First-class daughter

Chapter 1080 Going to see her

Chapter 1080 Going to see her
Chapter 1080 Going to see her
The morning light was rising slightly, and the sound of soldiers practicing outside came from outside.

Feng Jue walked out of the tent, a soft gleam fell on his face, the side with the scar was almost healed, with picturesque features, just perfect for him.

Once, Zhang Xi asked him, Your Highness, you didn't bother to smear the incense mark glue in your hand before, but this time you smeared it every day, he just laughed and said nothing at that time.Only he himself knew where that strange and uneasy feeling came from.There are thousands of troops and horses, blood flowing like a river, and there is no fear of retreating, but when they go to see her, they will hesitate in their steps, and they will feel a little uneasy in their hearts.

Come to think of it, after meeting that time, I have fought against Xiao Zhenhai and Yeluchu three times, and I haven't seen her during this time.

Now, a strong idea grew in his heart, wanting to see her.

Thinking about it, he returned to the tent, fetched a basin of water, wiped his face, then went out to fetch a horse, and galloped to the front of the house.

From a distance, she saw that she tied Lian Yan to her back and was cleaning in front of the house. When she was doing the work, she had a very serious expression on her face, but it could be seen that she felt a little strenuous.

He watched for a long time, but he didn't see Xiao He's figure.

The people he arranged also stayed in the dark.

Feng Jue was slightly taken aback, jumped with long legs, flew down from the horse, tied the horse to a tree, and walked over there.

Ling Yue was taking down Xiao He's corn hanging under the eaves, when she heard footsteps behind her, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, she immediately turned around, and said happily——

"Xiao He, are you finally back?"

However, the person she saw was not Xiao He, but—His Eleventh Highness, he was dressed in an ice-blue brocade robe, a purple jade crown on his head, and black boots.

A look of doubt flashed in Feng Jue's eyes, and he asked, "Has Xiao He left?"

Lingyue came back to her senses and said, "It's been five days since he left, and he said he'll be back in four days, it's been more than a day." As she spoke, there was a gloomy look in her eyes.

Feng Jue was slightly taken aback, has been away for five days?Where did he go?Could it be - Xiao Zhenhai's side?

Xiao Zhenhai must have known that he had suffered consecutive defeats, seeing his father and younger brother in trouble, he would not sit idly by.

"Your Highness, why are you here?" Ling Yue asked while standing on tiptoe to fetch corn.

Seeing this, Feng Jue immediately stepped forward, stood behind her, and easily took the corn down.He still remembered that when they first met, they were the same height, but now, she only reached the position of his chest.

"Here." Feng Jue looked at her intently.

"Thank you." Ling Yue took the corn on the cob and said.

"I'm resting these few days. I thought of you, so I came to have a look. It turns out that Xiao He has something to go out." Feng Jue followed Ling Yue, entered the room, and said.

"Your Highness, do you know where Xiao He has gone?" Ling Yue asked suddenly after putting down the corn cob.

"I..." Feng Jue looked into Ling Yue's eyes, finally shook his head, and said, "I don't know, but since he promised you, he will definitely come back, you don't have to worry."

"No." Ling Yue shook her head and said, "Actually, I'm not worried that he won't come back, but that something will happen to him. He always keeps what he says, and now he breaks his promise to me. He must have encountered something difficult to get out of." I'm really worried about him. I only have him and don't want anything to happen to her. "

As she spoke, her bright eyes were covered with a layer of darkness.

Seeing with her own eyes that she was so deeply worried about another person's hidden guard, Feng Jue said silently in her heart, "Eleven, it's not just him, but also me. When will you think of me? What did you give me?" On paper, I can barely draw 'one'."

But he never said these words, but comforted him, "I know Xiao He, he is very skilled, and he has led thousands of troops to kill the enemy, he will not easily get into trouble."

He hoped that she would not be hindered by anything in her current memory. With her present life without any distractions, one day she would remember it, and she would naturally remember it.

After hearing this, Lingyue raised her head and asked, "Really?"

Feng Jue nodded affirmatively, "Really, I promise you, maybe, he will be back tomorrow."

"If that's the case, that's great." Ling Yue smiled, and the sorrow on her face disappeared instantly.

Feng Jue was stunned, this smile immediately brought him back to the past, the real Eleven smiled like this, it was as bright as a thousand suns, eye-catching, and the whole person shone with it.

"What's wrong?" Seeing him suddenly in a daze, Ling Yue asked.

"No, it's fine." Feng Jue shook his head.

He turned around, looked around, and asked, "How do you eat when Xiao He is not around?"

"I made it myself." Lingyue said with a hint of embarrassment on her face, "He taught me a few simple dishes when he left, and I know them well."

After saying that, he walked into the room, untied Lian Yan from his back, and Feng Jue walked in together.

As soon as Lian Yan got off his back, he walked up to Feng Jue, held his sleeve with his small hand, and said, "Brother, brother..."

Feng Jue squatted down, stretched out his hand to touch his head, and said, "Yan'er, you are very happy with my sister."

"Happy, Yan'er is happy." Lian Yan said with a smile.

"Your Highness, do you want to stay for dinner? I'm ready to cook." Ling Yue asked as she came out of the inner room with a dustpan in hand.

"Can you?" he asked, a little surprised.

"Your Highness sent people to bring a lot of food. If you hadn't sent people to protect us, Xiao He wouldn't leave at ease. It's okay to invite His Highness to have a meal. You don't have to worry about my cooking being bad." Ling month said.

"Don't be afraid!" Feng Jue immediately stood up and said, "No, it's not that I'm not afraid, it's because you can do it well."

He was like the stunned young man before, he was a little incoherent, not like the general who led thousands of troops to fight on the bloody battlefield and forced Xiao Zhenhai back step by step.

"I'll help you!" Feng Jue led Lingyue into the kitchen, picked up Lian Yan, and went in together.

"Then ask Your Highness to help light the fire." Ling Yue said.

"Okay." Feng Jue was very obedient, although his movements were clumsy, he still lighted the fire with great care.

He sat in the kitchen, his eyes fell on the girl through the lingering mist, and he felt a complicated feeling of desolation in his heart——

She has the closest distance to him, but to her, he is just a stranger without a past.

"Your Highness, the fire is getting low, please add some firewood." Ling Yue raised her head and said suddenly.

"Oh, okay, okay, I forgot all of a sudden." Feng Jue quickly withdrew his gaze from her face.

(End of this chapter)

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