Chapter 106
Chapter 106
He slowly relaxed his fist, and took another deep look at Lian Siyue, the coldness in his eyes became more and more serious, then he turned around suddenly, and walked away quickly.

"Fourth Highness!" At this time, his guard hurried over and whispered something in his ear. He saw his complexion suddenly changed, his brows were tightly frowned, and there was a rare look of anxiety in his eyes, and then he sped up. The steps under his feet leave, and he doesn't care about Lian Siyue anymore.

"Thank you, Your Highness Ninth Highness, for helping me out." Lian Siyue slightly bent her knees, and used the moment of bowing her head to hide a trace of emotion in her heart.

"You don't need to say thank you." Feng Yunzheng looked at her, with a smile on his lips, and said.

He is now very sure that she has also been reborn!
Perhaps it was because of the monstrous hatred in the previous life that even Meng Po Tang could not relieve, she would rather be a lonely ghost than reincarnate, and finally touched the heavens and gave her a chance to be reborn.

This feeling of fighting side by side is really great!

It's just that even Siyue doesn't know that the man in front of her has lived with her again.

But he is not in a hurry to tell her now, the feeling of watching her in the dark is not bad.

Lian Siyue raised her head slowly, and looked at him quietly with clear eyes. In her previous life, she had never looked at him as well as now.

"No, I want to say thank you, I must say thank you."

Not only because of what happened just now, but also because of what happened in the previous life. Although the two of them never saw each other until their death, he was the only one who let her know that he was helping her in her last and most miserable years.

Saying thank you now can be regarded as an end to the worries of the previous life.

Feng Yunzheng knew what she was thinking, so she accepted it calmly, "Okay, then I appreciate your thanks."

"The Fourth Highness seems to be very eager to leave just now." Lian Siyue looked at the direction Feng Qianyue was leaving, and said.

"Yeah, what he heard from the guard just now must be bad news, enough to keep him busy for a while."

Feng Yunzheng had already unknowingly assassinated the people Feng Qianyue placed on him and the other princes one by one, and then passed some false news to him, which has initially disrupted some of his plans.

Feng Qianyue must have never thought of this, because he hid it deeply enough and used to deceive the world with his sincere face, so they didn't realize his vicious heart until the end in the previous life.

Lian Siyue felt that Feng Yunzheng's words seemed to have some deep meaning, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she asked bluntly, "Could it be that His Highness the Ninth Prince has already noticed something?"

She originally planned to destroy Feng Qianyue's plan, but her current focus is still on the back house, Aunt Dou Xiao and Lian Shiya, but if Feng Yunzheng can find out everything, she will help him without hesitation— —Send Feng Qianyue to hell.

Because among all these people, she is the only one who knows Feng Qianyue best!

"The maid, the concierge, the guards, there are four people in Prince Heng's mansion trained by the fourth brother. Not only that, there are also Prince Xun's mansion, East Palace, and Changchun Palace. His people are everywhere. No wonder he is full of people. She doesn't leave home, she seems to grow vegetables every day, but she knows everything.

I also found out that he used to travel around thinking that his father was looking for a secret recipe for health preservation, specially learning the art of concealment, and then cultivated the secret work himself. Now, he has spent at least ten years cultivating a reliable secret work. These people Not only is the technique of hiding extremely high, but they are also good at reading people's minds. There is also a thread as tight as a spider's web between them that connects people scattered all over the place. The news reached his ears.

And now that I have pulled one of the webs, his entire spider web has been messed up, and a large area has been destroyed overnight. He must never have imagined this, and he is probably eagerly thinking of a way. "Feng Yunzheng informed Lian Siyue of all his recent plans in detail.

Lian Siyue was taken aback, "It turns out that His Highness has already made a move, no wonder he was so anxious just now." did Feng Yunzheng discover this earlier?Or he also discovered it in his previous life, and he also fought back, but he was overwhelmed by Feng Qianyue again.

"This is just the beginning, the future will be even more exciting, just wait and see." Feng Qianyue's picturesque eyes flashed a hint of depth, and his deep voice said slowly.He has plenty of time to deal with Feng Qianyue slowly, and he will never be allowed to ascend the supreme throne in this life.

"Then, His Highness the Eighth Prince..." Lian Siyue looked towards the gazebo, there were some people singing and singing poems over the chrysanthemums in the garden, it was very lively, and Feng Ye was Among them, I don’t know what he said, but he smiled happily, and his unruly appearance attracted many people. Many women stopped because of him and watched from afar. That time, the white fox fur coat on his body was shining with dignity, especially The red gem inlaid in the fur fox's nose is the same color as blood.

Feng Ye seemed to feel the gaze from this side, so he looked over here, turned around and said a few words to the people beside him, and then walked over, looking back and forth between Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue for a while.

He hugged his shoulders, looked at them suspiciously, and said, "Your performance today is really thrilling. Have you practiced together before? You knew each other before? Why didn't I know?"

Feng Ye asked a series of questions, Lian Siyue did not answer, took two steps in his direction, stood in front of him, suddenly stretched out his hand, and grabbed the collar of his white fox fur coat... the jewel on it.

Feng Yunzheng's phoenix eyes blinked slightly, with a trace of doubt in them.

Feng Ye was startled, deliberately crossed his hands in front of his chest, and said, "Girl, do you want to steal my baby?"

However, Lian Siyue didn't mean to be joking, she pulled the ruby ​​out of his collar suddenly,——

"You..." Feng Ye leaned forward, only to hear a tinkling sound, and a reddish-brown pill fell out of the gem and rolled down at his feet.

what is this……

Feng Ye's face changed, he never knew why there was such a thing in his button.

Lian Siyue had already bent down to pick up this strange thing, it was a pill, it was a bit soft when squeezed with hands, but when she put it on the tip of her nose and smelled it, she found no smell, just because of this, so It is undetectable.

"How do you know that I have this thing in my button?" Feng Ye was extremely surprised, took the medicine from Lian Siyue's hand, carefully.

"How I know is not important. What is important is why there is such a medicine hidden in the button of His Highness's coat, what is the effect of this medicine, and why is such a medicine hidden in it."

"This fur coat was a gift from the Empress." Feng Ye recalled.

"However, the empress does not know the existence of this medicine. The medicine... was secretly put in by other people." She remembered that when she was not married to Feng Qianyue, when she participated in the palace hunting conference, Overhearing Feng Qianyue ordering his subordinates to hide a pill in a red gemstone, he must do so without anyone noticing.

Just now when she saw the ruby ​​on Feng Ye's fur coat, she thought of the words Feng Qianyue once said, and she also suddenly thought of the relationship between the two.

"Who?" A look of surprise appeared in Feng Ye's eyes, "Why did he put such a medicine on my fur coat? What's his purpose?"

"This...Your Highness needs to investigate it carefully." She didn't intend to remind too much. First, Feng Ye had to personally investigate the truth of the matter before he could truly understand it. Second, if Feng Ye even had one If the truth cannot be found out, then there is no need for her to form an alliance with him.

Feng Ye narrowed his cold eyes slightly, then picked up the pill, and quickly left. When he turned around, his face was icy cold!

"This is also the hands and feet of Brother Four? Is that medicine poisonous?" It turned out that Feng Yunzheng didn't know that there was something hidden in the button of Feng Ye's fur coat.

"Yes, the Fourth Highness did it. As for whether it is poison or what kind of poison it is, it depends on the results of the investigation by the Eighth Highness. I also want to know." But, whether it is poison or not, for Feng Ye, it is always Not good news.

"Brother Siwang really hid it deep enough." Feng Yunzheng's lips curled up, with a hint of sarcasm on his face, "For a throne, I have spent my entire life working hard."

"That's right, for the sake of one throne, he can bear all the people in the world." Lian Siyue said softly.

The sun sank further and further, and the sunset glow dyed the entire sky like fire.

"Your Highness Nine, it's almost dusk, I should go back home, Jue'er is still waiting for me in the carriage." Lian Siyue took a look at that color and said.

"Go." Feng Yunzheng smiled and nodded.

Lian Siyue turned around, walked towards the gate of the Princess Mansion, walked a few steps, stopped again, turned around, and asked:

"Why did Your Highness take over Princess An's bow and arrow just now? As far as I know, the princess is also very good at archery. It is not difficult to hit the chrysanthemum on my head."

There was a touch of Qinghua in Feng Yunzheng's eyes. Under the reflection of the setting sun, his pupils became deeper and deeper, and his voice was exceptionally clear. He said, "I don't feel at ease if I give you to someone else."

Lian Siyue's heart trembled when he heard this, and when he looked again, his eyes were so deep that one could fall into them and couldn't extricate themselves.

She lowered her eyes and said, "Your Highness the Ninth Highness is also more careful, take care of yourself." After she finished speaking, she left quickly, her heart beating a little faster.

"Miss, the young master is already waiting in the carriage, he has already bid farewell to the princess." The three servant girls who were waiting at the side came forward and said.

"Let's go." Lian Siyue nodded, and left the princess mansion together with the servant girl. When Lu Zhi walked to the door, she looked back and saw Feng Yunzheng was still standing there, she nodded slightly.

The carriage stopped at the entrance of the Princess Mansion, Lian Jue heard footsteps, opened the door happily, pushed open the door hastily, jumped off the carriage, and the ice-blue brocade robe brought a gust of wind——

"elder sister……"

Lian Siyue handed her hand to Lian Jue, ready to get on the carriage——

"Lian Siyue!" At this moment, an impolite voice stopped her.

(End of this chapter)

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