The origin of the heavens chat group

Chapter 280 You Are The Last Face Master

Chapter 280 You Are The Last Lord Of Thousand Faces
Wu Zhinan's complicated thoughts were brought back to his thoughts by the sudden words of Light and Shadow.

He quietly listened to the soul torture from the light and shadow.

"Compared to the you you used to be, what you yearn for is the incomparable absolute power, and what you yearn for is the illusory path of seeking truth. How can you not go to the opportunity that you have already held in your hands? Cherish it"

Guangying's words were very slow, but for Wu Zhinan himself, his thoughts flowed like a spring, and he realized suddenly!
Immediately, Wu Zhinan did smile slightly at Guangying and said, "Since what I said to you, it has resonated with you. Why didn't I realize that in my heart, I have always wanted to chase those illusory things."

The next moment, Wu Zhinan stabilized his gaze, and then looked coldly at the extremely dark and dark space of death.

It seems that at this moment, the original fear of darkness that exists in the unknown has completely disappeared.

Now that it has figured it out, it knows what to do.

At this moment, this light and shadow seemed to have completed its mission, and the figure became more and more blurred, as if it would leave this world at any time.

In the end, Wu Zhinan looked at the light and shadow that was about to disappear, and asked the first question in his mind after seeing the light and shadow.

Wu Zhinan took a deep breath, and spoke slowly in an extremely serious and curious tone.

"You helped me so much, and awakened the sleeping indomitable will in my heart, so what I want to ask is, who are you? Why did you suddenly appear in the consciousness space that controls me..."

When Wu Zhinan asked this question, he didn't consider that he would get an answer from light and shadow.

After all, according to Guangying's personality, this passage can only be communicated, and it is already very good that the other party can respond to his questions from time to time.

But what he didn't expect was that the light and shadow that was about to disappear suddenly showed a smile to him and spoke lightly.

"I am yourself. It is the deepest part of your heart, imagined and used to promote yourself before you!"

After getting this answer, Wu Zhinan was slightly taken aback, and then laughed out loud.

Yes, to be able to appear in this imprisoned and impenetrable dark space, and to comfort him and support his existence in such a different way.

Isn't it what he desires most in the bottom of his heart?
Under such circumstances, Wu Zhinan's determination to break through the near space became even stronger.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Zhinan, whose state of mind had been sublimated, said with a sneer: "If you want to turn back the control of the guest, and temper me into your exclusive slave of the magic soldier, then we have to see if you have that ability!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Zhinan's originally extremely dark body began to emit a scorching and dazzling light.

This is the light of hope for Wu Zhinan to break through this confined space. .

This light gradually began to spread around the dark space. According to this progress, it is estimated that it will not take long for the light of hope to bloom in the darkness!


Waste of space.

In the temporary battlefield where the two Immortal Armament Masters were, streaks of light and shadow intertwined and blurred.

The two Immortal Armament Lords and the Demon Armament Qianmian fought inextricably in this light and shadow confrontation, and for a while, there was no absolute form of suppression.

This time, the interlacing of light and shadow lasted for a long time, but no matter what, there was no sign of stopping.

However, it can be seen from the 2-on-1 situation of the two masters of the immortal soldiers on the scene that the magic soldier Qianmian undoubtedly has the upper hand.

After all, in the case of 1 vs 2, Demon Bing Qianmian can still guarantee that he will not lose the wind, and fight the opponent inextricably, which is enough to show the strength of the magic soldier Qianmian.

Shen Yi frowned suddenly as she looked at the brightly criss-crossed battlefield.

"What's wrong?" Mu Yuntian at the side also keenly noticed his partner's actions.

"How could this be the case..."

Shen Yi's eyes widened, she took a breath, and said after a long time: "In the intertwined light and shadow confrontation between immortals and demons, I seem to have discovered some strange things..."

"A weird place?"

"Yes, as they fought more and more, Qianmian's power seemed to be restored, and with the restoration of power, there seemed to be more and more energy about Qianmian on the battlefield..."

"This..." Listening to Shen Yi's words, Wu Zhinan naturally understood what it meant...

If it is true what Shen Yi said, the devil soldiers with thousands of faces, the more they fight, the more courageous they become, then the final winner of this duel will undoubtedly end with the victory of the devil soldiers with thousands of faces.

At that time, the Demon Soldier Thousand Faces lost the obstruction of the two masters of the Immortal Soldier, wouldn't they be able to turn their attention to ordinary people like them?
It's scary just thinking about it, okay...

In the final analysis, Shen Yi and Mu Yuntian, two people who have not yet gained a foothold, even if they are geniuses, how could they be the opponents of the magic soldiers.

Didn't you see that the two Lords of Immortal Armament are placed in the hands of Demon Armament Qianmian?
These so-called weaklings are no match for the Immortal Armament Lord, and the final result can be imagined that they will lose miserably.

"Sigh." Finally, Shen Yi sighed slightly, and cast her eyes on the battlefield where the light and shadow intersected, "If it comes, it will be safe. Even if the magic soldiers implicate us, at most we will lose the qualification for the competition."

But Mu Yuntian's eyes flashed brightly, and then he just shrugged and said: "Yeah, this is just a game, if there is no accident, we will be dealt with here Drop, so as to escape from the empty space."

"And I'm beginning to suspect that this so-called magic soldier with thousands of faces might just be used by the Supreme Galaxy Academy to make it more difficult for us to exercise our comprehensive ability."

I don't know if it's been a long time, or because they are getting farther and farther away from the battlefield.

Most of the audience, including Mu Yuntian, began to slowly forget the eerie and terrifying feeling given to them by the Demon Soldier Thousand Faces.

However, their skeptical attitude did not last long.

During the tense and continuous battle, the two masters of immortal soldiers seemed to look at each other, and then there was a huge change in their fighting style.

Originally, Mu Rou's Han Liu was in charge of the main attack, but with this change in style, Kunlun Immortal Mirror, who was originally in charge of supporting, suddenly took the main attack position of Han Liu, while Han Liujian, on the other hand, began to assist Kunlun Immortal mirror. "

The audience and contestants were stunned by the sudden change of fighting style of the two masters of immortal soldiers.

Why did he suddenly change his style?

Could it be that it looks like a functional broken mirror, and can it be the core of some tactical attack?

(End of this chapter)

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