice immediately, and followed Lin Fan happily.

Pidianpidian followed the past.

At the same time, Husky was curious as to why the man in front of him could understand his own language.

It's just that Erha is Erha, so I didn't think much about it.

As for those fellow wolves, Huskies had already forgotten them in the blink of an eye.

Back to Knight XV above.

Lin Fan explained to the girls.

The atmosphere at this moment was a little awkward.

After all, even they couldn't believe that Husky turned into a wolf king.

Didn't it say that after the founding of the country, you can't become a master?

But Ye Han is still relatively timid.

He said to Lin Fan, "Instructor, is it true that he won't suddenly bite us?"

At this moment, Husky let out an aggrieved cry.

It means: I am a good dog, I am a good dog, I am very obedient!

Watching the huskies act stupid there.

Lin Fan was proficient in animal language, but felt it was a headache.

It's better to let them keep their stupid and cute appearance.

Immediately, Lin Fan said to the system in his mind: "System, temporarily disable animal language proficiency."

[Ding, animal language proficiency has been turned off, the host can turn it on at any time! 】

After eliminating this danger, the team was directly withdrawn and let them adapt to the military region first.

And he took the husky to take a bath.

At the same time, let the python hacker organization check the information on the dog tag.

See if you can find its owner.

Of course, after finding its owner, Lin Fan will explain the things about it and the possible consequences.

As for how to do it, it is the owner of Erha, his own business.

He has done enough.

(End of this chapter)

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