First-class daughter

Chapter 1036 Crisis 4 Volts

Chapter 1036 Dangerous
Chapter 1036 Dangerous
"In addition to the 10 taels of reward offered by the court, the little prince will personally offer another 12 taels! Take off the head of Lianjue, and the [-] taels of gold will be presented by the little prince himself, and then he will bestow a title and reward fertile land and houses!" Yeluchu said loudly again.

"A thousand years old, my little prince! A thousand years old, my little prince!" The soldiers burst into cheers, and the whole team was filled with joy.

Everyone chased after Feng Jue and Lian Lingyue with high fighting spirit.

"No!" Xiao He endured the pain from his knees, raised his head, blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, and said to Yeluchu, "My lord, Xiao He swears that he is willing to follow his lord to the battlefield, and he will go to the battlefield in person on the battlefield." Take off the head of Feng Jue and present it."

"Heh." Yeluchu looked at the people rushing forward to chase after Feng Jue, sneered, and said, "Xiao He, this is Xiao Wang's father-killing enemy, do you think Xiao Wang will play tricks seen on the battlefield? As long as To take his dog's life to comfort my father's spirit in heaven, Xiao Wang will spare no expense!"

Xiao He turned his head abruptly, seeing more and more people flocking towards the direction where Feng Jue and Ling Yue'er were escaping. Feng Jue was riding a chasing wind horse, which was extremely fast, vigorous and sensitive, and Feng Jue himself could not stretch out his hand. very good. .

However, Yeluchu is in a battle, and I am afraid that no horse can beat so many people no matter how fast it runs.

"The truth also adds 5000 taels to take the life of the woman next to Fengjue." Xiao Zhenhai also raised the long sword in his hand and said loudly.

Ling Yueer!Xiao He trembled all over.

He stood up abruptly, and quickly ran to the carriage in front of him.

"Grab him!" Seeing this, Xiao Zhenhai stepped forward quickly, stretched out his hand, grabbed Xiao He's back collar, and pulled back forcefully, Xiao He took advantage of the situation and turned around, and slipped away from Xiao Zhenhai's hands neatly.

Flying up on the steed in front of the carriage, he pulled out the sword at his waist, raised his hand, and ruthlessly chopped off the wooden strip coiled on the horse's back, and the horse and the carriage were separated immediately.

"Xiao He! What do you want to do? What exactly do you want to do? The little prince is here!" Xiao Zhenhai held the saddle with one hand, with an annoying look in his eyes.

Xiao He clasped his fists in both hands, and said, "Father, I will redeem the elder brother's life and let Ling Yue'er go. After this time, my son promises that from now on, everything will be up to you!"

As he spoke, he kicked the horse's belly hard, and the horse ran forward.

"You rebellious son, I, Xiao Zhenhai, will kill you today, just as if I never had your son!" Xiao Zhenhai snatched the bow and arrow from the hand of the guard beside him, and facing Xiao He's back, he pulled the string.

"Father! Father! Don't!" Seeing this, Xiao He quickly spread his hands, stopped in front, and said, "The eldest brother is gone, do you really want the second brother to die too?"

"!" Xiao Zhenhai's eyes flashed with anger and distress, "It's not because of his father that he wanted him to die, it's because he didn't want to survive! As the consort of the Khitan, but helping the evildoers, the empress dowager's pursuit of it is also a capital crime, and it also implicates our Xiao family!"

"Father, father!" Xiao Hu stretched out his hand, tightly grasped the bow and arrow in Xiao Zhenhai's hand, and said eagerly, "You don't understand what kind of temper the second brother has? He is such a person. Tell the father that he wants the father to save him, not kill him, if the father kills the second brother, then the child will not live!"

"You, you!" Xiao Zhenhai took two steps back, finally threw the arrow to the ground, and said, "How can I, Xiao Zhenhai, have a son like him! With his conditions, what does he want? Prosperity, wealth, status and power But he, but he just wants to go all the way to the dark!"

"Father, don't talk about it now. I didn't expect that Feng Jue was involved in it. Now that the queen mother and the young prince know about it, how can we save the second brother?" Xiao Hu suddenly regretted telling the story. I didn't expect things to develop to this point.

Xiao Zhenhai finally walked in front of Yeluchu, bent his knees, clasped his fists, and said, "Little prince, please spare Xiao He's life!"

A deep smile appeared on Yeluchu's face, and he said, "Nanxiang, whether Xiao He's life will be spared or not depends not on Xiao Wang's decision, but on his own decision. If he insists on fighting against Xiao Wang, Xiao Wang will I can't think about it anymore. Xiao Wang's preference for him is not a reason for him to be confident, today, let's end everything! Drive!"

After Yeluchu finished speaking, he raised his whip and rode forward. He swore that today he would take off Fengjue's head and use it to pay homage to his father, Yelu Chongyuan.

There was a glint of excitement in his eyes, he had been waiting for this day for too long, from going to the capital to find someone in person, to losing the chance to kill Lian Jue, to today——

He won't miss it again!
Yeluchu has always been very clear that the imperial grandmother has been waiting for him to complete this matter.

Only when he personally delivered Lianjue's head to the emperor's grandmother, avenged his father, and proved his ability to her, would the emperor's grandmother help him to the throne. This was a tacit understanding between them.

Thinking of this, he waved his whip even more vigorously, and chased straight ahead, took the Feng Jue, and he was one step closer to the throne.

"Oh!" Xiao Zhenhai stomped his feet angrily, frowning deeply.

"Father, what should we do now? Will the second brother..." Xiao Hu felt a shock in his heart.

"Catch up first and then talk about it. You must stop your brother from doing stupid things. Also, when you see the fake princess, don't say anything. Shoot her to death with a sword and give her head to Princess Yan to show her that the Xiao family is right. Her loyalty! Her support to the Xiao family is very important, and she must not be lost as a pawn!

It's a pity, your second brother doesn't know how to use her, if only you are the one she likes, we won't be where we are today if the two of you get married! "Xiao Zhenhai said sadly.

However, Xiao Hu's eyes flashed, and a touch of emotion flashed across his face.

"Go, drive!" Xiao Zhenhai chased after him.

The night was dark, full of murderous intentions, bursts of blood-like breath came from the cold air, and the howling wind blew past the ears, whistling, making people's faces painful and painful.

Lingyue felt a burst of fear inexplicably, and his hands and feet felt cold. Feng Jue's sharp eyes reflected a trace of coldness. He stretched out his hand and threw up the black cloak behind him, then wrapped Lingyue in the cloak, and said in a deep voice——

"Eleven, close your eyes."

"En!" Ling Yue nodded and said tightly.

The carriage under his crotch was getting faster and faster, and the crisis surging from all sides was approaching step by step, as if the air was about to be suffocated.

In the darkness, Feng Jue turned his head, and in the distance, there was faintly flickering flames.

A sneer flashed in his Zhang Yang's eyes, and he caught up. There are too many people in Youzhou who want his life!

And Lingyue, who was wrapped in his cloak, was still unaware of all this.

(End of this chapter)

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