First-class daughter

Chapter 1221 to the past

Chapter 1221 Go Back To The Past
Chapter 1221 Go Back To The Past
Princess An put her hand on Lingyue's arm and walked out the door, followed by the other nuns and maids.

When she walked outside, Princess An couldn't help but glanced at Xue Renfu's yard. The door was still closed and did not open.

There was a wry smile on the corner of her lips. For so many years, he has closed the door. Inside the door is his love for his dead wife, and outside the door is his indifference to her.

Just as he was about to turn around, the door suddenly creaked open, and a figure he hadn't seen for many days appeared in front of him.

Her heart trembled slightly, she immediately turned around and said, "Let's go."

When Xue Renfu came out, he caught a glimpse of Princess An Guo. He was slightly taken aback. She...why did she seem to be a different person all of a sudden? Same.

On that day, Lian Siyue said that she was seriously ill. Even though she had only glimpsed her face just now, she could see that her face was pale and not as energetic as before. Her face was buried in the middle of the white fox fur, and she looked very pale. thin.

He took a few steps forward, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

And Princess An had already left in front of him, and never looked back at him from the beginning to the end.

After walking a few steps, Ling Yue'er turned her head and looked at Xue Renfu, only to see him standing there in a daze, motionless.

"Auntie, the son-in-law seems to be looking at you." Ling Yue'er said.

Princess An tightened her hands and said, "Don't look, Ling Yue'er, the time is up, it's time to get on the carriage."

"Yes." Ling Yue'er had no choice but to turn around and helped Princess An into the carriage.

Xue Renfu stood where he was, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses.

After a while, a few nuns passed by, he couldn't help stretching out his hand and opening his mouth, but he still couldn't say anything.

"The princess has changed a lot this time. The imperial doctor said that the princess's stagnation has affected her body, and she must let go of it completely to get better. It seems that the princess has listened to the imperial doctor's words."

"Yes, the princess also wants to live well."

"The princess just now was so beautiful."

"Our princess was originally a great beauty. How many people proposed marriage to the emperor back then, but it's a pity that the princess didn't even like it."

"Yes, yes, remember, there was a beautiful man named Li Qi who fell in love with our princess, and he is still deeply infatuated with the princess until now. He has never married in his life, and wrote many poems, all for the princess. , I heard that he made an oath that he will wait for the princess all his life, thinking that a big man can do this is really touching."

Several nuns were discussing, turned around, saw Xue Renfu at a glance, immediately knelt on the ground, and said, "My son-in-law, my son-in-law, please forgive me. The servants didn't see you, and I didn't expect you to go out. You just talked nonsense, please forgive me, my son-in-law."

Xue Renfu didn't say anything, just glanced at them indifferently, turned around and walked inside, but slowly clenched the fist placed by his side, with a restless expression on his face.

Li Qi?

Back then when we talked about poetry and songs together, it seemed that there was indeed such a person who wrote a whole poem praising Anguo at that time, and he had a deep affection for Anguo.

This side of Ming An Palace.

After Wu Qiao left for a while, Feng Jue opened his mouth to let Sijiu in.

After a while, Sijiu pushed the door open and every time he came in, he found that Feng Jue was about to get out of bed, one foot was groping for his shoe on the ground, he rubbed it several times but he couldn't get it, his face was wet Show a frustrated expression.

"It's like this now, what's the difference with a useless person!" He kicked the shoe irritably, kicking the shoe far away!

Then he got up, but because of an accident, he kicked the chair again and almost fell down.

Seeing this, Sijiu hurried over, supported him, and said, "Your Highness, don't rush, you have to slowly adapt to the invisible world."

Feng Jue closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Yes, the matter has come to an end. Apart from continuing to heal his eyes, he has to slowly get used to the world where he can't see anything, and he can't be anxious. He still has a lot of things to do It's over, I couldn't see it in the first place, if I get restless, something bad will happen.

Sijiu saw that Feng Jue's mood gradually calmed down, he glanced at the sachet in his hand, and hurriedly handed it to Feng Jue, saying, "Your Highness, the second lady gave you a sachet, look... you Touch it." Sijiu quickly changed his words.

When Feng Jue touched the sachet, a slight smile appeared on his face, and he said, "It's true that she embroidered such rough and rough stitches by herself."

"No matter how the second lady embroiders, you like it, right?" Sijiu said, looking at the sachet. Compared with the craftsmanship of other ladies and wives, this second lady's embroidery is really not very good, even the stitches They didn't go evenly, but His Highness liked it, so that's enough.

"Zhang Xi went to investigate, I asked him to investigate the House of Internal Affairs." Feng Jue fumbled and hung the sachet on his waist, but after hanging it several times, he couldn't hang it properly.

Sijiu hurried to help.

However, he was rejected by him, and he still hung up stubbornly.

"Your Highness, Mr. Zhang went early in the morning, and he might be back soon." Sijiu felt so distressed when he saw Feng Jue couldn't find the correct position of the rope and his clumsy hands and feet, and wanted to stretch He went to help, but he couldn't, because His Highness wanted to come by himself.

After hanging for a while, Feng Jue's forehead began to sweat, and his fingers trembled, but he couldn't hang it in.

"Your Highness, why don't you sit down." Sijiu couldn't bear his appearance, so he said.

Feng Jue didn't make a sound, took a deep breath, and continued to hang up, and finally hung up the sachet this time, Sijiu also heaved a sigh of relief,

But at this time, his clothes were almost soaked, and the sweat on his forehead fell down in big drops, seeping into his eyes, which was very painful.

"Your Highness, it hangs very well!" Sijiu said with a happy smile.

Then, the servant girl came in to wash and change his clothes.

When he was eating, he didn't know what dish was in front of him, and he kept trying with a pair of chopsticks, but it always caught outside. Sijiu secretly put the plate in the direction of his chopsticks, and when he found out, he was reprimanded , said, "This king has to come by himself, understand? If you can't even do small things like eating by yourself, then there is really no difference from a useless person! And I don't want to be a real useless person!"

"Yes, the slave is wrong, the slave is wrong!" Sijiu knelt on the ground with his knees bent, and said with a mournful face.

The anger in Feng Jue's heart subsided, and he said, "I don't blame you, I have to adapt myself, and you also have to adapt to me who suddenly became clumsy. We have to adapt together."

"Your Highness..." Sijiu couldn't help crying again.

"Okay!" Feng Jue said, "I have accepted the fact, but you are crying all the time, a dignified man with so many tears."

(End of this chapter)

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