The origin of the heavens chat group

Chapter 277 Mutual Selection

Chapter 277 Mutual Selection
In the past, Wu Zhinan was just an ordinary person who couldn't feel the existence of aura.

However, when bound to this sudden mask, he can not only operate the mask as desired.It seemed that he could suddenly feel the presence of aura.

If this day is really aura, it means that he already has the possibility of cultivation.

At this moment, although Wu Zhinan didn't know exactly what the mask was, in the bottom of his heart, he quietly thanked the mask for its sudden appearance.

If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of this mask, he probably wouldn't have awakened the ability to sense spiritual energy so suddenly.

Thinking in his heart, Wu Zhinan reached out and touched the thousand faces of the magic soldier.

"I can suddenly feel that the aura is related to you. Although I don't know what you are, I can vaguely feel the familiar feeling from your body..."

Wu Zhinan looked at the thousands of faces of the demon soldiers, with joy and confusion in his eyes.

But the next moment, he frowned as if thinking of something.

Through the dark aura emanating from Qianmian's body, and the upright aura of the man and woman opposite, Wu Zhinan gradually thought of one thing.

He realized that the mask in front of him was probably not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Because of this, he was caught in a tangle for a while.

It is not difficult to see that this mask that suddenly appeared to save him, even if it is not the kind of existence he imagined, is definitely not a good thing.

But even so, Wu Zhinan finally showed a smile and said firmly.

"I know you chose me, although I don't know why you chose me, a worthless ordinary person, but since you chose me, I will naturally choose you."

After finishing speaking, Wu Zhinan picked up the thousand faces floating in front of him, and put this demon soldier exuding a terrifying aura on his face.

In the distance, Xiao Cangtian and Mu Rou just watched Wu Zhinan bring Qianmian and the birth of the Lord of Demon Soldiers, but they couldn't do anything about it.


Mu Yuntian looked at this sudden scene with an ugly expression, and at the same time he said in an extremely depressed manner.

"This is definitely a magic soldier! I never expected that the dignified Supreme Galaxy Academy would hide a magic soldier that can confuse the world in the empty space! What kind of trouble is this? Could it be that the Supreme Galaxy Academy still wants to create..."

However, he didn't finish what he said quite far away, and he felt an extremely cold gaze locked on him.

At the same time, Xiao Cangtian not far in front of him heard the words, turned his head, looked at him coldly, and said, "It's not up to you outsiders to talk about my Xinghe Academy!"

Immediately, Mu Yuntian obediently closed his mouth and stopped talking nonsense.

He knew that this person who suddenly appeared in the void space battlefield was the senior of the Supreme Galaxy Academy, and at the same time the master of the few immortal soldiers in this world.

Faced with this kind of existence, he, a young man, is naturally no opponent, so it is not easy to continue to touch the opponent's brow.

After Mu Yuntian closed his mouth, Xiao Cangtian turned his gaze back to where Wu Zhinan was, and then said to Mu Rou beside him with a serious face.

"We are still one step too late. This guy who doesn't know his real identity has already completed the contract signing ceremony with Qianmian..."

Beside him, Mu Rou, who looked extremely cold, tightly clenched her fist, and said with a little stubbornness: "So what, even if the contract is completed, it is just a weak Lord of Demon Soldiers. I and You are different, you are afraid of him, but I am not!"

Xiao Cangtian shrugged his shoulders, and didn't bother arguing with Mu Rou at this time, he began to operate his own fairy soldiers, and put the Kunlun fairy mirror in a defensive position that was extremely beneficial to him.

"I know you are not afraid, but magic soldiers are magic soldiers after all, not to mention the ever-changing magic soldiers like Kunlun Immortal Mirror, even if you can defeat them with the characteristics of fairy soldiers, you cannot completely destroy them today. "

Xiao Cangtian's words were like a basin of cold water, pouring mercilessly on Mu Rou, forcing her to accept this reality.

Mu Rou naturally knew that after the magic soldier was bound, even if he could defeat the opponent with Han Liu's extreme force, if the opponent wanted to run away, she would have nothing to do.

The victory at this moment is not a victory in the true sense, even if he can repel the Lord of Many Faces who is a huge danger to this world today.

But after that?
If there is no restraint, and the Lord of Thousand Faces is not completely eliminated, the other party is estimated to be like a moth. If it is not completely destroyed, it will endlessly destroy this world.

At this time, Xiao Cangtian continued: "I said these are not to destroy our own prestige, but to increase the aura of others. I just want you to know that the opponent is not as weak as we imagined. Facing this kind of opponent, we are not as weak as we think. The combat methods must become flexible, otherwise, they will only be the one that suffers."

Mu Rou listened to Xiao Cangtian's words, and after a moment of silence, she spoke lightly.

"You are not laughing at the sky."

Xiao Cangtian was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then said with some depression: "Why am I not me anymore?"

Xiao Cangtian had a gloomy expression on his face, didn't he just say some great truths, why put it here with Mu Rou, he felt that he was not him.

If he is not laughing at the sky, then who is laughing at the sky?

Mu Rou glanced at Xiao Cangtian, and then calmly said: "In the past, Xiao Cangtian, as the name suggests, never feared the world. But now Xiao Cangtian is not as good as pigs and dogs, and is extremely timid when things happen."


Xiao Cangtian didn't expect that his painstaking persuasion would make Mu Rou look down on him so much.

Immediately, he smiled wryly, and said, "Maybe I have changed a long time ago because of the many things I have encountered. And you are no longer the Mu Rou you used to be. Now we are shouldering the responsibility of being immortal soldiers." The mission of the lord can no longer be done as he wanted in the past."

However, Mu Rou shook her head and said calmly without being moved.

"Do you think you have grown up? Now let me tell you that you dare not attack rashly because you are afraid of failure. You take the so-called mission too seriously. But I am different from you. In terms of position, I will obey My own thoughts, do whatever I want to destroy the Lord of Many Faces."

As she said that, the cold jade sword in Mu Rou's hand exuded a clear and sweet sword sound, but she was responding to her master's determination.

After hearing her own fairy soldier's response, Mu Rou showed a long-lost smile.

Immediately afterwards, she focused her eyes and pointed her sword at Wu Zhinan, the Lord of Thousand Faces.

Combat is imminent.

(End of this chapter)

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