Starting the Extreme Sports Car, do I have a choice?

Chapter 310 Reward: Full acquisition of Disney!

Chapter 310 Reward: Full acquisition of Disney!

"Are you a well-known haunted house expedition team in the world?"

Ya Ya has been guarding nearby, it can be regarded as patrolling here.

As she has been in this industry for a long time, she naturally knows the existence of these five people.

So, when she saw these five people, she immediately came to them and greeted them.

As Ya Ya's voice fell, the people around who had been watching the fun suddenly started talking.

Looking at the five people in front of them, they instantly became very proud.

Because people are comparisons.

When they saw the haunted house expedition team, they were all frightened by this haunted house, their vanity exploded in an instant!
"Did you see it! This is the world-class haunted house expedition team, and they were frightened like this, which shows that we are also very powerful!"

"Is this the strength of a world-class haunted house expedition team? It seems that our strength is about the same as that of a world-class haunted house expedition team."

"It seems that this top-notch haunted house-themed playground really deserves its name!"

"This is so exciting! I'm going to play again! This is so cool!"


The people around were talking about it.

Those five people only felt that their originally pale cheeks became burning pains.

An unprecedented sense of shame rose from the bottom of his feet, and finally permeated his whole body!

They must not give up, you must know that they have already accepted the deposit!
If they just leave like this, they will have to refund ten times, and even their reputation will be completely ruined!

Thinking of this, they looked at Yaya in front of them and snorted coldly: "We will continue to challenge now, I don't believe it, there is no haunted house that we can't pass!"

After finishing speaking, the five people continued to walk towards the ticket office, preparing for another challenge.

Seeing this scene, Yaya shook her head. You must know that she tried to challenge once with all the lights on, but there was no way to pass the level.

It tests courage, intelligence, physical strength, observation, carefulness...etc.

It can be said that these characteristics are indispensable.

Since they escaped once, it means that they must have shortcomings. In other words, the possibility of them being able to pass the level is close to zero!

Sure enough, after about half an hour, they dropped out of the haunted house again.

This time, they were even more panicked!

"It's terrible! This is really terrible! What Disney's liquidated damages, just pay it! I will never challenge again!"

"Retire from the circle! Retire from the circle! Disney likes to find whomever, no matter how much money you give us, we won't make any money!"

After saying that, the five people were very angry and left the haunted house.

Only the tourists standing in place were left.

What did they just hear?
Disney let these five people come over to break through the level, just to destroy this amusement park?

In the eyes of everyone, Disneyland is a very beautiful paradise.

But now there is also a layer of darkness in the paradise.

This is something they could never have imagined.

All of a sudden, various news spread on the Internet.

Those shareholders in the Disney Group did not expect things to happen to this point.

The very well-known haunted house expedition team was actually made like this by the haunted house, so that they told the truth.

However, they will never admit it.

After all, this is scary, who knows it's not true.

Ever since, they used this reason to start to whitewash themselves crazily.

However, they really underestimated Lin Fan's ability.

Under his order, Jarvis directly hung the evidence of their transaction all over the world.

Not only that, but there are also various black materials about Disney.

Let Disney's stock price drop to an unprecedented level!
In a blink of an eye, a week has passed!
During this week, Disney was not happy at all.

All kinds of Internet stone hammers hit their heads, so that their public relations department didn't know where to start the public relations work.

And during this week, it was also the brightest moment in President Wang's life.

So, he made a decision.

He wants to take advantage of this opportunity to start a family!
He didn't intend to continue the wave.

And beside him, there is also a good wife.

So, Principal Wang decided to get married!

Once this news was released, those in the big and young circles were all shocked.

They did not expect that Principal Wang would actually make a decision.

What's more, he didn't expect Principal Wang's official wedding date to be so close!

Lin Fan was obviously taken aback when he heard the news.

At the same time, the electronic sound of the system sounded in his mind.

[1: Attend President Wang's wedding in the most high-profile way.BONUS: [-]% acquisition of Disney! 】

[2: Attend President Wang's wedding in the most low-key way.Reward: 50.00% of Disney shares! 】

[3: Refused to attend the wedding.Reward: 5.00% of Disney shares. 】

[Please choose the host! 】

After hearing the words of the system, the corners of Lin Fan's mouth rose slightly.

Now his wealth, plus his own rights.

It can already be said to be on top of the world!
If Disney is added, this big chaebol with various IPs and industries can make Lin Fan sit firmly on the throne!

At that time, there will be no one who can shake Lin Fan's position!

Thinking of this, Lin Fan naturally did not hesitate.

The best choice is naturally the first!
At this moment, the doorbell of the villa rang.

Opening the door, it was Principal Wang and Yaya standing outside in formal attire.

Holding the invitation card in his hand, after seeing Lin Fan, he immediately said respectfully to Lin Fan: "Brother Lin, thank you so much, if it wasn't for you, I really don't know what to do better !"

"If it wasn't for you, maybe I would still be wandering there now!"

"Now I want to start a family with Yaya. Yaya is the best wife I have ever met. I believe we will be happy in the future!"

"So, the two of us want to come over and invite you to our wedding. This is the first invitation we have sent out. Brother Lin, please accept it."

Hearing Principal Wang's words, Lin Fan stretched out his hand and accepted the invitation.

Then he said to Principal Wang in front of him: "Principal Wang, I hope you can confirm your intentions. Yaya is a good girl. I hope you are serious about your relationship this time!"

After hearing Lin Fan's words, Principal Wang immediately said, "I promise."

"Since this is the case, as long as you don't say that I am too high-profile, it will be fine!"

"Don't worry, Brother Lin, no, as long as you can come, we will be very happy!"

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the reward...]

(End of this chapter)

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