Starting the Extreme Sports Car, do I have a choice?

Chapter 173 Is Your Dagger Faster Than My Gun?

Chapter 173 Is Your Dagger Faster Than My Gun?
Obviously, what Ye Liangye said just now is an admission that he paid for murder.

The most important thing is that the person Ye Liangye wants to kill is the old man of the Ye family!
At this time, the old man of the Ye family turned around and looked at Ye Liangye.

I just feel as if I have raised a white-eyed wolf.

Seeing Ye Liangye's slightly embarrassed appearance, the corners of Lin Fan's mouth rose slightly.

I saw him patted his palm lightly.

Dozens of policemen walked in immediately outside!
The leader was Zhou Pang's message.

Zhou Pang sent a message and brought the police to Ye Liangye.

Immediately he showed his arrest warrant and said to Ye Liangye: "Ye Liangye, you are arrested for intentional murder, attempted murder and many other crimes!"

Following Zhou Pang's message and taking out the handcuffs, Ye Liangye's expression suddenly changed.

He didn't expect that Lin Fan's preparations were so thorough.

Call the police directly and call the police.

Immediately, Ye Liangye's face changed.

But as a contemporary ruthless person, it is impossible for him to just succumb.

At this moment, Ye Liangye pulled out an ivory dagger from his waist, and put the blade on the old man of the Ye family.

In an instant, the hearts of all the Ye family members moved.

"You are coming to me, believe it or not, I will kill him directly!"

Ye Liangye threatened everyone with an ivory dagger.

However, Ye Liangye still underestimated how cold-blooded the Ye family was.

They can be said to be ecstatic in their hearts at this moment.

Ye Liangye could even be ruthless and let his old man die.

They just have no means.

Now, Ye Liangye will end up being arrested. As long as he kills the old man, they can divide the family property!
Thinking of this, they can be said to be very excited.

One is more disgusting than the other.

These descendants of the Ye family ranked behind Ye Liangye.

They kept saying that they would not let Ye Liangye succeed.

But under his feet, he kept approaching Ye Liangye.

I can't wait for Ye Liangye to kill the old man directly!
The old man of the Ye family looked at the scene in front of him.

Suddenly, he remembered the Open-Eyes Guan Gong and Close-Eyes Avalokitesvara that Lin Fan gave him.

He just felt that he suddenly realized.

"If the family is tied to each other by interests, then this kind of family will fall apart sooner or later!"

At this time, the old man of the Ye family looked at Lin Fan and said to Lin Fan: "It would be great if we could get to know each other earlier. We talk as peers. I think I can recognize their wolfish ambitions."

"Shut up, you old man, if it weren't for you, who has never died, I would have controlled this huge Ye family long ago! At that time, I will kill you one by one, and then truly become the master of Ye family !"

Speaking of this, Ye Liangye's eyes turned red.

To destroy people, one must first go crazy!
I saw Ye Liangye just looking at Lin Fan like this, and said viciously to Lin Fan: "If it weren't for you, I would never have exposed it, I just want to know, what good will it do for you, what will it do for you? What's the benefit? Rather than exposing me, why not cooperate with me! You know, I am the son of Ye's eldest son, the future heir!"

Hearing Ye Liangye's crazy words.

A little disdain appeared on the corner of Lin Fan's mouth.

"Hehe, I'm just complaining for those who are scared because of you!"

Lin Fan continued, "If the miracle doesn't happen, then many families will be ruined! Happiness can't be measured by money! You can't even be a victim of your pursuit of power!"

Following Lin Fan's voice fell.

Everyone was completely taken aback by Lin Fan's words.

The eyes of Zhou Pang Zhiyu shone with an unprecedented light.

He secretly said in his heart: As expected of the man he is optimistic about, he is so attractive.

And Zou Xiaxuan also looked at Lin Fan beside him at this time.

It seemed that he remembered that Lin Fan trusted him back then, and he directly paid back the money he owed.

At that time, she made up her mind!

She will definitely do well and do her best for Lin Fan, and she will remain unchanged in this life!
It's not just the two women who think so.

After hearing Lin Fan's words, those bosses felt that Lin Fan was definitely someone worth making friends with.

They all made up their minds to take good care of Lin Fan.

As the saying goes, those who win the hearts of the people win the world!

Lin Fan's words at this time directly made his position in the hearts of other big bosses reach the peak.

Ye Liangye obviously also noticed this.

He just felt very vomiting blood.

Do your best and give up everything for your rights.

But Lin Fan completely won people's hearts with just one sentence.

This huge gap made Ye Liangye rush towards Lin Fan frantically.

"Look I don't kill you!"

Ye Liangye suddenly burst into a fit, holding the ivory dagger upside down, as if turning into a lone wolf, and rushed towards Lin Fan.

Facing Ye Liangye's sudden outburst, everyone was stunned.

The pupils of Zhou Pang Zhiyu shrank even more.

Hastily shouted to Lin Fan: "Lin Fan, get out of the way!"

At this moment, Zou Xiaxuan even wanted to rush to Lin Fan.

Protect Lin Fan behind him.

But at this time.

I saw Lin Fan took out a pistol from nowhere.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Four shots in a row!
The gunshots seemed to join together.

The ivory dagger fell to the ground.

Ye Liangye lay on the ground more like a puddle of ooze.

These four shots hit Ye Liangye's hands and feet respectively.

And they all hit the Achilles tendon.

There is simply no way to fix it.

Even if it is cured, it is just a "reptile".

"Do you think your dagger is faster than my gun?"

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he stepped on Ye Liangye's face, and said like a villain: "I won't kill you, instead I will heal you, I just hope you can live like a prisoner in prison." Like a reptile! By the way, after you enjoy this kind of life, the death sentence should come down! Just treat it as your end for disrespecting my secretary!"

Lin Fan was like a demon, whispering in Ye Liangye's ear.

Following Lin Fan's last words fell.

Ye Liangye only felt that his eyes were darkened, he was out of breath, and completely passed out.

At this time, in the banquet hall, all the people dared not show their atmosphere.

They only felt that Lin Fan in front of him was protecting his weaknesses like never before!
And after Zou Xiaxuan heard these words, she only felt warm in her heart!
At this time, Zhou Pang came to Lin Fan and said to Lin Fan, "Lin Fan, can you tell me how this gun came about?"

As Zhou Pang's words fell, the people around all turned their attention to Lin Fan...

(End of this chapter)

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