Chapter 1019
Chapter 1019
"Yes, second brother, I understand." Xiao Hu took the things Xiao He explained, and left the princess mansion together with the guards. Before leaving, he carefully explained to Xiao He that he should take good care of his injuries.

Lian Lingyue hid behind the rockery and saw Xiao Hu leave with her own eyes, finally took a deep breath, and a cold sweat broke out on her back.

"Ah Yue, Ah Yue..." After a while, Jin Wu's guard came over, and she hurried out. When the man saw her, he asked displeasedly, "Why haven't you come back for so long? The young master was already upset just now, if you upset the young master, you should know how serious the consequences are, just leave it to yourself, what if we get involved?"

Lian Lingyue looked uneasy, and said, "I'm sorry, Brother Zhao, I'm not familiar with this Princess Mansion, so I accidentally walked the wrong way, asked others, and walked back here after many twists and turns."

"Don't dawdle, hurry up and be on standby at any time. When the young master needs it, if he can't find anyone, he will be punished." The man said to Lian Lingyue without thinking too much.

"Yes, I'll go there right away." Lian Lingyue lowered her head, followed behind the nursing yard, and stood at the original place again, she breathed a sigh of relief——

Too dangerous!

Now that I have contacted Xiao He, it seems that I have to find another way to leave Jin Wu's side, otherwise there is a danger of being exposed at any time. Today is Xiao Hu, and tomorrow it may be Xiao Zhenhai.

If Xiao Zhenhai saw her, maybe he would immediately draw his sword and kill her.

"Come here, young master Fuben will go to the garden with the son-in-law." At this time, Jin Wu's voice came over.

"Yes, young master." Lian Lingyue responded, bowed her head and walked in.

Jin Wu glanced at her with displeasure, and said coldly, "Why are you always dawdling today, why don't you hurry up and help Master Ben!"

"...Yes." Lian Lingyue said.

"Master Jin Wu, let me help you." At this time, Xiao He stood up and walked in front of Jin Wu, naturally and cleverly separated the distance between Ling Yue'er and Jin Wu.

"This, how can you make it happen, your concubine's foot hasn't healed yet." Jin Wu was willing to take the initiative to help him before he arrived at Xiaohe, he was surprised, he is a dignified concubine, why should he be so humble?


"Second brother, I just dropped a jade pendant and here it is!"

At this moment, Xiao Hu went back and forth, walked in, and said loudly.

Both Xiao He and Ling Yue'er turned their backs to his direction, so they didn't notice when he came in.

Lian Lingyue trembled all over, and hurriedly lowered his head, but Xiao He didn't expect Xiao Hu to come back again, he hurriedly turned around, blocked Lian Lingyue's direction, and asked, "Where did the jade pendant fall?"

"Here, look." Xiao Hu saw the jade pendant that fell on the chair at a glance, walked over with a smile on his face.

But Lian Lingyue hurriedly took advantage of this moment, bowed her head and hurried out, her heart almost jumped out!


Suddenly, Yeluyan's maid, Dolma, was ordered to walk over with a pot of hot tea. Her attention was also on the pot of hot tea, and she didn't notice the maid who suddenly came out of the main hall.

In the end, the two collided together!
In a flash, the teapot fell over, and the scalding hot tea hit Ling Yueer's body, making her muffled, and Dolma backed away in fright, the teapot fell to the ground with a bang, and the hot tea came again. It splashed onto Yeluyan's hand, and Yeluyan couldn't help screaming!
"It's okay!"

I saw that Xiao Hu and Xiao He rushed out at the same time, with extremely eager expressions on their faces——

Xiao He directly grabbed Ling Yue'er's hand, while Xiao Hu picked up Yeluyan's hand to check!

The four of them were startled at the same time!
"Damn it, slave! Damn it, slave!" Lian Lingyue was the first to withdraw the hand that was held by Xiao He, endured the pain, said a few words, damn it, then turned around and quickly walked down the stairs to leave.

And Xiao Hu was the second to come back to his senses, and immediately withdrew the hand holding Yeluyan's wrist, but he had already seen Lian Lingyue fleeing in a hurry——

This person is very familiar, this is...

His eyes suddenly lit up, isn't this the fake Eleven Princess? !She, why did she appear in the princess mansion?And the second brother was just worried that she would get hurt, so... what's going on?

But Yeluyan didn't notice that Xiao Hu was worried about her, she stared at Xiao He in a daze, with a hint of puzzlement in her eyes.

Both she and this maid were scalded by the hot tea, how could he care about Jin Wu's maid as a son-in-law?This, this doesn't make sense.

As for Xiao He, the moment he held Ling Yue'er's hand, he already knew that he had made a fatal mistake!

However, when he saw his Ling Yue'er being scalded by boiling water, he subconsciously ran towards her!

Jin Wu, who was left sitting on the chair, looked at these people in confusion—what's the matter?Why do you feel the atmosphere is weird?

After Xiao He reacted, his face returned to normal. He walked up to Yeluyan, hugged her up, and said with a blank expression, "Call the doctor over immediately."

Yeluyan was taken aback, and looked at Xiao He in surprise, he actually hugged her, was he also worried about her?She hugged his neck with both hands, her face was flushed, and her heart was beating thumpingly.

Xiao He actually hugged her!She had never imagined such a time would come.

Xiao He took a deep look at Xiao Hu, who had a look of astonishment and bewilderment, and said, "You also come together."

Xiao Hu stood where he was, and his eyes fell on the eleventh princess. Obviously, she was also burned, and the injury was more severe than that of Princess Yan.

However, she stood there quietly, with her hands hidden in her sleeves, her head lowered, and she didn't yell out a word about the pain.

"Xiao Hu." Xiao He shouted again.

"Yes, Second Brother!" Xiao Hu looked away from Ling Yue'er, and said with gritted teeth.

Xiao He didn't say anything anymore, he carried Yeluyan along the corridor, and walked step by step into the room where she lived.

He was tall and hugged her. She rested her head on his strong chest carefully, feeling his strong and powerful heartbeat, with a slight smile on her face.

She raised her head and looked at Xiao He's profile. He had a handsome face and the aura that fascinated her the most.

Her heart couldn't help beating, nestling in his arms like this, she felt extremely happy and touched.

How much Yeluyan wished that time would stop like this, cuddling up with Xiao He all the time.

But Xiao He has no expression on his face all the time, holding her in his arms and walking forward calmly.

Xiao Hu followed behind them, his eyes were always locked on the figure of his second brother, and he rode tightly with his fists in his sleeves.

(End of this chapter)

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