The origin of the heavens chat group

Chapter 294 When Will I Become Supreme?

Chapter 294 When Will I Become Supreme?

Looking at these female contestants who suddenly became extremely excited, Yu Huan felt strange.

Why did this small team full of female members show their emotions unreservedly after inviting themselves to join?

Don't you know how to hide it a little bit...

It made him feel shy to reveal his emotions so bluntly.

And what made Yu Huan even more depressed was that although the members of these little girls showed their happy emotions, they were very shy and did not dare to come forward to talk to him...

Regarding the excited and shy behavior of these little girls, Yu Huan was really speechless.

You said that you are interested in me, at least you should be bold and take the initiative to talk to me. What does it look like to stay shy all the time?
Everyone is an adult, why should I be so cautious?
In order to alleviate this embarrassing situation, Yu Huan had no choice but to ask the leading girl of the small team: "If I remember correctly, the single elimination system is adopted for self-esteem and invitation. In this case, everyone will try their best to eliminate Why do you do the opposite and create a team just for this?"

The leading girl was different from the other three little girls.

Compared with the other three cautious little girls, this leading girl is very bold.

The leading girl replied without hesitation: "You are quite right. The selection of this elimination mode is indeed a one-way aspect. You only face one person. You can only pass if you can survive to the end as much as possible. But This time the knockout round is different from the previous regional competitions, where there were not as many qualified participants as there are today."

"You have to know that the previous participants were basically half-baked people, but those who can come to the Supreme Galaxy Invitational today, even if they are unrelated audiences, are all able to come here after careful selection."

When Yu Huan heard this, Shen Ning said, "You mean, the quality of the contestants this time is very high?"

The leading girl nodded, and then said: "Yes, the quality of the contestants this time is definitely far beyond our imagination. All kinds of geniuses in China are almost all rushing to the final competition area."

"And I suspect that the quality of the finals this time is likely to be much stronger than any previous invitational tournament!"

Yu Huan then asked: "Are you so confident?"

Yu Huan was a little curious, why the leading girl seemed to be a little younger, but she was so thoughtful.

This kind of thing that ordinary people dare not think about, he actually dared to think about it!
The girl said: "Actually, I wasn't very sure at first, but today, when I saw the Supreme of the Contemporary World come to the Supreme Galaxy Academy in person, I just vaguely noticed that there is something different about it from this invitational competition." Ordinary breath."

The supreme being in the world?

This is the first time Yu Huan has heard this name. I think that the existence that can be called the supreme under heaven should be the power of this world, and listening to the admiration that the girl exudes all the time, I think it should be at the pinnacle of this world one of existence.

It's just...he came to this parallel world anyway, and it's been a while, but why has he never heard of the title of Supreme Under Heaven?
Could it be that he emerged from the hidden world when he left reality and went to play with his life?

Immediately afterwards, Yu Huanxuan felt a little curious about what the girl said was the supreme being in the world.

The girl looked at Yu Huan's weird appearance, and then hesitated for some reason, "You don't know who the Supreme Being under Heaven is, do you?"

Yu Huan, who was seen through by the girl, was not embarrassed, but shrugged his shoulders and said bluntly: "To be honest, I still know the peerless power of Shenzhou from the world, for example, our Shenzhou Daoist Feng Qingyang , and Bill Tianzun outside the territory, I know all of these world-famous peerless powers, but I really don't have any impression of who this world's Supreme Being is..."

"No way, you really don't know who the Supreme Under Heaven is..."

The girl looked at the frank Yu Huan, and suddenly realized: "Oh, I see, you must seldom surf the Internet, so that you don't know about the supreme being in the world."

The corners of Yu Huan's mouth twitched slightly, he didn't usually surf the Internet!
He believes that the time he usually surfs the Internet is definitely longer than the time this girl sleeps

This is not at all, the problem of not going online, okay?

Whether he can access the Internet or not has nothing to do with whether he knows that World War II has nothing to do with it, okay?

But in order to understand what the girl said, Yu Huan had no choice but to nod: "Yeah, maybe it's because I seldom surf the Internet recently, so I don't know about the supreme being under heaven."

Seeing Yu Huan's humble appearance, the girl blushed, and then said softly: "Then I will give you a popular science, following the genius of this era, Yu Huan, in the Xinghe Invitational Competition After beating more than ten consecutive victories, Yu Huan has already been regarded as the future supreme by everyone, in order to show their true respect for themselves, people now call him the future title, which is the world supreme."

Yu Huan was dumbfounded when he heard this.

After all this shit, it turns out that the supreme being in the world is actually himself?

When did he get this supreme title, and why didn't he receive any notice?
Good fellow, it seems that someone has forcibly arranged it clearly without his knowledge...

But this arrangement is too exaggerated.

In his impression, the existence that can be called the supreme level is not an ordinary person.


That is a title that even the Lord of Immortal Armaments cannot enjoy until he reaches a certain level of achievement!
Those who have reached the peak in the field of cultivating immortals and have made great contributions to the world's ascension journey are qualified to be called supreme!
Although Yu Huan is very strong, he knows that the strength he has shown to the public has definitely not reached the supreme level...

But now, this girl said inexplicably that he is the king of the world, and the Korean version's look of incomparable admiration was completely revealed.

This is really... really...

It's so exciting!

Although the name Tianxiazhizun feels old-fashioned, Yu Huan still unconsciously feels happy in his heart, as if the whole person has gone to heaven!
In the end, Yu Huan took a deep breath, and then asked the girl, "Now I just want to know, who came up with such an old-fashioned name like 'Tianxia' Supreme?"

Yu Huan said that if he knew who gave him such a rubbish title, he would definitely let the other party try the means that a supreme should have!

No cramps?That also has to be skinned!
(End of this chapter)

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