Chapter 1006

Chapter 1006

After hearing the little monk's words, everyone was stunned——

Xie Furong wanted to lure Princess Heng into the yard?Do you want her to be stung by a wasp?If it is true, then she is really brave, the princess is pregnant in her womb, if she is too frightened, she will have a miscarriage.

"Little Master, you said that Third Miss Xie wants you to lead this princess to the small courtyard?" Even Siyue showed a very surprised expression on his face.

"Yes, I don't want to go, but she persecuted me in every possible way, so I finally had to pretend to agree to go to the meditation room to ask the princess to come over, but in fact I have been wandering around and did not follow her instructions. Unexpectedly, the third lady slandered me and caused her to be killed by a hornet. Bite." The little master said.

"Vald donkey! You are lying! I didn't, so I didn't want to harm Princess Heng! You were the one who belittled my maid first, but after I saw you, you became angry and hurt me." Xie Furong was excited, and began to speak indiscriminately. Abbot Nine, as the bald donkey said, also frowned slightly.

"Little master, there are gods standing three feet above your head, you can eat things indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense, how could Furong ask you to invite the princess to the small courtyard for no reason, it is absolutely impossible!" Xie Shengwu said sharply, the little monk said this If the words are true, then their Xie family will be said to want to kill the blood of the emperor's heir, which is a serious crime.

"Father, this man is clearly talking nonsense and framing Fu Rong. Why are you being polite to him? Arrest him and torture him!" Mrs. Xie turned pale with anger when she saw the young monk say such words.

"Jingxin, let me ask you, is what you said true? If there is a half-truth, the teacher will expel you from the teacher's door and send you to the government, but if what you said is true, the teacher will preside over it for you. Fair." Abbot Nine said.

"I'm not talking nonsense, everything is true." As he spoke, the little monk knelt down in front of Abbot Jiufang and said, "I will follow the master's instruction and never dare to go beyond it. I dare to swear a poisonous oath in front of the Buddha. My disciple If you don’t do anything that insults the Buddhist sect, if there is even half a false statement, the disciple will be struck by thunder.”

"Jiufang! In your words and deeds, protect your disciples everywhere. Don't think that I don't know that you have selfish intentions! Today, I, Furong, were seriously injured here. No matter what, you can't escape your responsibility!" Mrs. Xie trembled violently. Pointing his finger at Abbot Jiufang, he roared hoarsely.

"Amitabha, ma'am, calm down. The poor monk has no intention of protecting you. If the little boy offends the third lady and this girl, he will be severely punished and will never protect you." Abbot Nine said.

"Originally, Miss Xie San was stung by a hornet, which had nothing to do with this princess. This princess just stayed here to cooperate with Mrs. Xie's request, but now that my name is mentioned, it has something to do with me. , I have to take care of it." Lian Siyue said, her eyes fell on Xie Furong, showing a hint of incomprehensible expression, and said, "Miss Xie San, do you think this princess can intervene in this matter?"

Lian Siyue's eyes made Xie Furong feel as if her body was being sliced ​​open by a cold blade, her whole body shivered, her heart froze, and she didn't say a word for a long time.

"Yes, of course, it is most appropriate for this matter to be heard by Princess Heng." Xie Shengwu said hastily.

At this moment, he still felt that his granddaughter was just a little naughty, and he didn't have the courage to move his mind on Princess Heng, not to mention that she was locked up in the ancestral hall a few days ago, and she was starving to death.

"Grandfather..." But Xie Furong suddenly felt a little guilty for no reason, because Lian Siyue's eyes made her suddenly less confident.

"Furong, do you have anything else to say?" Xie Shengwu looked at her and asked.

"Anyway, anyway, it was this little monk who belittled Birou first and took revenge on me." Xie Furong insisted.

"In that case, the concubine wants to ask Hu Ben a question." Lian Siyue suddenly looked at Hu Ben who was lying for Xie Furong, and asked.

Hu Ben was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that Princess Heng would throw the spearhead at him first, nodded, and said, "Princess...excuse me."

"You just said that you came here under the order of your third lady, and then a hidden weapon flew out from nowhere, making you numb and unable to move. Then, you saw a man in black throwing the third lady into the yard , this maid Birou was also knocked out and taken away, right?" Lian Siyue asked.

"Yes." Hu Ben said.

Lian Siyue looked at Xie Furong again, and asked, "And Miss San firmly insisted that the perpetrator was Little Master Jingxin, right?"

Xie Furong bit her lip and said, "Yes, that's right, it was him, he harmed me."

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "So, the man in black that Hu Ben mentioned is little Master Jingxin?"

When Xie Shengwu heard this, he frowned slightly, and looked at Xie Furong—this Hu Ben is a nursing home in the Fuzhong, he has a lot of kung fu, will he be plotted against by a young master who looks thin and weak?He suddenly discovered that things seemed to be not as simple as he thought. However, when things got to this point, he could only let the Prince Heng ask questions. What does the princess have to do with it?

Lian Siyue asked Abbot Jiufang again, "Abbot, how long has Master Jingxin been in the temple?"

"Less than half a year." Abbot Nine said.

"Half a year? Can you know fist and kick skills?" Lian Siyue asked again.

"Before Jingxin came to the temple, he almost died of starvation in the field. The poor monk took him to Jiuhua Temple for half a year. He only focused on recuperating his body, chanting scriptures and chanting Buddha. He would do morning exercises with other disciples every morning. There is a teacher who teaches fist and kick kung fu." Abbot Jiu Fang said.

"The man in black that Hu Ben said attacked him, knocked out the servant girl Birou, and then threw Miss Xie into the yard. The third lady also insisted that the assailant was Little Master Jingxin, but the little master even punched and kicked." You don’t know kung fu, how do you get what Hu Ben said? The statement is contradictory, isn’t it, thank you, sir.” Lian Siyue’s words made Hu Ben speechless.

"Maybe, maybe he knows kung fu, he just pretends not to!" Xie Furong said,

"Amitabha, Junior Brother Jingxin really doesn't know kung fu. He can only carry half a bucket of water. This is known to all the brothers in the temple. It is impossible to plot against a guard, let alone knock a maid unconscious. , and then threw a living person into the yard." Another monk said.

"Little master Jingxin is weak, so it can be said that he has no strength to restrain a chicken. Naturally, he can't do these things, so the third lady and the nurse have wronged the little master together?" Mrs. Liang said thoughtfully.

"Old Madam Liang, you didn't see it, so why do you say that I wronged him?" Xie Furong had long thought that this old Madam Liang was not pleasing to the eye, and she had already helped Lian Siyue two or three times, both openly and secretly.

"Shut up, don't be rude to the old lady!" Xie Shengwu reprimanded, he felt more and more that Xie Furong was hiding something after suffering a thousand knives!

Mrs. Liang showed a faint emotion on her face, and said, "Ms. Xie, why do you need to get angry from embarrassment? Isn't she analyzing the facts at this moment? If you can stand upright, don't worry."

"..." Xie Furong could only be choked back without saying a word.

"Birou, tell me, did little Master Jingxin take off your clothes and belittle you in this Buddhist sect?" Lian Siyue asked the maid who kept her head down all the time.

"Slave..." Birou's eyes flickered, she seemed very flustered, Xie Furong gave her a hard look in the dark—bad maid, dare you follow my lead, this lady will pull your tendons, pull your skin, and slap you Sell ​​it to a brothel!
"No, I will never belittle this girl!" Little Master Jingxin was in a hurry, bent his knees, plopped on the ground, and said quickly, "She rushed up suddenly, I don't know what happened, and then The third young lady threatened me and told me to trick the princess into the small courtyard, saying that the abbot and master invited me."

"You're talking nonsense, I didn't, you were the one who belittled my maid and took off her clothes! If I hadn't arrived in time, you would have..." Xie Furong looked sad and indignant.

"Biorou, tell me, in the temple, the Buddha heard everyone's words in his heart. If there are false words, the Bodhisattva will blame him." Lian Siyue looked at Birou and asked.

"Princess, spare my life, Wangfei, spare my life!" Bi Rou suddenly left Xie Furong's side, walked up to Lian Siyue and knelt down.

"Baby maid, what do you want?" Xie Furong sternly said, but when she beat the wasp, her foot was broken.

"Princess, please forgive me. Yes, it was the third lady who ordered the slave to hug the little master, threatened the little master to trick the princess into the yard, and then asked the servant to call Hu Ben, and once the princess entered the yard, Hu Ben asked Hu Ben to leave the yard. Let these hornets sting the princess." Birou said these words in one breath, then knelt on the ground, trembling all over.

"What?" Lian Siyue seemed to be frightened, and took a step back, Qing Dai hurriedly stepped forward to support her.

"Slave, how dare you talk nonsense and provoke the relationship between my Xie family and Prince Heng's mansion! I can't spare you!" Xie Shengwu immediately raised his foot when he heard this, and kicked Birou viciously!The kicked Birou showed a painful expression on her face, fell to the ground, then got up immediately, kowtowed repeatedly, and said——

"My servant dare not speak nonsense, what I said is true, and my servant did not lie."

"Bitch! Damn you, are you crazy? How dare you slander me in public!" Xie Furong never thought that her personal maid would say such unfavorable words, trembling with anger, her face turned pale !
"Baby maid, how dare you say such treasonous words!" Mrs. Xie walked up to Birou, raised her hand, and slapped her hard across the face——

"Stop!" Lian Siyue scolded coldly, looking at Madam Xie with icy eyes, Madam Xie's heart trembled, she stopped her hands abruptly, and said——

"Wangfei, this lowly servant girl must be lying, how dare Furong show such disrespect to Wangfei?"

(End of this chapter)

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