Chapter 93

"I want to find Dr. Li!" The orphan shouted while beating, and rushed through four or five floors.

The hustle and bustle downstairs did not hinder the welcome activities in the main control room of the Shiguang Building on the 11th floor. This is the time for Dr. Li and Shen Fei to return.Three of their long-lost colleagues were teleported into their time machine!

"Dr. Li welcomes you back!"

"Sister Wanmo!"

"Shen Fei!" Their respective friends would naturally come to greet them.

"Report! Someone is looking for Dr. Li."

"I just got back and I have something to do, really don't tell me to stop! Come in!" A security guard came in from outside the door.

"A person outside broke into the Time Building and asked Dr. Li for urgent matters."

"Oh? Who is that?"

"I don't know, this man is amazing, he can't be killed with a gun, and he has a very beautiful bead on his body."

"It's beautiful...beads...doesn't it look weird? In black? Pale?"


"Please!" Dr. Li naturally knew who was here, but the others were at a loss. Shen Fei and Li Wanmo knew that it was an orphan, but why would the orphan make trouble here?
"Everyone, I'm sorry, please leave first, I have a friend who wants to discuss something." Dr. Li politely invited all the friends who came to visit to leave.

"Sorry, sorry."

The orphan soon came to the 11th floor, "It's hard enough for Dr. Li to meet you!"

"What are you doing here?" Shen Fei spoke bluntly, while Li Wanmo looked at the orphan.

"If you don't make trouble, I'm not here to make trouble."


"Shen Fei!" Dr. Li stopped Shen Fei, "Orphan, tell me what you are doing here."

"To make a long story short, I followed Sha Niu all the way from Fengfeng Apartment. After I caught up, I don't know why I felt that Sha Niu changed. She became a... She is Sha Niu's body but... how should I put it? Anyway, this person is not the same as before. The girl is a robot, it's like becoming a robot."

Dr. Li: "Can you make it clearer?"

"Okay, it was normal at first, but then it seemed that another silly girl started to compete with this silly girl for this body, and then the original silly girl seemed to lose, and the silly girl who appeared now had purple eyes and was fighting Her method is a mixture of many martial arts styles, she knows all kinds of moves, and she will also repair her own wounds."

Shen Fei: "Heal your own wounds?"

"Well, I finished beating him and obviously broke him, but she restored the wound by herself."

Li Wanmo: "What?"

Dr. Li: "This is not the ability of a silly's..."

"Also, she can create a monster called Angry Wolf to fight alongside it."

Shen Fei: "Silly girl also used it."

Dr. Li: "Silly girl also..."

Shen Fei: "I know this is not a silly girl's skill, but I just thought..."

Dr. Li: "Why don't you tell me?"

Shen Fei: "I thought it was feasible at the time, but after listening to your new argument, I guessed it might be...that kind of situation..."

"After Sha Niu repaired the wound by herself, I recorded our later battle, you can watch it."

Li Wanmo: "You still recorded it?"

Orphans are useless.The Jizhu released a broken image in mid-air, and Dr. Li and Shen Fei looked at the image of the road very carefully.

"Let's finish watching." The orphan put away the video, "What's going on here?"

Dr. Li and Shen Fei sat on the chairs blankly, while Li Wanmo stood aside suspiciously. The orphan felt that the surrounding atmosphere was not quite right, but he didn't know what was going on.

"what is going on?"

Dr. Li sat on the chair and took off his glasses, wiped the sweat from his brow, and stared at the front as if without a soul. "Why... I can't describe how I feel right now..."

Shen Fei: "Damn it...Damn it..."

"What's going on? Tell me quickly!" The more they behaved like this, the more anxious the orphan became. "I'm going to hand her over to Xiaoqian! What's going on!"

Dr. Li: "This is not a silly girl...but..."

"I know he's not stupid but who is it? What's going on?"

Shen Fei: "This person is not a silly girl but... is the silly girl herself."

"What are you talking about! Why can't I understand?"

Li Wanmo: "This person is...Zhuge Mengli...that's right."

Dr. Li: "...Yes, this person is Zhuge Mengli..."

"Zhuge Mengli? Isn't he dead? Could it be related to Sha Niu's adoption of her body?"

Dr. Li: "I can't tell... maybe..."

"Is this person Zhuge Mengli? This person is cruel enough. I thought he was a good person."

Shen Fei: "No! Zhuge Mengli is a very good person, there is absolutely no more kind and beautiful woman than her..."

"Then how did she become like this?"

Dr. Li: "Silly a robot...without human feelings. Silly girl's feelings are produced by the growth and activation of Mengli's biological materials. As time goes by, the emotions are stabbed repeatedly. Biological materials are constantly growing and growing, until Sha Niu's perfect human state...Combined with the monitoring and suppression of mechanical programs...It has always coexisted in a dangerous balance...But when Sha Niu's When the electronic program is out of control... the biological material will no longer be under control, which means that the silly girl is now in a state of out of control, that is... the original state.

Zhuge Mengli's true nature is gone, and now only the Zhuge Mengli robot's ability is left, the extraordinary regeneration ability, the ability to summon angry wolves, a lot of martial arts knowledge, and a very familiar understanding of physiological structure, These are Zhuge Mengli's machines.talent in human planning..."

"That's to the current silly girl's body controlled by Zhuge Mengli?"

Dr. Li: "It can be said that it is controlled by Zhuge Mengli, who has no human consciousness..."

Shen Fei: "But this person's every move, every frown and smile is completely Zhuge Mengli's posture, and appearance, absolutely can't be wrong..."

"No wonder I think her smile seems to be Zhuge Xingli's inheritance."

Li Wanmo: "Then what should we do now? The silly girl has become Sister Mengli..."

Dr. Li: "Look at the silly girl's hard to change back..."

"If the current silly girl is turned into a human, will she become the current Mengli? Or will she become the previous silly girl?"

Dr. Li: "Just kidding, how could a silly girl become a human, and he is not a human."

"You just have to answer my questions."

(End of this chapter)

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