Starting the Extreme Sports Car, do I have a choice?

Chapter 264 Ghost Tiger Brand Spokesperson Zhang Lu?Nearly [-] million horror endorsement fees!

Chapter 264 Ghost Tiger Brand Spokesperson Zhang Lu?The horror endorsement fee close to [-] billion!
When Oni Xiaochuan stood up, the secretary next to him immediately took a step forward.

I only heard Gui Xiaochuan saying to the secretary: "Let those media stop reporting! Now! Immediately!"

Hearing Gui Xiaochuan's words, the secretary nodded, and said to Gui Xiaochuan: "Yes, my lord."

As the secretary's voice fell, he immediately took out his mobile phone and contacted the media.

"World sports media, please stop broadcasting immediately."

World Sports Media: "Stop the broadcast? Are you kidding me here? This is big news! Seven seconds and one three! This represents the possibility of human beings, which has been improved by leaps and bounds! I don't have much to say, I'm going to Go interview the champion!"

After speaking, World Sports Media hung up the call.

Seeing this, the secretary's face suddenly changed. He took a peek at Oni Xiaochuan not far away, and felt that Oni Xiaochuan seemed to be on the verge of anger!
The secretary was so frightened that he hurriedly called the next media outlet.

Secretary: "Hi, I'm Mr. Oni Takakawa's secretary, please stop broadcasting immediately!"

A certain sports media: "Fuck you, if such a good news is not broadcast, are you cutting off my money?"

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

The secretary swallowed subconsciously, and hurriedly dialed the number of the next one.

But this time, there was no call at all, and the other party hung up the phone directly.

Tried several times in a row, it was like this.

Oni Xiaochuan next to him finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He only heard the crutch in Gui Xiaochuan's hand, poking the ground heavily, and said angrily: "These guys are completely blind to money! If they don't stop broadcasting at this time, they are completely making wedding dresses for others!"

The reason why Oni Xiaochuan invited seed players from all over the world is to build momentum for Onihu and create a world-class rookie here!

Even Oni Xiaochuan made Ghost Tiger a little bit more rampant, so as to attract more recognizable eyeballs!
Even more, it doesn't matter if he is arrogant, as long as he can keep winning, Oni Xiaochuan can rely on the reputation of Onihu to quickly sell the Onihu brand.

But what he never expected was that there would be someone who could run faster than Ghost Tiger!
It was still more than two seconds faster on the [-]-meter track!
It directly hit Guihu's face hard, making Zhang Lu's popularity instantly increase!
After hearing Gui Xiaochuan's words, the secretary quickly comforted him: "My lord, please don't put it on your body. After all, the biggest beneficiary this time is you!"

Hearing the secretary's words, Oni Xiaochuan frowned: "How do you say that!"

The secretary pretended to cough: "My lord, before the Ghost Tiger competition, we investigated all the seeded contestants in the world, and there was no such woman at all, which means that she just came out, and there must be no endorsement. We just need Isn't it one of your own to sign it!"

As the secretary's voice fell, Oni Xiaochuan's eyes suddenly lit up!

Without any hesitation, Gui Xiaochuan immediately walked towards Zhang Lu.

When those people in the auditorium saw this scene, they also followed the figure of Oni Takakawa.

And those media also pointed their cameras in the direction of Oni Xiaochuan.

Guihu saw Gui Xiaochuan's figure and thought that Gui Xiaochuan had come to look for him.

Immediately got up from the ground, came to Gui Xiaochuan, and said to Gui Xiaochuan: "Master adoptive father, next time I will surpass..."

Ghost Tiger, who came to Oni Xiaochuan, didn't even finish his sentence, and was interrupted by Oni Xiaochuan: "You have been eliminated now! Your name will also be deprived. From now on, you will no longer be My adopted son, get out of my sight, understand!"

As Gui Xiaochuan's words fell, Guihu stared at his own eyes in disbelief, as if meeting this person in front of him for the first time.

The reason why his character is so crazy is naturally the "favor" of Oni Xiaochuan!
But now, Oni Xiaochuan has completely given up on himself, which means that he is completely complete and can no longer continue to be as domineering as before!

This feeling just made him fall into the abyss.

Without any hesitation, Guihu knelt directly in front of Gui Xiaochuan.

Holding Oni Takakawa's thigh, the explosive hair was pressed against Oni Takakawa's body.

"Master adoptive father, I will definitely practice harder after I go back, please don't give up on me! That's right! I just need to cut off all my hair, and I can increase my speed!"

Oni Xiaochuan was condescending, looked at the ghost tiger in front of him, and said coldly: "This little hair can't affect the speed! Do you think I don't know?! Anyway, get out now! Otherwise, I will interrupt Your leg!"

Hearing Gui Xiaochuan's cruel words, a fright flashed in Guihu's eyes!
For track and field athletes, the most important thing is the legs.

"I, I'm leaving!"

Gritting his teeth, Gui Hucong loosened his grip on his thigh and walked outside.

Seeing this scene, the secretary said to Gui Xiaochuan, "My lord, isn't this a little too hasty? After all, we have invested a lot of money in this guy!"

"As long as this guy is around, the possibility of recruiting Zhang Lu will be much smaller!"

After saying this, Oni Xiaochuan stopped explaining.

In his old age, he walked faster and stopped Zhang Lu who was about to leave, "Please wait a moment, I have something I want to tell you!"

Zhang Lu looked at the old man in front of him, nodded slightly, and said, "Okay, it's just that I'm in a hurry because I want to find my Brother Fan!"

After speaking, Zhang Lu looked around again, but he didn't see where Lin Fan was.

It was clearly there just now!
Gui Xiaochuan didn't know what Zhang Lu was thinking at this moment.

He stood in front of Zhang Lu, surrounded by all kinds of media.

They are broadcasting to the world in real time, about the rise of this talented sports empress!

Although Gui Xiaochuan was very angry with the media, he didn't say much in the end.

As long as I can sign the contract in front of these media, the sales of the Ghost Tiger brand will increase significantly!
Thinking of this, Oni Xiaochuan's heart felt hot!
"I am Oni Xiaochuan, the current director of the OniTiger sports brand, and I would like to invite you to be the spokesperson of our brand."

Having said that, Gui Xiaochuan paused for a moment, and then observed Zhang Lu's expression in front of him.

It's just that Gui Xiaochuan didn't see the expression he wanted to see from Zhang Lu's face.

Ever since, Gui Xiaochuan said again: "If you want, after I die, all my property, nearly a hundred billion wealth! All will be inherited by you!"

This is Oni Takakawa's trump card!

He couldn't believe that in this world, there was someone who could resist this kind of temptation!
And as Gui Xiaochuan's voice fell, the other people were completely excited, and they all looked at Zhang Lu, wondering how she chose!
(End of this chapter)

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