First-class daughter

Chapter 1022 The Truth

Chapter 1022 The Truth
Chapter 1022 The Truth
Xiao Hu stood where he was, he hated such a second brother so much!Because he got such a field for a woman, but he couldn't help feeling sorry for him. The person he loves the most is his enemy, the one he can't love all his life.At the same time, he is the most infatuated man in the world, and also the most unfeeling man in the world.

Xiao Hu also secretly felt sorry for another person, that person foolishly loved the second brother, lied for the second brother in front of the queen mother, and acted as a loving couple, but she didn't know that the rival in love was by her side, and she didn't know that the second brother was occasionally The warmth and love are all to protect another woman.

Xiao Hu was extremely contradictory in his heart, he couldn't bear to see his second brother cheating on Princess Yan like this, but if she knew the truth, then the bit of hypothetical warmth in her heart would be gone.

If Ling Yue hadn't appeared, would she have been happier? There was a trace of complicated emotion in his eyes.

Just as Xiao Hu left, a figure stood behind the rockery, trembling all over, staggered, and leaned his back against the pillar, tears streaming down his face immediately.

A dream was punctured so severely, the wound was deep, and it was defeated!
She fully thought, she fully thought that Xiao He was only superficially indifferent, but in fact he cared a little about her, otherwise he wouldn't have picked her up so nervously today, and hurried back to the room, letting the doctor come to see her wound.

At that time, she leaned on his chest, really felt that she was so happy, so happy, she was so attached to his embrace, so reluctant to part.

He had just left not long ago, and although her hands were still sore, she felt like she was experiencing love for the first time, so she couldn't wait to see him again soon, so she secretly avoided Jin and the maids and ran to see him.

However, she accidentally heard these words that broke her down.

It turned out that his heart had never been touched because of her, and he had never leaned towards her even a little bit.

In his mind, there was only that person from the beginning to the end, and his sudden abnormalities these days had nothing to do with her, it was all because of that person!
Yeluyan recalled in Yeluyan's mind that Xiao He's sudden impulse was also because of her when she was in her brother's mansion that day, she had never seen his eyes and expression before.

But today, she suddenly remembered that she and that person were burned at the same time, and he was the first to run to that person. He was so anxious that he forgot that he was in the Princess Mansion.

It turns out that this is how he likes a person. It turns out that you will also be anxious, nervous, afraid, and unable to help yourself.

Xiao He, you are not cold at all, you just gave me the coldness, and gave her all the enthusiasm and warmth.

Yeluyan stood where she was. She felt a bone-chilling chill all over her body, and her hands trembled. Gradually, a feeling of being deceived, humiliated, and teased came to her heart—they actually did this in front of her. Under her nose, you can kiss me and you, you and me!
This is simply a great humiliation!

She turned and walked slowly back into the room with no expression on her face.

Seeing her coming back from the outside as if her soul had gone out of her body, Jin Momo was taken aback, and hurriedly asked, "Princess, when did you go out? What's wrong with you?"

"Close the door. My princess wants to have a good rest. I won't see anyone. I won't eat lunch. Don't wake me up." Yeluyan stepped into the room with a cold face and ordered.

She wants to sleep now, wants to sleep well.

Nanny Jin looked at her in confusion, what happened all of a sudden?
After lunch, Jin Wu was going back to Jin's house, Xiao He personally sent Jin Wu to the door.

"My son-in-law, go back, the princess is injured and needs you." Jin Wu clasped his fists and said.

"Master Jin Wu, please." Xiao He said, his eyes flicked from Lian Lingyue, and said, "The princess said, I don't want anyone to pursue the matter of being scalded, lest it spread and spread to the queen mother." Go ahead, I hope Young Master Jin Wu will stop punishing the slave, this matter, let's stop here."

"Yes, yes, the princess is kind-hearted, and the son-in-law is very tolerant. It's the blessing of this lowly servant girl. Why don't you thank the son-in-law soon?" Jin Wu scolded Lian Lingyue.

"Yes, young master." Lian Lingyue walked up to Xiao He with low brows, knelt down, and said, "Thank you consort and princess for forgiving the sins of slaves."

She said, raised her head slightly, looked at Xiao He, and nodded slightly.

"It's okay, get up." Xiao He said, keeping his gaze on the back of her scalded hand.

"Thank you son-in-law." Lian Lingyue stood up as she said, and said.

Jin Wu got into the carriage, Ling Yue'er followed the carriage and left Xiao He stood at the door, watching her back gradually go away and disappear, he suddenly covered his chest with his hands, took two steps back, and hurriedly supported her The stone lion beside him had a tearing pain in his head.

Ling Yue'er, bear with it for a few more days, bear with it for a few more days, and I will definitely take you out of the sea of ​​suffering and let you go back to where you want to go.

He had already told Ling Yue'er to leave Jin Wu's side while her hand was injured, and not to be easily exposed to the outside world. Being discovered by Xiao Hu today was already a warning, and I hope she can successfully escape from Jin Wu.

And just when Ling Yue'er turned to leave, a figure wearing a black veil appeared in the corner not far from the Princess Mansion, and Lian Lingyue happened to miss it.

Feng Jue's sharp and sharp eyes fell on Xiao He's back, he was turning around and walking into the princess mansion, but his foot... seemed to be injured, so it felt slightly inconvenient.That night, the person who forced him to take off his bamboo hat turned out to be him—Xiao He!
In the past two days, he secretly went near the mansion of Khitan Southern Prime Minister Xiao Zhenhai, and saw the Xiao family. Now, Xiao Zhenhai, a thief, completely regarded himself as a Khitan, wearing Khitan clothes and eating Khitan meat. It is said that there was another Khitan name.

Today, he went to the princess mansion, he had heard that Xiao He was the Khitan's son-in-law, and when he saw him today, it was true, and he also discovered by accident that Xiao He was the one who had duel with him that night.

A flash of thought flashed in Feng Jue's eyes, according to his unannounced visits in Youzhou City in the past few days, the princess Xiao He married was the most powerful one, so naturally he was also high in power.

Then why did he act sneakily at night?

Could it be?Does he have any secrets here?
Was it possible that he had met Eleven?If Eleven sees him, will he ask him for help?

What would happen to him if he accidentally saw her?
Feng Jue remembered that at that time, Eleven was married to Xiao He by his father, he just said a few more words to Eleven at the door, and Xiao He drew his sword to face him, wanting to kill him, his possessive desire was very strong.

(End of this chapter)

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