Starting the Extreme Sports Car, do I have a choice?

Chapter 375 Step on the table directly!How about comparing my momentum with this?

Chapter 375 Step on the table directly!How about comparing my momentum with this?

"Lawyer Li, what do you think about power harassment?"

Hearing Lin Fan's words, Lawyer Li immediately said: "Of course there is no problem, the winning rate is still [-]%!"

After hearing what Lawyer Li said.

Lin Fan said lightly about this: "Then I will give you [-] million, and then I will send you the other things, and I will leave the rest to you!"

When Lin Fan said this, Lin Fan smiled at the manager in front of him.

"Then, for the rest, I wish you luck~"

Following Lin Fan's words, the voice fell.

Lin Fan said to Lin Xiaoxi next to him, "Let's go, let's go to the office!"


After hearing Lin Fan's words.

Lin Xiaoxi nodded.

After all, Lin Fan's aura is too huge.

It's not something she, a little stewardess, can resist!
Putting on the sunglasses again, Lin Fan walked beside Lin Xiaoxi with him.

"I want to ask you a question, do you want to continue to be your stewardess, or to be the person in charge of Modu International Airport?"

Lin Fan's words fell into Lin Xiaoxi's ears.

Lin Xiaoxi froze in place suddenly.

Seeing this, Lin Fan didn't continue walking.

Instead, he turned and looked at Lin Xiaoxi who was beside him.

Lin Xiaoxi lowered her head, an inexplicable look flashed in her eyes.

I only heard Lin Xiaoxi say to Lin Fan, "Why me?"

"Why can't it be you!?"

Lin Fan said lightly.

"I read in the news that there seem to be many girls around you. You treat me so well, don't you..."

Speaking of this, Lin Xiaoxi didn't say any more.

But Lin Fan also understood what Lin Xiaoxi meant.

She thought she wanted to do the same thing as the manager.

Regarding this, Lin Fan just said indifferently: "I just want to let Zou Xiaxuan relax a bit. By the way, you may not know Zou Xiaxuan. Zou Xiaxuan is my secretary! He is in charge of many companies for me."

"However, she is still too tired after all. For example, here, if you want to supervise, it will be a bit troublesome after all, so I need a person of my own!"

Hearing Lin Fan's words, Lin Xiaoxi nodded slowly.

"I see, please let me help you if you can, it's just..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that I'm not very good at management. I've never learned it."

Hearing Lin Xiaoxi's words, Lin Fan shook his head slightly.

Then he walked forward.

And Lin Xiaoxi also followed behind Lin Fan.

I only heard Lin Fan say to Lin Xiaoxi at this time: "You can rest assured about this matter, I will find someone to teach you, so that you can continue to accumulate experience, and when you can take charge of it alone, it will be completely over .”

"Do you really trust me that much? Aren't you afraid that I, like that manager, will act recklessly and do whatever they want after getting the power?"

After hearing Lin Xiaoxi's words, Lin Fan just said lightly: "No, I don't think you will do this!"

After hearing these words, Lin Xiaoxi only felt that Lin Fan believed in herself.

I also feel very happy in my heart.

Of course, this kind of happiness is the happiness of being trusted.

Came to the conference room.

Lin Fan directly asked them to come to the meeting.

On the other hand, Lin Fan wore sunglasses and sat next to Lin Xiaoxi.

He's here today to show Lin Xiaoxi his prestige!

As the saying goes, there are three fires for a new official to take office.

These three fires can be burned less.

But it must be burned!

Because only in this way can the people below put away those petty thoughts.

In the meeting room, I waited for a while.

The high-level executives of Modu International Airport came to the conference room within 10 minutes.

Just, come to these people in the conference room.

When they saw Lin Xiaoxi sitting on it, they froze in place.

Because, they all saw the stewardess uniform Lin Xiaoxi was wearing.

This made them feel very puzzled.

When, even the flight attendants can, let them come over for a meeting.

It's just that someone did notify them just now.

This left them puzzled.

So much so that they didn't know what was going on for a while.

But at this moment, Lin Xiaoxi suddenly said to the person in front of her, "Quiet!"

However, at this moment, Lin Xiaoxi's aura was too weak.

Looking at the high-level executives who had rarely seen each other before.

She felt very scared.

However, she still held her breath, thinking about what Lin Fan had said to herself before, and said to the people in front of her: "Now, the meeting has officially started, and please stop talking!"

It's just that Lin Xiaoxi has no energy at all!
After hearing Lin Xiaoxi's words.

The people in the management immediately said to Lin Xiaoxi in front of them: "I see that you are wearing the uniform of a stewardess, how did you get someone to notify us of the meeting!?"

"Or, are you lying to us here?"

"Just because you are a flight attendant, you want to suppress us? Say! Why are you sitting in this position?"

"Yes, if you don't explain it clearly to me, believe it or not, I will hold you accountable!"


These managers patted the table one by one, stood up, and said to Lin Xiaoxi who was sitting in the main seat.

Lin Xiaoxi was obviously intimidated by these people.

Because she had never felt such a great pressure before.

Even in the face of those passengers who like to make things difficult.

She can also cope very normally.

But when facing these people.

She just felt that she was under a lot of pressure.

But at this moment, she felt a warmth on her shoulders.

I saw Lin Fan's hand on Lin Xiaoxi's shoulder.

Lin Xiaoxi followed the direction and looked at Lin Fan who was wearing sunglasses.

And at this time, everyone turned their gazes to Lin Fan beside him.

They didn't see Lin Fan until now.

When they saw Lin Fan.

His brows were knit together.

They looked Lin Fan up and down.

Then he looked at Lin Xiaoxi next to him, and felt that if nothing else happened, it should be this man who was making trouble here.

Just as they were planning to reprimand the person in front of them well.

But he saw Lin Fan stepping his foot on the table in a domineering manner.

The aura on his body suddenly dissipated.

Then, suppressing his voice, he roared angrily: "Be quiet for me, do it for me, and now obey Lin Xiaoxi's arrangement!"

Following Lin Fan's voice fell.

Everyone was completely stunned.

Just as they were about to open their mouths, they were directly suppressed by Lin Fan's momentum.

They couldn't speak at all.

Even, if they open their mouths.

Then he was able to see Lin Fan's vision, directly through the sunglasses, and landed on them.

A chilling feeling.

appearing beside them...

(End of this chapter)

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