First-class daughter

Chapter 1030 Your Name

Chapter 1030 Your Name
Chapter 1030 Your Name
"Yes!" Several guards stepped forward and dragged Nanny Jin and Zhuoma down.

Only then did Jin Momo panic, knowing that she had offended the princess, she hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy, and said, "Your Highness, the old slave is guilty, the old slave is guilty, the princess can beat the old slave to death, but don't send the old slave to death." Drive out of the princess mansion, the old slave is begging the princess!"

"Heh!" Yeluyan sneered, and said, "Whether this princess will kill you or drive you away, I still have to discuss with you if there is no agreement, drag it on, beat you!"


Nanny Jin was dragged down together with Dolma.

Soon, Jinmao's voice sounded like ghosts and wolves howling outside, "Princess, spare my life, princess, spare my life, old slave, princess, spare my life!"

Yeluyan's knees gave way, and she fell to the ground, holding the back of the chair tightly with her hands, thinking about the situation that she could recall from last night in her mind, she unexpectedly, unexpectedly took the initiative to seduce Xiao He, and Xiao He finally ran away, left her in the study—

"Just like the big wedding last time, he must have misunderstood that it was my idea to prescribe the medicine last night."

She got up, and the maid immediately stepped forward to help her.

"This princess is going to the son-in-law's study once, and no one is allowed to follow!" Yeluyan trembled.

"Yes, princess."

Yeluyan lost his temper, and he showed no mercy to his confidantes and the people sent by the Queen Mother. Immediately, all the servants felt very scared.

Yeluyan walked all the way to the door of Xiaohe's study with a feeling of apprehension.

Unlike usual, the door of the study room was open, but there was no figure of Xiao He inside, her heart trembled, and she suddenly thought of that girl——

Could it be that he left with her?
This realization made her panic suddenly.

"No, Xiao He, you can't just leave like this. If you want to leave, you should tell me that if you leave like this, how will I deal with myself here in the future?" Yeluyan's eyes were red with tears .

"When did the son-in-law leave?" Yeluyan asked the slave beside him.

"Return to Your Highness, the son-in-law has not come back since he left the study last night." The servant replied.

Didn't come back last night?

"Do you know where it went?" She asked again.

"My son-in-law left alone, without anyone with me."

Yeluyan's heart trembled, and she said, "Prepare the horse, this princess is going to visit the Jin family."

If that person also disappeared, then the two of them must have left together. If they successfully left, it meant that Xiao He had already planned this matter without telling her.

Yeluyan still hasn't figured out how this girl suddenly appeared in Youzhou and became a slave by Jin Wu's side. Was this arranged by Xiao He?
Or, did she come here specifically to find Xiao He?This realization made her feel nervous and breathless.

She was sitting on the carriage, holding the handkerchief tightly, her heart was beating thumpingly——Xiao He, do you really want to leave?

Feng Jue saw Yeluyan get on the horse at the door of the son-in-law's mansion, and a thought flashed in his eyes: Is this the princess Xiao He married?

It is said that she is the most beloved granddaughter of Empress Dowager Renyi.

Where is she going now?

Seeing the carriage going away, Feng Jue couldn't help but quietly followed.

All the way to Jin's house.

The old lady of the Jin family and others, when they heard that Princess Yan was coming, they all came out to greet her and bowed down as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

With a smile on his face, Yeluyan said, "Old madam, madam, don't be too polite, please hurry up, the princess is here today to see someone."

"Oh? I don't know who the princess wants to see?" Mrs. Jin asked with some doubts.

Yeluyan glanced at Ru Luo, the maid who came with her, and Ru Luo stepped forward and said, "Madam, A Yue, the maid of Young Master Jin Wu, was injured in the Princess Mansion yesterday because of the princess. The princess felt very sorry and came here to see Look."

Mrs. Jin was taken aback, "Jin Wu's maid?"

Nanny Man hurried forward and said, "Madam, the young master's maid, Ah Yue, had her hand burnt yesterday, and she is no longer serving the young master today, and was arranged by the servant to clean up in the back kitchen."

"So that's the case, go and call her over, and just say that the princess wants to see her." Mrs. Jin ordered.

"Yes." Nanny Man hurriedly went, and she couldn't help muttering in her heart, "Princess Yan is aloof, she is the most favored by the Queen Mother in Youzhou, it's unbelievable that she actually came to see a maid in person."

back kitchen.

Lian Lingyue was sitting in the yard, her hands were wrapped in gauze, so she couldn't do heavy work.

"Ah Yue, hurry up, Princess Yan wants to see you." At this moment, Nanny Man came over and said.

Lian Lingyue was taken aback, "Princess Yan wants to see me?"

How could Xiao He's wife come to see her?Could it be that she has discovered something?

If yes, what can be done?
"Why are you dawdling around? Princess Yan wants to see you. It's a blessing you earned in your previous life. Hurry up!" Seeing that she felt a little neglected, Man Nuan reprimanded displeasedly.

"Mommy, do you know why the princess came to see me?" Lian Lingyue asked.

"You cultivated it in your last life to release your blessings. The princess said that your hand was injured, so I came here to see it!" Nanny Man said.

See her hands?Did Xiao He know she was coming?Lian Yan had already left the Jin family, and Xiao He had arranged for it. Could it be that Princess Yan found any clues?
"Hurry up, you can't let the princess wait for you!" Nanny Man hurriedly urged, not knowing what Lian Lingyue was thinking.

Lian Lingyue closed her eyes and exhaled, that's all, the soldiers came to cover up the water and soil, so let's go.

So, she followed Aunt Man all the way to the front yard, and at a glance she saw Yeluyan sitting in the gazebo watching the lotus under the pond, with a pensive look on her face.

"Princess, this slave has already been brought." Sister Man said.

Yeluyan paused when she heard this, and turned around slowly, looking at the person standing in front of her with her head bowed—she is still here, which means that Xiao He has not left.

Her heart was quietly relieved, she knew that she was very selfish, but she would also be nostalgic for Xiao He's breath.

Yeluyan said to Nanny Man, "Back off."

"Yes, princess." Nanny Man glanced at Lian Lingyue, turned and left.

"Ah Yue pays homage to Her Highness the Princess." Lian Lingyue bowed and said.

"Raise your head and let this princess see you." Yeluyan suppressed the turbulent emotions in her heart and said as calmly as possible.

"Yes, princess." Lian Lingyue bit her lower lip lightly, slowly raised her head, and met Yeluyan's eyes.

Yeluyan looked at her, and now, she finally understood why she felt a little familiar when she saw this person for the first time. It turned out that it was because of Xiaohe's little wooden figurine, and the face of that little wooden figurine was the same person as the person in front of her.

"I don't know if the princess is looking for a servant, what do you want to order? Please show me the princess." Lian Lingyue thought for a while and asked.

"What's your name?" Yeluyan looked at her and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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