First-class daughter

Chapter 1050 What is the beauty of women

Chapter 1050 What is the beauty of women
Chapter 1050 What is the beauty of women
Seeing that Feng Yunzheng hadn't spoken, Hong Ling said, "Your Highness has been working hard for the war these days, and the lowly servant has an ancestral method of pressing the muscles and bones. Let the lowly servant press for His Highness."

As Hong Ling said, seeing Feng Yunzheng didn't speak, she walked in front of him, slowly stretched out her hand, and approached his body——


Just when her hand was about to touch his clothes, he made a sudden move and pinched Hong Ling's wrist. Hong Ling was startled, and suddenly raised her eyes to look at Feng Yunzheng, and said frightenedly, "Your Highness... "

Feng Yunzheng's subordinates exerted force, and Hong Ling fell to the ground, and immediately looked at him with tears in her eyes, and said, "Your highness, your lowly servant has offended His Highness, please forgive me."

A icy coldness flashed across Feng Yunzheng's eyes, and he said, "Get out."

Hong Ling's heart skipped a beat, knowing that she could no longer challenge Feng Yunzheng's patience, she hurriedly retreated.

Feng Yunzheng looked at the bowl of chicken soup on the table, reached out to pick it up, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it, and then called Dr. Liang in. After checking it, Dr. Liang said: "Your Highness, there is nothing wrong with this chicken soup. for drink."

Chicken soup is okay?
Feng Yunzheng sat down at the table, looked at the bowl of chicken soup, and fell into some kind of contemplation.

Hong Ling, who sent it?
It seems that this person doesn't know her very well, and he used the least foolable method - sex show.

who can that be?

After pondering for a while, he summoned Leng Mei and asked, "After Feng Qianyue separated from you, did you track down his whereabouts again?"

"Going back to Your Highness, the matter was urgent. At that time, the young lady and the young master had to go away, and I couldn't care about the Fourth Highness. When I wanted to look back later, my whereabouts were already gone." Leng Mei replied.

A flash of thought flashed in Feng Yunzheng's eyes, and he said, "He followed Yeluchu's detailed work all the way to Khitan. I don't think he came here to see the scenery."

Leng Mei thought for a while, and said, "Back then, I overheard the conversation between His Royal Highness and Mrs. Liang. It is said that Xiao Rou gave birth to a child for him. I wonder if His Royal Highness will go to see his son? Then take the opportunity Conspiring with Xiao Zhenhai again?"

Feng Yunzheng shook his head, and said, "He may find a way to see his son, but he will never cooperate with Xiao Zhenhai. Leng Mei, has Feng Qianyue's appearance changed a lot now?"

"It's very different from before. If you don't look carefully, you won't be able to recognize it at a glance. It's a pity that you only know how to draw. It would be great if you can draw it for His Highness." Leng Mei said.

"Even you can't see it at a glance, which means that the change is not at 01:30. Perhaps, he did it on purpose, for better lurking. Lengmei, you should look for it carefully, I think, maybe he will be there when he is away." We are not far away." Feng Yunzheng instructed.

"Yes, Your Highness, I'll take care of the humble job." With cold eyebrows, he walked out of the military tent.

"Wait..." Feng Yunzheng called out.

"Your Highness, do you have any orders?" Leng Mei turned around and asked.

"You sent Lian Yan to Ling Yue'er and Xiao He today. I heard that Ling Yue'er's body has recovered. It is most suitable for her to take care of Lian Yan. Maybe this child can wake up her Memories." Feng Yunzheng had thought about the best place for Lian Yan.

"Yes, I will personally send Young Master Yan there." Leng Mei said.

In Feng Jue's account.

After everyone left, there was only Feng Jue in the tent——

Fighting for three days in a row, his mind was not idle for a moment. Xiao and his son and Yeluchu should not be underestimated. , he didn't have any free time to think about other things.

Now, after finally having a little space in his mind, he thought of Ling Yuelai.

Since he left halfway up the mountain that day, he had to deploy the three armies, study the battle map, and assign tasks. Today, it has been eighteen days, and he has not seen her for eighteen days.

He lowered his head, took out the half Pisces jade pendant from his waist, put it in the palm of his hand, and unconsciously revealed a smile on his face.

"Marshal." At this moment, Zhang Xi came in, put away the jade pendant, and asked, "Have you heard from the person who was sent to guard that room?"

"I've been here twice, but because the marshal has military affairs and it's not a big deal, so I didn't bother the marshal." Zhang Xi took a sneak look at Feng Jue and said.

Feng Jue asked, "What happened?"

"Miss caught a cold during the period, and it took three days for her to recover, and she had a headache once." Zhang Xi said.

"Understood, you go down." Feng Jue raised his hand to let Zhang Xi leave the tent.

At this time, Lengmei and Yefeng came in and said, "Marshal, the princess sent a letter saying that she wants to entrust Young Master Yan to a careful woman to take care of him. The guards in the army can't take care of him well. His Highness Ninth Prince plans to send Young Master Yan to miss." Over there, I'll come over and tell you, I and Night Breeze will be ready to go now."

"The concubine is thoughtful, so let's send it over." Feng Jue said.

Night Breeze looked at Feng Jue, and suddenly "Ouch", he backed away with a pained expression on his face.

Turning his head coldly, he asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"I, Marshal, suddenly suffered from unbearable abdominal pain in my humble position. I'm afraid I won't be able to take on the important task of sending Master Yan to Miss's place, ouch..." He bent over and covered his abdomen, looking very painful.

"What's the matter with you? You were fine just now." Leng Mei asked hurriedly without noticing his routine.

"Hey, that...Marshal, can you be more sympathetic to the people below and send Young Master Yan off personally?" Night Breeze asked with a pleading expression.

He froze for a moment, as if he suddenly understood something.

"Oh, ouch, I can't do it anymore, I, I'm going to see the doctor, I can't go out and kill the enemy." Night Breeze grabbed Lengmei's neck and said, "Accompany me to see the doctor, Yan The young master will be handed over to the marshal himself."

As he said that, he leaned his whole body on Leng Mei's body and dragged her out.

Sitting in front of the desk, Feng Jue pursed her lips——

"Your Highness, Young Master Yan is here." Zhang Xi walked over, holding Lian Yan in his arms.

Feng Jue looked at him, got up, walked in front of him, and asked, "Yan'er, do you want to visit your sister?"

"Yes, sister, sister..." Lian Yan was suddenly elated, dancing, and threw himself into Feng Jue's arms. Feng Jue hugged her and said, "Zhang Xi, prepare your horse."

"Yes!" Zhang Xi took the order.

Off the books.

Night Breeze leaned on Leng Mei's body, and left Feng Jue's tent all the time.

Then, he found a place to sit down, his body was still leaning on Leng Mei's body, and his hands changed from hooking her neck to quietly hugging her shoulders.

"Hey, that's enough, stop pretending, His Highness will see through at a glance." Looking at Night Breeze's exaggerated look, he said with a cold frown.

"I didn't pretend, who said I did, I really have a stomachache, ah, it hurts me, it hurts me to death, please hug me." Night Breeze said, his head turned coldly Drilling into her arms, her hands took advantage of the situation and hugged her waist, crying in her mouth, not like a hidden guard who kills without blinking an eye.

Leng Mei gritted his teeth and hit hard with his elbow.

"Ah!" Night Breeze let out a scream, let go, covered the backup, looked at Leng Mei with resentment, and said, "It's terrible, little sister murdered her husband, come quickly, Someone murdered her husband here!"

Leng Mei gritted his teeth, stood up, kicked him forcefully, and said, "What kind of husband, who is the real husband, if you keep talking nonsense, I'll get a stomachache right away!"

"Hahaha..." Facing her threat, Night Breeze laughed out loud, pointed at her face, and said, "You're blushing."

She froze, covered her face with her hand, and said, "You're blind! How could I blush, it's getting dark, why did you see me blush, get out!" After she finished speaking, she turned around quickly and walked quickly leave.

"Hehe..." Night Breeze looked at the back of her leaving in a hurry, but a big smile appeared on his face, and then he lay down on the ground, holding the position of his heart with both hands, and said, "It's so sweet, so sweet!" It's dead, it's crispy, the bones are crispy, and the sword can't even be lifted."

At this moment, a shadow suddenly flashed across the tent in front of him.

Night Breeze's face froze, he immediately stood up, and quickly chased after him, only to see a figure with his back turned to the light, walking very fast.

"Who?" Night Breeze immediately caught up, and raised the sword in his hand with a swipe. When the sword touched the man's neck, he realized that it was a woman in ragged clothes, with a little shoulder exposed.

"My lord, please forgive me. There is a little girl who is a military prostitute. Just now, she just came out after finishing her work and disturbed my lord. Please forgive me..."

"Ye, Lord Yefeng..." At this time, the guard who had summoned the military prostitute crawled over tremblingly, and said, "My lord, please spare me."

It turned out to be a military prostitute and bodyguard who had just finished work. Night Breeze put away his sword and said, "Let's go."

"Yes, yes, thank you..." The military prostitute hurried away.

"You stay." Night Breeze called to stop the guard.

"Yes, my lord." The soldier hurriedly bowed and said.

"Why did you summon the military prostitute?" Night Breeze asked.

The soldier froze for a moment and said, "My lord, it is allowed to have military prostitutes in this army. The soldiers are thousands of miles away from home and stationed here for a long time. How can every military prostitute meet their needs? He is a man, so Need it."

"Really?" Night Breeze blinked.

"Master Ye hasn't tasted the beauty of women yet." The soldier suddenly approached and asked in a low voice, "I see Master Ye's expression, it seems that he still doesn't know the beauty of that woman's clothes after she takes off her clothes." He had just tasted the cloud and rain, and he was still a little bit ecstatic, so his words also floated up.

Night Breeze was stunned, and immediately straightened his face, and said, "Who said there is no such thing, the beauty, I have already tasted the beauty, it is very wonderful!"

"Your Highness told you to come over." As soon as he finished speaking, he heard an indifferent voice behind him.

Night Breeze trembled all over, and turned around suddenly, only to see Leng Mei standing there without knowing when to go back and forth.

(End of this chapter)

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