Chapter 124
Chapter 124
Mother Lian took a closer look, frowned, and said——

"That's right, it was rewarded to me by the former empress. Last year, the third girl asked me to take it out as a prize for the juniors. I was reluctant...why... it was in this girl's purse? "

Is it Lian Shiya's bracelet?
Originally full of smiles, the smug smile on Aunt Xiao's face suddenly froze when she was waiting for Lian Siyue to be severely punished by Lian Yanqing, and then took back the real power in the back house, and then turned her head to look at Lian Shiya ——

When she saw Lian Shiya's guilty face, she secretly shouted—it's broken!This girl must have done something stupid and was caught by Lian Siyue, a little bitch!
What a mud that can't support the wall!How many times have I told her not to act without authorization, Aunt Xiao really wanted to rush up and slap her!
Lian Yanqing's stern face darkened, he looked at Lian Shiya with sharp eyes, and asked, "Is this your bracelet?"

"Father, yes, it's mine, but..." Lian Shiya stammered, and she couldn't help but glance at Aunt Xiao for help. hands and feet.

The gloomy look on Lian Yanqing's face became heavier, and he suddenly felt like he was being fooled!
"But I... I also... I don't know how it ended up in the hands of... Eldest Sister..." Finally, Lian Shiya murmured.

"Sanmei, you are wrong. Your gold bracelet is not in my hand, but Yuzhu's." Lian Siyue looked at the flustered Lian Shiya with cold eyes, and everyone could hear it. , but not in a very loud voice, said.

"Yuzhu, what do you think, how come Miss San's precious gold bracelet is in your purse? Tell the prime minister about it." Lian Siyue looked at Yuzhu secretly and interrogated road.

As soon as Yuzhu met Lian Siyue's piercing gaze, she immediately felt that her internal organs had been split open... The young lady's eyes were too frightening to hide.

"Slave, servant..." Her body was limp on the ground, big beads of sweat came out of her forehead, her eyes were looking at the ground... she couldn't say a word, she obviously hid the pouch in the innermost part of her clothes , tied tightly, no one can notice, how... How could it fall in the young lady's yard?

Besides, even if they fell, such two gold bracelets would not be unnoticed at all.

"This gold bracelet disappeared earlier, and the third lady had someone looking for it everywhere. It turned out that it was stolen by this lowly maid!" Aunt Xiao suddenly stepped forward, pointing at Yuzhu and scolding.

When Lian Shiya heard it, a cleverness came to her mind, and she hurriedly said, "Yes, I remembered, I lost my bracelet a long time ago... I lost it a long time ago!"

After hearing this, Yuzhu suddenly raised her head to look at Lian Shiya, her stomach was full, and she murmured in disbelief——

"Three, miss three..."

Miss San said she was a thief?It was obviously given to her by her, but now, she actually said that she stole it!
"I, I didn't steal it, no, yes, it's Miss San..." Yuzhu said, but her eyes couldn't help looking at Lian Siyue——

Now, she has begun to regret that she didn't wholeheartedly work for the eldest lady, because the third lady was so quick when she betrayed her.

And she had a feeling that if she was loyal to the eldest lady, the eldest lady would not abandon her at a critical moment.


That day the eldest lady came to talk to her and asked her to pay attention to the movements of the third lady in Qing'anyuan. For some reason, the third lady also called her and gave her a silver ticket and a pair of gold bracelets, so that she could also send her a pair of gold bracelets at any time. Inform the young lady of her movements according to the facts——

She ran at both ends, telling Lian Siyue about Lian Shiya, and at the same time telling Lian Shiya the news she got from Lian Siyue, no one will offend——

However, Lian Siyue seemed very calm here, and couldn't dig out anything useful for Lian Shiya.

However, she never expected that the Prime Minister would ask her to question her.

"Master, this bracelet was really stolen!" Aunt Xiao said, kneeling on the ground with her knees bent.

Lian Siyue looked at Aunt Xiao coldly, she was like a drowning person, grabbing the last straw and desperately trying to survive.

"Aunt Xiao, forget it if you don't believe it even if you say it." Lian Jue looked coldly at the mother and daughter who were singing one-on-one, with utter contempt in her eyes.

The eldest lady also said at the right time:

"Aunt Xiao, Ya'er, just now you all swear that you don't know this Yuzhu. This Yuzhu is a maid from Qing'an Courtyard. Where did she get the courage to go to Qingquan Courtyard so far away to steal the bracelet? It's so precious. Presumably Ya'er usually keeps things that are not easy to get."

"Heh! Looks like it's another scene of a thief yelling catch a thief, Aunt Xiao, don't you feel tired of doing this all the time?" Mrs. Hu also looked at Aunt Xiao with a mocking expression, and said coldly.

Aunt Xiao clenched her fists tightly in secret, her face was as pale as paper——

Lian Shiya was in a hurry, and hurriedly said, "No, it's not like this, this Polygonatum... this Polygonatum must have been bought by the elder sister, and deliberately came to frame me, father, be careful."

Originally thought that Lian Yanqing would punish Lian Siyue well today, but he didn't expect that the hot potato finally came back to her.

What kind of monster did Lian Siyue turn into? He always has this ability to turn things upside down!

Lian's mother's face gradually became gloomy. The illness of a white fox has involved so many problems. It seems that the water in the back house is more complicated than she knew. It's that simple.

"Father, don't you understand? Aunt Xiao and Third Sister bought this jade bamboo to frame Eldest Sister in front of you. Eldest Sister bears the burden of humiliation and shows filial piety. Why do you never give her half of your trust? Could it be, Only the third sister is your daughter, isn't the eldest sister?" Lian Jue looked at the hard-hearted Lian Yanqing with heartache, and felt deeply wronged for Lian Siyue.

The eldest lady had a heartbroken face, two lines of tears involuntarily rolled down from her eyes, revealing deep disappointment and fatigue, she gave a wry smile, and said——

"Master, for so many years, you have been too partial! You have never looked at my Yue'er, your smile, your kindness, have never given half of my Yue'er. In your heart, only Ya'er .

She is obviously a concubine's daughter, but she is not as good as a concubine, and she always suffers from your neglect and supercilious looks.

I know, because you don't like me as a regular wife, my child has also been wronged.

Yue'er knew that you didn't like her when she was very young, so she was always careful to please you and approach you, but you never gave her a smile, and you never gave her a stern face, letting her Turning around resentfully..."

(End of this chapter)

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