The origin of the heavens chat group

Chapter 216 The World Quiet Instantly

Chapter 216 The World Quiet Instantly

Will the spirit species shrink back?Will be afraid?Will be timid?
How can it be!

They are located between different fields and have their own pride.

With such pride, they would never allow the other party to provoke themselves like this.

Since the opponent wants to fight a team battle, let them be fulfilled there!
Use this one to carry out the team battle in the middle to see the strength gap between the two sides.

"Please pay attention to your position, as long as you can flexibly use your skills and the advantages of your own concepts, then we will naturally win this battle.

Now that he decided to fight, Fan Lou naturally made a decision in his heart, and decided to use his best posture to start a large-scale team battle with the opponent.

At the moment when the countdown to the team battle started, Fan Lou began to think about the future decision.

Immediately afterwards, the Deity camp stopped. Among them, Ao Kai, who was under the command of Fan Lou, took the lead in starting a team battle with the opponent.

Seeing Okan, he fell into the opponent's concentrated fire in an instant.

Fortunately, he is a tank and has enough meat, so he won't lose his life under the siege of so many heroes.

"Hahaha, come on!" Okan said loudly while bearing a lot of energy: "Let me see how far this game can play me!"

With Okan's lead backhand.

The god-species allies behind him also used this piece of speed to keep up with their skills and blended into this large team battle.

Team battles are imminent...

Different from the last team battle, both sides of this round of team battle are all present, and the state has also been raised to the most powerful state due to some means.

In this state, what kind of situation will happen?
First of all, Artoxiu, the most powerful God of War in the Deity Seed camp, was the first to use his special skills to pass the opponent's three front row heroes, and took advantage of the opportunity to approach the opponent's back row heroes.

At the moment when the team battle started, Artoxiu's existence had already posed the most direct threat to the opponent's back row.

Feeling Artosh's very dangerous aura, the corners of the mouths of the two back rows of the other party hooked up, and they opened their mouths without holes.

"Want to get rid of us first?"

The two opponents in the back row tacitly dodged towards different directions on both sides, and their strange skills took advantage of the situation to avoid Artoxiu's attack.

"This time is different from the last time. The last time was because of some relationship that caused us to fight more and less. This time, you still want to directly threaten our lives like last time. It's not that simple!"

After the skill was dodged, Artoxiu frowned slightly.

Although the opponent's dodge seemed inadvertent, he could still feel that it was a special skill, and it was a combination skill used by the two of them at the same time.

This kind of skill was beyond his expectation.

If we want to say that team battles pose the greatest threat to Artoxiu, it is undoubtedly the uncertainty and variability of this skill.

These factors will lead to accidents, which will affect Artoxiu's performance.

"Don't panic, the opponent will help you hold back, the opponent's main hero."

The voice of the sail building reached Artoxiu's ears.

With Artoxiu alone deep into the crowd, the only thing his teammates can do is to try their best to hold back the other heroes of the opponent, so that Artoxiu can minimize the pressure from the enemy behind him.

However, the best idea, the reality is to completely stop the siege of the heroes, that is undoubtedly a dream.

The four gods were finally blocked by the opponent's top tank and bottom lane support to block the path of the resource pair.

At the same time, the opponent's best-developed hero jungler also set his sights on Artoxiu.

In an instant, the opponent's jungler pushed Artoxiu with an extremely fast impact, taking advantage of the situation to take Artoxiu away from the battlefield.

After the two long-range output positions on the red side looked at each other, they turned their attention to the decisive battle in the center of the main position of the battlefield.

"Artoxiu was forcibly dragged to a duel..."

Fanlou frowned, running his head quickly, thinking about how to deal with the situation at this moment.

"After Artoxiu was pulled away, the situation on the scene fell into a 4v4 situation. Assuming that there will be no casualties temporarily in the 4v4 situation, then the next situation will depend on the result of their heads-up. .”

Fan Lou slowly analyzed the current situation, and after thinking for a while, she had already reached a conclusion in her mind.

At the same time, Fanlou spoke seriously to the gods.

"You can't pin all your hopes on Artoxiu, how to fight this team battle, I will combine you through my command, and let you play your own combat power of this mechanism!"

"Okay!" All the gods nodded, and they had already decided to swear to death.


The team battle was fierce, and every skill released by the gods and the red hero was used in the most appropriate position.

At the end of this team battle, it was completely a duel between the commanders on both sides.

The gods and heroes can be said to have been completely reduced to the pawns of the commanders on both sides, numbly listening to the command and using the next skills.

At the same time, the sound of killing sounded wave after wave.

"Blue side Cainas beats red side mid laner."

"The hero in the middle of the red side defeated the blue side Okan..."


In a short time, the four-person team battle on the main battlefield had left the two-person confrontation.

At this time, the outcome of the opponent's jungle hero has not yet been decided.

Alyan panted, looked at the red shooter who was not far behind her, and said first: "Your commander is very strong, and being strong can bring out your true strength when you are not very strong."

The shooter on the red side replied not to be outdone, "Your commander is also very good. If it weren't for your commander, we would have won this game already."

Al Yan shrugged and said: "If the state of the two of us continues now, there is a high probability that we will perish together. So the decision of this game is not on us."

After the consumption of the team battle just now, the state of Aryan and the red shooter has dropped to the lowest point at this time, and there is no way to recover...

At the same time, due to the skill relationship of a certain person, their blood volume has been losing.

When the time comes, they will inevitably die together in the end.

"I believe we can win!"

After the red side's remote output bit said the last sentence, it disappeared from the battlefield with a killing sound.

The next moment after the opponent disappeared, Aryan also had the bleeding effect on himself, and disappeared on the battlefield together.

For a moment, the world was completely quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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