Starting the Extreme Sports Car, do I have a choice?

Chapter 215 Let's Play Acrobatics!Jump from downstairs to the rooftop?

Chapter 215 Let's Play Acrobatics!Jump from downstairs to the rooftop?
Time is very tense.

After Lin Fan arrived, Ye Han took Lin Fan out to search for scenery.

Only the little fan girl in the photography club who was shocked and didn't know what to say was left behind.

Xie Ruxin didn't realize it until this time, and said to Xia Bin next to her, "Ouba, let's go out and take pictures, this time I must win an award!"

As he said that, he dragged Xia Bin angrily and rushed out of the photography club.

It was in stark contrast to the calm Ye Han.

Ye Han held the camera in his hand, and followed Lin Fan, wandering around the campus.

Ye Han said to Lin Fan beside him: "Brother Lin, how do you want to shoot?"

With a smile on the corner of Lin Fan's mouth, he said lightly: "It's not how I want to shoot, this is your competition, it's how you want to shoot."

As he spoke, Lin Fan flicked lightly on Ye Han's smooth forehead.

Ye Han is also very cute, pretending to be in pain.

From an outsider's point of view, it looks like a couple.

But this time, Ye Han was completely awakened.

She immediately pulled Lin Fan to the roof of the school.

At this time, the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the sky.

Let the sky become very beautiful.

Ye Han stood on the rooftop, looked up at the sky, with a smile on his lips.

Turning to Lin Fan, he said, "Brother Lin, please loosen your clothes."

However, although Ye Han said so, he didn't wait for Lin Fan to make any moves.

She quickly came to Lin Fan and helped him untie his clothes one by one.

I saw Lin Fan's abdominal muscles reflected in Ye Han's eyes.

Lin Fan's abdominal muscles are simply not perfect.

This feeling made her face blush.

Swallowing subconsciously, Ye Han assured Lin Fan: "Brother Lin, don't worry, I will never let you down! I will definitely take the most perfect photo and win the first place!"

Regarding this, Lin Fan didn't say anything.

It was just the smile on the corner of his mouth that betrayed the thoughts in Lin Fan's heart.

Lin Fan untied his shirt and made his hair messy.

Then, leaning against the railing of the roof very naturally, she turned her head slightly to the side.

Yu Xia hangs above the sky.

Against the background of Lin Fan's cheeks, it looks even more wild!
Various photos were taken on the rooftop.

Ye Han felt that it was almost the same, but he didn't know why.

She looked at Lin Fan who was looking at the sky, and her heart was filled with excitement.

"Brother Lin, well, can we take a photo?"

"Of course, how do you want to shoot?"

Lin Fan came to Ye Han from the side.

Seeing Lin Fan so close to him, Ye Han didn't know why, but felt his heart was about to jump out.

"When I adjust here, can we go over and take pictures?"


After using a tripod for support and adjusting the angle, Ye Han came to Lin Fan's side.

He felt the heat emanating from Lin Fan's body next to him.

Ye Han only felt that his heart was about to melt.

Tick, tick, tick...

The camera has already sent a countdown beep.

Suddenly, Ye Han made up his mind.

Just when the camera came to the last second.

Ye Han stood on tiptoe, took off his glasses and threw them aside.

The cherry lips pouted, and then directly printed on Lin Fan's lips.

But at this moment, because Ye Han's whole body was leaning on Lin Fan's body.

Therefore, the railing shattered immediately, and the two fell from the roof.

At the same time, Yu Xia is not there, and the night begins!

Ye Han's whole body fell into Lin Fan's embrace.


The camera flashes!
The figures of the two were reflected in the camera at this moment.

Without any hesitation, Lin Fan pushed Ye Han up in his arms.

At this time, the cool wind blew, Ye Han felt the hard ground under his feet, looked at Lin Fan who had fallen to the ground, tears burst out of his eyes.

At this time, Lin Fan felt a little helpless.

It was Zhang Lu who accidentally fell off the cliff before.

Now, it was his turn to fall from the rooftop.

Really too unlucky.

Many people, at this time, noticed the abnormal movement on the rooftop.

They turned their heads and looked up.

I saw Lin Fan's figure falling from the sky.

"That black shadow is not alone, is it?"

"Quick! Come over! Don't"

With so many people, Lin Fan couldn't fly down with his armor.

Taking advantage of just falling, there is still a period of time from the ground.

Lin Fan took out his phone from his pocket and set it to take time-lapse photos.

Then it was thrown into the sky.

At the same time, he also opened his hands and closed his eyes, looking very casual.

However, the fluttering of the clothes on his body showed the crisis at the moment.


This time, it was the mobile phone that captured Lin Fan's figure.

At this time, Lin Fan's figure had already landed on the third floor!
Second floor!

Almost to the first floor!

At this moment, Lin Fan's eyes suddenly opened.

I saw that Lin Fan's super intuition was activated.

The muscles on the upper arm bulged, and directly grabbed the branch next to it, which was as thick as an adult's arm.

Body force.

Lin Fan's core strength was undoubtedly revealed at this time.

It directly drove Lin Fan's body, turned around on the branch, and flew towards the air at a faster speed.

Lin Fan stretched out his hand and grabbed the phone that took the picture just now.

Then he stepped on a higher branch and flew into the air.

Relying on the power of inertia, the body rushed directly towards the roof again.

In just a moment, relying on the MAX of his ability and physique beyond the limit of the human body, Lin Fan made a 360-degree rotation in the air, and landed on the rooftop again.

The people below rubbed their eyes immediately after seeing this scene.

Looking at this scene in disbelief.

They only think that they are hallucinating.

Thinking of this, they immediately looked intently.

Only broken railings were found on the ground.

Thinking about it, the black shadow just now was the railing that fell down.

As for the upward shadow, he must have misread it.


Lin Fan didn't care about the thoughts of the people around him at all.

Anyway, when the time comes, let Jarvis change the surveillance video.

Then as soon as it was announced, they would all feel that what they saw was an illusion.

Now it was Ye Han in front of him, who seemed to be more excited.

After Ye Han saw Lin Fan, he stood on the rooftop again.

It directly threw itself on Lin Fan's body, constantly feeling Lin Fan's body.

It seems that it is here to confirm that Lin Fan is really all right?
Seeing that Ye Han cared so much about him, the corners of Lin Fan's mouth rose.

Patting himself on the back lightly, he said to Ye Han, "Okay, I'm fine."

At the same time, the electronic sound of the system sounded in Lin Fan's mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the reward: Top Calligraphy Skills and Calligraphy Master Title! 】

(End of this chapter)

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